Home >Database >Mysql Tutorial >How to make MySQL indexes more efficient?
This article has brought you knowledge about how to design indexes in MySQL to be more efficient. Next, let’s take a look at how to design indexes. Only by using indexes can we improve the RT of the lower interface and improve user health. I hope it will be helpful to everyone. help.
We know that the index is a tree-like Tree structure based on a linked list, which can quickly retrieve data. At present, almost all RDBMS databases have implemented index features, such as MySQL. B Tree index, MongoDB's BTree index, etc.
In the process of business development, whether the index design is efficient or not determines the execution efficiency of the SQL corresponding to the interface. An efficient index can reduce the response time of the interface and also reduce the cost. Our realistic goal is: index Design->Reduce interface response time->Reduce server configuration->Reduce cost, which must ultimately be implemented in cost, because the boss is most concerned about cost.
Today I will talk to you about indexes in MySQL and how to design indexes. Only by using indexes can we improve the RT of the lower interface and improve user health.
The InnoDB engine in MySQL uses the B Tree structure to store the index, which can minimize the number of disk IOs during data query. At the same time, the height of the tree directly affects the performance of the query. Generally, the height of the tree is maintained at 3 to 4 layers.
B Tree consists of three parts: root, branch and Leaf. The root and branch do not store data, only pointer addresses. All data is stored in Leaf Node, and a two-way linked list is used between Leaf Nodes. Link, the structure is as follows:
As you can see from the above, each Leaf Node is composed of three parts, namely the predecessor pointer p_prev, data data and successor pointer p_next, while data The data is in order. The default is ascending ASC. The key values distributed on the right side of the B tree are always greater than the left ones. At the same time, the distance from the root to each Leaf is equal, that is, the IO required to access any Leaf Node is the same. , that is, the height of the index tree is Level 1 IO operation.
We can think of the index in MySQL as a small table, occupying disk space. The process of creating an index is actually the process of sorting according to the index columns. Sort first in sort_buffer_size. If the amount of data to be sorted is large, the capacity of sort_buffer_size If not, you need to sort through temporary files. The most important thing is that sorting operations (distinct, group by, order by) can be avoided through indexing.
The table in MySQL is IOT (Index Organization Table, index organization table). The data is stored in the order of the primary key id (logically continuous, physically discontinuous), and the primary key id is a clustered index that stores the entire row of data. If there is no explicit primary key specified, MySQL will combine all columns to construct a row_id as the primary key, such as the table users (id, user_id, user_name, phone, primary key(id)), id is a clustered index, which stores the entire row of data id, user_id, user_name, phone.
Auxiliary index is also called a secondary index. In addition to storing the index column, the index also stores the primary key id. For the index of user_name In terms of idx_user_name(user_name), it is actually equivalent to idx_user_name(user_name, id). MySQL will automatically add the primary key id at the end of the auxiliary index. Anyone familiar with Oracle database knows that in addition to the index column, the index also stores row_id (representing data The physical location consists of four parts: object number, data file number, data block number, data line number). We can also display the primary key id when creating an auxiliary index.
-- 创建user_name列上的索引mysql> create index idx_user_name on users(user_name);-- 显示添加主键id创建索引mysql> create index idx_user_name_id on users(user_name,id);-- 对比两个索引的统计数据mysql> select a.space as tbl_spaceid, a.table_id, a.name as table_name, row_format, space_type, b.index_id , b.name as index_name, n_fields, page_no, b.type as index_type from information_schema.INNODB_TABLES a left join information_schema.INNODB_INDEXES b on a.table_id =b.table_id where a.name = 'test/users';+-------------+----------+------------+------------+------------+----------+------------------+----------+------| tbl_spaceid | table_id | table_name | row_format | space_type | index_id | index_name | n_fields | page_no | index_type |+-------------+----------+------------+------------+------------+----------+------------------+----------+------| 518 | 1586 | test/users | Dynamic | Single | 1254 | PRIMARY | 9 | 4 | 3 || 518 | 1586 | test/users | Dynamic | Single | 4003 | idx_user_name | 2 | 5 | 0 || 518 | 1586 | test/users | Dynamic | Single | 4004 | idx_user_name_id | 2 | 45 | 0 |mysql> select index_name, last_update, stat_name, stat_value, stat_description from mysql.innodb_index_stats where index_name in ('idx_user_name','idx_user_name_id');+------------------+---------------------+--------------+------------+-----------------------------------+| index_name | last_update | stat_name | stat_value | stat_description |+------------------+---------------------+--------------+------------+-----------------------------------+ | idx_user_name | 2021-01-02 17:14:48 | n_leaf_pages | 1358 | Number of leaf pages in the index || idx_user_name | 2021-01-02 17:14:48 | size | 1572 | Number of pages in the index || idx_user_name_id | 2021-01-02 17:14:48 | n_leaf_pages | 1358 | Number of leaf pages in the index || idx_user_name_id | 2021-01-02 17:14:48 | size | 1572 | Number of pages in the index |
Compare the results of the two indexes. n_fields represents the number of columns in the index, n_leaf_pages represents the number of leaf pages in the index, and size represents the total number of pages in the index. You can see this through data comparison. The auxiliary index does contain the primary key id, which also shows that the two indexes are completely consistent.
