Home >Web Front-end >Front-end Q&A >What are the design patterns in javascript
The design patterns in JavaScript include: singleton mode, strategy mode, proxy mode, iterator mode, "publish-subscribe" mode, command mode, combination mode, template method mode, flyweight mode, chain of responsibility Pattern, mediator pattern, decorator pattern, state pattern, adapter pattern, appearance pattern, etc.
The operating environment of this tutorial: windows7 system, javascript version 1.8.5, Dell G3 computer.
Fifteen common design patterns in JavaScript
1. Definition
Ensure that a class has only one instance and provide a global access point to access it
2. Core
Ensure that there is only one instance and provide global access
3. Implementation
Assuming that we want to set up an administrator and call it multiple times and only set it once, we can Use a closure to cache an internal variable to implement this singleton
function SetManager(name) { this.manager = name; } SetManager.prototype.getName = function() { console.log(this.manager); }; var SingletonSetManager = (function() { var manager = null; return function(name) { if (!manager) { manager = new SetManager(name); } return manager; } })(); SingletonSetManager('a').getName(); // a SingletonSetManager('b').getName(); // a SingletonSetManager('c').getName(); // a
This is a relatively simple approach, but what if we also want to set up an HR? You have to copy the code again
So, you can rewrite the inside of the singleton to make it more general
// 提取出通用的单例 function getSingleton(fn) { var instance = null; return function() { if (!instance) { instance = fn.apply(this, arguments); } return instance; } }
If you call it again, the result will still be the same
// 获取单例 var managerSingleton = getSingleton(function(name) { var manager = new SetManager(name); return manager; }); managerSingleton('a').getName(); // a managerSingleton('b').getName(); // a managerSingleton('c').getName(); // a
At this time, we When adding HR, there is no need to change the internal implementation of the singleton. You only need to implement what is needed to add HR and call it again
function SetHr(name) { this.hr = name; } SetHr.prototype.getName = function() { console.log(this.hr); }; var hrSingleton = getSingleton(function(name) { var hr = new SetHr(name); return hr; }); hrSingleton('aa').getName(); // aa hrSingleton('bb').getName(); // aa hrSingleton('cc').getName(); // aa
Or, if you just want to create a p layer, you do not need to Object instantiation, call the function directly
The result is only the first created p
function createPopup(html) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = html; document.body.append(div); return div; } var popupSingleton = getSingleton(function() { var div = createPopup.apply(this, arguments); return div; }); console.log( popupSingleton('aaa').innerHTML, popupSingleton('bbb').innerHTML, popupSingleton('bbb').innerHTML ); // aaa aaa aaa
1. Definition
Define a series of algorithms, encapsulate them one by one, and make them interchangeable.
2. Core
Separate the use of the algorithm from the implementation of the algorithm.
A program based on the strategy pattern consists of at least two parts:
The first part is a set of strategy classes, which encapsulate specific algorithms and are responsible for the specific calculation process.
The second part is the environment class Context. Context accepts the customer's request and then delegates the request to a certain strategy class. To do this, it means that a reference to a certain strategy object must be maintained in the Context
3. Implementation
The strategy pattern can be used to combine a series of algorithms, and Can be used to combine a series of business rules
Suppose that the student's final score needs to be calculated by grade, and each grade has a corresponding weighted value. We can directly define this group policy in the form of object literals
// 加权映射关系 var levelMap = { S: 10, A: 8, B: 6, C: 4 }; // 组策略 var scoreLevel = { basicScore: 80, S: function() { return this.basicScore + levelMap['S']; }, A: function() { return this.basicScore + levelMap['A']; }, B: function() { return this.basicScore + levelMap['B']; }, C: function() { return this.basicScore + levelMap['C']; } } // 调用 function getScore(level) { return scoreLevel[level] ? scoreLevel[level]() : 0; } console.log( getScore('S'), getScore('A'), getScore('B'), getScore('C'), getScore('D') ); // 90 88 86 84 0
In terms of combining business rules, the more classic one is the form verification method. Here are the more critical parts
