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How to configure VSCode, Su Shuang's debugging Vue and React code!

2022-03-07 20:14:102427browse

How to make debugging Vue and React code more enjoyable? The following article introduces the configuration VSCode and Su Shuang’s method of debugging Vue and React code. I hope it will be helpful to everyone!

How to configure VSCode, Su Shuang's debugging Vue and React code!

As a front-end developer, I basically have to debug Vue/React code every day. I don’t know how everyone debugs it, but I guess there are several types:

  • No debugging, just look at the code to find the problem
  • Console.log print log
  • Use the debugger of Chrome Devtools to debug
  • Use the debugger of VSCode to debug

Different debugging methods have different efficiency and experience. Now I basically use VSCode debugger to debug, which is very efficient and has a great experience. [Recommended study: "vscode introductory tutorial"]

Maybe many students still don’t know how to use VSCode to debug web pages. I will introduce it in this article.

Let’s look at React and Vue respectively:

Use VSCode to debug React code

I used create-react-app to create a demo project with such a component:

How to configure VSCode, Su Shuangs debugging Vue and React code!

Run the development server:

How to configure VSCode, Su Shuangs debugging Vue and React code!

The interface displayed by the browser is like this:

How to configure VSCode, Su Shuangs debugging Vue and React code!

How to debug it with VSCode?

We add a .vscode/launch.json configuration file in the root directory:

How to configure VSCode, Su Shuangs debugging Vue and React code!

Created a debugging configuration, the type is chrome, and specified The debugging url is the address of the development server.

Put two breakpoints in the react code:

How to configure VSCode, Su Shuangs debugging Vue and React code!

Then click Run:

How to configure VSCode, Su Shuangs debugging Vue and React code!

Look, XDM, it's broken! There are call stacks, current environment variables, etc.

How to configure VSCode, Su Shuangs debugging Vue and React code!

Release the breakpoint and continue going down.

You can also get the corresponding event object when you click:

How to configure VSCode, Su Shuangs debugging Vue and React code!

Isn’t it super convenient!

And when you are tired of writing business and want to see the react source code, just click on a certain frame in the call stack to see:

For example, the renderWithHooks method will be called during rendering. The workInProgress object inside is the current fiber node, and its memorizedState attribute is where hooks store values:

How to configure VSCode, Su Shuangs debugging Vue and React code!

After using VSCode to debug the React code, debug the business code or look at the source code The experience is very pleasant, no matter what.

Let’s take a look at Vue:

Use VSCode to debug Vue code

Vue debugging will be more troublesome, and you need to do some additional mapping of paths based on the above.

Because in React we write jsx and tsx directly, which corresponds to the compiled js file one-to-one, but not in Vue. In Vue, we write files in SFC (single file component) format, which requires vue-loader To separate them into different files, the paths must be mapped separately to correspond to the source code location.

That is, there are more sourceMapPathOverrides in the debugging configuration:

How to configure VSCode, Su Shuangs debugging Vue and React code!

How to map it?

You can add a debugger to the source code and check the current mapped path in the browser:

1How to configure VSCode, Su Shuangs debugging Vue and React code!

webpack://test here -vue-debug/src/App.vue?11c4 is the path to be mapped, so where is it mapped to?

is obviously mapped to the local path, which is like this:

1How to configure VSCode, Su Shuangs debugging Vue and React code!

workspaceRoot is the environment variable provided by vscode, which is the path of the project. In this way After mapping, doesn't the address become a local file? Then the breakpoint will take effect in the local file:

1How to configure VSCode, Su Shuangs debugging Vue and React code!

Look at the path here, it is obviously mapped to the file under the project.

But when mapping, there is also a hash at the end. This hash will change. What should I do?

1How to configure VSCode, Su Shuangs debugging Vue and React code!

This path is configurable. This is actually the file path when webpack generates the sourcemap. It can be configured through output.devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate:

1How to configure VSCode, Su Shuangs debugging Vue and React code!

You can read the documentation for the available variables, so I won’t expand them here (just take a look at them):

1How to configure VSCode, Su Shuangs debugging Vue and React code!

For example, I configured the path like this:

1How to configure VSCode, Su Shuangs debugging Vue and React code!

The file path during debugging is like this:

1How to configure VSCode, Su Shuangs debugging Vue and React code!

Don’t worry about the prefix, just look at the following part. Isn’t this removed? Has it been hashed?

Then map it to the local file:

1How to configure VSCode, Su Shuangs debugging Vue and React code!

In this way, it is mapped again, and it is broken in vscode Click to take effect:

How to configure VSCode, Su Shuangs debugging Vue and React code!

#Whether you want to debug Vue business code or want to see Vue source code, the experience will be very enjoyable.


As a front-end engineer, debugging Vue and React code is something you have to do every day. Different debugging methods have different experience and efficiency. So I want to introduce to you my commonly used method of debugging web pages with VSCode.

React debugging is relatively simple. Just add a chrome type debug configuration. Vue debugging is more troublesome. You need to do a path mapping. If there is a hash in the path, you also need to change the configuration of the generated path. Then map again (but it only needs to be configured once).

Using VSCode to debug React/Vue code is very convenient whether you are debugging business code or looking at the source code. You might as well give it a try, it will make debugging very enjoyable.

For more knowledge about VSCode, please visit: vscode tutorial! !

The above is the detailed content of How to configure VSCode, Su Shuang's debugging Vue and React code!. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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