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Summary and sharing of ten alternative tools in Linux environment

2022-01-14 18:23:492876browse

This article brings you knowledge about alternative tools under the Linux operating system, including installing and using the bat command in Linux. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Summary and sharing of ten alternative tools in Linux environment

Under the Linux operating system, we often use the cat command to connect multiple files and print to standard output, synthesize several files into one target file, and append several files into the target file.

Recently I discovered a command with a similar function on GitHub called "Bat". It is a replacement for the cat command and has some very cool features such as syntax highlighting, Git integration, and automatic paging.

In this article, I will introduce to you how to install and use the bat command in Linux.


Install bat

Arch Linux

bat is available in the default software repositories of the Arch Linux operating system and can be installed directly on any Arch-based system using the pacman command.

pacman -S bat


dnf install bat


brew install bat

Ubuntu 21.10

i It is installed through bat in the Ubuntu environment. Download the .deb file from the release page of bat. You can execute the following commands to download and install.

sudo apt-get install wget
wget https://github.com/sharkdp/bat/releases/tag/v0.18.3/bat_0.18.3_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i bat_0.18.3_amd64.deb

For other systems, you may need to compile and install from the software source, or refer to other operating system installation methods of bat on GitHub.

Usage of bat command

The use of bat command is very similar to the use of cat command.

Use the bat command to create a new file:

bat > jiaoben1.sh

Use the bat command to view the file content:

bat jiaoben1.sh

Use the bat command to view multiple files at the same time:

bat jiaoben1.sh jiaoben2.sh

Use the bat command to merge the contents of multiple files into a single file:

bat jiaoben1.sh jiaoben2.sh > test.txt

The above introduces bat to create new files, view file contents, and merge the contents of multiple files into a single file. The way.

Next, let’s take a look at some very cool features of the bat command.

The bat command supports syntax highlighting for most programming and markup languages, so let’s use the cat and bat commands to display the contents of jiaoben1.sh for a sharp comparison.

Summary and sharing of ten alternative tools in Linux environment

As can be seen, the cat command displays the contents of the file in plain text format, while the bat command displays syntax highlighting and neat text alignment.

From the output of the bat command above, we can see that there are table lines. If you only want to display line numbers (without tables), you can use the -n parameter to achieve this. Although cat execution will also display line numbers. , but still not as beautiful as the output after bat execution.

bat -n jiaoben2.sh

Summary and sharing of ten alternative tools in Linux environment

bat command supports Git integration, making it easy to view and edit files in Git repositories. Bat is connected to Git to display modifications on the index.

Summary and sharing of ten alternative tools in Linux environment

#bat supports automatic paging. This feature also needs attention.

Support paging, which means that when the output content of the file exceeds the screen display, the bat command will automatically transfer its output content to the less command, and you will be able to use the Enter key to page one page View the output content, use the space bar to jump directly to the last line at the end of the text.

These are unnecessary when you use the bat command, which will automatically transfer the output of a file that spans multiple pages.

bat jiaoben3.sh

Summary and sharing of ten alternative tools in Linux environment

Compare the cat command to view the content of the jiaoben3.sh file across multiple pages. The prompt will jump directly to the last page of the file, and you will not be able to see the span of the file. The content at the beginning and middle of multiple page files.

cat jiaoben3.sh

Summary and sharing of ten alternative tools in Linux environment

If you want to use cat to achieve the effect of the bat command, you need to use the output of cat to transfer to the less command, so that you can start from the beginning View the content page by page.

cat jiaoben3.sh | less

Summary and sharing of ten alternative tools in Linux environment

Similarly, in this way, you can use the Enter key to view the output content page by page and use the space bar to jump directly to the last line at the end of the text.

bat custom themes

Currently there are 24 bat custom themes, including: Coldark-Cold, GitHub, Monokai Extended Light, OneHalfDark, Solarized (light), TwoDark, Visual Studio Dark, base16, zenburn, etc.;

如果你不喜欢默认主题,也是可以根据自己的风格进行修改,只需执行:bat --list-themes命令,即可显示可用的主题。

# bat --list-themes
Theme: 1337
  // Output the square of a number.
  fn print_square(num: f64) {
      let result = f64::powf(num, 2.0);
      println!("The square of {:.2} is {:.2}.", num, result);