// 错误提示 var errorMsgs = { default: '输入数据格式不正确', minLength: '输入数据长度不足', isNumber: '请输入数字', required: '内容不为空' }; // 规则集 var rules = { minLength: function(value, length, errorMsg) { if (value.length < length) { return errorMsg || errorMsgs['minLength'] } }, isNumber: function(value, errorMsg) { if (!/\d+/.test(value)) { return errorMsg || errorMsgs['isNumber']; } }, required: function(value, errorMsg) { if (value === '') { return errorMsg || errorMsgs['required']; } } }; // 校验器 function Validator() { this.items = []; }; Validator.prototype = { constructor: Validator, // 添加校验规则 add: function(value, rule, errorMsg) { var arg = [value]; if (rule.indexOf('minLength') !== -1) { var temp = rule.split(':'); arg.push(temp[1]); rule = temp[0]; } arg.push(errorMsg); this.items.push(function() { // 进行校验 return rules[rule].apply(this, arg); }); }, // 开始校验 start: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; ++i) { var ret = this.items[i](); if (ret) { console.log(ret); // return ret; } } } }; // 测试数据 function testTel(val) { return val; } var validate = new Validator(); validate.add(testTel('ccc'), 'isNumber', '只能为数字'); // 只能为数字 validate.add(testTel(''), 'required'); // 内容不为空 validate.add(testTel('123'), 'minLength:5', '最少5位'); // 最少5位 validate.add(testTel('12345'), 'minLength:5', '最少5位'); var ret = validate.start(); console.log(ret);
4. Advantages and Disadvantages
Can effectively avoid multiple conditional statements , it is also more intuitive to encapsulate a series of methods, which is conducive to maintenance
There are often many policy sets, and we need to understand and define all the situations in advance
1. Definition
Provides a substitute or placeholder for an object to control the object Its access
2. Core
When it is inconvenient for customers to directly access an object or does not meet their needs, a substitute object is provided to control access to the object. , the client actually accesses the stand-in object.
After the stand-in object performs some processing on the request, it then transfers the request to the ontology object
The interfaces of the agent and the ontology are consistent. The ontology defines the key functions, and the agent provides or refuses Access it, or do some additional things before accessing the ontology
3. Implementation
There are three main proxy modes: protection proxy, virtual proxy, caching proxy
The protection agent mainly implements the restriction behavior of the access subject, taking filter characters as a simple example
// 主体,发送消息 function sendMsg(msg) { console.log(msg); } // 代理,对消息进行过滤 function proxySendMsg(msg) { // 无消息则直接返回 if (typeof msg === 'undefined') { console.log('deny'); return; } // 有消息则进行过滤 msg = ('' + msg).replace(/泥\s*煤/g, ''); sendMsg(msg); } sendMsg('泥煤呀泥 煤呀'); // 泥煤呀泥 煤呀 proxySendMsg('泥煤呀泥 煤'); // 呀 proxySendMsg(); // deny
Its intention is obvious, control before accessing the subject, and directly when there is no message Returned from the agent, access to the subject is denied. This is the form of the data protection agent.
Sensitive characters are processed when there is a message. This belongs to the mode of the virtual agent.
The virtual agent controls the access to the subject. When accessing, some additional operations are added
When the scrolling event is triggered, it may not need to be triggered frequently. We can introduce function throttling, which is an implementation of a virtual agent
// 函数防抖,频繁操作中不处理,直到操作完成之后(再过 delay 的时间)才一次性处理 function debounce(fn, delay) { delay = delay || 200; var timer = null; return function() { var arg = arguments; // 每次操作时,清除上次的定时器 clearTimeout(timer); timer = null; // 定义新的定时器,一段时间后进行操作 timer = setTimeout(function() { fn.apply(this, arg); }, delay); } }; var count = 0; // 主体 function scrollHandle(e) { console.log(e.type, ++count); // scroll } // 代理 var proxyScrollHandle = (function() { return debounce(scrollHandle, 500); })(); window.onscroll = proxyScrollHandle;
The caching agent can provide temporary caching for some expensive operation results to improve efficiency
As an example, cache addition operations
// 主体 function add() { var arg = [].slice.call(arguments); return arg.reduce(function(a, b) { return a + b; }); } // 代理 var proxyAdd = (function() { var cache = []; return function() { var arg = [].slice.call(arguments).join(','); // 如果有,则直接从缓存返回 if (cache[arg]) { return cache[arg]; } else { var ret = add.apply(this, arguments); return ret; } }; })(); console.log( add(1, 2, 3, 4), add(1, 2, 3, 4), proxyAdd(10, 20, 30, 40), proxyAdd(10, 20, 30, 40) ); // 10 10 100 100
1. Definition
The iterator pattern refers to providing a method to sequentially access each element in an aggregate object without exposing the internal representation of the object.
