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What are the performance optimization methods for vue?

2022-01-10 15:45:2011104browse

Performance optimization methods include: 1. Use "v-slot:slotName" instead of "slot="slotName""; 2. Avoid using "v-for" and "v-if" at the same time; 3. , Always add a key to "v-for", and do not use index as the key; 4. Use delayed rendering, etc.

What are the performance optimization methods for vue?

The operating environment of this tutorial: windows7 system, vue2.9.6 version, DELL G3 computer.

In our daily development using Vue or other frameworks, we will more or less encounter some performance problems. Although Vue has helped us do a lot of optimizations internally, there are still some problems that we need to take the initiative to solve. Avoided. I have summarized some scenarios that are prone to performance problems and optimization techniques for these problems in my daily work and in articles written by various experts on the Internet. I will discuss them in this article. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Use v-slot:slotName instead of slot="slotName"

##v-slot is a new syntax added in 2.6. For details, please see: Vue2.6. 2.6 was released almost two years ago, but many people are still using it. slot="slotName"This syntax. Although both syntaxes can achieve the same effect, the internal logic is indeed different. Let’s take a look at the differences between the two methods.

Let’s first take a look at what these two syntaxes will be compiled into:

Using the new writing method, for the following templates in the parent component:

  <template v-slot:name>{{name}}</template>

will be Compiled into:

function render() {
  with (this) {
    return _c(&#39;child&#39;, {
      scopedSlots: _u([
          key: &#39;name&#39;,
          fn: function () {
            return [_v(_s(name))]
          proxy: true

Using the old writing method, for the following template:

  <template slot="name">{{name}}</template>

will be compiled into:

function render() {
  with (this) {
    return _c(
            slot: &#39;name&#39;

It can be found through the compiled code that

old The way of writing is to render the slot content as children, which will be created in the rendering function of the parent component. The dependencies of the slot content will be collected by the parent component (the dep of name is collected to the rendering watcher of the parent component), while the new way of writing will The slot content is placed in scopedSlots and will be called in the rendering function of the sub-component. The dependencies of the slot content will be collected by the sub-component (the dep of name is collected into the rendering watcher of the sub-component) , and the final result is: When we modify the name attribute, the old way of writing is to call the parent component update (call the parent component's rendering watcher), and then call the child component update (prePatch => updateChildComponent) during the parent component update process, while the new way of writing is It is to directly call the update of the subcomponent (call the rendering watcher of the subcomponent).

In this way, the old writing method adds a parent component update process when updating, while the new writing method will be more efficient and perform better because it directly updates the child components, so it is recommended to always use


Using computed properties

This has been mentioned many times. One of the biggest features of computed properties is that they can be cached. This cache refers to As long as its dependencies do not change, it will not be re-evaluated, and the cached value will be obtained directly when accessed again, which can greatly improve performance when doing some complex calculations. You can see the following code:

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        count: 1
    computed: {
      superCount() {
        let superCount = this.count
        // 假设这里有个复杂的计算
        for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
        return superCount

In this example, the superCount attribute is accessed in created, mounted and template. Of these three accesses, only the first time, that is,

created SuperCount will be evaluated. Since the count attribute has not changed, the cached value will be returned directly in the other two times.

Use functional components

For some components, if we only use them to display some data and do not need to manage status, monitor data, etc., then we can use functions style components. Functional components are stateless and instanceless. They do not need to initialize the state during initialization, create instances, or deal with life cycles. Compared with stateful components, they are more lightweight and have better performance. . For specific usage of functional components, please refer to the official documentation: Functional components

We can write a simple demo to verify this optimization:

// UserProfile.vue
  <div class="user-profile">{{ name }}</div>
  export default {
    props: [&#39;name&#39;],
    data() {
      return {}
    methods: {}
<style scoped></style>
// App.vue
  <div id="app">
    <UserProfile v-for="item in list" :key="item" : />
  import UserProfile from &#39;./components/UserProfile&#39;
  export default {
    name: &#39;App&#39;,
    components: { UserProfile },
    data() {
      return {
        list: Array(500)
          .map((_, idx) => &#39;Test&#39; + idx)
    beforeMount() {
      this.start = Date.now()
    mounted() {
      console.log(&#39;用时:&#39;, Date.now() - this.start)

UserProfile This component only renders the name of props , and then call it 500 times in App.vue, and count the time taken from beforeMount to mounted, which is the time taken to initialize 500 subcomponents (UserProfile).

