Home >Operation and Maintenance >Docker >Detailed introduction to docker data volume management & convoy volume plug-in (detailed examples)
This article brings you relevant knowledge about data volume management and convoy volume plug-in in docker. I hope it will be helpful to you.
A data volume is a specially designated directory in one or more containers, which can Bypass union file system.
Volumes are designed for data persistence and are independent of the container's life cycle.
Therefore, Docker will not automatically delete the data volume when the container is deleted, nor will it actively "garbage collect" volumes that are no longer used by the container.
The existence of the data volume is to make the data of the container persist, and to achieve data sharing between containers.
In layman's terms, the docker container data volume can be regarded as a USB disk commonly used in our lives. It exists in one or more containers and is mounted to the container by docker. , but does not belong to the union file system, Docker will not delete its mounted data volume when the container is deleted.
docker layered file system:
docker data volume:
is to mount the directory or file on the host into the container.
bind mount must specify the host file system path, which limits portability.
Docker managed volume does not need to specify the mount source
Same points: both are paths in the host file system
docker network prune docker network ls docker run -d --name vm1 -v /opt/website:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx docker ps
docker inspect vm1 #查看到ip为172.17.0.2 curl
Found a 403 page:
cd /opt/website/ ls #发现没有默认发布页面 echo www.westos.org > index.html curl
When you visit nginx at this time, you will see the content of www.westos.org:
You can also specify permissions when mounting:
docker run -it --rm -v /opt/website:/data1 -v /etc/passwd:/data2/passwd:ro busybox
You can view it The default permission is rw read and write, so we can change the content of index.html; and after specifying passwd as read-only, we cannot modify its content and can only read
docker volume lsSometimes we have residual managed volumes after deleting the container. In this case, we need to clean it up, otherwise It will occupy our resources:
docker volume prune docker volume ls
docker run -d --name registry registry cd /var/lib/docker/volumes/ ls docker history registry:latest
You can copy the contents of the container to the mount point through docker volume:
docker run -d --name vm2 -v /usr/share/nginx/html nginx cd /var/lib/docker/volumes/ ls cd 674c999f99b7b524d8f5769b65cb5411d11e3fa855da695a5fdd3494e4342d89/ cd _data/ ls #查看到默认发布目录被复制到了这里
docker inspect vm2 curl #nginx默认发布页
echo hello docker! > index.html curl #可以直接在挂载的目录修改默认发布页
docker volume is used by default It is a local type driver and can only exist on the host machine. Cross-host volumes require the use of third-party drivers
. You can view the link: https://docs.docker.com/engine/extend /legacy_plugins/#volume-plugins
Docker Plugin 是以Web Service的服务运行在每一台Docker Host上的,通过HTTP协议传输RPC风格的JSON数据完成通信。Plugin的启动和停止,并不归Docker管理,Docker Daemon依靠在缺省路径下查找Unix Socket文件,自动发现可用的插件。
当客户端与Daemon交互,使用插件创建数据卷时,Daemon会在后端找到插件对应的 socket 文件,建立连接并发起相应的API请求,最终结合Daemon自身的处理完成客户端的请求。
step1 首先在server1和server2上搭建nfs文件系统:
yum install -y nfs-utils systemctl start rpcbind mkdir /nfs #创建共享目录 chmod 777 /nfs #修改共享目录权限 vim /etc/exports #编辑共享目录文件,否则将不会被共享出去 /nfs *(rw,no_root_squash) systemctl start nfs
yum install -y nfs-utils systemctl start nfs-server.service showmount -e server1 #寻找server1的挂载目录 mkdir /nfs mount server1:/nfs /nfs df
cd /nfs/ touch file
cd /nfs/ ls #查看到file
step2 配置convoy环境:
tar zxf convoy.tar.gz cd convoy/ cp convoy* /usr/local/bin/ #将二进制文件加入到PATH路径 mkdir /etc/docker/plugins #创建docker的插件目录 convoy daemon --drivers vfs --driver-opts vfs.path=/nfs &> /dev/null & cd /nfs ls
注意:第一次运行上面的convoy daemon命令的时候,会在/nfs目录下生成一个config文件夹,这个文件夹不要删除,不然客户端的convoy命令就会用不了
echo "unix:///var/run/convoy/convoy.sock" > /etc/docker/plugins/convoy.spec #将convoy守护进程开启生成的.sock文件放入/etc/docker/plugins目录下的convoy.spec文件中,docker就可以识别。(其中convoy.spec文件之前是不存在的) cat /etc/docker/plugins/convoy.spec
scp -r server1:convoy . cd convoy/ cp convoy* /usr/local/bin/ #将二进制文件加入到PATH路径 mkdir /etc/docker/plugins #创建docker的插件目录 echo "unix:///var/run/convoy/convoy.sock" > /etc/docker/plugins/convoy.spec convoy daemon --drivers vfs --driver-opts vfs.path=/nfs &> /dev/null & cd /nfs ls
step3 创建卷:
docker volume ls convoy create vol1
step4 操作卷:
docker run -it --name vm1 -v vol1:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx docker ps docker inspect vm1 curl #nginx默认发布页
cd /nfs/ cd vol1/ echo hello convoy > index.html curl
cd /nfs/ cd vol1/ cat index.html
说明:docker引擎默认扫描 /etc/docker/plugins目录中的convoy.spec—>访问/run/convoy/convoy.sock文件—>发起响应的api请求—>把数据写入vol1中—>底层通过nfs进行主机间的数据同步
convoy delete vol1
cd /etc/docker/plugins/ mv convoy.spec /mnt systemctl restart docker
docker volume create vol1 ls cd volumes/ ls #可以看到vol1,默认创建在这个目录下 cd vol1/ ls cd _data/ ls #进入该目录,是空的
docker run -d --name vm1 -v vol1:/usr/share/nginx/html nginx docker ps ls #看到nginx默认发布目录被挂到这里了
docker container prune #删除停止的容器 docker volume prune #删除没有被使用的卷
The above is the detailed content of Detailed introduction to docker data volume management & convoy volume plug-in (detailed examples). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!