2. Core
After using the iterator pattern, even if you don’t care about the internal structure of the object, you can access each element in it sequentially
3. Implementation
JS中数组的map forEach 已经内置了迭代器
[1, 2, 3].forEach(function(item, index, arr) { console.log(item, index, arr); });
function each(obj, cb) { var value; if (Array.isArray(obj)) { for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; ++i) { value = cb.call(obj[i], i, obj[i]); if (value === false) { break; } } } else { for (var i in obj) { value = cb.call(obj[i], i, obj[i]); if (value === false) { break; } } } } each([1, 2, 3], function(index, value) { console.log(index, value); }); each({a: 1, b: 2}, function(index, value) { console.log(index, value); }); // 0 1 // 1 2 // 2 3 // a 1 // b 2
function getManager() { var year = new Date().getFullYear(); if (year <= 2000) { console.log('A'); } else if (year >= 2100) { console.log('C'); } else { console.log('B'); } } getManager(); // B
function year2000() { var year = new Date().getFullYear(); if (year <= 2000) { console.log('A'); } return false; } function year2100() { var year = new Date().getFullYear(); if (year >= 2100) { console.log('C'); } return false; } function year() { var year = new Date().getFullYear(); if (year > 2000 && year < 2100) { console.log('B'); } return false; } function iteratorYear() { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) { var ret = arguments[i](); if (ret !== false) { return ret; } } } var manager = iteratorYear(year2000, year2100, year); // B
1. 定义
也称作观察者模式,定义了对象间的一种一对多的依赖关系,当一个对象的状态发 生改变时,所有依赖于它的对象都将得到通知
2. 核心
3. 实现
// 订阅 document.body.addEventListener('click', function() { console.log('click1'); }, false); document.body.addEventListener('click', function() { console.log('click2'); }, false); // 发布 document.body.click(); // click1 click2
一种解决办法是 AB直接把联系方式留给C,有结果的话C自然会通知AB
// 观察者 var observer = { // 订阅集合 subscribes: [], // 订阅 subscribe: function(type, fn) { if (!this.subscribes[type]) { this.subscribes[type] = []; } // 收集订阅者的处理 typeof fn === 'function' && this.subscribes[type].push(fn); }, // 发布 可能会携带一些信息发布出去 publish: function() { var type = [].shift.call(arguments), fns = this.subscribes[type]; // 不存在的订阅类型,以及订阅时未传入处理回调的 if (!fns || !fns.length) { return; } // 挨个处理调用 for (var i = 0; i < fns.length; ++i) { fns[i].apply(this, arguments); } }, // 删除订阅 remove: function(type, fn) { // 删除全部 if (typeof type === 'undefined') { this.subscribes = []; return; } var fns = this.subscribes[type]; // 不存在的订阅类型,以及订阅时未传入处理回调的 if (!fns || !fns.length) { return; } if (typeof fn === 'undefined') { fns.length = 0; return; } // 挨个处理删除 for (var i = 0; i < fns.length; ++i) { if (fns[i] === fn) { fns.splice(i, 1); } } } }; // 订阅岗位列表 function jobListForA(jobs) { console.log('A', jobs); } function jobListForB(jobs) { console.log('B', jobs); } // A订阅了笔试成绩 observer.subscribe('job', jobListForA); // B订阅了笔试成绩 observer.subscribe('job', jobListForB); // A订阅了笔试成绩 observer.subscribe('examinationA', function(score) { console.log(score); }); // B订阅了笔试成绩 observer.subscribe('examinationB', function(score) { console.log(score); }); // A订阅了面试结果 observer.subscribe('interviewA', function(result) { console.log(result); }); observer.publish('examinationA', 100); // 100 observer.publish('examinationB', 80); // 80 observer.publish('interviewA', '备用'); // 备用 observer.publish('job', ['前端', '后端', '测试']); // 输出A和B的岗位 // B取消订阅了笔试成绩 observer.remove('examinationB'); // A都取消订阅了岗位 observer.remove('job', jobListForA); observer.publish('examinationB', 80); // 没有可匹配的订阅,无输出 observer.publish('job', ['前端', '后端', '测试']); // 输出B的岗位
