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An in-depth analysis of how to use dependency injection in Angular

2021-09-29 11:23:102905browse

This article will introduce to you the application of dependency injection in Angular. I hope it will be helpful to everyone!

An in-depth analysis of how to use dependency injection in Angular

This article uses actual cases to help you understand the application and partial implementation principles of Dependency Injection in Angular, including

  • useFactory, useClass, useValue and useExisting Application scenarios for different providers

  • ModuleInjector and ElementInjectorThe meaning of different levels of injectors

  • @Injectable() The difference between and @NgModule() in defining provider

  • @Optional(), @Self(), @SkipSelf(), @Host() Use of modifiers

  • muti (Multi-provider) application scenarios

[Related tutorial recommendations: "angular tutorial"]

If you are still unclear What is Dependency injection, you can read this article firstDetailed explanation of dependency injection

##useFactory, useClass, useValue and useExisting different typesproviderApplication Scenarios

Below, we use practical examples to explain the usage scenarios of several providers.

useFactory factory provider

One day, we received a request: to implement a

local storage function and Inject into the Angular application so that it can be used globally in the system

First write the service class

storage.service.ts to implement its storage function

// storage.service.ts
export class StorageService {
  get(key: string) {
    return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key) || '{}') || {};

  set(key: string, value: ITokenModel | null): boolean {
    localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
    return true;

  remove(key: string) {

If you immediately try to use

// user.component.ts
  selector: 'app-user',
  templateUrl: './user.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./user.component.css']
export class CourseCardComponent  {
  constructor(private storageService: StorageService) {
in user.component.ts

you should see an error like this:

NullInjectorError: No provider for StorageService!

Obviously, We have not added

StorageService to Angular's dependency injection system. AngularUnable to obtain the Provider of the StorageService dependency, it is impossible to instantiate this class, let alone call methods in the class.

Next, we manually add a

Provider based on the concept of making up for what is missing. Modify the storage.service.ts file as follows

// storage.service.ts
export class StorageService {
  get(key: string) {
    return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key) || '{}') || {};

  set(key: string, value: any) {
    localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));

  remove(key: string) {

// 添加工厂函数,实例化StorageService
export storageServiceProviderFactory(): StorageService {
  return new StorageService();

Through the above code, we already have

Provider. Then the next question is if Angular is allowed to execute the storageServiceProviderFactory method every time it scans the StorageService dependency to create an instance

This leads to the next knowledge point


In a service class, we often need to add multiple dependencies to ensure the availability of the service. The

InjectionToken is the unique identifier of each dependency, which allows the Angular dependency injection system to accurately find the Provider of each dependency.

Next, we manually add an


// storage.service.ts
import { InjectionToken } from '@angular/core';

export class StorageService {
  get(key: string) {
    return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key) || '{}') || {};

  set(key: string, value: any) {
    localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));

  remove(key: string) {

export storageServiceProviderFactory(): StorageService {
  return new StorageService();

// 添加StorageServiced的InjectionToken
export const STORAGE_SERVICE_TOKEN = new InjectionToken<StorageService>(&#39;AUTH_STORE_TOKEN&#39;);

ok, we already have the

Provider and # of StorageService ##InjectionToken. Next, we need a configuration so that


’s Dependency Injection System can identify it, and after scanning StorageService(Dependency ), find the corresponding storageServiceProviderFactory(Provider) based on STORAGE_SERVICE_TOKEN(InjectionToken), and then create an instance of this dependency. As follows, we configure it in the @NgModule() decorator in module: <pre class="brush:js;toolbar:false;">// user.module.ts @NgModule({ imports: [ ... ], declarations: [ ... ], providers: [ { provide: STORAGE_SERVICE_TOKEN, // 与依赖项关联的InjectionToken,用于控制工厂函数的调用 useFactory: storageServiceProviderFactory, // 当需要创建并注入依赖项时,调用该工厂函数 deps: [] // 如果StorageService还有其他依赖项,这里添加 } ] }) export class UserModule { }</pre>At this point, we have completed the


accomplish. Finally, you also need to let Angular know where to inject . Angular provides the @Inject decorator to identify <pre class="brush:js;toolbar:false;">// user.component.ts @Component({ selector: &amp;#39;app-user&amp;#39;, templateUrl: &amp;#39;./user.component.html&amp;#39;, styleUrls: [&amp;#39;./user.component.css&amp;#39;] }) export class CourseCardComponent { constructor(@Inject(STORAGE_SERVICE_TOKEN) private storageService: StorageService) { ... } ... }</pre> At this point, we can call


user.component.ts The methods in StorageService

useClass class provider

emm... Do you think the above writing method is too complicated? In actual development, In most of our scenarios, there is no need to manually create