After many attempts, I found that the time consumption has been around 30ms, so now we change it to UserProfile into a functional component:

<template functional>
  <div class="user-profile">{{ props.name }}</div>

After many attempts at this time , the initialization time has always been 10-15ms, which is enough to show that functional components have better performance than stateful components.

Use v-show and v-if in combination with scenarios

The following are two templates using v-show and v-if

    <UserProfile :user="user1" v-if="visible" />
    <button @click="visible = !visible">toggle</button>
    <UserProfile :user="user1" v-show="visible" />
    <button @click="visible = !visible">toggle</button>

This Both are used to control the display/hide of certain components or DOM. Before discussing their performance differences, let's first analyze the differences between the two. Among them, the v-if template will be compiled into:

function render() {
  with (this) {
    return _c(
          ? _c(&#39;UserProfile&#39;, {
              attrs: {
                user: user1
          : _e(),
            on: {
              click: function ($event) {
                visible = !visible

可以看到,v-if 的部分被转换成了一个三元表达式,visible 为 true 时,创建一个 UserProfile 的 vnode,否则创建一个空 vnode,在 patch 的时候,新旧节点不一样,就会移除旧的节点或创建新的节点,这样的话UserProfile也会跟着创建 / 销毁。如果UserProfile组件里有很多 DOM,或者要执行很多初始化 / 销毁逻辑,那么随着 visible 的切换,势必会浪费掉很多性能。这个时候就可以用 v-show 进行优化,我们来看下 v-show 编译后的代码:

function render() {
  with (this) {
    return _c(
        _c(&#39;UserProfile&#39;, {
          directives: [
              name: &#39;show&#39;,
              rawName: &#39;v-show&#39;,
              value: visible,
              expression: &#39;visible&#39;
          attrs: {
            user: user1
            on: {
              click: function ($event) {
                visible = !visible

v-show被编译成了directives,实际上,v-show 是一个 Vue 内部的指令,在这个指令的代码中,主要执行了以下逻辑:

el.style.display = value ? el.__vOriginalDisplay : &#39;none&#39;

它其实是通过切换元素的 display 属性来控制的,和 v-if 相比,不需要在 patch 阶段创建 / 移除节点,只是根据v-show上绑定的值来控制 DOM 元素的style.display属性,在频繁切换的场景下就可以节省很多性能。

但是并不是说v-show可以在任何情况下都替换v-if,如果初始值是false时,v-if并不会创建隐藏的节点,但是v-show会创建,并通过设置style.display='none'来隐藏,虽然外表看上去这个 DOM 都是被隐藏的,但是v-show已经完整的走了一遍创建的流程,造成了性能的浪费。


使用 keep-alive


    <component :is="currentComponent" />

这个时候有多个组件来回切换,currentComponent每变一次,相关的组件就会销毁 / 创建一次,如果这些组件比较复杂的话,就会造成一定的性能压力,其实我们可以使用 keep-alive 将这些组件缓存起来:

      <component :is="currentComponent" />


      <UserProfileA v-if="visible" />
      <UserProfileB v-else />



避免 v-for 和 v-if 同时使用

这一点是 Vue 官方的风格指南中明确指出的一点:Vue 风格指南


  <li v-for="user in users" v-if="user.isActive" :key="user.id">
    {{ user.name }}


// 简化版
function render() {
  return _c(
    this.users.map((user) => {
      return user.isActive
        ? _c(
              key: user.id
        : _e()

可以看到,这里是先遍历(v-for),再判断(v-if),这里有个问题就是:如果你有一万条数据,其中只有 100 条是isActive状态的,你只希望显示这 100 条,但是实际在渲染时,每一次渲染,这一万条数据都会被遍历一遍。比如你在这个组件内的其他地方改变了某个响应式数据时,会触发重新渲染,调用渲染函数,调用渲染函数时,就会执行到上面的代码,从而将这一万条数据遍历一遍,即使你的users没有发生任何改变。