4. 优缺点
1. 定义
2. 核心
3. 实现
var incrementCommand = { execute: function() { // something } };
// 自增 function IncrementCommand() { // 当前值 this.val = 0; // 命令栈 this.stack = []; // 栈指针位置 this.stackPosition = -1; }; IncrementCommand.prototype = { constructor: IncrementCommand, // 执行 execute: function() { this._clearRedo(); // 定义执行的处理 var command = function() { this.val += 2; }.bind(this); // 执行并缓存起来 command(); this.stack.push(command); this.stackPosition++; this.getValue(); }, canUndo: function() { return this.stackPosition >= 0; }, canRedo: function() { return this.stackPosition < this.stack.length - 1; }, // 撤销 undo: function() { if (!this.canUndo()) { return; } this.stackPosition--; // 命令的撤销,与执行的处理相反 var command = function() { this.val -= 2; }.bind(this); // 撤销后不需要缓存 command(); this.getValue(); }, // 重做 redo: function() { if (!this.canRedo()) { return; } // 执行栈顶的命令 this.stack[++this.stackPosition](); this.getValue(); }, // 在执行时,已经撤销的部分不能再重做 _clearRedo: function() { this.stack = this.stack.slice(0, this.stackPosition + 1); }, // 获取当前值 getValue: function() { console.log(this.val); } };
var incrementCommand = new IncrementCommand(); // 模拟事件触发,执行命令 var eventTrigger = { // 某个事件的处理中,直接调用命令的处理方法 increment: function() { incrementCommand.execute(); }, incrementUndo: function() { incrementCommand.undo(); }, incrementRedo: function() { incrementCommand.redo(); } }; eventTrigger['increment'](); // 2 eventTrigger['increment'](); // 4 eventTrigger['incrementUndo'](); // 2 eventTrigger['increment'](); // 4 eventTrigger['incrementUndo'](); // 2 eventTrigger['incrementUndo'](); // 0 eventTrigger['incrementUndo'](); // 无输出 eventTrigger['incrementRedo'](); // 2 eventTrigger['incrementRedo'](); // 4 eventTrigger['incrementRedo'](); // 无输出 eventTrigger['increment'](); // 6
var MacroCommand = { commands: [], add: function(command) { this.commands.push(command); return this; }, remove: function(command) { if (!command) { this.commands = []; return; } for (var i = 0; i < this.commands.length; ++i) { if (this.commands[i] === command) { this.commands.splice(i, 1); } } }, execute: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.commands.length; ++i) { this.commands[i].execute(); } } }; var showTime = { execute: function() { console.log('time'); } }; var showName = { execute: function() { console.log('name'); } }; var showAge = { execute: function() { console.log('age'); } }; MacroCommand.add(showTime).add(showName).add(showAge); MacroCommand.remove(showName); MacroCommand.execute(); // time age
1. 定义
是用小的子对象来构建更大的 对象,而这些小的子对象本身也许是由更小 的“孙对象”构成的。
2. 核心
可以用树形结构来表示这种“部分- 整体”的层次结构。
调用组合对象 的execute方法,程序会递归调用组合对象 下面的叶对象的execute方法
但要注意的是,组合模式不是父子关系,它是一种HAS-A(聚合)的关系,将请求委托给 它所包含的所有叶对象。基于这种委托,就需要保证组合对象和叶对象拥有相同的 接口
此外,也要保证用一致的方式对待 列表中的每个叶对象,即叶对象属于同一类,不需要过多特殊的额外操作
3. 实现
// 文件夹 组合对象 function Folder(name) { this.name = name; this.parent = null; this.files = []; } Folder.prototype = { constructor: Folder, add: function(file) { file.parent = this; this.files.push(file); return this; }, scan: function() { // 委托给叶对象处理 for (var i = 0; i < this.files.length; ++i) { this.files[i].scan(); } }, remove: function(file) { if (typeof file === 'undefined') { this.files = []; return; } for (var i = 0; i < this.files.length; ++i) { if (this.files[i] === file) { this.files.splice(i, 1); } } } }; // 文件 叶对象 function File(name) { this.name = name; this.parent = null; } File.prototype = { constructor: File, add: function() { console.log('文件里面不能添加文件'); }, scan: function() { var name = [this.name]; var parent = this.parent; while (parent) { name.unshift(parent.name); parent = parent.parent; } console.log(name.join(' / ')); } };
