This article brings you relevant knowledge about mysql, which mainly introduces the table structure including constraints and related issues of modifying the table structure. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Recommended study: mysql tutorial
Constraint conditions
View constraints
- ##mysql> desc library name.table name;
mysql> desc db1.t9;

//As shown in the picture, the meaning of each column is: field name | type | empty | key value | default value | additional settings
mysql> insert into t9 values (null,null,null);
//As shown in the picture above As shown, the constraint condition is allowed to be empty (NULL), so it can be empty when assigning a value here. null is not case-sensitive
mysql> select * from db1.t9;

mysql> insert into db1.t9(name,sex) values("lucy","girl");
mysql> select * from db1.t9;
//Constraints of the t9 table In the condition, the default value of the third field is NULL, which means that when the third field is not assigned a value, the default value will be filled in the table, that is, as shown in the figure below, NULL
## will be filled in by default.
#Set constraints
##null ’ ’ ’ ’ s being allowed to be empty-setted (default setting)
not null Is null (empty)
- ##extra // Additional settings
mysql> create database db2;
mysql> create table db2.t1(
-> name char(10) not null default "",
-> age tinyint unsigned default 19,
-> sex enum("m","w") not null default "m"
-> );
//Create a table db2.t1. The type of the name field is fixed-length char. The constraint is that it is not allowed to be Empty, the default value is 0 characters, the display effect is as shown in the figure below; the type of the age field is a tiny integer, the constraint is that negative numbers (unsigned) are not allowed, the default value is set to 19, note the default value setting here It must not exceed the range of the tinyint type, that is, the default value setting cannot exceed 255; the sex field type is an enumeration, enum is a radio selection, the constraint is that it is not allowed to be empty, and the default value is set to m; mysql> ; desc db2.t1;
mysql> insert into db2.t1(name) values("bob");
//Only assign values to the name field, and the remaining fields are assigned default values
mysql> select * from db2.t1;
mysql> insert into db2.t1 values("lucy","21","w"); //给字段赋值,就不会以默认值赋值了
mysql> select * from db2.t1;

mysql> insert into db2.t1 values(null,null,null);
ERROR 1048 (23000): Column 'name' cannot be null
mysql> insert into db2.t1 values("null",null,"w");
mysql> insert into db2.t1 values("",null,"w");
mysql> select * from db2.t1;

Null (whether null is allowed) |
Default allows null |
##not allowed to be empty not null
Key (key value)
Normal index index |
| ##Unique index unique |
## primary key primary key |
foreign key foreign key |
#Full text index fulltext
| Default (default value: do not assign a value to the field and use the default value assignment)
The default is null when it is not defined |
It is default when defined (to match the field type) |
| Extra (extra Settings: There are no additional settings by default)
mysql> alter table 库名.表名 执行动作;
add 添加字段
modify 修改字段类型
change 修改字段名
drop 删除字段
rename 修改表名
—— 新字段默认添加在字段末尾
mysql> alter table 库名.表名 add 字段名 类型(宽度) 约束条件;
add 字段名 类型 [约束条件] after 字段名;
add 字段名 类型 [约束条件] first;
mysql> alter table db2.t1 add email varchar(50); //不指定添加字段的位置,默认就在末尾
mysql> desc db2.t1; 
mysql> alter table db2.t1 add hobby set("eat","drink","play","happy") not null default "eat,drink" after age; //指定添加位置在字段age之后,条件设置不允许为空,并设置默认值为eat,drink
mysql> desc db2.t1; 
mysql> select * from db2.t1; //查看表内容,发现hobby字段自动添加了默认值 
mysql> alter table db2.t1 add class char(7) default "B180601" first; //将字段class添加到最前面
mysql> desc db2.t1; 
mysql> select * from db2.t1; //class字段自动添加默认值

—— 修改的字段类型不能与已存储的数据冲突
mysql> alter table 库名.表名 modify 字段名 类型(宽度) 约束条件;
modify 字段名 类型 [约束条件] after 字段名;
modify 字段名 类型 [约束条件] first;
mysql> desc db2.t1;

mysql> alter table db2.t1 modify age tinyint unsigned default 19 after class; //除了对字段age的位置进行了修改,其余不修改的地方如:类型(宽度)、约束条件进行原样抄写
mysql> desc db2.t1;

mysql> alter table db2.t1 modify name varchar(15) not null default "";
mysql> desc db2.t1; 
—— 也可以用来修改字段类型
mysql> alter table 库名.表名 change 源字段名 新字段名 类型(宽度) 约束条件;
mysql> desc db2.t1;

mysql> alter table db2.t1 change email mail varchar(50);
mysql> desc db2.t1;

mysql> alter table db2.t1 change mail email varchar(50) not null default ""; //出现错误,因为源数据中,mail字段中的值为NULL,如果将约束条件修改为not null,那么就与源数据发生冲突,所以修改失败
ERROR 1138 (22004): Invalid use of NULL value
mysql> alter table db2.t1 change mail email varchar(50) default "";
mysql> desc db2.t1; 
mysql> alter table 库名.表名 drop 字段名; mysql> alter table db2.t1 drop email; //删除库db2中表t1的字段email
mysql> desc db2.t1; //没有字段email,已被删除 
mysql> select * from db2.t1; //字段email及其数据已被删除

mysql> alter table 库名.表名 rename 新表名;
mysql> use db2;
mysql> show tables;

mysql> alter table db2.t1 rename stuinfo; //将表名修改为stuinfo
mysql> show tables;

mysql> select * from stuinfo;

The above is the detailed content of Summarize and explain the table structure of MySQL knowledge points in detail. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!