Home  >  Article  >  PHP8.1.1 has been released. Users of 8.1 should upgrade to this version quickly!

PHP8.1.1 has been released. Users of 8.1 should upgrade to this version quickly!

2021-12-22 13:59:422341browse

PHP 8.1.1 is now released as a bug fix release; all PHP 8.1 users are encouraged to upgrade to this release.

PHP8.1.1 has been released. Users of 8.1 should upgrade to this version quickly!

The specific update content is as follows:


  • ##Fixed bug

    #81649 (imap_(un)delete accepts a sequence, not a single number).


  • Updated bundled PCRE2 to 10.39.

  • Fixed bug

    #74604 (out of bounds in php_pcre_replace_impl).


  • Fixed bug

    #81659(stream_get_contents() may not work Overallocate as necessary).

  • For source code download of PHP 8.1.1, you can visit the download page. Windows source code and binary files can be found at


Related recommendations: "

PHP8 Tutorial"

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