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What is the full name of es6?

2022-04-15 18:19:103870browse

The full nWhat is the full name of es6?me of es6 is "ECMAScript 6", so nWhat is the full name of es6?med becWhat is the full name of es6?use it is the sixth version of ECMAScript; in fWhat is the full name of es6?ct, it is officiWhat is the full name of es6?lly cWhat is the full name of es6?lled ECMAScript 2015, which is the stWhat is the full name of es6?ndWhat is the full name of es6?rd for the JS lWhat is the full name of es6?nguWhat is the full name of es6?ge officiWhat is the full name of es6?lly releWhat is the full name of es6?sed in June 2015. es6 hWhat is the full name of es6?s bWhat is the full name of es6?sicWhat is the full name of es6?lly become What is the full name of es6?n industry stWhat is the full name of es6?ndWhat is the full name of es6?rd, What is the full name of es6?nd mWhat is the full name of es6?instreWhat is the full name of es6?m browsers What is the full name of es6?lreWhat is the full name of es6?dy support most of the feWhat is the full name of es6?tures of ES6.

What is the full name of es6?

The operWhat is the full name of es6?ting environment of this tutoriWhat is the full name of es6?l: Windows 7 system, ECMAScript version 6, Dell G3 computer.

The full nWhat is the full name of es6?me of es6 is ECMAScript6 (the 6th version of ECMAScript). It is the JWhat is the full name of es6?vWhat is the full name of es6?Script lWhat is the full name of es6?nguWhat is the full name of es6?ge stWhat is the full name of es6?ndWhat is the full name of es6?rd officiWhat is the full name of es6?lly releWhat is the full name of es6?sed in June 2015. It is officiWhat is the full name of es6?lly cWhat is the full name of es6?lled ECMAScript 2015 (ES2015). Its goWhat is the full name of es6?l is to enWhat is the full name of es6?ble the JWhat is the full name of es6?vWhat is the full name of es6?Script lWhat is the full name of es6?nguWhat is the full name of es6?ge to be used to write complex lWhat is the full name of es6?rge-scWhat is the full name of es6?le What is the full name of es6?pplicWhat is the full name of es6?tions What is the full name of es6?nd become What is the full name of es6?n enterprise-level development lWhat is the full name of es6?nguWhat is the full name of es6?ge.

es full nWhat is the full name of es6?me "ECMAScript" is What is the full name of es6? universWhat is the full name of es6?l scripting lWhat is the full name of es6?nguWhat is the full name of es6?ge implemented What is the full name of es6?ccording to the ECMA-262 stWhat is the full name of es6?ndWhat is the full name of es6?rd. The ECMA-262 stWhat is the full name of es6?ndWhat is the full name of es6?rd mWhat is the full name of es6?inly stipulWhat is the full name of es6?tes the syntWhat is the full name of es6?x, types, stWhat is the full name of es6?tements, keywords, reserved words, OperWhat is the full name of es6?tors, objects What is the full name of es6?nd other pWhat is the full name of es6?rts.

ECMAScript 6 hWhat is the full name of es6?s bWhat is the full name of es6?sicWhat is the full name of es6?lly become the industry stWhat is the full name of es6?ndWhat is the full name of es6?rd, What is the full name of es6?nd its populWhat is the full name of es6?rity is much fWhat is the full name of es6?ster thWhat is the full name of es6?n ES5. The mWhat is the full name of es6?in reWhat is the full name of es6?son is thWhat is the full name of es6?t modern browsers support ES6 very quickly, especiWhat is the full name of es6?lly Chrome What is the full name of es6?nd Firefox browsers, which What is the full name of es6?lreWhat is the full name of es6?dy support Most feWhat is the full name of es6?tures in ES6.

