Today I bring you some basic JavaScript learning notes that are worth collecting. They contain a lot of little knowledge, so hurry up and take a look!
##Num number | Boolean | Str string type | Undefined unknown value | Null |
The variable data type of js is determined based on the value on the right side of the equal sign only during the running process of the program. It is also called dynamic data type
Common statements:
IsNAN() //判断值是否为非数字
//转义符: \n换行 \t缩进 \b空格
str.length //获取字符串长度
Little theory
For addition of prompt value, there are the following addition cases:
//demo onevar a,
;a = parseInt(prompt('请输入第一个值'));
b = parseInt(prompt('请输入第二个值'));
var c = a + b;
alert (c);
//demo two
var a = prompt('请输入第一个值');
var b = prompt('请输入第二个值');
var c = Number(a) + Number(b);
alert (c);
String conversion(chrom color is black)
Variable.toString()- String() forced conversion
- Implicit conversion: splicing
- String template splicingMy age is ${age} years old
(Be careful not to drop the backticks)
Number type conversion (chrom color is blue)
Parselnt() is converted to integer type- parseFloat() is converted to floating point type
- Number () Forced conversion function
- Implicit conversion: - * / Arithmetic operation implicit conversion
Boolean conversion(chrom color is blue)
- Empty and negative will be converted to false: such as '', 0, NaN, null, undefined The rest are all true
==Default conversion of numeric type will convert character type into numeric type===Congruent, requires the value and data type to be the samePriority:
- Brackets
- Single eye (right combined right to left)
- Arithmetic*/%
- Displacement
- Relationship
- Equal
- Logic&^| &&||
- Assignment
- Comma
Selection statement
if has nothing to say- Switch Notes:
- The value judgment of case is
all Waiting for operationsJudgement
How to create an array- 1. Use new to create an array
var arr = new Array() //注意的是,new A必须大写
var arr = new Array(2); //表示数据长度2
var arr = new Array(2, 3); //表示里面有两个元素是2和3
2. Use literals to create arrays
var arr = [];
3. Get the length of the array
You can also pass arr.length = (Number) Method to modify the array length
The default value of redundant addresses/empty addresses/undefined array elements is undefined- Take C language as an example, By default, character arrays end with a \0, and out-of-bounds subscripts will cause program errors. The advantage of JS setting like this is that the array length can not be defined, or the address space can be given in advance.
4. Implement array migration so that there is no need to define index/subscript variables
newArry[new.Arry.length] = arr[i++];
Commonly used built-in objects of arrays1. Judge arrays
// var arr = [];
arr instanceof Array //Instanceof运算符判断是否为数组
Array.isArray(arr) //isArray判断是否为数组
2. Add array elements
arr.push() //在数组最后添加一个或多个数组元素
arr.unshift() //在数组最前面添加一个或多个数组元素
Practical: push can assign a value to a new empty array, and both push and unshift have a return value, which is the length of the new array
3. Delete array elements
arr.pop() //删除数组中最后一个元素
arr.shift() //删除数组中第一个元素
There is a return value, which is the value of the deleted element
4. Flip/reverse the array
5. Array sorting
arr.sort() //对个位数进行冒泡排序
Theory: Why is it said that bubble sorting is performed on single digits? Because sort compares arrays and converts the arrays into strings first, so 77 will come before 8, but if there is a comparison function ( compareFunction), you can arrange as required
arr.sort solution
arr.sort(function(a,b)) {
return a - b;
//return b - a
a - b is ascending order, b - a is descending order Sort
6. Search the array
From front to back Search and return the index number of the first element of the array that meets the condition. If not found, return - 1
From back to front Search and return the index number of the first element in the array that meets the condition. If not found, return -1
7. Convert to string
arr.toString() //数组转换成字符串
arr.join() //将数组转换成字符串,且括号内可以写分隔符,表示用什么符号格式进行分隔 arr.join('&')
Arguments Pseudo array can only be used in functions
The data is also stored according to the subscript method, and the length does not need to be defined. Implement formal parameter reception
- Declaration function:
Function function name () { }
var variable name = Function () { } Function expression (anonymous function)
is to bring all the vars and functions in JS to the front of the current scope
- Variable pre-parsing
All variable declarations in advance (without mentioning assignment operations)
- Function pre-parsing
All function declarations in advance (without calling functions)
→ So Pay extra attention to preparsing of function expressions and declared functions
- 如果形参多于实参,按前取;如果有实参没有被传值,默认是undefined
- Return返回一个值,但是如果return[ ] 且有多个表达式以逗号隔开,那返回值会是整个[]的 所有 运算结果
- !!如果函数没有返回值,那么返回的是undefined !!
