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See how to use uni-app to write a backgammon game (with game code)

2021-12-30 19:27:528386browse

How to write a backgammon game using uni-app? The following article will share with you a backgammon game written using uni-app. I hope it will be helpful to you!

See how to use uni-app to write a backgammon game (with game code)

1. Game renderings

See how to use uni-app to write a backgammon game (with game code)

##2. Game Description

    Layout: players, board, rules, buttons
  1. Game: Players place, the computer moves according to the player or itself chess pieces to cut or shape
  2. Design: The computer uses
  3. weight to determine which point has the highest score
  4. The game is written using uniapp uview, with some styles , some are global ones defined by myself, and some are built-in in uview, which can be solved by yourself

3. Game code

(1) Layout

	<view class="goBang u-border-top">
		<!-- 对战信息 -->
		<view class="goBang-user flexItems">
			<view class="flexCenter flexColumn flex1 box">
				<u-icon class="goBang-chess" name="/static/image/gobang/black.png" size="50"></u-icon>
				<view class="u-m-t-20 fontBold c757575">电脑</view>
			<view class="fontBold cmain u-font-40">VS</view>
			<view class="flexCenter flexColumn flex1 box">
				<u-icon class="goBang-chess" name="/static/image/gobang/white.png" size="50"></u-icon>
				<view class="u-m-t-20 fontBold c757575">玩家</view>
		<view class="goBang-container boxtb">
			<!-- 棋盘底座 -->
			<view class="goBang-board u-rela">
				<!-- 棋盘网格 -->
				<view class="goBang-grid-box u-rela">
					<view class="goBang-grid">
						<view class="goBang-grid-tr" v-for="(item,index) in 14" :key="index">
							<view class="goBang-grid-td" v-for="(item,index) in 14" :key="index"></view>
					<view class="point-c"></view>
					<view class="point-1"></view>
					<view class="point-2"></view>
					<view class="point-3"></view>
					<view class="point-4"></view>
				<!-- 隐藏的棋盘网格  用于下棋子用的 -->
				<view class="goBang-check">
					<view class="goBang-check-tr" v-for="(item1,index1) in chessBoard" :key="index1">
						<view class="goBang-check-td" v-for="(item2,index2) in item1" :key="index2" @click="playerChess(index1,index2)">
							<image class="goBang-check-chess" :src="player[item2]" v-if="item2!=0"></image>
			<!-- 规则说明 -->
			<view class="boxtb">
				<view class="u-m-t-10 fontBold u-font-32 c757575">规则说明:</view>
				<view class="u-m-t-20 c757575">1、玩家先手</view>
				<view class="u-m-t-10 c757575">2、其他规则,不知道就百度去,惯得!!!</view>
		<!-- 功能按钮 -->
		<view class="goBang-btns">
			<view class="goBang-btn" @click="regret" v-if="!isOver">
				<u-icon name="thumb-down-fill" size="30" color="#999"></u-icon>
			<view class="goBang-btn" @click="restart">
				<u-icon name="reload" size="30" color="#999"></u-icon>
			<view class="goBang-btn" @click="defeat" v-if="!isOver">
				<u-icon name="fingerprint" size="30" color="#999"></u-icon>

