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Teach you step by step from scratch to develop a vscode variable translation plug-in

2021-12-31 19:40:182858browse

This article will help you develop a vscode variable translation plug-in from scratch. This article will completely show the complete process of the entire plug-in from functional design to release from four aspects. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. !

Teach you step by step from scratch to develop a vscode variable translation plug-in

The reason for the demand is that English scumbags often encounter a variable in the development process. They know what the Chinese name is, but they may forget the English word, or they may not know it. At this time , what I did before was to open the browser, open Google Translate, enter Chinese, copy the English, then switch back to vscode and paste the results.

It’s really troublesome. When I was young, I had a good memory and could remember most English words. But as I get older, my hair becomes less and less, and my memory becomes worse and worse. Poor, the above steps are repeated more and more times, so I learned from the painful experience and developed this plug-in.

Because I am also learning plug-in development from scratch in the past few days, this article completely records the plug-in development path developed by a novice. The content is mainly a practical introduction, mainly from four aspects. To completely show the complete process of the entire plug-in from functional design to release.

  • Functional design

  • Environment construction

  • Plug-in function development

  • Plug-in packaging and release

Teach you step by step from scratch to develop a vscode variable translation plug-in

[Recommended learning: "vscode introductory tutorial"]

Functional design

The function is mainly two functions, Chinese to English, and other languages ​​​​to be translated into Chinese

  • Replace Chinese variables with translated English variables, multiple Words need to be automatically humped. The scenario to be solved is the "English stuck" that is often encountered in daily development. When I look at the comments of the source code of foreign projects, I encounter words I don’t know and don’t know what they mean, which affects efficiency

  • Environment building

  • The first step to get started, environment building

Install scaffolding,

  • generator-code

    , these two tools can help us quickly build the project, details can be found (https://github .com/Microsoft/vscode-generator-code)

    yarn global add yo generator-code
    Install vsce, vsce can be used to package the developed code into a file with a .vsix suffix, which can be easily uploaded to the Microsoft plug-in store or locally Installation

    yarn global add vsce
  • Generate and initialize the project, fill in the initialization information according to your own situation

    yo code
  • After reaching this step, choose to open directly,
  • Open with code

After opening, a workspace will be automatically created and these files will be generated. You can delete the files according to your needs. After completing this step, We can develop and debug directly

Teach you step by step from scratch to develop a vscode variable translation plug-in

How to debug? Teach you step by step from scratch to develop a vscode variable translation plug-in

Go to Run and Debugging panel and click

Run Extention

, or shortcut key F5, mac can directly click on the touch bar debugging After the button

is opened, a new vscode window will pop up. This new window is your test environment (

Extended Development HostTeach you step by step from scratch to develop a vscode variable translation plug-in). What you do The plug-in function is tested in this new window. The printed message is in the

Debug Console

of the previous window. For example, the built-in example is in our new windowcmd/ctrl shift p After entering Hello world, some information will be printed on the console of the previous window

At this point, the development preparation environment is ready, next step Just start the formal plug-in function development

Teach you step by step from scratch to develop a vscode variable translation plug-in

Plug-in function development

In plug-in development, there are two important files, one is package.json , one is


Important file description


Teach you step by step from scratch to develop a vscode variable translation plug-in##activationEvents

is used to register activation events and indicates under what circumstances the active function in extension.js will be activated. Common ones are
  • ,

    onCommand...For more information, please view the vscode document activationEvents (https://code.visualstudio.com/api/references/activation-events)main

    represents the main entrance of the plug-in
  • contributes用来注册命令(commands),绑定快捷键(keybindings),**配置设置项(configuration)**等等,更多可配置项可看文档(https://code.visualstudio.com/api/references/contribution-points)






const qs = require('querystring');
const got = require('got');
const safeEval = require('safe-eval');
const googleToken = require('google-translate-token');
const languages = require('../utils/languages.js');
const config = require('../config/index.js');

// 获取请求url
async function getRequestUrl(text, opts) {
    let token = await googleToken.get(text);
    const data = {
        client: 'gtx',
        sl: opts.from,
        tl: opts.to,
        hl: opts.to,
        dt: ['at', 'bd', 'ex', 'ld', 'md', 'qca', 'rw', 'rm', 'ss', 't'],
        ie: 'UTF-8',
        oe: 'UTF-8',
        otf: 1,
        ssel: 0,
        tsel: 0,
        kc: 7,
        q: text
    data[token.name] = token.value;
    const requestUrl = `${config.googleBaseUrl}${qs.stringify(data)}`;
    return requestUrl;

async function handleBody(url, opts) {
    const result = await got(url);
    let resultObj = {
        text: '',
        from: {
            language: {
                didYouMean: false,
                iso: ''
            text: {
                autoCorrected: false,
                value: '',
                didYouMean: false
        raw: ''

    if (opts.raw) {
        resultObj.raw = result.body;
    const body = safeEval(result.body);

    // console.log('body', body);
    body[0].forEach(function(obj) {
        if (obj[0]) {
            resultObj.text += obj[0];

    if (body[2] === body[8][0][0]) {
        resultObj.from.language.iso = body[2];
    } else {
        resultObj.from.language.didYouMean = true;
        resultObj.from.language.iso = body[8][0][0];

    if (body[7] && body[7][0]) {
        let str = body[7][0];

        str = str.replace(/<b><i>/g, &#39;[&#39;);
        str = str.replace(/<\/i><\/b>/g, &#39;]&#39;);

        resultObj.from.text.value = str;

        if (body[7][5] === true) {
            resultObj.from.text.autoCorrected = true;
        } else {
            resultObj.from.text.didYouMean = true;
    return resultObj;

async function translate(text, opts) {
    opts = opts || {};
    opts.from = opts.from || &#39;auto&#39;;
    opts.to = opts.to || &#39;en&#39;;

    opts.from = languages.getCode(opts.from);
    opts.to = languages.getCode(opts.to);

    try {
        const requestUrl = await getRequestUrl(text, opts);
        const result = await handleBody(requestUrl, opts);
        return result;
    } catch (error) {