例如你要选择Dracula主题,可直接执行:bat --theme=Dracula 文件名

Summary and sharing of ten alternative tools in Linux environment

如果你想永久改变某一个主题,可使用export BAT_THEME="Dracula"在你的 shell 启动文件,以使更改为永久。


--style=numbers,changes可以使用仅显示 Git修改和行号,而不显示网格和文件标题,设置BAT_STYLE环境变量以使这些更改为永久。

关于更多 bat 的使用方法可通过执行命令man bat或bat --help。

除此之外,也可以通过 bat 项目的 GitHub 库查看更多详细信息,我用过 bat 后就不会再想用回 cat 了!


在 Linux 环境下,我们知道 df 命令是用于显示磁盘分区上可使用的磁盘空间,默认显示单位为 KB,你还可以利用该命令来获取硬盘被占用了多少空间,目前还剩下多少空间等信息。

# df
Filesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3       18439940 4943264  12559972  29% /
tmpfs             506176      76    506100   1% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1          99150   30003     64027  32% /boot
/dev/sr0         4363088 4363088         0 100% /media/CentOS_6.5_Final

除此之外,du 命令也是查看使用空间的,但与 df 命令不同的是 Linux du 命令是对文件和目录磁盘使用的空间的查看,和 df 命令还是有一些区别的。

# du
4    ./.abrt
8    ./.dbus/session-bus
12    ./.dbus
4    ./.nautilus
40    ./.local/share/gvfs-metadata
24    ./.local/share/applications
68    ./.local/share
72    ./.local

接下来就跟大家介绍一款终端工具,你可以理解为传统的 Linux 命令 df 和 du 整合版 —— duf。

duf 是一个用 Golang 编写的跨平台磁盘使用情况工具,可以让你轻松地检查可用磁盘空间,对输出进行分类,并以用户友好的方式进行呈现,适用于 Linux、Windows、macOS、Android、FreeBSD;

Ubuntu 安装方式:

$ sudo apt install gdebi
#如果报错,Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com......
# sudo apt-get update
$ sudo gdebi duf_0.5.0_linux_amd64.deb

MacOS 安装方式:

/bin/zsh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://gitee.com/cunkai/HomebrewCN/raw/master/Homebrew.sh)"
brew install duf
sudo port selfupdate && sudo port install duf

Windows 安装方式:

choco install duf
scoop install duf

安装完毕后,可直接使用 duf,方法也非常简单。


$ duf

Summary and sharing of ten alternative tools in Linux environment


$ duf --only local

Summary and sharing of ten alternative tools in Linux environment


$ duf --sort size

Summary and sharing of ten alternative tools in Linux environment


duf /home /some/file 根据参数,则 duf 将仅列出特定的设备和安装点
duf --all 列出所有内容
duf --hide-network 隐藏网络文件系统,与之对应的 --hide-fuse --hide-special --hide-loops --hide-binds
duf --inodes 列出inodes
duf --output mountpoint,size,usage 指定输出的格式 对应的还有(mountpoint, size, used, avail, usage, inodes, inodes_used, inodes_avail, inodes_usage, type, filesystem)
duf --json 以json格式输出
duf --theme light 如果 duf 无法正确检测终端的颜色,可以设置一个主题
duf --help 查看所有 duf 的可用命令


对于初学者学习 Linux 来说,遇到最多的问题就是在 Linux 操作系统下有记不完的命令以及包括各种参数的使用方法,其实你根本不用死记硬背它,当你用到时去查找相关资料或通过man命令来查看相关文档,man手册输出的信息也比较多,而对于参数较多的命令来说,翻看man手册也非常吃力。

Summary and sharing of ten alternative tools in Linux environment

这次就给大家介绍一款工具:tldr,它的全称是:Too Long, Don't Read,中文意思:太长不看的意思。

其实跟man命令的结果基本上就是太长不看,tldr这个工具你可以理解为简化了 man 命令的帮助文档,把 Linux 命令最常用的一些命令用法列举出来,非常容易看懂。

同时,tldr包括非常多语言编写的客户端,比如:C、Go、iOS、Python、nodejs 等等,你可以使用不同的客户端来安装;

我这里的环境是 Ubuntu,需要先安装 Node.js,然后根据下述安装方式操作:

sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install npm
sudo npm install -g tldr

