Home >WeChat Applet >Mini Program Development >A brief analysis of how to use threejs in small programs
How to use threejs in mini program? The following article will talk with you about the method of using threejs in WeChat applet. I hope it will be helpful to you!
#The WeChat applet itself provides an adapted version, but the version is too old and the adaptation is incomplete. Try to manually adapt it yourself. This is the official github link for adapting threejs https://github.com/wechat-miniprogram/threejs-miniprogram
Adapted mini program Code snippet
GitHub address: https://github .com/mrdoob/three.js, pull down the entire project, and you need to modify the code later. There are already three compiled files in the build directory. Since the size exceeds 500k, the conversion from es6 to es5 will be skipped and three.module.js cannot be used. In order to facilitate debugging and see the error location, put the uncompressed three.js into the project. . Try to quote.
import * as THREE from '../libs/three.js'
Report an error! ! !
After testing, it was found to be a bug in the latest versions of the basic library. We reported it to WeChat official at the feedback address (https://developers.weixin.qq.com/community /develop/doc/0002ca77aa420880162d1b08d5b800), the official staff solved the problem very quickly,
In fact, it does not matter if it is not solved, lowering the version of the repository to 2.19.6 or using require import can also solve the problem
I found that this CubeGeometry has been renamed long ago
Update log: https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/wiki/Migration-Guide
_canvas.addEventListener('webglcontextlost', onContextLost, false); _canvas.addEventListener('webglcontextrestored', onContextRestore, false);
const context = _canvas.getContext('webgl', contextAttributes);There are two ways to use the canvas of the WeChat applet, webgl and 2d. 2d does not mean webgl2,
const contextNames = ['webgl2', 'webgl', 'experimental-webgl'];And there is no 2d in contextNames. Only image-related methods are used in the code. 2d. After solving the above problems, you can start running. Display
interface EXT_blend_minmax { const GLenum MIN_EXT = 0x8007; const GLenum MAX_EXT = 0x8008; };can be changed directly to the corresponding value in the code. If you want to remove the warning, it is around line 12551
##Look at the logic carefully: TextureLoader -> ; ImageLoader ->createElementNS
WeChat applet does not have createElementNS. After searching around, I found an alternative method, which is createImage of canvas. But where can I get the canvas? There is no way to create it directly. For convenience, I can directly create it in Pass it in when new TextureLoader. Note that the first parameter is meaningful. Just pass it empty.
const texture = new THREE.TextureLoader(undefined, canvas)Display
WeChat applet does not have addEventListener, but you can bind events on the canvas, carefully look at the point event and the events corresponding to the applet
contextmenu // 鼠标右键 wheel // 滚轮滚动 keydown // 键盘事件 // 需要进行适配的 pointerdown -> touchstart pointermove -> touchmove pointerup -> touchend
事件有了,怎么通知呢?两个方法没有任何联系,只能用eventbus了,eventbus可以自己写个简单的 。
onTouchStart(e) { EventBus.dispatchEvent(e) }, onTouchMove(e) { EventBus.dispatchEvent(e) }, onTouchEnd(e) { EventBus.dispatchEvent(e) },
OrbitControls.js (监听)
EventBus.addEventListener( 'touchstart', onPointerDown ); EventBus.addEventListener( 'touchend', onPointerUp ); EventBus.addEventListener( 'touchmove', onPointerMove);
position -> offset -> spherical -> sphericalDelta -> clientHeight
canvas.clientHeight = canvas.height canvas.clientWidth = canvas.width;
position -> offset -> spherical.radius -> scale -> pointers
1.timeStamp 2. pointerType 取touch 3. 多点触摸时点击取touches数组的最后一个 4. pointerId identifier 多点触摸时标识是某个点击 5. clientHeight
微信小程序只有wx.request,刚好上面我们发现有个XMLHttpRequest.js的适配文件,可以用,尝试后发现没法直接用,需要编译成es5。 我们第一步就拉了整个threejs项目的代码,里面有可以重新编译的命令,我们可以把XMLHttpRequest复制过去,修改使用,再进行编译, 主要修改的方法:
const request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open('GET', url); request.onreadystatechange = function () {} request.onerror() request.send()
以为是还没适配好,加载有问题,看了老半天才发现已经显示了,就是太小了, 解决方法:放大
renderer.outputEncoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding;
线性空间: 机器对亮度的感受
非线性(Gamma): 人对亮度的感受
流程: sRGB(导入的图片) -> linear(处理时) -> sRGB(输出展示)
上图中,下面的实线是实际显示器的亮度和颜色的系数图,如果没有误差,是不需要gamma校正的, 但实际上线性空间里计算出来的光照的中间亮度部分会被压暗,所以需要经过Gamma校正,调高原有的值进行显示。
Finally choose to use a certain cloud, which has free space available. That is, if you don’t have your own domain name, the test domain name is only valid for one month. I just applied for a domain name before, bound it, modified the cname, uploaded the model, and it can be accessed. Apply for a free certificate, https can access it, and it’s done
Notes on adapting WeChat applet to threejs:
Event system, event triggering and event parameters
Attribute adaptation on document
Attribute adaptation on canvas
While searching for related issues, I found the following guy. Basically all the threejs packages are adapted. There is also a demo display. It is recommended to take a look at https://github.com/deepkolos/three- platformize
【Related learning recommendations: 小program development tutorial】
The above is the detailed content of A brief analysis of how to use threejs in small programs. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!