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What are the text tags in html

2021-11-18 15:03:3527900browse

html text tags are: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, hr, br, q, blockquote, b, strong, i, em, s, u, small, big, sub, sup, code, pre, abbr, bdo, tt, kbd, dfn, var, etc.

What are the text tags in html

The operating environment of this tutorial: Windows 7 system, HTML5 version, Dell G3 computer.

HTML text is the main content displayed on the web page. The main tags that need to be used are as follows: title tags, paragraph tags, text tags, horizontal line tags, and special symbol tags. These tags are inside the body tag.

1. h1~h6 title tags

Word abbreviation: head header. Title

In order to make the web page more unique Semantically, we often use title tags in pages. HTML provides six levels of titles, namely


, which represent six levels of titles, and

represents the largest title.

represents the smallest title.

Title tag semantics: Used as a title, and in descending order of importance.

Note: Because the h1 tag is important, use it as little as possible

What are the text tags in html

## 2. p paragraph tag

Word abbreviation: paragraph paragraph

To display text in an orderly manner on a web page, paragraph tags are indispensable. Similar to writing an article in normal times, the entire web page can also be used Divided into several paragraphs.

Tips: p is a text-level tag, and only text, pictures, and form elements can be placed in p.

Paragraph tags are the most common tags in HTML documents. By default, text in a paragraph will automatically wrap according to the size of the browser window.


3. hr horizontal line label (single label)

Word abbreviation: horizontal horizontal line.

In web pages, we often see some horizontal lines separating paragraphs from each other, making the document structure clear and hierarchical. These horizontal lines can be achieved by inserting images, or simply through tags,
is a tag that creates a horizontal line across the web page.

What are the text tags in html

4. br Line break label (single label)

Word abbreviation: break break, line break

In HTML, the text in a paragraph will be arranged from left to right, until the right end of the browser window, and then automatically wrap. If you want a certain text to be forced to wrap in a new line, you need to use the line break tag

What are the text tags in html

What are the text tags in html

##5. Quote tags tag defines a short quote, and browsers often add quotation marks around the quoted content;

defines a block quote, and the text it contains will be Separated from regular text, the left and right sides are indented and sometimes italicized.



Tips: A piece of text cannot be placed directly in the blockquote element, but should be included in a block element, such as a p element.

6. Text formatting tagsIn web pages, sometimes you need to set bold, italic or underline effects for text. In this case, You need to use text formatting tags in HTML to display text in a special way.

文字以粗体方式显示(XHTML推荐使用 strong)


Tips: b i s u 只有使用 没有 强调的意思 strong em del ins 语义更强烈

Tips: 标签,在数学公式、科学符号和化学公式中非常有用。

What are the text tags in html

What are the text tags in html








Tips:可以使用 title 属性,设置在鼠标移动到上显示完整文本。


使用 标签可以改变文本流的方向,包含一个属性:dir,取值包活 ltr(从左到右) 和 rtl(从右到左)。



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