执行完上述三条命令后,还需要再执行tldr --update,更新tldr至最新的状态,然后就可以直接使用了;

tldr --update

tldr 的使用:

tldr 命令的使用也非常简单,只需 tldr + 你所要查询的命令即可;

Summary and sharing of ten alternative tools in Linux environment


在 Linux 操作系统上显示进程运行状态信息最常用工具是我们熟悉的 top,它是每位系统管理员的好帮手。

htop can be said to be an excellent substitute for top. It is written in C and is a cross-platform interactive process monitoring tool. It has better visual effects and makes it easier to understand the current system status at a glance. It allows Scroll the list of processes vertically and horizontally to view their complete command lines and related information such as memory and CPU consumption. System-wide information such as load average or swap usage is also displayed.

The information displayed is configurable through the graph settings and can be sorted and filtered interactively, and process-related tasks such as termination and reprocessing can be completed without entering its PID.

The installation is also very simple, just execute the command: apt install htop to complete.

Summary and sharing of ten alternative tools in Linux environment

htop has obvious advantages over top. In addition to its more complete functions, it also has rich color combinations and is overall more user-friendly.

5. Glances

Glances is a cross-platform monitoring tool written in Python and designed to be presented through curses or a web-based interface Extensive system monitoring information that dynamically adjusts to the size of the user interface, top/htop replacement for GNU/Linux, BSD, Mac OS and Windows operating systems.

It can work in client/server mode, remote monitoring can be done via terminal, web interface or API (XML-RPC and RESTful), statistics can also be exported to a file or external time/value database.

In addition to listing all processes and their CPU and memory usage, it can also display other information about the system, such as:

  • Network and disk usage

  • File system used space and total space

  • Data from different sensors (e.g. battery)

  • And a list of processes that have recently consumed too many resources

Summary and sharing of ten alternative tools in Linux environment


Everyone is familiar with the ls command. In the Linux environment, its main function is to list the files and subdirectories contained in the current directory. If there are too many files in the current directory, use the command ls. No Very good, because the output result is not consistent with the file you are looking for. First: a second filter search is required; second: when there are too many files, the terminal output result is slower;

EXA Is a modern replacement for ls, the command-line program included with Unix and Linux operating systems, giving it more functionality and better defaults. It uses colors to differentiate file types and metadata. It understands symbolic links, extended properties, and Git. It's small, fast, and has only one binary file.

What is the difference between EXA and LS?

  • The terminal screen is no longer the bottleneck: exa is powerful, more friendly than ls, and the output results will be faster;

  • Color :exa uses a lot of colors;

  • does not conflict with the ls command

Features of EXA

  • Color: List of file types and how to differentiate files;

  • Grid view: Display files in a grid the same size as the terminal window;

  • Long view: displays files and their metadata in a table;

  • Tree view: displays files and their descendants in a tree;

  • Git integration: View the Git status of a file while in the repository;

  • Filtering: Hide files in the list, show invisible files, and filter the output Sort;

  • Display options

-1, --oneline: Display one entry per line

    ## -G, --grid: Display entries as grid (default)
  • -l, --long: Display extended details and attributes
  • -R, --recurse: recurse into the directory
  • -T, --tree: recurse into the directory as a tree
  • - x, --across: Sort grid instead of down
  • -F, --classify: Show type indicator by filename
  • --colo[u]r: When to use terminal colors
  • --colo[u]r-scale: Clearly highlight levels of file size
  • --icons: Display icons
  • --no-icons: Do not display icons (always override --icons)
  • Filter options

-a, --all: Show hidden and "dot" files

    -d, --list-dirs: List directories like ordinary files
  • -L, --level=(depth): Limit recursion depth
  • -r, --reverse: Reverse the sort order
  • -s, --sort=(field): Sort by which field
  • --group-directories-first: List directories before other files
  • -D, --only-dirs: List only directories
  • --git-ignore:忽略中提到的文件.gitignore

  • -I,--ignore-glob=(globs):要忽略的文件的全局模式(管道分隔)