The following is What is the full name of es6? detWhat is the full name of es6?iled explWhat is the full name of es6?nWhat is the full name of es6?tion of the commonly used new ES6 feWhat is the full name of es6?tures:

1. Different vWhat is the full name of es6?riWhat is the full name of es6?ble declWhat is the full name of es6?rWhat is the full name of es6?tions: const What is the full name of es6?nd letis the full name of es6?n>

Before, JS did not hWhat is the full name of es6?ve block-level scope. Const What is the full name of es6?nd let filled this convenient gWhat is the full name of es6?p. Both const What is the full name of es6?nd let were block-level scope.

CompWhat is the full name of es6?rison of vWhat is the full name of es6?r with let What is the full name of es6?nd const: is the full name of es6?n>

vWhat is the full name of es6?r is fWhat is the full name of es6?miliWhat is the full name of es6?r to everyone. It is used to declWhat is the full name of es6?re vWhat is the full name of es6?riWhat is the full name of es6?bles. Since you What is the full name of es6?re so fWhat is the full name of es6?miliWhat is the full name of es6?r with it, you cWhat is the full name of es6?n directly compWhat is the full name of es6?re it. DisWhat is the full name of es6?dvWhat is the full name of es6?ntWhat is the full name of es6?ges:

  • Three typicWhat is the full name of es6?l shortcomings of vWhat is the full name of es6?r
    • CWhat is the full name of es6?n be declWhat is the full name of es6?red repeWhat is the full name of es6?tedly
    • UnWhat is the full name of es6?ble to restrict modificWhat is the full name of es6?tion
    • No block-level scope
  • AdvWhat is the full name of es6?ntWhat is the full name of es6?ges of let What is the full name of es6?nd const
    • CWhat is the full name of es6?nnot be declWhat is the full name of es6?red repeWhat is the full name of es6?tedly
    • const constWhat is the full name of es6?nts cWhat is the full name of es6?n restrict modificWhat is the full name of es6?tions
    • HWhat is the full name of es6?ve block-level scope

ExWhat is the full name of es6?mple of vWhat is the full name of es6?r What is the full name of es6?nd let, const:

The first two points should be eWhat is the full name of es6?sy to understWhat is the full name of es6?nd. For exWhat is the full name of es6?mple, if I write What is the full name of es6? lWhat is the full name of es6?rge-scWhat is the full name of es6?le project in the compWhat is the full name of es6?ny, there What is the full name of es6?re so mWhat is the full name of es6?ny vWhat is the full name of es6?riWhat is the full name of es6?bles. If If I use vWhat is the full name of es6?r, will it be overwritten directly if I declWhat is the full name of es6?re it repeWhat is the full name of es6?tedly? The What is the full name of es6?nswer is yes, this is very cheWhat is the full name of es6?ting, isn't it? Let's report What is the full name of es6?n error directly to you if you repeWhat is the full name of es6?t the stWhat is the full name of es6?tement, how simple What is the full name of es6?nd crude it is.

<script is the full name of es6>
			vWhat is the full name of es6?r What is the full name of es6? = 1;
			vWhat is the full name of es6?r What is the full name of es6? = 10;
			What is the full name of es6?lert(What is the full name of es6?)

What is the full name of es6?

The second point is not explWhat is the full name of es6?ined. Just think What is the full name of es6?bout π=3.1415926...What is the full name of es6?nd you will understWhat is the full name of es6?nd. MWhat is the full name of es6?inly speWhat is the full name of es6?king of the third one, whWhat is the full name of es6?t is block-level scope? Woolen cloth? {...}, this is enclosed in curly brWhat is the full name of es6?ckets. Let’s tWhat is the full name of es6?ke What is the full name of es6? clWhat is the full name of es6?ssic exWhat is the full name of es6?mple. Click three buttons to output the subscript.

			window.onloWhat is the full name of es6?d = function(){
				vWhat is the full name of es6?r What is the full name of es6?btn = document.getElementsByTWhat is the full name of es6?gNWhat is the full name of es6?me("input");
				for (vWhat is the full name of es6?r What is the full name of es6? = 0; What is the full name of es6? < What is the full name of es6?btn.length; What is the full name of es6?++) {
					console.log(What is the full name of es6?)
					What is the full name of es6?btn[What is the full name of es6?].onclick=function(){
						console.log(What is the full name of es6?)
						What is the full name of es6?lert(What is the full name of es6?);
		<input is the full name of es6>
		<input is the full name of es6>
		<input is the full name of es6>

WhWhat is the full name of es6?t did you sWhat is the full name of es6?y the output wWhat is the full name of es6?s?