// 获取翻译结果
const getGoogleTransResult = async(originText, ops = {}) => {
    const { from, to } = ops;
    try {
        const result = await translate(originText, { from: from || config.defaultFrom, to: to || defaultTo });
        console.log(&#39;谷歌翻译结果&#39;, result.text);
        return result;
    } catch (error) {

module.exports = getGoogleTransResult;


不知道如何申请的,可查看我之前的一篇文章 Electron+Vue从零开始打造一个本地文件翻译器 进行申请


const md5 = require("md5");
const axios = require("axios");
const config = require(&#39;../config/index.js&#39;);
axios.defaults.withCredentials = true;
axios.defaults.crossDomain = true;
axios.defaults.headers.post["Content-Type"] =

// 百度翻译
async function getBaiduTransResult(text = "", opt = {}) {
    const { from, to, appid, key } = opt;
    try {
        const q = text;
        const salt = parseInt(Math.random() * 1000000000);
        let str = `${appid}${q}${salt}${key}`;
        const sign = md5(str);
        const query = encodeURI(q);
        const params = `q=${query}&from=${from}&to=${to}&appid=${appid}&salt=${salt}&sign=${sign}`;
        const url = `${config.baiduBaseUrl}${params}`;
        const res = await axios.get(url);
        console.log(&#39;百度翻译结果&#39;, res.data.trans_result[0]);
        return res.data.trans_result[0];
    } catch (error) {
        console.log({ error });

module.exports = getBaiduTransResult;



    onDidChangeTextEditorSelection(({ textEditor, selections }) => {
        text = textEditor.document.getText(selections[0]);




const { getConfiguration } = vscode.workspace;
const config = getConfiguration();

const isCopy = config.get(IS_COPY);
const isReplace = config.get(IS_REPLACE);
const isHump = config.get(IS_HUMP);
const service = config.get(SERVICE);
const baiduAppid = config.get(BAIDU_APPID);
const baiduKey = config.get(BAIDU_KEY);

config.update(SERVICE, selectedItem, true);


const { getConfiguration, onDidChangeConfiguration } = vscode.workspace;
const config = getConfiguration();

const disposeConfig = onDidChangeConfiguration(() => {
  config = getConfiguration();


const disposeConfig = onDidChangeConfiguration((e) => {
    if (e && e.affectsConfiguration(BAIDU_KEY)) {



const { activeTextEditor, onDidChangeActiveTextEditor } = vscode.window;
let active = activeTextEditor;
const edit = onDidChangeActiveTextEditor((textEditor) => {
  if (textEditor) {
      active = textEditor;


通过vscode.languages.registerHoverProvider注册一个Hover,然后通过activeTextEditor拿到选中的词语进行翻译,然后再通过new vscode.Hover将翻译结果悬浮提示

// 划词翻译检测
const disposeHover = vscode.languages.registerHoverProvider("*", {
    async provideHover(document, position, token) {
        const service = config.get(SERVICE);
        const baiduAppid = config.get(BAIDU_APPID);
        const baiduKey = config.get(BAIDU_KEY);

        let response, responseText;
        const selected = document.getText(active.selection);
        // 谷歌翻译
        if (service === &#39;google&#39;) {
            response = await getGoogleTransResult(selected, { from: &#39;auto&#39;, to: &#39;zh-cn&#39; });
            responseText = response.text;

        // 百度翻译
        if (service === &#39;baidu&#39;) {
            response = await getBaiduTransResult(selected, { from: "auto", to: "zh", appid: baiduAppid, key: baiduKey });
            responseText = response.dst;
        // 悬浮提示
        return new vscode.Hover(`${responseText}`);



if (isReplace) {
  let selectedItem = active.selection;
  active.edit(editBuilder => {
    editBuilder.replace(selectedItem, result)



// 是否复制翻译结果
if (isCopy) {


function toHump(str) {
    if (!str) {
    const strArray = str.split(&#39; &#39;);
    const firstLetter = [strArray.shift()];
    const newArray = strArray.map(item => {
        return `${item.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()}${item.substring(1)}`;
    const result = firstLetter.concat(newArray).join(&#39;&#39;);
    return result;

module.exports = toHump;



registerCommand(&#39;translateVariable.toEN&#39;, async() => {
  //do something

"keybindings": [{
  "key": "ctrl+t",
  "mac": "cmd+t",
  "when": "editorTextFocus",
  "command": "translateVariable.toEN"



vsce package





发布到线上需要到 微软插件商店管理页面(https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/manage/createpublisher),创建发布者信息,如果没有微软账号,需要去申请。

Teach you step by step from scratch to develop a vscode variable translation plug-in


Teach you step by step from scratch to develop a vscode variable translation plug-in



Teach you step by step from scratch to develop a vscode variable translation plug-in


Teach you step by step from scratch to develop a vscode variable translation plug-in


vscode has a little bit of Chinese information. I spent most of this development time reading English documents and looking for information on the Internet. English is really important. Later I need to learn more English. I hope that I will use the plug-in I made less and less in the future. The project has been open source, with instructions and source code portal (https://github.com/Kerinlin/translate-variable)

For more knowledge about VSCode, please visit: vscode tutorial! !

The above is the detailed content of Teach you step by step from scratch to develop a vscode variable translation plug-in. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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