and InjectionToken. As follows: <pre class="brush:js;toolbar:false;">// user.component.ts @Component({ selector: &amp;#39;app-user&amp;#39;, templateUrl: &amp;#39;./user.component.html&amp;#39;, styleUrls: [&amp;#39;./user.component.css&amp;#39;] }) export class CourseCardComponent { constructor(private storageService: StorageService) { ... } ... } // storage.service.ts @Injectable({ providedIn: &#39;root&#39; }) export class StorageService {} // user.module.ts @NgModule({ imports: [ ... ], declarations: [ ... ], providers: [StorageService] }) export class UserModule { }</pre> Next, let’s analyze the above

abbreviation mode

. In


, we abandoned the @Inject decorator and directly added the dependency private storageService: StorageService, this is Benefit from Angular’s design of InjectionToken. <blockquote><p><code>InjectionToken不一定必须是一个InjectionToken object,只要保证它在运行时环境中能够识别对应的唯一依赖项即可。所以,在这里,你可以用类名即运行时中的构造函数名称来作为依赖项InjectionToken。省略创建InjectionToken这一步骤。

// user.module.ts
  imports: [
  declarations: [
  providers: [{
    provide: StorageService, // 使用构造函数名作为InjectionToken
    useFactory: storageServiceProviderFactory,
    deps: []
export class UserModule { }



providers: [{
  provide: StorageService,
  useClass: StorageService,
  deps: []

当使用useClass时,Angular会将后面的值当作一个构造函数,在运行时环境中,直接执行new指令进行实例化,这也无需我们再手动创建 Provider


providers: [StorageService]




  // 无需手动注入 :constructor(@Inject(StorageService) private storageService: StorageService)
  constructor(private storageService: StorageService) {


useValue 值提供商



const storageConfig = {
  suffix: &#39;app_&#39; // 添加一个存储key的前缀
  expires: 24 * 3600 * 100 // 过期时间,毫秒戳

useValue则可以 cover 住这种场景。其可以是一个普通变量,也可以是一个对象形式。


// config.ts
export interface STORAGE_CONFIG = {
  suffix: string;
  expires: number;

export const STORAGE_CONFIG_TOKEN = new InjectionToken('storage-config');
export const storageConfig = {
  suffix: &#39;app_&#39; // 添加一个存储key的前缀
  expires: 24 * 3600 * 100 // 过期时间,毫秒戳

// user.module.ts
  providers: [
      provide: STORAGE_CONFIG_TOKEN,
      useValue: storageConfig
export class UserModule {}


// user.component.ts
  selector: &#39;app-user&#39;,
  templateUrl: &#39;./user.component.html&#39;,
  styleUrls: [&#39;./user.component.css&#39;]
export class CourseCardComponent  {
  constructor(private storageService: StorageService, @Inject(STORAGE_CONFIG_TOKEN) private storageConfig: StorageConfig) {

  getKey(): void {
    const { suffix } = this.storageConfig;
    console.log(this.storageService.get(suffix + &#39;demo&#39;));

useExisting 别名提供商


// new-input.component.ts
import { ControlValueAccessor, NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR } from &#39;@angular/forms&#39;;

  selector: &#39;new-input&#39;,
  exportAs: &#39;newInput&#39;,
  providers: [
      provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
      useExisting: forwardRef(() => NewInputComponent), // 这里的NewInputComponent已经声明了,但还没有被定义。无法直接使用,使用forwardRef可以创建一个间接引用,Angular在后续在解析该引用
      multi: true
export class NewInputComponent implements ControlValueAccessor {

ModuleInjector 和 ElementInjector 层级注入器的意义


  • ModuleInjector —— 使用 @NgModule() 或 @Injectable() 的方式在模块中注入

  • ElementInjector —— 在 @Directive() 或 @Component() 的 providers 属性中进行配置


ModuleInjector 模块注入器


// user-card.component.ts
  selector: &#39;user-card.component.ts&#39;,
  templateUrl: &#39;./user-card.component.html&#39;,
  styleUrls: [&#39;./user-card.component.less&#39;]
export class UserCardComponent {

// user.service.ts
  providedIn: "root"
export class UserService {


// user.service.ts
export class UserService {

// app.module.ts
  providers: [UserService], // 通过providers添加
export class AppModule {}


// user.service.ts
  providedIn: UserModule
export class UserService {

如果你足够细心,会发现上述例子中,我们既可以通过在当前service文件中的@Injectable({ provideIn: xxx })定义provider,也可以在其所属module中的@NgModule({ providers: [xxx] })定义。那么,他们有什么区别呢?