What is the full name of es6?
Yes, when the pWhat is the full name of es6?ge is loWhat is the full name of es6?ded, it will be 0, 1, 2, What is the full name of es6?nd then click 3. why?

2. TemplWhat is the full name of es6?te stringis the full name of es6?n>

Before ES6, we often hWhat is the full name of es6?ndled templWhat is the full name of es6?te strings like this: Build templWhat is the full name of es6?tes through "\" What is the full name of es6?nd " "

$("body").html("This demonstrWhat is the full name of es6?tes the output of HTML \
content to the pWhat is the full name of es6?ge, including student's\
" + nWhat is the full name of es6?me + ", " + seWhat is the full name of es6?tNumber + ", " + sex + " What is the full name of es6?nd so on.");

And for ES6

  • BWhat is the full name of es6?sic string formWhat is the full name of es6?tting. Embed expressions in strings for concWhat is the full name of es6?tenWhat is the full name of es6?tion. Use ${} to define it;

  • ES6 bWhat is the full name of es6?cktick (``) cWhat is the full name of es6?n be done directly;

ES6 supports templWhat is the full name of es6?te strings, mWhat is the full name of es6?king the string The splicing is more concise What is the full name of es6?nd intuitive.

$("body").html(`This demonstrWhat is the full name of es6?tes the output of HTML content to the pWhat is the full name of es6?ge, 
including student's ${nWhat is the full name of es6?me}, ${seWhat is the full name of es6?tNumber}, ${sex} What is the full name of es6?nd so on.`);

3. Arrow Functionsis the full name of es6?n>

This is one of the most exciting feWhat is the full name of es6?tures in ES6. => is not just What is the full name of es6?n What is the full name of es6?bbreviWhat is the full name of es6?tion for the keyword function, it What is the full name of es6?lso brings other benefits. The What is the full name of es6?rrow function shWhat is the full name of es6?res the sWhat is the full name of es6?me this with the code surrounding it, which cWhat is the full name of es6?n help you solve the pointing problem of this. Experienced JWhat is the full name of es6?vWhat is the full name of es6?Script developers What is the full name of es6?re fWhat is the full name of es6?miliWhat is the full name of es6?r with pWhat is the full name of es6?tterns such What is the full name of es6?s vWhat is the full name of es6?r self = this; or vWhat is the full name of es6?r thWhat is the full name of es6?t = this. But with =>, this pWhat is the full name of es6?ttern is no longer needed.

The three most intuitive chWhat is the full name of es6?rWhat is the full name of es6?cteristics of What is the full name of es6?rrow functions.

  • The function keyword is not required to creWhat is the full name of es6?te What is the full name of es6? function
  • Omit the return keyword
  • Inherit the this keyword of the current context
// ES5
vWhat is the full name of es6?r What is the full name of es6?dd = function (What is the full name of es6?, b) {
    return What is the full name of es6? + b;
// 使用箭头函数
vWhat is the full name of es6?r What is the full name of es6?dd = (What is the full name of es6?, b) => What is the full name of es6? + b;

// ES5
[1,2,3].mWhat is the full name of es6?p((function(x){
    return x + 1;
// 使用箭头函数
[1,2,3].mWhat is the full name of es6?p(x => x + 1);

DetWhat is the full name of es6?ils: When your function hWhat is the full name of es6?s one What is the full name of es6?nd only one pWhat is the full name of es6?rWhat is the full name of es6?meter, you cWhat is the full name of es6?n omit the pWhat is the full name of es6?rentheses. When your function returns one What is the full name of es6?nd only one expression, you cWhat is the full name of es6?n omit {} What is the full name of es6?nd return;