var web = new Folder('Web'); var fe = new Folder('前端'); var css = new Folder('CSS'); var js = new Folder('js'); var rd = new Folder('后端'); web.add(fe).add(rd); var file1 = new File('HTML权威指南.pdf'); var file2 = new File('CSS权威指南.pdf'); var file3 = new File('JavaScript权威指南.pdf'); var file4 = new File('MySQL基础.pdf'); var file5 = new File('Web安全.pdf'); var file6 = new File('Linux菜鸟.pdf'); css.add(file2); fe.add(file1).add(file3).add(css).add(js); rd.add(file4).add(file5); web.add(file6); rd.remove(file4); // 扫描 web.scan();
4. 优缺点
可 以方便地构造一棵树来表示对象的部分-整体 结构。在树的构造最终 完成之后,只需要通过请求树的最顶层对 象,便能对整棵树做统一一致的操作。
1. 定义
2. 核心
在抽象父类中封装子类的算法框架,它的 init方法可作为一个算法的模板,指导子类以何种顺序去执行哪些方法。
3. 实现
// 体育运动 function Sport() { } Sport.prototype = { constructor: Sport, // 模板,按顺序执行 init: function() { this.stretch(); this.jog(); this.deepBreath(); this.start(); var free = this.end(); // 运动后还有空的话,就拉伸一下 if (free !== false) { this.stretch(); } }, // 拉伸 stretch: function() { console.log('拉伸'); }, // 慢跑 jog: function() { console.log('慢跑'); }, // 深呼吸 deepBreath: function() { console.log('深呼吸'); }, // 开始运动 start: function() { throw new Error('子类必须重写此方法'); }, // 结束运动 end: function() { console.log('运动结束'); } }; // 篮球 function Basketball() { } Basketball.prototype = new Sport(); // 重写相关的方法 Basketball.prototype.start = function() { console.log('先投上几个三分'); }; Basketball.prototype.end = function() { console.log('运动结束了,有事先走一步'); return false; }; // 马拉松 function Marathon() { } Marathon.prototype = new Sport(); var basketball = new Basketball(); var marathon = new Marathon(); // 子类调用,最终会按照父类定义的顺序执行 basketball.init(); marathon.init();
1. 定义
2. 核心
3. 实现
// 健康测量 function Fitness(name, sex, age, height, weight) { this.name = name; this.sex = sex; this.age = age; this.height = height; this.weight = weight; } // 开始评判 Fitness.prototype.judge = function() { var ret = this.name + ': '; if (this.sex === 'male') { ret += this.judgeMale(); } else { ret += this.judgeFemale(); } console.log(ret); }; // 男性评判规则 Fitness.prototype.judgeMale = function() { var ratio = this.height / this.weight; return this.age > 20 ? (ratio > 3.5) : (ratio > 2.8); }; // 女性评判规则 Fitness.prototype.judgeFemale = function() { var ratio = this.height / this.weight; return this.age > 20 ? (ratio > 4) : (ratio > 3); }; var a = new Fitness('A', 'male', 18, 160, 80); var b = new Fitness('B', 'male', 21, 180, 70); var c = new Fitness('C', 'female', 28, 160, 80); var d = new Fitness('D', 'male', 18, 170, 60); var e = new Fitness('E', 'female', 18, 160, 40); // 开始评判 a.judge(); // A: false b.judge(); // B: false c.judge(); // C: false d.judge(); // D: true e.judge(); // E: true