使用 @Injectable() 的 providedIn 属性优于 @NgModule() 的 providers 数组,因为使用 @Injectable() 的 providedIn 时,优化工具可以进行摇树优化 Tree Shaking,从而删除你的应用程序中未使用的服务,以减小捆绑包尺寸。


如果通过@NgModule()providers引入依赖项,我们需要在user.module.ts文件中引入对应的user1.service.tsuser2.service.ts文件,然后在providers数组中添加UserService1UserService2引用。而由于UserService2所在文件在module文件中被引用,导致Angular中的tree shaker错误的认为这个UserService2已经被使用了。无法进行摇树优化。代码示例如下:

// user.module.ts
import UserService1 from &#39;./user1.service.ts&#39;;
import UserService2 from &#39;./user2.service.ts&#39;;
  providers: [UserService1, UserService2], // 通过providers添加
export class UserModule {}

那么,如果通过@Injectable({providedIn: UserModule})这种方式,我们实际是在服务类自身文件中引用了use.module.ts,并为其定义了一个provider。无需在UserModule中在重复定义,也就不需要在引入user2.service.ts文件了。所以,当UserService2没有被依赖时,即可被优化掉。代码示例如下:

// user2.service.ts
import UserModule from &#39;./user.module.ts&#39;;
  providedIn: UserModule
export class UserService2 {

ElementInjector 组件注入器



// user-card.component.ts
  selector: &#39;user-card.component.ts&#39;,
  templateUrl: &#39;./user-card.component.html&#39;,
  styleUrls: [&#39;./user-card.component.less&#39;]
export class UserCardComponent {

// user.service.ts
  providedIn: "root"
export class UserService {





// user-card.component.ts
  selector: &#39;user-card.component.ts&#39;,
  templateUrl: &#39;./user-card.component.html&#39;,
  styleUrls: [&#39;./user-card.component.less&#39;],
  providers: [UserService]
export class UserCardComponent {


如果要解释上述的现象,就需要说到AngularComponents and Module Hierarchical Dependency Injection

在组件中使用依赖项时,Angular会优先在该组件的providers中寻找,判断该依赖项是否有匹配的provider。如果有,则直接实例化。如果没有,则查找父组件的providers,如果还是没有,则继续找父级的父级,直到根组件(app.component.ts)。如果在根组件中找到了匹配的provider,会先判断其是否有存在的实例,如果有,则直接返回该实例。如果没有,则执行实例化操作。如果根组件仍未找到,则开始从原组件所在的module开始查找,如果原组件所在module不存在,则继续查找父级module,直到根模块(app.module.ts)。最后,仍未找到则报错No provider for xxx

@Optional()、@Self()、@SkipSelf()、@Host() 修饰符的使用



通过@Optional()装饰服务,表明让该服务可选。即如果在程序中,没有找到服务匹配的provider,也不会程序崩溃,报错No provider for xxx,而是返回null

export class UserCardComponent {
  constructor(@Optional private userService: UserService) {}



如下,Angular只会在当前UserCardComponentproviders中搜索匹配的provider,如果未匹配,则直接报错。No provider for UserService

// user-card.component.ts
  selector: &#39;user-card.component.ts&#39;,
  templateUrl: &#39;./user-card.component.html&#39;,
  styleUrls: [&#39;./user-card.component.less&#39;],
  providers: [UserService],
export class UserCardComponent {
  constructor(@Self() private userService?: UserService) {}



// 子组件 user-card.component.ts
  selector: &#39;user-card.component.ts&#39;,
  templateUrl: &#39;./user-card.component.html&#39;,
  styleUrls: [&#39;./user-card.component.less&#39;],
  providers: [UserService], // not work
export class UserCardComponent {
  constructor(@SkipSelf() private userService?: UserService) {}

// 父组件 parent-card.component.ts
  selector: &#39;parent-card.component.ts&#39;,
  templateUrl: &#39;./parent-card.component.html&#39;,
  styleUrls: [&#39;./parent-card.component.less&#39;],
  providers: [
      provide: UserService,
      useClass: ParentUserService, // work
export class ParentCardComponent {
  constructor() {}



multi 多服务提供商

某些场景下,我们需要一个InjectionToken初始化多个provider。比如:在使用拦截器的时候,我们希望在default.interceptor.ts之前添加一个 用于 token 校验的JWTInterceptor

const NET_PROVIDES = [
  { provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, useClass: DefaultInterceptor, multi: true },
  { provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, useClass: JWTInterceptor, multi: true }

multi: 为false时,provider的值会被覆盖;设置为true,将生成多个provider并与唯一InjectionToken HTTP_INTERCEPTORS关联。最后可以通过HTTP_INTERCEPTORS获取所有provider的值


Angular Dependency Injection: Complete Guide

Angular 中的依赖注入


The above is the detailed content of An in-depth analysis of how to use dependency injection in Angular. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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