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Let's talk about the time zone problem in mysql's timestamp.

2022-01-10 19:02:434053browse

This article brings you knowledge about the timestamp time type in mysql. There are two time types in mysql, timestamp and datetime. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Let's talk about the time zone problem in mysql's timestamp.

As we all know, there are two time types in mysql, timestamp and datetime. However, when you search for the difference between timestamp and datetime online, you will find that there are many time zone-related information on the Internet. Completely opposite conclusions, mainly two kinds:

  • timestamp has no time zone problem, while datetime has time zone problem. The reason is that timestamp is stored in UTC format, while datetime storage is similar to a time string. The form

  • timestamp also has a time zone problem.

The two views are confusing. So does timestamp have a time zone problem?

Basic concept

Time zone:

Due to geographical restrictions, people invented the time zone The concept is used to adapt to people's differences in time perception. For example, China's time zone is East 8th Zone, expressed as 8:00, or GMT 8, while Japan's time zone is East 9th Zone, expressed as 9:00, or GMT 9 , when it is 8 o'clock in the morning in China, it is 9 o'clock in the morning in Japan, that is, 8 o'clock in East 8th District and 9 o'clock in East 9th District, these two times are equal.

In addition, there are two concepts of time:

Absolute time:

For example, the unix time suffix is ​​from 1970-01-01 00:00:00 to the present Number of seconds, such as: 1582416000. This representation is absolute time and is not affected by time zone. It is also called epoch.

Local time:

The time relative to a certain time zone is local time. For example, 2020-02-23 08:00:00 in East 8th District is the local time of Chinese people. At this time, the Japanese local time is 2020-02-23 09:00:00, so the local time is related to a certain time zone. It makes no sense to look at the local time without the time zone, because you don’t know What specific point in time does this refer to.

For example, in Java, the Date object is an absolute time. The time string in the form of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss formatted through SimpleDateFormat is the local time. If SimpleDateFormat does not call setTimeZone() If the specified time zone is displayed, the default time zone is the operating system on which the jvm is running. The time zone on our development machine is basically GMT 8.

The difference between timestamp and datetime

As follows, I created a table in which time_stamp is a timestamp type, date_time is a datetime type, create_timestamp and create_datetime are timestamp and datetime types , but they can be automatically generated by the database.

CREATE TABLE `time_test` (
  `id` bigint unsigned,
  `time_stamp` timestamp,
  `date_time` datetime,
  `create_timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间',
  `create_datetime` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

1. First set the database time zone to 8:00, which is the East 8th District of China

Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.

2. Then manually insert a fixed time as follows data, and use the now() function to insert the current time

Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.

#3. After inserting the data, we then modify the time zone of the current session to 9:00, which is East Japan Area 9, and then view the data again

Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.

4. As above, the columns time_stamp and create_timestamp defined as timestamp type are inserted manually or by the now() function. The time in District 9 is 1 hour greater than the time in District 8 East. This is correct, indicating that the timestamp type is time zone related. However, the date_time and create_datetime fields defined as datetime types have no change in time. This means that the datetime type is time zone independent. of.


timestamp contains time zone in storage, but datetime does not contain time zone, which shows that the first statement on the Internet is correct.

Look at another example

We convert 2020-02-23 08:00:00 in East 8th District to unix time suffix (absolute time), and then Try inserting into the database?

As follows, use the linux date command to convert the time string into a unix time prefix:

$ "date" --date="2020-02-23 08:00:00 +08:00" +%s

Then use the mysql from_unixtime() function to convert the unix time prefix to the mysql time type to insert data.

Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.

#As above, the time queried is also 9 o'clock in East 9th District, and the time is also correct.

Why is it said online that the timestamp type has time zone issues?

I found on the Internet that timestamp has a time zone problem. The application inserts the data and then goes to the database to see it. It turns out that the time is different, so I plan to write a Demo in Java. Give it a try and see if you can reproduce the problem.

1. First of all, the following is the definition of Entity in Java, which corresponds to the time_test table above. Note that the time attributes here are all defined with the Date type, as follows:

Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.

2. Then, I wrote two interfaces /insert and /queryAll to insert and query data, as follows:

Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.


Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.


Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.


Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.



Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.

timeStamp属性是1582416000000,这是毫秒级的时间缀,秒级则是1582416000,对应是东8区的2020-02-23 08:00:00,时间数据也没错!


Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.


Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.





Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.

url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/testdb?serverTimezone=GMT%2B8&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8



Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.


Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.



Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.








