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Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

2021-12-20 18:26:232005browse

This article brings you knowledge about the basic commands of the mysql database. The mysql database has some basic functions, such as being able to create or delete tables. Let's take a look at how to use them. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

##Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing). Overview’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>Database structure
数据库–>数据表–>Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)(记录):用来描述一个对象的信息
              Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)(字段):用来描述对象的一个属性
’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>Common data types’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>TypeDescription##intfloatdoublecharvarchartextimagedecimal (5,Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing))##Supplement
Integer type
Single precision floating point-------4 bytes Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing) bits
Double precision floating point------ -8 bytes 64 bits
fixed length character type
can Variable length character type
5 valid length digits, Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing) digits after the decimal point

char can store up to Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)55 characters. If the actual length of the stored data is smaller than the specified length, char will fill in spaces to the specified length; if the actual length of the stored data is greater than the specified length, the lower version will be intercepted, and higher versions will report an error. The length of char is immutable, while the length of varchar is variable. That is to say, define a char[Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)0] and varchar[Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)0]. If 'csdn' is stored, then the length occupied by char The length is still Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)0, except for the character 'csdn', followed by six spaces, and varchar immediately changes the length to 4

varchar storage rules:

Below version 4.0 , varchar(Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)0), refers to Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)0 bytes. If UTF8 Chinese characters are stored, only 6 can be stored (each Chinese character is Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing) bytes) Version 5.0 or above, varchar(Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)0), refers to Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)0 characters, Regardless of whether numbers, letters or UTF8 Chinese characters are stored (each Chinese character is Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing) bytes), Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)0 can be stored, and the maximum size is 655Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing) bytes.
Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing). View the database structure

View the database in the current server
SHOW DATABASES;		#不区分大小写,分号“;”表示结束
’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>##View the tables contained in the database

Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>View the structure (fields) of the table

方法Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)USE 数据库名;可缩写成:DESC 表名;方法Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)DESCRIBE  数据库名.表名;
Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing). Introduction to SQL statements

Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)SQL statements are used for maintenance Manage the database, including data query, data update, access control, object management and other functions.

’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>

CategoryDescription##DDLData definition Language, used to create database objects, such as libraries, tables, indexes, etc.DMLData manipulation language, used to manage data in tablesDQLData query language, used to find qualified data records from data tablesDCLData control language, used to set or change database user or role permissions四、创建及删除数据库和表(DDL)’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>创建新的数据库’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
CREATE DATABASE 数据库名;例如:create database arts;

创Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

创建新的表’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
CREATE TABLE 表名 (字段Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing) 数据类型,字段Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing) 数据类型[,...][,PRIMARY KEY (主键名)]);#主键一般选择能代表唯一性的字段不允许取空值(NULL),一个表只能有一个主键。例:create database arts;use arts;create table star (id int not null,name char(Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)0) not null,sex char(Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)),primary key (id));desc star;

创Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

删除指定数据表’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
如不用USE进入库中,则需加上数据库名DROP TABLE 数据库名.表名;				进入数据库,则直接加表名drop table 表名

创Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

删除指定的数据库’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>

Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

五、管理表中数据记录(DML)’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>向数据表中插入新的数据记录’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
INSERT INTO 表名(字段Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing),字段Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)[,...]) VALUES(字段Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)的值,字段Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)的值,...);例:create database market;use market;create table star (id int(Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)) not null,name char(Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)0),sex char(Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)),age int(Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)),passwd varchar(50), primary key (id));insert into star (id,name,sex,age,passwd) values(Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing),Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;zzLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;,Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;男Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;,Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)8,Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)45678);select * from star;

数据Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)
补充密码Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

查询数据记录’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
SELECT 字段名Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing),字段名Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)[,...] FROM 表名 [WHERE 条件表达式];例:select * from star;select name,sex from star where id=Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing);

数据Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)
以Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)表方式竖向显示

Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

只显示头Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)
头Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)
显示第Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)后的前Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

修改、更新数据表中的数据记录’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
UPDATE 表名 SET 字段名Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)=字段值Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)[,字段名Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)=字段值Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)] [WHERE 条件表达式];例:update star set age=Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing) where name=Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;ppLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;;select * from star;

Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

在数据表中删除指定的数据记录’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
DELETE FROM 表名 [WHERE 条件表达式];例:delete from star where id=6;select * from star;

Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

六、修改表名和表结构’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>修改表名’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
ALTER TABLE 旧表名 RENAME 新表名;例:alter table star rename art;

改Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

扩展表结构(增加字段)’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
ALTER TABLE 表名 ADD address varchar(50) default Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;地址不详Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;;#default ‘地址不详’:表示此字段设置默认值 地址不详;可与 NOT NULL 配合使用例:alter table star add address varchar(50) default Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;地址不详Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;;

改Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

修改字段(Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing))名,添加唯一键’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
ALTER TABLE 表名 CHANGE 旧Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)名 新Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)名 数据类型 [unique key];例:alter table star change name art_name varchar(Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)0) unique key;select * from star;

改Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

删除字段’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
ALTER TABLE 表名 DROP 字段名;例:alter table star drop address;

Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

扩展’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
CREATE DATABASE school;use school;create table if not exists info (id int(4) zerofill primary key auto_increment,				#指定主键的第二种方式name varchar(Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)0) not null,cardid int(Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)8) not null unique key,hobby varchar(50));#---------------命令解释--------------------------------#if not exists:表示检测要创建的表是否已存在,如果不存在就继续创建#int(4) zerofill:表示若数值不满4位数,则前面用“0”填充,例000Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)#auto_increment:表示此字段为自增长字段,即每条记录自动递增Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing),默认从Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)开始递增;自增长字段数据不可以重复;自增长字段必须是主键;如添加的记录数据没有指定此字段的值且添加失败也会自动递增一次#unique key:表示此字段唯一键约束,此字段数据不可以重复;一张表中只能有一个主键, 但是一张表中可以有多个唯一键#not null:表示此字段不允许为NULL

扩展Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)
扩展Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)
扩展Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

七、数据表高级操作’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>克隆表,将数据表的数据记录生成到新的表中’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>方法一’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
create table testLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing) like info;  #通过 LIKE 方法,复制 info 表结构生成 testLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing) 表insert into testLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing) select * from info;

复制Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

方法二’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
CREATE TABLE testLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing) (SELECT * from info);show create table testLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)\G;					#获取数据表的表结构、索引等信息SELECT * from testLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing);

复制Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)
复制Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

清空表,删除表内的所有数据’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>方法一:记录ID未删除’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
delete from testLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing);#DELETE清空表后,返回的结果内有删除的记录条目;DELETE工作时是一Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)一Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)的删除记录数据的;如果表中有自增长字段,使用DELETE FROM 删除所有记录后,再次新添加的记录会从原来最大的记录 ID 后面继续自增写入记录。

删除Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

方法二:删除记录ID’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
truncate table testLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing);#TRUNCATE 清空表后,没有返回被删除的条目;TRUNCATE 工作时是将表结构按原样重新建立,因此在速度上 TRUNCATE 会比 DELETE 清空表快;使用 TRUNCATE TABLE 清空表内数据后,ID 会从 Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing) 开始重新记录。

除Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

创建临时表’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>

临时表创建成功之后,使用SHOW TABLES命令是看不到创建的临时表的,临时表会在连接退出后被销毁。 如果在退出连接之前,也可以可执Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)增删改查等操作,比如使用 DROP TABLE 语句手动直接删除临时表。

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE 表名 (字段Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing) 数据类型,字段Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing) 数据类型[,...][,PRIMARY KEY (主键名)]);例:create temporary table testLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing) (id int(4) zerofill primary key auto_increment,name varchar(Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)0) not null,sex char(Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)) not null);insert into testLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing) values(Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing),Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;asLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;,Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;男Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;);select * from testLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing);show tables;quit;mysql -u root -pselect * from testLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing);

除Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

创建外键约束,保证数据的完整性和一致性’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>




#创建主表test4create table test4 (hobid int(4),hobname varchar(50));#创建从表test5create table test5 (id int(4) primary key auto_increment,name varchar(Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)0),age int(Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)),hobid int(4));#为主表test4添加一个主键约束,主键名建议以“PK_”开头alter table test4 add constraint PK_hobid primary key (hobid);#为从表test5表添加外键,并将test5表的hobid字段和test4表的hobid字段建立外键关联,外键名建议以“FK_”开头alter table test5 add constraint FK_hob foreign key (hobid) references test4 (hobid);desc test5;

外Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

insert into test4 values (Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing),Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;readingLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;);insert into test5 values (Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing),Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;adLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;,Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)8,Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing));

外Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

drop tables test5;drop tables test4;

外Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

show create table test5\G;alter table test5 drop foreign key FK_hob;alter table test5 drop key FK_hob;desc test5;

Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

MySQL中6种常见的约束’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
主键约束(primary key)外键约束(foreign key)非空约束(not null)唯一性约束(unique [key|index])默认值约束(default)自增约束(auto_increment)
八、数据库用户授权’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>新建用户’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
USER Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;用户名Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;@Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;来源地址Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9; [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;密码Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;];#----------------------解释部分-----------------------------------------Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;用户名Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;:指定将创建的用户名Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;来源地址Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;:指定新创建的用户可在哪些主机上登录,可使用IP地址、网段、主机名的形式,
          本地用户可用localhost,允许任意主机登录可用通配符%Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;密码Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;:若使用明文密码,直接输入Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;密码Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;,插入到数据库时由Mysql自动Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing);
       若使用Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)密码,需要先使用SELECT PASSWORD(Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;密码Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;); 获取密文,再在语句中添加 PASSWORD Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;密文Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;;
       若省略“IDENTIFIED BY”部分,则用户的密码将为空(不建议使用)#----------------------------------------------------------------------例如:create user Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;testLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;@Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;localhostLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9; IDENTIFIED BY Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)456Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;;select password(Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)456Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;);create user Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;testLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;@Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;localhostLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9; IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;*6BB48Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)7EB74Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)05EE4568DDA7DC67EDLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)CALet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)AD9Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;;

用户Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

查看用户信息’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
#创建后的用户保存在 mysql 数据库的 user 表里use mysql;select user,authentication_string,Host from user;

用户Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

重命名用户’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
rename user Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;testLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;@Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;localhostLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9; to Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;zzLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;@Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;localhostLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;;

用户Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

删除用户’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
drop user Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;testLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;@Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;localhostLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;;

Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

修改当前登录用户密码’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>

当前密码为abcLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

set PASSWORD = PASSWORD(Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)456Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;);

Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

修改其他用户密码’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
set PASSWORD for Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;zzLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;@Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;localhostLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9; = PASSWORD(Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;abcLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;);

Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

忘记 root 密码的解决办法’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>方法一:修改 /etc/my.cnf 配置文件,不使用密码直接登录到 mysql’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
vim /etc/my.cnf[mysqld]skip-grant-tables					#添加,使登录mysql不使用授权表systemctl restart mysqld.servicemysql								#直接登录

Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)
Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

使用 update 修改 root 密码,刷新数据库’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
update mysql.user set AUTHENTICATION_STRING = PASSWORD(Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;abcLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;) where user=Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;rootLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;;FLUSH PRIVILEGES;quit;mysql -u root -pabcLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)注意:最后再把 /etc/my.cnf 配置文件里的 skip-grant-tables 删除或注释,并重启 mysql 服务。

Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

九、数据库用户授权’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>授予权限’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>

当指定的用户名存在时,GRANT 语句用于修改用户信息。

格式GRANT 权限Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)表 ON 数据库名.表名 TO Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;用户名Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;@Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;来源地址Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9; [IDENTIFIED BY Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;密码Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;];#-------------------------------参数解释---------------------------------------------------------------------------权限Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)表:  用于Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)出授权使用的各种数据库操作,以逗号进Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)分隔,如“select,insert,update”。使用“all”表示所有权限,可授权执Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)任何操作。
          数据库名.表名:  用于指定授权操作的数据库和表的名称,其中可以使用通配符“*”。例如,使用“test.*”表示授权操作的对象为 test数据库中的所有表。
              Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;用户名Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;@Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;来源地址Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;:  用于指定用户名称和允许访问的客户机地址,即谁能连接、能从哪里连接。来源地址可以是域名、IP 地址,还可以使用“%”通配符,表示某个区域或网段内的所有地址,如“%.test.com”、“Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing).Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)68.Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9.%”等。IDENTIFIED BY: 用于设置用户连接数据库时所使用的密码字符串。在新建用户时,若省略“IDENTIFIED BY”部分,则用户的密码将为空。例如:#允许用户 lili 在本地查询 kky 数据库中所有表的数据记录,但禁止查询其他数据库中的表的记录。GRANT select ON kky.* TO Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;liliLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;@Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;localhostLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9; IDENTIFIED BY Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;abcLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;;flush privileges;quit;mysql -u lili -pabcLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)use kky;show tables;select * from info;其他授权例子:#允许用户 pp 在所有终端远程连接 mysql ,并拥有所有权限。GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES(可不写) ON *.* TO Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;ppLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;@Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;%Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9; IDENTIFIED BY Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)456Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;;

查Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)
查Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

查看权限’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
SHOW GRANTS FOR 用户名@来源地址;例如:SHOW GRANTS FOR Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;liliLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;@Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;localhostLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;;

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撤销权限’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)>
REVOKE 权限Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)表 ON 数据库名.表名 FROM 用户名@来源地址;例如:REVOKE SELECT ON kky.* FROM Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;liliLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;@Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;localhostLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;;SHOW GRANTS FOR Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;liliLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;@Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;localhostLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;;#USAGE权限只能用于数据库登陆,不能执Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)任何操作;USAGE权限不能被回收,即 REVOKE 不能删除用户。flush privileges;REVOKE ALL ON *.* FROM Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;liliLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;@Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;localhostLet’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)9;;

Let’s talk about the basic commands of MySQL database (summary sharing)

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