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What are the newly added life cycles of react?

2022-03-21 18:28:222871browse

The newly added life cycles are: 1. getDerivedStateFromProps, used to control the process of props updating state; 2. getSnapshotBeforeUpdate, used to read the latest DOM data; 3. componendDidCatch.

What are the newly added life cycles of react?

The operating environment of this tutorial: Windows7 system, react17.0.1 version, Dell G3 computer.

When learning React, the life cycle is very important. After we understand each component of the life cycle, it will be of great help to write high-performance components.

The React life cycle is divided into three states 1 . Initialization 2. Update 3. Destruction

React 17 New life cycle

1. Abolition of life cycle

The official website document points out that code using these life cycles will be more likely to produce bugs in future versions of react, especially for asynchronous rendering versions

Since the asynchronous rendering mechanism will be adopted in the future, it will be Life cycle hook function removed in version 17




## 2. New life cycle

getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState)

is used to replace componentWillReceiveProps and can be used to control the process of props updating state; it returns an object representing the new state; if no update is required, return null

It will be called before each rendering, regardless of initial mount or subsequent updates. This is different from componentWillReceiveProps (only when the parent component causes re-rendering Called only when

A simple understanding is to get state from props. The function of this life cycle is actually to map the incoming props to state

getDerivedStateFromProps is a static function, also That is, this function cannot access the properties of the class through this, and it is not recommended to access the properties directly. Instead, it should be judged by the nextProps and prevState provided by the parameters, and mapped to the state according to the newly passed in props

If the content passed in by props does not need to affect your state, then you need to return a null. This return value is necessary, so try to write it to the end of the function

static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) {
    const {type} = nextProps;
    // 当传入的type发生变化的时候,更新state
    if (type !== prevState.type) {
        return {
    // 否则,对于state不进行任何操作
    return null;


Before the latest change is submitted to the DOM element, so that the component can obtain the current value before the change, any value returned by this life cycle will be passed to componentDidUpdate().

Used to replace componentWillUpdate. This function will be called after the update and before the DOM is updated. It is used to read the latest DOM data. The return value will be used as the third parameter of componentDidUpdate

before the latest rendering data is submitted to the DOM. will be called immediately before, which allows you to get the component's data before it may change

componendDidCatch(error, info)

If a component defines the componentDidCatch life cycle , then he will become an error boundary (the error boundary will catch errors during rendering, in life cycle methods and in the constructor of the entire tree below them,

It's like using try catch, no The error will be thrown directly to ensure the availability of the application)

3. Basic use

class A extends React.Component {
  // 用于初始化 state
  constructor() {}
  // 用于替换 `componentWillReceiveProps` ,该函数会在初始化和 `update` 时被调用
  // 因为该函数是静态函数,所以取不到 `this`
  // 如果需要对比 `prevProps` 需要单独在 `state` 中维护
  static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) {}
  // 判断是否需要更新组件,多用于组件性能优化
  shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {}
  // 组件挂载后调用
  // 可以在该函数中进行请求或者订阅
  componentDidMount() {}
  // 用于获得最新的 DOM 数据
  getSnapshotBeforeUpdate() {}
  // 组件即将销毁
  // 可以在此处移除订阅,定时器等等
  componentWillUnmount() {}
  // 组件销毁后调用
  componentDidUnMount() {}
  // 组件更新后调用
  componentDidUpdate() {}
  // 渲染组件函数
  render() {}

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