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php mysql 导出csv excel格式文件并保存

2016-05-26 15:22:011743browse


$times = time();
$filename = $times . ".csv";
$a = "联系人,联系电话,申请时间 ";
$days = postget("days");
$mktime = daystomktime($days);
$sql = "select * from  v_tugou where ($times-times)<$mktime";
$db = new db();
$result = $db->query($sql);
$rs = $db->fetch($result, 0);
foreach ($rs as $v => $vv) {
    $a.= $vv[&#39;name&#39;] . &#39;,&#39; . $vv[&#39;mo&#39;] . ",";
    $a.= date(&#39;y-m-d &#39;, $vv[&#39;times&#39;]) . " ";
} //开源代码phprm.com
//echo $a;
$hod = fopen($filename, "w+");
if (fwrite($hod, $a)) {
    echo "生成excel文件成功,点击<a href=$filename target=_blank>右击另存为excel文档</a>";

数据结构, 代码如下:

    --表的结构`hn_tugou`--createtableif notexists`v_tugou`(`id`int(4) notnullauto_increment, `name`varchar(20) notnull

default '0', `mo`varchar(20) notnull

default '0', `times`int(4)

default null, `ip`varchar(20) notnull

default '0', primarykey(`id`)) engine = myisam

default charset = utf8auto_increment = 2;

----导出表中的数据`hn_tugou`--insertinto`hn_tugou`(`id`, `name`, `mo`, `times`, `ip`) values(1, 'adsense', 'www.phprm.com', 1283241159, '');

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