Index_name | n_fields | n_leaf_pages | size |
idx_user_name | 2 | 1358 | 1572 |
idx_user_name_id | 2 | 1358 | 1572 |
select user_id, user_name, phone from users where user_name = 'Laaa';
我们知道,对于索引idx_user_name而言,其实就是一个小表idx_user_name(user_name, id),如果只查询索引中的列,只需要扫描索引就能获取到所需数据,是不需要回表的,如下SQL语句:
SQL 1: select id, user_name from users where user_name = 'Laaa';
SQL 2: select id from users where user_name = 'Laaa';
mysql> explain select id, name from users where name = 'Laaa';+----+-------------+-------+------------+------+---------------+---------------+---------+-------+------+-------| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |+----+-------------+-------+------------+------+---------------+---------------+---------+-------+------+-------| 1 | SIMPLE | users | NULL | ref | idx_user_name | idx_user_name | 82 | const | 1 | 100.00 | Using index |mysql> explain select id from users where name = 'Laaa';+----+-------------+-------+------------+------+---------------+---------------+---------+-------+------+-------| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |+----+-------------+-------+------------+------+---------------+---------------+---------+-------+------+-------| 1 | SIMPLE | users | NULL | ref | idx_user_name | idx_user_name | 82 | const | 1 | 100.00 | Using index |
SQL 1和SQL 2的执行计划中的Extra=Using index 表示使用覆盖索引扫描,不需要回表,再来看上面的业务SQL:
select user_id, user_name, phone from users where user_name = 'Laaa';
Section 1: select **id** from users where user_name = 'Laaa'
//id = 100101
Section 2: select user_id, user_name, phone from users where id
= 100101;
将Section 2的操作称为回表,即通过辅助索引中的主键id去原表中查找数据。
MySQL的索引时B+tree结构,即使表里有上亿条数据,索引的高度都不会很高,通常维持在3-4层左右,我来计算下索引idx_name的高度,从上面知道索引信息:index_id = 4003, page_no = 5,它的偏移量offset就是page_no x innodo_page_size + 64 = 81984,通过hexdump进行查看
$hexdump -s 81984 -n 10 /usr/local/var/mysql/test/users.ibd 0014040 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 0f a3 001404a
其中索引的PAGE_LEVEL为00,即idx_user_name索引高度为1,0f a3 代表索引编号,转换为十进制是4003,正是index_id。
主要区别就是扫描数据量大小以及IO的操作,全表扫描是顺序IO,索引扫描是随机IO,MySQL对此做了优化,增加了change buffer特性来提高IO性能。
select * from trade_info where status = 0 and create_time >= '2020-10-01 00:00:00' and create_time <= '2020-10-07 23:59:59' order by id desc limit 102120, 20;
表trade_info上有索引idx_status_create_time(status,create_time),通过上面分析知道,等价于索引**(status,create_time,id)**,对于典型的分页limit m, n来说,越往后翻页越慢,也就是m越大会越慢,因为要定位m位置需要扫描的数据越来越多,导致IO开销比较大,这里可以利用辅助索引的覆盖扫描来进行优化,先获取id,这一步就是索引覆盖扫描,不需要回表,然后通过id跟原表trade_info进行关联,改写后的SQL如下:
select * from trade_info a ,(select id from trade_info where status = 0 and create_time >= '2020-10-01 00:00:00' and create_time <= '2020-10-07 23:59:59' order by id desc limit 102120, 20) as b //这一步走的是索引覆盖扫描,不需要回表 where a.id = b.id;
-- 需要更新的数据量500wupdate coupons set status = 1 where status =0 and create_time >= '2020-10-01 00:00:00' and create_time <= '2020-10-07 23:59:59';
在Oracle里更新500w数据是很快,因为可以利用多个cpu core去执行,但是MySQL就需要注意了,一个SQL只能使用一个cpu core去处理,如果SQL很复杂或执行很慢,就会阻塞后面的SQL请求,造成活动连接数暴增,MySQL CPU 100%,相应的接口Timeout,同时对于主从复制架构,而且做了业务读写分离,更新500w数据需要5分钟,Master上执行了5分钟,binlog传到了slave也需要执行5分钟,那就是Slave延迟5分钟,在这期间会造成业务脏数据,比如重复下单等。
