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Explosive collection of MySQL database commands (summary sharing)

2021-12-28 19:43:0613670browse

This article brings you relevant knowledge about mysql database commands. It lists many commonly used commands. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Explosive collection of MySQL database commands (summary sharing)

1. Commonly used commands for databases

1.Connect to database
mysql -u username -p password
2. Show existing databases
show databases;
3.Create database
create database sqlname;
4.Select database
use database sqlname;
5. Display the tables in the database (select the database first)
show tables;
6. Display the version information of the current database and the connecting user Name
select version(),user();
7. Delete the database (deletion without prompt when deleting)
drop database sqlname;

2. Commands for tables in the database

1. Create table
(1) Syntax:
create table tablename(
Field 1 Data type field Attribute

Field n
(2) Note:
1. To prevent conflicts with reserved words when creating a table, enclose it with ''
2. Single-line comments : #…
Multi-line comments: //
3. When creating a table, separate multiple fields with English commas, and do not use commas in the last line.
(3) Field constraints and attributes
1. Non-null constraintsnot null (fields are not allowed to be empty)
2.Default constraintsdefault(set default value)
3. Unique constraintunique key(uk)(The value of the set field is unique and can be empty, but there can only be one empty value)
4. Primary key constraintprimary key(pk)(as the unique identifier of table records)
5. Foreign key constraintsforeign key(fk)(used to establish a relationship between two tables, a reference needs to be specified Which field in the main table. InnoDB supports foreign keys in the database storage engine, but MyISAM does not support foreign keys.
The field used as a foreign key must be the primary key in the main table (single field primary key))

Add foreign key constraints:
CONSTRAINT FK_Foreign key name FOREIGN KEY (foreign key field in the word table) REFERENCES associated table name (associated field).
Explosive collection of MySQL database commands (summary sharing) is used as the foreign key of the word table
Explosive collection of MySQL database commands (summary sharing)
Explosive collection of MySQL database commands (summary sharing)
1.Set auto_increment=n, starting from n.
2.Set auto-increment set @@ auto_increment_increment=m, the step size is m.
Explosive collection of MySQL database commands (summary sharing)
3. Multi-field setting primary key: primary key (Field 1, Field 2...Field n)
4. Comments/explanatory text in the table :)comment="Description";
5. Set the character set:)charset="Character set";
6. View the structure of the table:describe'table name'/desc table name
7. View the database definition: show create database sqlname;
8. View the data table definition: show create table tablename ;
9. View the default storage engine: show variables like'storage_engine%';
11. Specify the storage engine of the table:)engine=storage engine;
10. Delete table: drop table 'tablename';
11. Get current date: now();
12. Modify table:
(1) Modify table name: alter table old table name rename new table name;
(2) Add fields: alter table table name add field name data type...;(Add new Fields)
(3) Modify fields: alter table table name change original field name new field name data type...;
(4) Delete fields: alter table Table name drop field name;
(5) Add primary key constraints after creating the table:
alter table table name add constraint primary key name primary key table name (primary key field);
(6) After creating the table, add a foreign key constraint (the field used as a foreign key must be the primary key in the main table (single field primary key)):
alter table table name add constraint foreign key name foreign key (foreign key field) references associated table name (associated field);

Insert data

1. Insert a single row of data:
insert into table name (field Name list (comma separated)) values ​​(value list (comma separated));
2. Insert multiple rows of data:
insert into table name (field name list) values ​​(value List 1), … ,(value list n);
3. Insert the query results into the new table:
create table new table (select field 1, … ,from original table) ;


CREATE TABLE newstudent(SELECT id,`name`,sex,phone FROM student);

3. Update data (modify data):
update table name set column name = update value where update condition;


UPDATE newstudent SET `name`='tom' WHERE id=1001;

4 .Delete data
(1)delete from table name where deletion condition;
delete deletes the entire data, not just a single column.


