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Organize and share five puzzles about Java language expressions

2022-05-19 11:49:282269browse

This article brings you relevant knowledge about java, which mainly introduces issues related to language expressions, including oddity, change, long integers, etc., Let’s take a look at it together, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Organize and share five puzzles about Java language expressions

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Puzzle 1: Oddity

The following method is intended to determine whether its only parameter is an odd number. Will this method work correctly?

public static boolean isOdd(int i){ 

Odd numbers can be defined as integers that are divisible by 2 with a remainder of 1. The expression i%2 calculates the remainder when i divides 2, so it seems like this program should work correctly. Unfortunately, it can't; it returns the wrong answer a quarter of the time.

Why is it a quarter? Because half of all int values ​​are negative numbers, and the isOdd method will fail to judge all negative odd numbers. Calling this method on any negative integer returns false, regardless of whether the integer is even or odd. This is a consequence of Java's definition of the remainder operator (%). This operator is defined as satisfying the following identity for all int values ​​a and all non-zero int values ​​b:


Organize and share five puzzles about Java language expressions

In other words, if you use Divide a by b, multiply the quotient by b, and add the remainder, and you get the original value of a. This identity has the correct meaning, but when combined with Java's truncated integer division operator, it means: When the remainder operation returns a non-zero result, it has the same sign as the left operand .

When i is a negative odd number, i%2 is equal to -1 instead of 1, so the isOdd method will incorrectly return false. To prevent such surprises, test that your method behaves correctly when passing negative, zero, and positive values ​​for each numeric parameter. This problem is easily corrected. Just compare i%2 to 0 instead of 1, and reverse the meaning of the comparison:

public static boolean isOdd(inti){ 

If you are using the isOdd method in a performance-critical environment, then use The bitwise operator AND(&) would be a better alternative to the remainder operator:

public static boolean isOdd(inti){ 

In short, whenever you use the remainder operator, you must consider the signs of the operands and the result. The operator's behavior is self-explanatory when its operands are non-negative, but less so when one or both operands are negative.

Puzzle 2: Change time

Please consider the problem described in the following paragraph:

Tom bought it in an auto parts store A spark plug worth $1.10, but his wallet was filled with two-dollar bills. If he pays for the spark plug with a two-dollar bill, how much change should be given to him?

Here is a program that attempts to solve the above problem. What will it print?

public class Change{
public static void main(String args[]){ 

You might be naive to expect that the program can print 0.90, but how can it know that you want to print the decimal point?

If you are double in the DoubleTostring documentation If you understand the rules for converting type values ​​to strings, you will know that the decimal printed by the program is the shortest decimal that is enough to distinguish the double type value from its nearest neighbor value, which is before and after the decimal point. All have at least one. So, it seems reasonable that the program should print 0.9.

This analysis may seem reasonable, but it is not correct. If you run the program, you will find that it prints:


         问题在于1.1这个数字不能被精确表示成为一个 double,因此它被表示成为最接近它的double值。该程序从2中减去的就是这个值。遗憾的是,这个计算的结果并不是最接近0.9的double值。表示结果的double值的最短表示就是你所看到的打印出来的那个可恶的数字。







        解决该问题的另一种方式是使用执行精确小数运算的BigDecimal。它还可以通过JDBC与SQL DECIMAL类型进行互操作。这里要告诫你一点:一定要用BigDecimal(String)构造器,而千万不要用BigDecimal(double)。后一个构造器将用它的参数的精确”值来创建一个实例:new BigDecimal(1)将返回一个表示0100000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625BigDecimal。通过正确使用BigDecimal,程序就可以打印出我们所期望的结果0.90:

import java.math.BigDecimal; 
public class Changel {
public static void main(String args[]){
subtract(new BigDecimal("1.10")));

        这个版本并不是十分地完美,因为Java并没有为 BigDecimal提供任何语言上的支持。使用


        总之,在需要精确答案的地方,要避免使用 float和double;对于货币计算,要使用int、long或BigDecimal。对于语言设计者来说,应该考虑对小数运算提供语言支持。一种方式是提供对操作符重载的有限支持,以使得运算符可以被塑造为能够对数值引用类型起作用,例如BigDecimal。另一种方式是提供原始的小数类型,就像COBOL与PL/I所作的一样。



public class Longpision{
public static void main(String args[]){
final long MICROS PER DAY=24*60*60*1000*1000;
final long MILLIS PER DAY=24*60*60*1000;



        问题在于常数MICROS PER DAY的计算确实”溢出了。尽管计算的结果适合放入long中,并且其空间还有富余,但是这个结果并不适合放入 int中。这个计算完全是以int运算来执行的,并且只有在运算完成之后,其结果才被提升到long,而此时已经太迟了:计算已经溢出了,它返回的是一个小了200倍的数值。从int提升到 long是一种拓宽原始类型转换(widening primitive conversion),它保留了(不正确的)数值。这个值之后被MILLIS PER DAY整除,而MILLIS PER DAY的计算是正确的,因为它适合int运算。这样整除的结果就得到了5。


        通过使用long常量来替代int常量作为每一个乘积的第一个因子,我们就可以很容易地订正这个程序。这样做可以强制表达式中所有的后续计算都用long运作来完成。尽管这么做只在MICROS PER DAY表达式中是必需的,但是在两个乘积中都这么做是一种很好的方式。相似地,使用long作为乘积的“第一个”数值也并不总是必需的,但是这么做也是一种很好的形式。在两个计算中都以long数值开始可以很清楚地表明它们都不会溢出。下面的程序将打印出我们所期望的1000:

Organize and share five puzzles about Java language expressions

public class Longpision{

public static void main(String args[)

final long MICROS PER DAY=24L*60*60*1000*1000:

final long MILLIS PER DAY=24L*60*60*1000;








public class Elementary{

public static void main(String]args) {






Organize and share five puzzles about Java language expressions

         在你大喊“恶心!”之前,你应该注意到这个问题确实已经引起了混乱,这里确实有一个教训:在 long型字面常量中,一定要用大写的L,千万不要用小写的1。这样就可以完全掐断这个谜题所产生的混乱的源头。



List l=new ArrayList<string>() ;



Organize and share five puzzles about Java language expressions




public class JoyOfHex{

public static void main(String[] args){ 





        看起来很明显,该程序应该打印出1cafebabe。毕竟,这确实就是十六进制数字10000000016与 cafebabe16的和。该程序使用的是long型运算,它可以支持16位十六进制数,因此运算溢出是不可能的。




Organize and share five puzzles about Java language expressions

         该程序执行的这个加法是一种“混合类型的计算(mixed-type computation)左操作数是long类型的,而右操作数是int类型的。为了执行该计算,Java将int类型的数值用拓宽原始类型转换提升为一个long类型,然后对两个long类型数值相加。因为int是一个有符号的整数类型,所以这个转换执行的是符合扩展:它将负的int类型的数值提升为一个在数值上相等的long类型数值。这个加法的右操作数0xcafebabe被提升为了long类型的数值0xffffffffcafebabeL。这个数值之后被加到了左操作数0x100000000L上。当作为int类型来被审视时,经过符号扩展之后的右操作数的高32位是-1,而左操作数的高32位是1,将这两个数相加就得到了0,这也就解释为什么在程序输出中前导1丢失了。下面所示是用手写的加法实现。(在加法上面的数字是进位。)






public class JoyOfHex{

public static void main(String[] args){ 







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