mysql> explain select min(id) min_id, max(id) max_id from coupons where status =0 and create_time >= '2020-10-01 00:00:00' and create_time <= '2020-10-07 23:59:59'; +----+-------------+-------+------------+-------+------------------------+------------------------+---------+---| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |+----+-------------+-------+------------+-------+------------------------+------------------------+---------+---| 1 | SIMPLE | users | NULL | range | idx_status_create_time | idx_status_create_time | 6 | NULL | 180300 | 100.00 | Using where; Using index |
Extra=Using where; Using index使用了索引idx_status_create_time,同时需要的数据都在索引中能找到,所以不需要回表查询数据。
current_id = min_id;for current_id < max_id do update coupons set status = 1 where id >=current_id and id <= current_id + 1000; //通过主键id更新1000条很快commit;current_id += 1000;done
可以通过设置参数innodb_large_prefix来开启或禁用索引前缀长度的限制,即是设置为OFF,索引虽然可以创建成功,也会有一个警告,主要是因为index size会很大,效率大量的IO的操作,即使MySQL优化器命中了该索引,效率也不会很高。
-- 设置innodb_large_prefix=OFF禁用索引前缀限制,虽然可以创建成功,但是有警告。mysql> create index idx_nickname on users(nickname); // `nickname` varchar(255)Records: 0 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 1mysql> show warnings;+---------+------+---------------------------------------------------------+| Level | Code | Message |+---------+------+---------------------------------------------------------+| Warning | 1071 | Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes |
-- `nickname` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL定义的执行计划mysql> explain select * from users where nickname = 'Laaa';+----+-------------+-------+------------+------+---------------+--------------+---------+-------+------+--------| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |+----+-------------+-------+------------+------+---------------+--------------+---------+-------+------+--------| 1 | SIMPLE | users | NULL | ref | idx_nickname | idx_nickname | 515 | const | 1 | 100.00 | NULL |
key_len=515,由于表和列都是utf8mb4字符集,每个字符占4个字节,变长数据类型+2Bytes,允许NULL额外+1Bytes,即128 x 4 + 2 + 1 = 515Bytes。创建前缀索引,前缀长度也可以不是当前表的数据列最大值,应该是区分度最高的那部分长度,一般能达到90%以上即可,例如email字段存储都是类似这样的值xxxx@yyy.com,前缀索引的最大长度可以是xxxx这部分的最大长度即可。
-- 创建前缀索引,前缀长度为30mysql> create index idx_nickname_part on users(nickname(30));-- 查看执行计划mysql> explain select * from users where nickname = 'Laaa';+----+-------------+-------+------------+------+--------------------------------+-------------------+---------+-| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |+----+-------------+-------+------------+------+--------------------------------+-------------------+---------+-| 1 | SIMPLE | users | NULL | ref | idx_nickname_part,idx_nickname | idx_nickname_part | 123 | const | 1 | 100.00 | Using where |
可以看到优化器选择了前缀索引,索引长度为123,即30 x 4 + 2 + 1 = 123 Bytes,大小不到原来的四分之。
mysql> explain select gender,count(*) from users where nickname like 'User100%' group by nickname limit 10;+----+-------------+-------+------------+-------+--------------------------------+--------------+---------+-----| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |+----+-------------+-------+------------+-------+--------------------------------+--------------+---------+-----| 1 | SIMPLE | users | NULL | range | idx_nickname_part,idx_nickname | idx_nickname | 515 | NULL | 899 | 100.00 | Using index condition |--可以看到Extra= Using index condition表示使用了索引,但是需要回表查询数据,没有发生排序操作。mysql> explain select gender,count(*) from users where nickname like 'User100%' group by nickname limit 10;+----+-------------+-------+------------+-------+-------------------+-------------------+---------+------+------| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |+----+-------------+-------+------------+-------+-------------------+-------------------+---------+------+------| 1 | SIMPLE | users | NULL | range | idx_nickname_part | idx_nickname_part | 123 | NULL | 899 | 100.00 | Using where; Using temporary |--可以看到Extra= Using where; Using temporaryn表示在使用了索引的情况下,需要回表去查询所需的数据,同时发生了排序操作。