注:看的是8.0.11版本mysql-connector-java驱动源码,不同版本代码会稍有差异,比如5.2.16版本驱动,jdbc url上需要同时配置这两个配置:useTimezone=true&serverTimezone=GMT%2B8,且setTimestamp()对应的是com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement#setTimestampInternal方法。


mysql驱动在发送sql前,会将jdbc中的Date对象参数,根据serverTimeZone配置的时区转化为日期字符串后,再发送sql请求给mysql server,同样在mysql server返回查询结果后,结果中的日期值也是日期字符串,mysql驱动会根据serverTimeZone配置的时区,将日期字符串转化为Date对象。


a、比如sql参数是一个Date对象,时间值是东8区的2020-02-23 08:00:00,注意它里面存储的可不是2020-02-23 08:00:00这个字符串,它是Date对象(绝对时间),只是我用文字表达出来是东8区的2020-02-23 08:00:00。

b、然后,由于serverTimeZone配置的是东8区,mysql驱动会将这个Date对象转为2020-02-23 08:00:00,注意这时已经是字符串了,然后再将sql发送给mysql,注意这里的sql里面已经将Date参数替换为2020-02-23 08:00:00了,因为Date对象本身是无法走网络的。

c、然后mysql数据库接收到这个时间字符串2020-02-23 08:00:00后,由于数据库时区配置是东9区,它会认为这个时间是东9区的,它会以东9区解析这个时间字符串,这时数据库保存的时间是东9区的2020-02-23 08:00:00,也就是东8区的2020-02-23 07:00:00,保存的时间就偏差了1个小时。




1、jdbc url中使用与数据库一样的东9区GMT+9,如下:

url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/testdb?serverTimezone=GMT%2B9&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8



Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.


$ "date" --date="@1582412400" +"%F %T %z"
2020-02-23 07:00:00 +0800


3、所以,使用mysql的timestamp类型时,对于java应用来说,一定要保证jdbc url中的serverTimezone与数据库中的时区配置是一致的。

另外一点是,当没有配置serverTimezone时,mysql驱动会自动读取mysql server中配置的时区,这里面也有坑!如下:


3.1 mysql安装好后,默认时区是SYSTEM,而SYSTEM指的是system_time_zone变量的时区,如下:

Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.

3.2 当mysql驱动读到time_zone变量是SYSTEM时,会再去读取system_time_zone变量,而system_time_zone对于国内来说,默认是CST,这是一个混乱的时区,是4个不同时区的缩写,如下:

Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.



$ "date" +"%F %T %Z %z"
2021-09-12 18:35:49 CST +0800


Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.

3.3 因此mysql驱动取到CST这个时区值时,它会以为这是-6:00时区,但MySQL却理解为+8:00时区,因此MySQL时区一定不要配置为CST,而要配置为具体的时区,如+8:00,但如果MySQL时区为CST且不可修改的情况下,一定要配置jdbc的serverTimezone为清晰的时区(如:GMT+8)。



Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.


Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.


Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.


Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.



Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.

url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/testdb?serverTimezone=GMT%2B8&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8


Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.


Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.


8、然后我再将jdbc url上的serverTimezone调整为东9区,然后重启Java应用,如下:

url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/testdb?serverTimezone=GMT%2B9&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8



Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.


Lets talk about the time zone problem in mysqls timestamp.






1、询问接口定义人员,这个接口的时间串指的是哪个时区的,比如是东8区的2020-02-23 08:00:00。


SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
Date date = sdf.parse("2020-02-23 08:00:00");

3、然后如果Entity中时间属性定义的是String,那么我们要再将Date对象以数据库的时区格式化为对应的时间字符串,比如数据库时区是东9区,那么格式化后就是2020-02-23 09:00:00,如下:

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
String dateStr = sdf.format(date);

4、然后将Entity保存到mysql中的,就也会是东9区的2020-02-23 09:00:00,结果正确。



1、大多数团队会规定api中传递时间要用unix时间缀,因为如果你传一个2020-02-23 08:00:00时间值,它到底是哪个时区的8点呢?对于unix时间缀,就不会有此问题,因为它是绝对时间。而如果某些特殊原因,一定要使用时间字符串,最好使用ISO8601规范那种带时区的时间串,比如:2020-02-23T08:00:00+08:00。


3、jdbc的serverTimezone参数,要配置正确,当不配置时,mysql驱动会自动读取mysql server的时区,此时一定要将mysql server的时区指定为清晰的时区(如:+08:00),切勿使用CST。




But from some perspectives, this solution just pushes the time zone problem from the database side to the application side. The time zone problem will appear in the process of converting the time string into a time prefix. For example, a programmer converts the time string into a time prefix. After getting the time string in the interface, it directly converts it to unix time suffix without considering the time zone, which may cause time zone problems.

Therefore, for time string parsing without time zone, be sure to ask which time zone this is and specify it explicitly in the code!

In addition, there are three disadvantages to using int to store time:

  • After developers see this field, they cannot clearly understand the time suffix. At what time will it be necessary to convert it, it will be very cumbersome.

  • For fields like update_time, the database provides the DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP mechanism, so that when any field is updated, update_time will be automatically updated, and if int storage is used, a program is required Every time the member updates the table, he has to reset this field, which is easy to forget.

  • Since int has only 4 bytes, using it to store time will overflow after 2038. For timestamp, MySQL will uniformly modify its underlying storage to 8 words. Festival is relatively easy.

Of course, it is not recommended not to use int. This is a matter of opinion. There is no fatal problem whether using timestamp or int.


timestamp itself does not have a time zone problem. The time zone problem is due to incorrect configuration of serverTimezone, confusing time zones such as mysql using CST, or the date definition in Entity as String type. caused.

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