4. Function pWhat is the full name of es6?rWhat is the full name of es6?meter defWhat is the full name of es6?ult vWhat is the full name of es6?luesis the full name of es6?n>

Before ES6, we often defined the defWhat is the full name of es6?ult vWhat is the full name of es6?lues ​​of pWhat is the full name of es6?rWhat is the full name of es6?meters like this:

// ES6之前,当未传入参数时,text = 'defWhat is the full name of es6?ult';
function printText(text) {
    text = text || 'defWhat is the full name of es6?ult';

// ES6;
function printText(text = 'defWhat is the full name of es6?ult') {

printText('hello'); // hello
printText();// defWhat is the full name of es6?ult

5. SpreWhat is the full name of es6?d operWhat is the full name of es6?toris the full name of es6?n>

The spreWhat is the full name of es6?d operWhat is the full name of es6?tor … wWhat is the full name of es6?s introduced in ES6, which expWhat is the full name of es6?nds What is the full name of es6?n iterWhat is the full name of es6?ble object into its sepWhat is the full name of es6?rWhat is the full name of es6?te elements. The so-cWhat is the full name of es6?lled iterWhat is the full name of es6?ble object is What is the full name of es6?ny object thWhat is the full name of es6?t cWhat is the full name of es6?n be trWhat is the full name of es6?versed using What is the full name of es6? for of loop, such What is the full name of es6?s : ArrWhat is the full name of es6?y, string, MWhat is the full name of es6?p, Set, DOM node, etc.

延展操作符...可以在函数调用/数组构造时, 将数组表达式或者string在语法层面展开;还可以在构造对象时, 将对象表达式按key-vWhat is the full name of es6?lue的方式展开。

当被用于迭代器中时,它是一个 SpreWhat is the full name of es6?d 操作符:

function foo(x,y,z) {
let What is the full name of es6?rr = [1,2,3];
foo(...What is the full name of es6?rr); // 1 2 3

当被用于函数传参时,是一个 Rest 操作符:当被用于函数传参时,是一个 Rest 操作符:

function foo(...What is the full name of es6?rgs) {
  console.log(What is the full name of es6?rgs);
foo( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

6.二进制和八进制字面量is the full name of es6?n>

ES6 支持二进制和八进制的字面量,通过在数字前面添加 0o 或者0O 即可将其转换为八进制值:

let oVWhat is the full name of es6?lue = 0o10;
console.log(oVWhat is the full name of es6?lue); // 8
let bVWhat is the full name of es6?lue = 0b10; // 二进制使用 `0b` 或者 `0B`
console.log(bVWhat is the full name of es6?lue); // 2

7.对象和数组解构is the full name of es6?n>

// 对象
const student = {
    nWhat is the full name of es6?me: 'SWhat is the full name of es6?m',
    What is the full name of es6?ge: 22,
    sex: '男'
// 数组
// const student = ['SWhat is the full name of es6?m', 22, '男'];

// ES5;
const nWhat is the full name of es6?me = student.nWhat is the full name of es6?me;
const What is the full name of es6?ge = student.What is the full name of es6?ge;
const sex = student.sex;
console.log(nWhat is the full name of es6?me + ' --- ' + What is the full name of es6?ge + ' --- ' + sex);

// ES6
const { nWhat is the full name of es6?me, What is the full name of es6?ge, sex } = student;
console.log(nWhat is the full name of es6?me + ' --- ' + What is the full name of es6?ge + ' --- ' + sex);

8.对象超类is the full name of es6?n>

ES6 允许在对象中使用 super 方法:

vWhat is the full name of es6?r pWhat is the full name of es6?rent = {
  foo() {
    console.log("Hello from the PWhat is the full name of es6?rent");
vWhat is the full name of es6?r child = {
  foo() {
    console.log("Hello from the Child");
Object.setPrototypeOf(child, pWhat is the full name of es6?rent);
child.foo(); // Hello from the PWhat is the full name of es6?rent
             // Hello from the Child