      <li v-for="user in activeUsers" :key="user.id">{{ user.name }}</li>
  export default {
    // ...
    computed: {
      activeUsers() {
        return this.users.filter((user) => user.isActive)


始终为 v-for 添加 key,并且不要将 index 作为的 key

这一点是 Vue 风格指南中明确指出的一点,同时也是面试时常问的一点,很多人都习惯的将 index 作为 key,这样其实是不太好的,index 作为 key 时,将会让 diff 算法产生错误的判断,从而带来一些性能问题,你可以看下 ssh 大佬的文章,深入分析下,为什么 Vue 中不要用 index 作为 key。在这里我也通过一个例子来简单说明下当 index 作为 key 时是如何影响性能的。


const Item = {
  name: &#39;Item&#39;,
  props: [&#39;message&#39;, &#39;color&#39;],
  render(h) {
    return h(&#39;div&#39;, { style: { color: this.color } }, [this.message])
new Vue({
  name: &#39;Parent&#39;,
  template: `
  <div @click="reverse" class="list">
      v-for="(item,index) in list"
  components: { Item },
  data() {
    return {
      list: [
        { id: &#39;a&#39;, color: &#39;#f00&#39;, message: &#39;a&#39; },
        { id: &#39;b&#39;, color: &#39;#0f0&#39;, message: &#39;b&#39; }
  methods: {
    reverse() {

这里有一个 list,会渲染出来a b,点击后会执行reverse方法将这个 list 颠倒下顺序,你可以将这个例子复制下来,在自己的电脑上看下效果。

我们先来分析用id作为 key 时,点击时会发生什么,

由于 list 发生了改变,会触发Parent组件的重新渲染,拿到新的vnode,和旧的vnode去执行patch,我们主要关心的就是patch过程中的updateChildren逻辑,updateChildren就是对新旧两个children执行diff算法,使尽可能地对节点进行复用,对于我们这个例子而言,此时旧的children是:

    tag: &#39;Item&#39;,
    key: &#39;a&#39;,
    propsData: {
      color: &#39;#f00&#39;,
      message: &#39;红色&#39;
    tag: &#39;Item&#39;,
    key: &#39;b&#39;,
    propsData: {
      color: &#39;#0f0&#39;,
      message: &#39;绿色&#39;


    tag: &#39;Item&#39;,
    key: &#39;b&#39;,
    propsData: {
      color: &#39;#0f0&#39;,
      message: &#39;绿色&#39;
    tag: &#39;Item&#39;,
    key: &#39;a&#39;,
    propsData: {
      color: &#39;#f00&#39;,
      message: &#39;红色&#39;

此时执行updateChildrenupdateChildren会对新旧两组 children 节点的循环进行对比:

while (oldStartIdx <= oldEndIdx && newStartIdx <= newEndIdx) {
  if (isUndef(oldStartVnode)) {
    oldStartVnode = oldCh[++oldStartIdx] // Vnode has been moved left
  } else if (isUndef(oldEndVnode)) {
    oldEndVnode = oldCh[--oldEndIdx]
  } else if (sameVnode(oldStartVnode, newStartVnode)) {
    // 对新旧节点执行patchVnode
    // 移动指针
  } else if (sameVnode(oldEndVnode, newEndVnode)) {
    // 对新旧节点执行patchVnode
    // 移动指针
  } else if (sameVnode(oldStartVnode, newEndVnode)) {
    // 对新旧节点执行patchVnode
    // 移动oldStartVnode节点
    // 移动指针
  } else if (sameVnode(oldEndVnode, newStartVnode)) {
    // 对新旧节点执行patchVnode
    // 移动oldEndVnode节点
    // 移动指针
  } else {


function sameVnode(a, b) {
  return (
    a.key === b.key &&
    ((a.tag === b.tag &&
      a.isComment === b.isComment &&
      isDef(a.data) === isDef(b.data) &&
      sameInputType(a, b)) ||
      (isTrue(a.isAsyncPlaceholder) &&
        a.asyncFactory === b.asyncFactory &&

sameVnode主要就是通过 key 去判断,由于我们颠倒了 list 的顺序,所以第一轮对比中:sameVnode(oldStartVnode, newEndVnode)成立,即旧的首节点和新的尾节点是同一个节点,此时会执行patchVnode逻辑,patchVnode中会执行prePatchprePatch中会更新 props,此时我们的两个节点的propsData是相同的,都为{color: '#0f0',message: '绿色'},这样的话Item组件的 props 就不会更新,Item也不会重新渲染。再回到updateChildren中,会继续执行"移动oldStartVnode节点"的操作,将 DOM 元素。移动到正确位置,其他节点对比也是同样的流程。

