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What exactly is the Metaverse?

2021-11-02 11:14:4329140browse

The metaverse is also called the metaphysical universe. It is a concept commonly used to describe the future Internet virtual environment. It forms a perceptible virtual universe in a shared and persistent virtual reality. This synthetic environment includes objects, constants, and objects. It has an interactive relationship with the resident user and exists in a virtually defined time.

What exactly is the Metaverse?

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What exactly is the Metaverse?

Introduction to Metaverse:

Metaverse (English: Metaverse), or metaverse, is usually used to describe the future Internet virtual environment. The concept is to form a perceivable virtual universe in a shared and persistent virtual reality. This synthetic environment contains objects, resident users and their interactive relationships, and exists in a virtually defined time. Designed to provide connected users with long-term logins and interactions. The concept of metaverse in a broad sense refers not only to the virtual synthetic world, but also to the entire Internet, including the scope of augmented reality.

What exactly is the Metaverse?

Expanded introduction:

The word "Metaverse" is composed of the English prefix "meta-" (meta-) and the tail of universe. Composed of "-verse", it was first seen in Neal Stephenson's 1992 science fiction novel "Snow Crash". In this book, humans act as avatars, interacting with each other and software clients in a three-dimensional virtual space using real-world simulations. [7] Stephenson used the term to describe a successor to the Internet based on virtual reality. Concepts similar to the metaverse have long appeared in the cyberpunk novel genre under various names. They are also found in popular works such as "Mega Man EXE" and can be traced back to the 1981 novella "Real Name". Stephenson also stated in the postscript of "Avalanche" that after completing the novel, he learned about "Habitat", a massively multiplayer online role-playing game with a design concept similar to the Metaverse.

The concept of cyberspace first appeared in William Gibson's short story "Fragments of a Holographic Rose" and was a central theme of his seminal 1984 novel "Neuromancer." [8] The Metaverse is distinguished from the more inclusive concept of cyberspace, which reflects the totality of shared online spaces across all dimensions of manifestation [9] For example, unlike the body and mind introduced in Neuromancer Unlike the Cartesian notion of separate fiction, the Metaverse allows its users to interact with virtual environments while still being aware of their real world. [10] This is demonstrated by a technology being developed by Nissan called invisible-to-visible (I2V), which overlays virtual information on the car windshield. , whose functions include summoning a 3D avatar inside the car.

Since many massively multiplayer online games have similar functionality to the Metaverse, but only provide non-persistent instances that are shared by up to dozens of players (such as game characters), Metaverse Virtual The concept of games is used to differentiate them from the Metaverse.

After the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, with the lockdown and home isolation restricting the interaction between people in reality, the Metaverse is considered to be a type of social network in the future. [Source Request] In 2021, Facebook (the parent company of the social networking site Facebook) [13], which intends to develop and build the Metaverse, changed the company name to "Meta" to incorporate the company's future vision of virtual reality.

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