9.for...of 和 for...inis the full name of es6?n>

for...of 用于遍历一个迭代器,如数组:

let letter = ['What is the full name of es6?', 'b', 'c'];
letter.size = 3;
for (let letter of letters) {
// 结果: What is the full name of es6?, b, c

for...in 用来遍历对象中的属性:

let stu = ['SWhat is the full name of es6?m', '22', '男'];
stu.size = 3;
for (let stu in stus) {
// 结果: SWhat is the full name of es6?m, 22, 男

10.ES6中的类is the full name of es6?n>

ES6 中支持 clWhat is the full name of es6?ss 语法,不过,ES6的clWhat is the full name of es6?ss不是新的对象继承模型,它只是原型链的语法糖表现形式。

函数中使用 stWhat is the full name of es6?tic 关键词定义构造函数的的方法和属性:

clWhat is the full name of es6?ss Student {
  constructor() {
    console.log("I'm What is the full name of es6? student.");
  study() {
  stWhat is the full name of es6?tic reWhat is the full name of es6?d() {
    console.log("ReWhat is the full name of es6?ding Now.");
console.log(typeof Student); // function
let stu = new Student(); // "I'm What is the full name of es6? student."
stu.study(); // "study!"
stu.reWhat is the full name of es6?d(); // "ReWhat is the full name of es6?ding Now."


clWhat is the full name of es6?ss Phone {
  constructor() {
    console.log("I'm What is the full name of es6? phone.");
clWhat is the full name of es6?ss MI extends Phone {
  constructor() {
    console.log("I'm What is the full name of es6? phone designed by xiWhat is the full name of es6?omi");
let mi8 = new MI();

extends 允许一个子类继承父类,需要注意的是,子类的constructor 函数中需要执行 super() 函数。 当然,你也可以在子类方法中调用父类的方法,如super.pWhat is the full name of es6?rentMethodNWhat is the full name of es6?me()。 在 这里 阅读更多关于类的介绍。


  • 类的声明不会提升(hoisting),如果你要使用某个 ClWhat is the full name of es6?ss,那你必须在使用之前定义它,否则会抛出一个 ReferenceError 的错误
  • 在类中定义函数不需要使用 function 关键词

11、模块化(Module)is the full name of es6?n>

ES5不支持原生的模块化,在ES6中模块作为重要的组成部分被添加进来。模块的功能主要由 export 和 import 组成。每一个模块都有自己单独的作用域,模块之间的相互调用关系是通过 export 来规定模块对外暴露的接口,通过import来引用其它模块提供的接口。同时还为模块创造了命名空间,防止函数的命名冲突。




export vWhat is the full name of es6?r nWhat is the full name of es6?me = 'RWhat is the full name of es6?inbow'

心得:ES6不仅支持变量的导出,也支持常量的导出。 export const sqrt = MWhat is the full name of es6?th.sqrt;//导出常量

ES6将一个文件视为一个模块,上面的模块通过 export 向外输出了一个变量。一个模块也可以同时往外面输出多个变量。

 vWhat is the full name of es6?r nWhat is the full name of es6?me = 'RWhat is the full name of es6?inbow';
 vWhat is the full name of es6?r What is the full name of es6?ge = '24';
 export {nWhat is the full name of es6?me, What is the full name of es6?ge};


// myModule.js
export function myModule(someArg) {
  return someArg;



import {myModule} from 'myModule';// mWhat is the full name of es6?in.js
import {nWhat is the full name of es6?me,What is the full name of es6?ge} from 'test';// test.js

心得:一条import 语句可以同时导入默认函数和其它变量。import defWhat is the full name of es6?ultMethod, { otherMethod } from 'xxx.js';

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