(2) Style

page{background-color: #F3F2F7;}
<style scoped>
// #F7E7B6 棋盘背景  #C0A47C 网格条纹
.goBang{padding: 30rpx;}
.goBang-chess{width: 50rpx;height: 50rpx; border-radius: 50%;box-shadow: 0 0 8rpx 4rpx rgba(0,0,0,.2);}
width: 100%;height: 690rpx;background-color: #f7e7b6;border-radius: 10rpx;border: 2rpx solid rgba(0,0,0,.05);box-shadow: 0 0 6rpx 2rpx rgba(0,0,0,.1);padding: 20rpx;
width: 100%;height: 100%;
.point-c{position: absolute;width: 14rpx;height: 14rpx;border-radius: 50%;background-color: #C0A47C; top: 50%;left: 50%;transform: translate(-50%,-50%);}
.point-1{position: absolute;width: 14rpx;height: 14rpx;border-radius: 50%;background-color: #C0A47C; top: 21.5%;left: 21.5%;transform: translate(-50%,-50%);}
.point-2{position: absolute;width: 14rpx;height: 14rpx;border-radius: 50%;background-color: #C0A47C; top: 21.5%;right: 21.5%;transform: translate(50%,-50%);}
.point-3{position: absolute;width: 14rpx;height: 14rpx;border-radius: 50%;background-color: #C0A47C; bottom: 21.5%;right: 21.5%;transform: translate(50%,50%);}
.point-4{position: absolute;width: 14rpx;height: 14rpx;border-radius: 50%;background-color: #C0A47C; bottom: 21.5%;left: 21.5%;transform: translate(-50%,50%);}
width: 100%;height: 100%;border-top: 2rpx solid #C0A47C;border-left: 2rpx solid #C0A47C;display: flex;flex-direction: column;
.goBang-grid-tr{width: 100%;display: flex;flex: 1;}
.goBang-grid-td{flex: 1;border-right: 2rpx solid #C0A47C;border-bottom: 2rpx solid #C0A47C;}
display: flex;flex-direction: column;position: absolute;width: 100%;height: 100%;top: 0;right: 0;left: 0;bottom: 0;z-index: 1;border-radius: 10rpx;
.goBang-check-tr{width: 100%;display: flex;flex: 1;}
.goBang-check-td{flex: 1;display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center;}
.goBang-check-chess{width: 38rpx;height: 38rpx;border-radius: 50%;box-shadow: 0 2rpx 10rpx 0rpx rgba(0,0,0,.5);}
display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center; position: fixed;bottom: 30rpx;right: 0;left: 0;padding: 30rpx;
width: 90rpx;height: 90rpx; border-radius: 50%;background-color: #fff;box-shadow: 0 0 10rpx 4rpx rgba(0,0,0,.1);
display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center;flex-direction: column;
margin-left: 30rpx;color: #999;font-size: 24rpx;