// 健康测量 function Fitness(sex) { this.sex = sex; } // 工厂,创建可共享的对象 var FitnessFactory = { objs: [], create: function(sex) { if (!this.objs[sex]) { this.objs[sex] = new Fitness(sex); } return this.objs[sex]; } }; // 管理器,管理非共享的部分 var FitnessManager = { fitnessData: {}, // 添加一项 add: function(name, sex, age, height, weight) { var fitness = FitnessFactory.create(sex); // 存储变化的数据 this.fitnessData[name] = { age: age, height: height, weight: weight }; return fitness; }, // 从存储的数据中获取,更新至当前正在使用的对象 updateFitnessData: function(name, obj) { var fitnessData = this.fitnessData[name]; for (var item in fitnessData) { if (fitnessData.hasOwnProperty(item)) { obj[item] = fitnessData[item]; } } } }; // 开始评判 Fitness.prototype.judge = function(name) { // 操作前先更新当前状态(从外部状态管理器中获取) FitnessManager.updateFitnessData(name, this); var ret = name + ': '; if (this.sex === 'male') { ret += this.judgeMale(); } else { ret += this.judgeFemale(); } console.log(ret); }; // 男性评判规则 Fitness.prototype.judgeMale = function() { var ratio = this.height / this.weight; return this.age > 20 ? (ratio > 3.5) : (ratio > 2.8); }; // 女性评判规则 Fitness.prototype.judgeFemale = function() { var ratio = this.height / this.weight; return this.age > 20 ? (ratio > 4) : (ratio > 3); }; var a = FitnessManager.add('A', 'male', 18, 160, 80); var b = FitnessManager.add('B', 'male', 21, 180, 70); var c = FitnessManager.add('C', 'female', 28, 160, 80); var d = FitnessManager.add('D', 'male', 18, 170, 60); var e = FitnessManager.add('E', 'female', 18, 160, 40); // 开始评判 a.judge('A'); // A: false b.judge('B'); // B: false c.judge('C'); // C: false d.judge('D'); // D: true e.judge('E'); // E: true
1. 定义
使多个对象都有机会处理请求,从而避免请求的发送者和接收者之间的耦合关系,将这些对象连成一条链,并沿着这条链 传递该请求,直到有一个对象处理它为止
2. 核心
3. 实现
// 定义链的某一项 function ChainItem(fn) { this.fn = fn; this.next = null; } ChainItem.prototype = { constructor: ChainItem, // 设置下一项 setNext: function(next) { this.next = next; return next; }, // 开始执行 start: function() { this.fn.apply(this, arguments); }, // 转到链的下一项执行 toNext: function() { if (this.next) { this.start.apply(this.next, arguments); } else { console.log('无匹配的执行项目'); } } }; // 展示数字 function showNumber(num) { if (typeof num === 'number') { console.log('number', num); } else { // 转移到下一项 this.toNext(num); } } // 展示字符串 function showString(str) { if (typeof str === 'string') { console.log('string', str); } else { this.toNext(str); } } // 展示对象 function showObject(obj) { if (typeof obj === 'object') { console.log('object', obj); } else { this.toNext(obj); } } var chainNumber = new ChainItem(showNumber); var chainString = new ChainItem(showString); var chainObject = new ChainItem(showObject); // 设置链条 chainObject.setNext(chainNumber).setNext(chainString); chainString.start('12'); // string 12 chainNumber.start({}); // 无匹配的执行项目 chainObject.start({}); // object {} chainObject.start(123); // number 123
// 展示未定义 function showUndefined(obj) { if (typeof obj === 'undefined') { console.log('undefined'); } else { this.toNext(obj); } } var chainUndefined = new ChainItem(showUndefined); chainString.setNext(chainUndefined); chainNumber.start(); // undefined
1. 定义
所有的相关 对象都通过中介者对象来通信,而不是互相引用,所以当一个对象发生改变时,只需要通知中介者对象即可
2. 核心
3. 实现
var A = { score: 10, changeTo: function(score) { this.score = score; // 自己获取 this.getRank(); }, // 直接获取 getRank: function() { var scores = [this.score, B.score, C.score].sort(function(a, b) { return a < b; }); console.log(scores.indexOf(this.score) + 1); } }; var B = { score: 20, changeTo: function(score) { this.score = score; // 通过中介者获取 rankMediator(B); } }; var C = { score: 30, changeTo: function(score) { this.score = score; rankMediator(C); } }; // 中介者,计算排名 function rankMediator(person) { var scores = [A.score, B.score, C.score].sort(function(a, b) { return a < b; }); console.log(scores.indexOf(person.score) + 1); } // A通过自身来处理 A.changeTo(100); // 1 // B和C交由中介者处理 B.changeTo(200); // 1 C.changeTo(50); // 3