DELETE FROM newstudent WHERE `name`='tom';

(2) Truncate table deletes data:
truncate table deletes all rows in the table, but the structure, columns, constraints, indexes, etc. of the table will not change. Cannot be used for tables with foreign key constraints. Deleted data cannot be recovered.
truncate table table name where deletion condition;


select 列名/表达式/函数/常量 from 表名 where 查询条件 order by 排序的列名asc/desc;
select * from 表名;
select 列名… from 表名 where 查询条件;
select 列名 AS 新列名 form 表名 where 查询条件;
select 列名1+’.’+列名2 AS 新列名 from 表名;
通过is null 或者 is not null 判断列值是否为空


SELECT `name` FROM student WHERE Email IS NULL;

Explosive collection of MySQL database commands (summary sharing)

SELECT r.subjectno,sub.`SubjectName` 课程名称,AVG(StudentResult) 平均分,
MAX(StudentResult) 最高分,MIN(StudentResult) 最低分
FROM result r INNER JOIN `subject` sub
ON r.`SubjectNo`=sub.`SubjectNo` 
GROUP BY r.subjectno
#where AVG(StudentResult)>=80出现错误,
#分组查询group by 在where语句后,
#group by 约束条件使用having语句
HAVING AVG(StudentResult)>=80;

Explosive collection of MySQL database commands (summary sharing)


(1)AVG (平均值):select avg(列名)from 表名
假设列名为成绩 则查询到的是表中所有成绩的平均值。
(2)count 返回某字段的行数
(3)max 返回某字段的最大数
(4)min 返回某字段的最小值
(5)sum 返回某字段的和。
(1)concat() 连接字符串s1,s2…sn为一个完整的字符串。
order by 子句
order by子句按照一定的顺序排列查询结果,asc升序排列,desc降序排列。
select 字段名列表 form 表名 where 约束条件 group by分组的字段名 order by 排序列名 limit 位置偏移量,行数;
Explosive collection of MySQL database commands (summary sharing)

SELECT id,`name` FROM `student1` WHERE gid=1 ORDER BY id LIMIT 4;

Explosive collection of MySQL database commands (summary sharing)

SELECT id,`name` FROM `student1` WHERE gid=1 ORDER BY id LIMIT 4,4;

Explosive collection of MySQL database commands (summary sharing)


in子查询******not in 子查询
LIKE语句语法格式:select * from 表名 where 字段名 like 对应值(子串)。


A:% 包含零个或多个字符的任意字符串: 1、LIKE’Mc%’ 将搜索以字母 Mc 开头的所有字符串(如 McBadden)。
  2、LIKE’%inger’ 将搜索以字母 inger 结尾的所有字符串(如 Ringer、Stringer)。
  3、LIKE’%en%’ 将搜索在任何位置包含字母 en 的所有字符串(如 Bennet、Green、McBadden)。
  B:_(下划线) 任何单个字符:LIKE’_heryl’ 将搜索以字母 heryl 结尾的所有六个字母的名称(如 Cheryl、Sheryl)。
  C:[ ] 指定范围 ([a-f]) 或集合 ([abcdef]) 中的任何单个字符:、
  1,LIKE’[CK]ars[eo]n’ 将搜索下列字符串:Carsen、Karsen、Carson 和 Karson(如 Carson)。
  2、LIKE’[M-Z]inger’ 将搜索以字符串 inger 结尾、以从 M 到 Z 的任何单个字母开头的所有名称(如 Ringer)
  ***D:[^] 不属于指定范围 ([a-f]) 或集合 ([abcdef]) 的任何单个字符:LIKE’M[^c]%’ 将搜索以字母 M 开头,并且第二个字母不是 c 的所有名称(如MacFeather)。
  E: 它同于DOS命令中的通配符,代表多个字符
  F:?同于DOS命令中的?通配符,代表单个字符 :b?b代表brb,bFb等
  G:# 大致同上,不同的是代只能代表单个数字。k#k代表k1k,k8k,k0k 。
  F:[!] 排除 它只代表单个字符
  select * from table1 where name like ‘%明%’
  select * from table1 where name like '李

  select * from table1 where name like ‘%[0-9]%’
  select * from table1 where name like ‘%[a-z]%’
  select * from table1 where name like ‘%[!0-9]%’
 操作符 BETWEEN … AND 会选取介于两个值之间的数据范围。这些值可以是数值、文本或者日期。
 null ,not null查询