(3) Logic

	export default {
		data() {
			return {
				player: {	// 0=没有子  1=电脑  2=玩家
					0: null, 
					1: &#39;/static/image/gobang/black.png&#39;, 
					2: &#39;/static/image/gobang/white.png&#39;
				chessBoard: [],  	// 棋盘数组
				isWho: true,  		// 该谁下
				isOver: false,		// 游戏是否结束
				allWins: [], 		// 全部赢法的数组
				allCount: 0,		// 一共有多少种赢法
				playerWins: [],		// 玩家赢法的数组
				computerWins: [],	// 电脑赢法的数组
		onLoad() {
			uni.showToast({title: "欢迎来到五子棋~", icon:&#39;none&#39;});
			// 悔棋
				uni.showToast({title: "世上没有后悔药~", icon:&#39;none&#39;});
			// 重来
				uni.showToast({title: "欢迎来到五子棋~", icon:&#39;none&#39;});
				this.chessBoard = [];
				this.isOver = false;
				this.isWho = true;
			// 认输
					uni.showToast({title: "游戏已结束,可以重新开始了", icon:&#39;none&#39;});
					this.isOver = true
					uni.showToast({title: "就这?就这?就这?回家喂猪吧!", icon:&#39;none&#39;});
			// 玩家落子
			playerChess(x, y){
				// 当此点有棋子 或者 游戏结束 或者 不论到你时,则不能落子
				if(this.chessBoard[x][y] != 0 || !this.isWho || this.isOver){
				// 落子
				this.chessBoard[x][y] = 2;		
				// 判断输赢
					for(let k = 0; k < this.allCount; k++){
						if(this.allWins[x][y][k] == true){
							this.computerWins[k] = 6;
							if(this.playerWins[k] == 5){
								this.isOver = true;
								uni.showToast({title: "玩家获胜!!!!"});
				// 如果玩家没获胜 则该电脑落子
						this.isWho = !this.isWho;
			// 电脑落子
				// 电脑落子 利用算法————权重值
				// 判断哪一点的值最高,也就是对电脑的利益最大
				// 每下一步,就会判断某点对于玩家利益大还是自身利益大,来进行围堵和进攻
				const playerScore = [];  	// 对于玩家而言,每一个空点的数值集合
				const computerScore = [];	// 对于电脑而言,每一个空点的数值集合
				let maxScore = 0;			// 最大值
				let x = 0, y = 0;			// 最后决定电脑落子的位置
				// 初始化玩家和电脑每个点的数值
				for(let i = 0; i < 15; i++){
					playerScore[i] = [];
					computerScore[i] = [];
					for(let j = 0; j < 15; j++){
						playerScore[i][j] = 0;
						computerScore[i][j] = 0;
				// 开始遍历棋盘(查看当前棋盘中所有空点)
				for(let i = 0; i < 15; i++){
					for(let j = 0; j < 15; j++){
						if(this.chessBoard[i][j] == 0){		// 此点可落子
							// 遍历所有赢法 给玩家和电脑的每个空点 打分 分值最高的点则是电脑落子点
							for(let k = 0; k < this.allCount; k++){		
								if(this.allWins[i][j][k] == true){		// 判断当前点的赢法中有没有玩家或者电脑的棋子
									// 如果有玩家的棋子
									if(this.playerWins[k] === 1){		// 赢法中包含一个玩家棋子...
										playerScore[i][j] += 100;
									}else if(this.playerWins[k] === 2){
										playerScore[i][j] += 400;
									}else if(this.playerWins[k] === 3){
										playerScore[i][j] += 800;
									}else if(this.playerWins[k] === 4){
										playerScore[i][j] += 2000;
									// 如果有电脑的棋子
									// 相同棋子数时,电脑的权重值要比玩家的高,首先考虑自己;
									// 但是当玩家达到三颗时,自身如果没有机会,则玩家权重值大
									if(this.computerWins[k] === 1){		// 赢法中包含一个电脑棋子...
										computerScore[i][j] += 150;
									}else if(this.computerWins[k] === 2){
										computerScore[i][j] += 450;
									}else if(this.computerWins[k] === 3){
										computerScore[i][j] += 950;
									}else if(this.computerWins[k] === 4){
										computerScore[i][j] += 10000;
							// 比较玩家和电脑在某点的分值
							// 玩家
							if(playerScore[i][j] > maxScore){
								maxScore = playerScore[i][j];
								x = i;
								y = j;
							}else if(playerScore[i][j] == maxScore){		
								// 如果玩家在当前点的分跟前一个相等,就再跟电脑自身在该点的值进行比较
								// 如果电脑在当前点,比在上一个点的分大,说明电脑下这个点的优势更大, 以此类推,推出所有点的结果
								if(computerScore[i][j] > computerScore[x][y]){
									maxScore = computerScore[i][j];
									x = i;
									y = j;
							// 电脑
							if(computerScore[i][j] > maxScore){
								maxScore = computerScore[i][j];
								x = i;
								y = j;
							}else if(computerScore[i][j] == maxScore){
								if(playerScore[i][j] > playerScore[x][y]){
									maxScore = playerScore[i][j];
									x = i;
									y = j;
				// 此时电脑就可以落子了
				this.chessBoard[x][y] = 1;
				// 判断电脑是否获胜
					for(let k = 0; k < this.allCount; k++){
						if(this.allWins[x][y][k] == true){
							this.playerWins[k] = 6;
							if(this.computerWins[k] == 5){
								this.isOver = true;
								uni.showToast({title: "电脑获胜!"});
					this.isWho = !this.isWho;
			// 初始化
				for(let i = 0; i < 15; i++){
					this.chessBoard[i] = [];
					for(let j = 0; j < 15; j++){
						this.chessBoard[i][j] = 0;
				// 初始化所有赢法的数组
				for(let i = 0; i < 15; i++){
					this.allWins[i] = [];
					for(let j = 0; j < 15; j++){
						this.allWins[i][j] = [];
				// 横向赢法
				for(let i = 0; i < 15; i++){
					for(let j = 0; j < 11; j++){
						for(let k = 0; k < 5; k++){
							this.allWins[i][j+k][this.allCount] = true;
				// 竖向赢法
				for(let i = 0; i < 11; i++){
					for(let j = 0; j < 15; j++){
						for(let k = 0; k < 5; k++){
							this.allWins[i+k][j][this.allCount] = true;
				// 斜向(左上 -> 右下)
				for(let i = 0; i < 11; i++){
					for(let j = 0; j < 11; j++){
						for(let k = 0; k < 5; k++){
							this.allWins[i+k][j+k][this.allCount] = true;
				// 斜向(右上 -> 左下)
				for(let i = 0; i < 11; i++){
					for(let j = 14; j > 3; j--){
						for(let k = 0; k < 5; k++){
							this.allWins[i+k][j-k][this.allCount] = true;
				// console.log(this.allCount); // 572种赢法
				// 统计玩家与电脑的赢法数组
				// 简单来说,玩家和电脑都有572种赢法,每种赢法初始值是0;
				// 例如当玩家在第一种赢法中落一颗子,与之对应的赢法就+1,当前加到5的时候,说明第一种赢法中有了玩家五颗子,所以玩家赢。
				// 反之,当第一种赢法中玩家落了四颗,但是电脑落了一颗,那么第一种赢法对应的玩家就+4,电脑+1,这样在第一种赢法里,玩家与电脑都不能获胜。
				// 以此类推其他的赢法...
				for(let i = 0; i < this.allCount; i++){
					this.playerWins[i] = 0;
					this.computerWins[i] = 0;

Recommended: "

uniapp tutorial"

The above is the detailed content of See how to use uni-app to write a backgammon game (with game code). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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