可以发现,在整个流程中,只是移动了节点,并没有触发 Item 组件的重新渲染,这样实现了节点的复用。

我们再来看下使用index作为 key 的情况,使用index时,旧的children是:

    tag: &#39;Item&#39;,
    key: 0,
    propsData: {
      color: &#39;#f00&#39;,
      message: &#39;红色&#39;
    tag: &#39;Item&#39;,
    key: 1,
    propsData: {
      color: &#39;#0f0&#39;,
      message: &#39;绿色&#39;


    tag: &#39;Item&#39;,
    key: 0,
    propsData: {
      color: &#39;#0f0&#39;,
      message: &#39;绿色&#39;
    tag: &#39;Item&#39;,
    key: 1,
    propsData: {
      color: &#39;#f00&#39;,
      message: &#39;红色&#39;

这里和id作为 key 时的节点就有所不同了,虽然我们把 list 顺序颠倒了,但是 key 的顺序却没变,在updateChildrensameVnode(oldStartVnode, newStartVnode)将会成立,即旧的首节点和新的首节点相同,此时执行patchVnode -> prePatch -> 更新props,这个时候旧的 propsData 是{color: '#f00',message: '红色'},新的 propsData 是{color: '#0f0',message: '绿色'},更新过后,Item 的 props 将会发生改变,会触发 Item 组件的重新渲染

这就是 index 作为 key 和 id 作为 key 时的区别,id 作为 key 时,仅仅是移动了节点,并没有触发 Item 的重新渲染。index 作为 key 时,触发了 Item 的重新渲染,可想而知,当 Item 是一个复杂的组件时,必然会引起性能问题。

上面的流程比较复杂,涉及的也比较多,可以拆开写好几篇文章,有些地方我只是简略的说了一下,如果你不是很明白的话,你可以把上面的例子复制下来,在自己的电脑上调式,我在 Item 的渲染函数中加了打印日志和 debugger,你可以分别用 id 和 index 作为 key 尝试下,你会发现 id 作为 key 时,Item 的渲染函数没有执行,但是 index 作为 key 时,Item 的渲染函数执行了,这就是这两种方式的区别。



    <!-- Heavy组件初始化时需要执行很复杂的逻辑,执行大量计算 -->
    <Heavy1 />
    <Heavy2 />
    <Heavy3 />
    <Heavy4 />


参考黄轶老师揭秘 Vue.js 九个性能优化技巧中的代码:

    <Heavy v-if="defer(1)" />
    <Heavy v-if="defer(2)" />
    <Heavy v-if="defer(3)" />
    <Heavy v-if="defer(4)" />

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      displayPriority: 0
  mounted() {
  methods: {
    runDisplayPriority() {
      const step = () => {
        requestAnimationFrame(() => {
          if (this.displayPriority < 10) {
    defer(priority) {
      return this.displayPriority >= priority

其实原理很简单,主要是维护displayPriority变量,通过requestAnimationFrame在每一帧渲染时自增,然后我们就可以在组件上通过v-if="defer(n)"使displayPriority增加到某一值时再渲染,这样就可以避免 js 执行时间过长导致的卡顿问题了。


在 Vue 组件初始化数据时,会递归遍历在 data 中定义的每一条数据,通过Object.defineProperty将数据改成响应式,这就意味着如果 data 中的数据量很大的话,在初始化时将会使用很长的时间去执行Object.defineProperty, 也就会带来性能问题,这个时候我们可以强制使数据变为非响应式,从而节省时间,看下这个例子:

      <li v-for="item in heavyData" :key="item.id">{{ item.name }}</li>

// 一万条数据
const heavyData = Array(10000)
  .map((_, idx) => ({ name: &#39;test&#39;, message: &#39;test&#39;, id: idx }))