-- 查询手机号不为null的用户数据
SELECT * from user where phone is not null;
-- 查询手机号为null的用户数据
SELECT * from user where phone is null;

exists 子查询 not exists子查询
drop table if exists test—>判断是否存在表test,如果存在就删除。
not exists实现取反操作。对不存在对应查询条件的记录。


内连接使用inner join…on 关键字或者where子句来进行表之间的关联。
inner 可省略 on 用来设置条件。
(2)在from中使用inner join…on关键字

SELECT studentname,studentresult FROM student s,result r
WHERE s.`StudentNo`=r.`StudentNo`
#在from中使用inner join....on关键字
SELECT s.`StudentName`,r.`StudentResult` ,r.`SubjectNo`FROM student s
INNER JOIN result r ON s.`StudentNo`=r.`StudentNo`

left join…on 或者left outer join…on关键字进行表之间的关联。

SELECT s.`StudentName`,r.`StudentResult` ,r.`SubjectNo`FROM student s
LEFT JOIN result r ON s.`StudentNo`=r.`StudentNo`

right join…onright outer join…on关键字进行表之间的关联。

id INT(10),
sort INT(10),
INSERT INTO book VALUES (2,1,'古文书'),

#书籍类型       书籍名
#古文书         三字经....
#现代书         我与地坛....

SELECT a.books 书籍类型, b.books 书籍名  
FROM book a,book b
WHERE a.id=b.sort;

Explosive collection of MySQL database commands (summary sharing)
Explosive collection of MySQL database commands (summary sharing)

MySQL's transactions, views, indexes, backup and recovery

1. Transaction
Transaction refers to bundling a series of data operations into a whole for unified management.
Submit or cancel the creation request to the system together with all commands as a whole.
Transaction properties: atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability.
The myISA storage engine does not support transactions.

Turn off automatic transaction submission: set autocommit=0;
(1) Start transaction: begin/start transaction;
(2) Submit transaction: commit;
(3) Rollback/ Undo transaction: rollback;
Resume automatic submission: set autocommit=1;
Set the result set to? ? Encoding format display: set names? ? ;
2. View
A view is a method of viewing data in one or more tables in a database. A view is a virtual table created as a subset of rows or columns from one or more tables. Views act as table filters in queries.
(1) Create a view: create view view name as

Create index:
create [Index type] index index name on table name (column to create index);
Or add after the column when creating the table Index type.
Or modify the table alter table table name add index index name (index column);
Delete index: drop index index name;
View index: show index from table name;
4. Database backup and recovery
1. Use the mysqldump command to back up the database
mysqldump -u -p database name>Backup database location and name;
Table data export To the text file
select *from table name where query conditions into outfile backup database location and name;

2. Use the mysql command to restore the database (create a new database first )
mysql -u -p Newly created database namesource command to restore the database
source database backup file;

Create new user

#Create local user

CREATE USER `user`@`localhost` IDENTIFIED BY '123123';

#Users can log in to any Remote host, use wildcard %

CREATE USER `user2`@`123%` IDENTIFIED BY '123123';

#authorize all permissions to the user

GRANT ALL ON mysql.`user` TO `user2`@`123%`;

#Authorize the created user

GRANT SELECT,INSERT ON mysql.`user` TO `user2`@` 123%`;

#Authorization when creating a user

GRANT SELECT,INSERT ON mysql.`user` TO `user_2`@`123%` IDENTIFIED BY '123123';

#Delete user user2 (you must have database global permissions or select permissions when using the delete statement)

DROP USER `user2`@`123%`;

DROP USER `user_2`@` 123%`;

DROP USER `user`@`localhost`;

#mysqladmin changes the super user user2 account password (the mysqladmin command is used in cmd and can only change the super user password)

mysqladmin -u root -p PASSWORD "123456";

#Modify the current login user password


#Modify other user passwords

SET PASSWORD FOR `user2`@`123%`=PASSWORD("123456");

Explosive collection of MySQL database commands (summary sharing)

Recommended learning: mysql video tutorial

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