select * from trade_info where status = 1 and create_time >= '2020-10-01 00:00:00' and create_time <= '2020-10-07 23:59:59';
-- 分别创建两种不同的复合索引mysql> create index idx_status_create_time on trade_info(status, create_time);mysql> create index idx_create_time_status on trade_info(create_time,status);-- 查看SQL的执行计划mysql> explain select * from users where status = 1 and create_time >='2021-10-01 00:00:00' and create_time <= '2021-10-07 23:59:59';+----+-------------+-------+------------+-------+-----------------------------------------------+---------------| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra |+----+-------------+-------+------------+-------+-----------------------------------------------+---------------| 1 | SIMPLE | trade_info | NULL | range | idx_status_create_time,idx_create_time_status | idx_status_create_time | 6 | NULL | 98518 | 100.00 | Using index condition |
-- 开启optimizer_trace跟踪mysql> set session optimizer_trace="enabled=on",end_markers_in_json=on;-- 执行SQL语句mysql> select * from trade_info where status = 1 and create_time >='2021-10-01 00:00:00' and create_time <= '2021-10-07 23:59:59';-- 查看跟踪结果mysql>SELECT trace FROM information_schema.OPTIMIZER_TRACE\G;
复合索引 | Type | Rows | 参与过滤索引列 | Chosen | Cause |
idx_status_create_time | Index Range Scan | 98518 | status AND create_time | True | Cost低 |
idx_create_time_status | Index Range Scan | 98518 | create_time | False | Cost高 |
MySQL优化器是基于Cost的,COST主要包括IO_COST和CPU_COST,MySQL的CBO(Cost-Based Optimizer基于成本的优化器)总是选择Cost最小的作为最终的执行计划去执行,从上面的分析,CBO选择的是复合索引idx_status_create_time,因为该索引中的status和create_time都能参与了数据过滤,成本较低;而idx_create_time_status只有create_time参数数据过滤,status被忽略了,其实CBO将其简化为单列索引idx_create_time,选择性没有复合索引idx_status_create_time好。
一般情况下,如果表users有复合索引idx_status_create_time,我们都知道,单独用create_time去查询,MySQL优化器是不走索引,所以还需要再创建一个单列索引idx_create_time。用过Oracle的同学都知道,是可以走索引跳跃扫描(Index Skip Scan),在MySQL 8.0也实现Oracle类似的索引跳跃扫描,在优化器选项也可以看到skip_scan=on。
| optimizer_switch |use_invisible_indexes=off,skip_scan=on,hash_join=on |
适合复合索引前导列唯一值少,后导列唯一值多的情况,如果前导列唯一值变多了,则MySQL CBO不会选择索引跳跃扫描,取决于索引列的数据分表情况。
mysql> explain select id, user_id,status, phone from users where create_time >='2021-01-02 23:01:00' and create_time <= '2021-01-03 23:01:00'; +----+-------------+-------+------------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+--------+----------+---- | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra | +----+-------------+-------+------------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+--------+----------+---- | 1 | SIMPLE | users | NULL | range | idx_status_create_time | idx_status_create_time | NULL | NULL | 15636 | 11.11 | Using where; Using index for skip scan|
同时也介绍了如何更好做MySQL索引设计,包括前缀索引,复合索引的顺序问题以及MySQL 8.0推出的索引跳跃扫描,我们都知道,索引可以加快数据的检索,减少IO开销,会占用磁盘空间,是一种用空间换时间的优化手段,同时更新操作会导致索引频繁的合并分裂,影响索引性能,在实际的业务开发中,如何根据业务场景去设计合适的索引是非常重要的,今天就聊这么多,希望对大家有所帮助。
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