Summary and sharing of ten alternative tools in Linux environment


fd 是一个在文件系统中查找条目的程序,它是 find 命令的一个简单、快速且用户友好的替代品,fd 目的不是取代 find 命令所提供的全部功能,而是在多数用例中提供了合理的默认值,在某些情况下非常有用。

fd 输出是彩色的,类似于某些 ls 模式,它是递归的,在包含 Git 存储库的目录中搜索源代码文件时,fd 会自动排除隐藏的文件和目录,包括.、.git目录,并忽略.gitignore文件中的模式。一般来说,搜索速度更快,而且第一次搜索时会提供了更多相关结果。

默认情况下,fd 在当前目录中执行不区分大小写的模式搜索,但是,如果你的搜索模式包含一个大写字母,fd 将以区分大小写的模式进行执行。当然,也可以重写默认值,但在许多情况下还是有利的。同样使用 find 进行相同的搜索需要你提供额外的命令行参数。

fd 可用于许多 Linux 发行版,执行以下命令,可以使用标准存储库在 Ubuntu 中安装:

sudo apt install fd-find

在 Ubuntu 操作系统中,命令是 fdfind,避免与其他现有的实用程序名称发生冲突,如果希望它是 fd,可以设置一个别名:

alias fd=fdfind


使用不带参数选项的 fd,则类似于 ls,不同之处在于它默认情况下也会将子目录中的文件进行列出。


在当前目录中搜索所有的 markdown 文件(.md 或.MD ),find 命令如下:

find . -iname "*.md"

使用 fd 进行同样的搜索:

fd *.md

在某些情况下,fd 需要额外的选项;例如,如果你想包含隐藏文件和目录,则必须使用选项 -H,而这在 find 中是不需要的,关于 fd 更多命令行参数选项的使用方法,可查阅 fd GitHub 存储库。



在指定目录下搜索文本时,不需要像 grep 那样指定各种命令行选项,输出结果也会包含文件名和行号,并且会高亮显示搜索关键字。


Ubuntu 21.10 安装 ag 和 ack
apt-get install silversearcher-ag
apt install ack

ag 命令常用参数

  • ag -g (文件名):类似于 find . -name (文件名)

  • ag -i sed:忽略大小写搜索含 sed 文本

  • ag -A sed:搜索含 sed 文本,并显示匹配内容之后的 n 行文本

  • ag -B sed:搜索含 sed 文本,并显示匹配内容之前的 n 行文本

  • ag -C sed:搜索含 sed 文本,并同时显示匹配内容以及它前后各 n 行文本的内容

  • ag -w sed:全匹配搜索,只搜索与所搜内容完全匹配的文本

  • ag --java sed:在 java 文件中搜索含 sed 的文本

  • ag --xml sed:在 XML 文件中搜索含 sed 的文本

ag 命令的使用


ag -g jiaoben

搜索当前目录下有关 sed 关键字的文本。

ag -w sed
10:                sed -i '2d' "$new_filename"

Summary and sharing of ten alternative tools in Linux environment



axel 是命令行多线程下载工具,下载文件时可以替代 curl、wget。

Ubuntu 21.10 安装 axel

apt-get install axel

axel 参数选项

  • -n:指定线程数

  • -o:指定另存为目录

  • -s:指定每秒的最大比特数

  • -q:静默模式


# axel -n 10 -o /tmp/ http://mirrors.163.com/ubuntu/ls-lR.gz
# exa /tmp/ls-lR.gz

可以看出,我们通过 axel 也是可以把 ls-lR.gz 这个文件正常下载到 /tmp 目录下的。


在 Linux 系统下,我们可以使用df命令来显示磁盘的相关信息。

# df
文件系统          1K-块     已用    可用 已用% 挂载点
tmpfs            199180     1660  197520    1% /run
/dev/sda3      19946096 10317864 8589692   55% /
tmpfs            995884        0  995884    0% /dev/shm
tmpfs              5120        4    5116    1% /run/lock
/dev/sda2        524252     5344  518908    2% /boot/efi
tmpfs            199176      100  199076    1% /run/user/1000
/dev/sr0        3043440  3043440       0  100% /media/jacktian/Ubuntu 21.10 amd64
tmpfs            199176       60  199116    1% /run/user/0

Ubuntu 21.10 安装 pydf

apt install pydf

pydf 可以说是 df 的替代品,它以更简洁的方式显示磁盘使用状态。

Summary and sharing of ten alternative tools in Linux environment


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