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      heavyData: heavyData
  beforeCreate() {
    this.start = Date.now()
  created() {
    console.log(Date.now() - this.start)



data() {
  return {
    heavyData: Object.freeze(heavyData)



而 Vue 在将数据改造成响应式之前有个判断:

export function observe(value, asRootData) {
  // ...省略其他逻辑
  if (
    shouldObserve &&
    !isServerRendering() &&
    (Array.isArray(value) || isPlainObject(value)) &&
    Object.isExtensible(value) &&
  ) {
    ob = new Observer(value)
  // ...省略其他逻辑


实际上,不止初始化数据时有影响,你可以用上面的例子统计下从createdmounted所用的时间,在我的电脑上不使用Object.freeze()时,这个时间是60-70ms,使用Object.freeze()后降到了40-50ms,这是因为在渲染函数中读取heavyData中的数据时,会执行到通过Object.defineProperty定义的getter方法,Vue 在这里做了一些收集依赖的处理,肯定就会占用一些时间,由于使用了Object.freeze()后的数据是非响应式的,没有了收集依赖的过程,自然也就节省了性能。

由于访问响应式数据会走到自定义 getter 中并收集依赖,所以平时使用时要避免频繁访问响应式数据,比如在遍历之前先将这个数据存在局部变量中,尤其是在计算属性、渲染函数中使用,关于这一点更具体的说明,你可以看黄奕老师的这篇文章:Local variables


模板编译和渲染函数、JSX 的性能差异

Vue 项目不仅可以使用 SFC 的方式开发,也可以使用渲染函数或 JSX 开发,很多人认为仅仅是只是开发方式不同,却不知这些开发方式之间也有性能差异,甚至差异很大,这一节我就找些例子来说明下,希望你以后在选择开发方式时有更多衡量的标准。

其实 Vue2 模板编译中的性能优化不多,Vue3 中有很多,Vue3 通过编译和运行时结合的方式提升了很大的性能,但是由于本篇文章讲的是 Vue2 的性能优化,并且 Vue2 现在还是有很多人在使用,所以我就挑 Vue2 模板编译中的一点来说下。



<p>你好! <span>Hello</span></p>


function render() {
  with (this) {
    return _m(0)


Vue 的编译会经过optimize过程,这个过程中会标记静态节点,具体内容可以看黄奕老师写的这个文档:Vue2 编译 - optimize 标记静态节点。


function genStatic(el, state) {
  el.staticProcessed = true
  const originalPreState = state.pre
  if (el.pre) {
    state.pre = el.pre
  state.staticRenderFns.push(`with(this){return ${genElement(el, state)}}`)
  state.pre = originalPreState
  return `_m(${state.staticRenderFns.length - 1}${
    el.staticInFor ? &#39;,true&#39; : &#39;&#39;



export function renderStatic(index, isInFor) {
  const cached = this._staticTrees || (this._staticTrees = [])
  let tree = cached[index]
  if (tree && !isInFor) {
    return tree
  tree = cached[index] = this.$options.staticRenderFns[index].call(
  markStatic(tree, `__static__${index}`, false)
  return tree

function markStatic(tree, key) {
  if (Array.isArray(tree)) {
    for (let i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) {
      if (tree[i] && typeof tree[i] !== &#39;string&#39;) {
        markStaticNode(tree[i], `${key}_${i}`, isOnce)
  } else {
    markStaticNode(tree, key, isOnce)

function markStaticNode(node, key, isOnce) {
  node.isStatic = true
  node.key = key
  node.isOnce = isOnce


拿到节点后还会通过markStatic将节点打上isStatic等标记,标记为isStatic的节点会直接跳过patchVnode阶段,因为静态节点是不会变的,所以也没必要 patch,跳过 patch 可以节省性能。

通过编译和运行时结合的方式,可以帮助我们很好的提升应用性能,这是渲染函数 / JSX 很难达到的,当然不是说不能用 JSX,相比于模板,JSX 更加灵活,两者有各自的使用场景。在这里写这些是希望能给你提供一些技术选型的标准。

Vue2 的编译优化除了静态节点,还有插槽,createElement 等。


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