1. 定义
是一种“即用即付”的方式,能够在不改变对 象自身的基础上,在程序运行期间给对象动态地 添加职责
2. 核心
3. 实现
var A = { score: 10 }; A.score = '分数:' + A.score;
function Person() {} Person.prototype.skill = function() { console.log('数学'); }; // 装饰器,还会音乐 function MusicDecorator(person) { this.person = person; } MusicDecorator.prototype.skill = function() { this.person.skill(); console.log('音乐'); }; // 装饰器,还会跑步 function RunDecorator(person) { this.person = person; } RunDecorator.prototype.skill = function() { this.person.skill(); console.log('跑步'); }; var person = new Person(); // 装饰一下 var person1 = new MusicDecorator(person); person1 = new RunDecorator(person1); person.skill(); // 数学 person1.skill(); // 数学 音乐 跑步
// 装饰器,在当前函数执行前先执行另一个函数 function decoratorBefore(fn, beforeFn) { return function() { var ret = beforeFn.apply(this, arguments); // 在前一个函数中判断,不需要执行当前函数 if (ret !== false) { fn.apply(this, arguments); } }; } function skill() { console.log('数学'); } function skillMusic() { console.log('音乐'); } function skillRun() { console.log('跑步'); } var skillDecorator = decoratorBefore(skill, skillMusic); skillDecorator = decoratorBefore(skillDecorator, skillRun); skillDecorator(); // 跑步 音乐 数学
1. 定义
2. 核心
3. 实现
// 工作状态 function Work(name) { this.name = name; this.currentState = null; // 工作状态,保存为对应状态对象 this.wakeUpState = new WakeUpState(this); // 精神饱满 this.energeticState = new EnergeticState(this); // 疲倦 this.tiredState = new TiredState(this); this.init(); } Work.prototype.init = function() { this.currentState = this.wakeUpState; // 点击事件,用于触发更新状态 document.body.onclick = () => { this.currentState.behaviour(); }; }; // 更新工作状态 Work.prototype.setState = function(state) { this.currentState = state; } // 刚醒 function WakeUpState(work) { this.work = work; } // 刚醒的行为 WakeUpState.prototype.behaviour = function() { console.log(this.work.name, ':', '刚醒呢,睡个懒觉先'); // 只睡了2秒钟懒觉就精神了.. setTimeout(() => { this.work.setState(this.work.energeticState); }, 2 * 1000); } // 精神饱满 function EnergeticState(work) { this.work = work; } EnergeticState.prototype.behaviour = function() { console.log(this.work.name, ':', '超级精神的'); // 才精神1秒钟就发困了 setTimeout(() => { this.work.setState(this.work.tiredState); }, 1000); }; // 疲倦 function TiredState(work) { this.work = work; } TiredState.prototype.behaviour = function() { console.log(this.work.name, ':', '怎么肥事,好困'); // 不知不觉,又变成了刚醒着的状态... 不断循环呀 setTimeout(() => { this.work.setState(this.work.wakeUpState); }, 1000); }; var work = new Work('曹操');
4. 优缺点
1. 定义
2. 核心
3. 实现
// 渲染数据,格式限制为数组了 function renderData(data) { data.forEach(function(item) { console.log(item); }); } // 对非数组的进行转换适配 function arrayAdapter(data) { if (typeof data !== 'object') { return []; } if (Object.prototype.toString.call(data) === '[object Array]') { return data; } var temp = []; for (var item in data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(item)) { temp.push(data[item]); } } return temp; } var data = { 0: 'A', 1: 'B', 2: 'C' }; renderData(arrayAdapter(data)); // A B C
1. 定义
2. 核心
3. 实现
// 三个处理函数 function start() { console.log('start'); } function doing() { console.log('doing'); } function end() { console.log('end'); } // 外观函数,将一些处理统一起来,方便调用 function execute() { start(); doing(); end(); } // 调用init开始执行 function init() { // 此处直接调用了高层函数,也可以选择越过它直接调用相关的函数 execute(); } init(); // start doing end
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