- 在函数内部直接赋值的变量属于全局变量
- 函数的形参是局部变量
- 块级作用域: {} (es6新增,其他版本在括号里面定
- 作用域链:多个函数嵌套的时候会形成作用域链,子函数能访问父函数的块作用域
- 什么是对象?
在其他语言中,类似 >结构体 >字典
- 字面量创建
var obj = {
age : 999,
printf:function() {
console.log('hello world');
- 直接给对象名、属性冒号跟值+语句结束逗号
- 方法用冒号
- 取值:对象名.属性名 or 对象名[‘属性名’]
- 调用对象方法: 对象名.方法名();
- new object
var obj = new Object(); = '李昂';
obj.age = 999;
console.log('hello world');
- var对象名 = new Object (); 不加分号
- 对象名.属性 = 取值 + 分号
- 方法用冒号
- 取值:对象名.属性名 or 对象名[‘属性名’]
- 调用对象方法: 对象名.方法名();
function Obj (Uname, Uage) { = Uname;
this.age = Uage;
this.printf = function(infoms){
- 类似函数声明,但是构造函数函数名首字母必须大写,this.属性
- 方法用等号
- 构造函数必须得有变量传值,构造函数的方法也必须有变量传值
- 调用构造函数 var 变量 = new 构造函数名(传递的值)
var myobj = new Obj('李昂', '999');//可以理解为创建了一个变量指定了构造函数
obj.printf('hello world');
For (变量 in 对象){
程序员在for in 的变量喜欢写Key或者i
Math.PI //求圆周率
Math.max()//返回最大数值(如果无值返回负无穷大) ()//取绝对值
Math.round()//四舍五入(五特殊 往大了取)
Math.random() ;
- 返回一个随机浮点数【0,1)括号里不跟参数
↓ 扩展:得到自定义最大值和最小值中间的随机函数
Function getRandomInt(min, max) {
min = Math.ceil(min); //规范值语句 可省
max = Math.floor(max); //规范值语句 可省
return = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);
- new Date()调用日期对象 不跟参数返回系统时间
(‘2021-10-10 8:00:00’)字符串输出
(2021, 10, 10)数字输出 月份从0开始11结束 故而要在月份的基础上+1
- 变量.getDay()获取当前星期,星期日从0开始 到星期六6结束 获取到的值是一个数字
↓规范获取当前时间 demo
var date1 = new Date;
var year = date1.getFunllYear();
var month = date1.getMonth();
var dates = date1.getDate();
var day = date1.getDay();
var arr = ['星期日', '星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五', '星期六'];
alert('今天的日期是:' + year + '年' + (month+1) + '月' + dates + '日' + arr[day]);
- 就是把简单数据类型包装成复杂数据类型,这样基本数据类型就有了属性和方法,那么一般来说在浏览器里面JS引擎会自动帮我们把简单数据类型包装成复杂数据类型
var str = 'lion';
var temp = new String('lion');//定义一个临时构造函数包含初始化的字符串
str = temp; //把构造函数赋给值类型
temp = null; //最后舍弃临时变量
- 查找字符串
var str = '我的名字是什么,名字不重要';
console.log(str.indexOf('名字', 3));
- 查找指定字符
str.charAt(0); //返回指定下标的字符
str.charCodeAt(0); //返回指定下标的ASCII码
- 拼接字符串
str.concat('word') //拼接字符串(开发中隐性拼接居多)
- 查找某一连续字符
str.substr('抓起始位置', '抓几个字符'); //查找某一连续字符
- 替换字符
str.replace('被替换的字符', '替换为字符') //如果字符串中有重复的字符,只会替换第一个
- 字符串转换成数组
split('分隔符') //把字符串转换为数组(被转换字符串中必须要写分隔符,而且要与split的分隔符统一!)
- 简单类型又被称为基本类型或者值类型 因为存储是值本身
- 系统自动分配释放存放函数的值,局部变量的值,被称为栈
- 复杂类型又叫引用类型 因为存储的是地址 调用的时候需要专门引用
- 现在栈里面存放16进制地址码,然后指向堆里面的数据(对象实例),被称为堆复杂类型传参,如果不是传值,传的指针,也就是传地址
- 特殊: Null返回的是一个空的对象(因为程序的设计缺陷)
The above is the detailed content of Study notes worth collecting in Java Script (summary sharing). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!