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How to implement chat interface in vuejs

2021-09-24 16:43:054301browse

How to implement the chat interface in vuejs: 1. Install dependencies by executing "npm install"; 2. Implement scrolling loading of data through "scrollLoader.vue"; 3. Modify main.js; 4. Set App.vue The parameters in can be used.

How to implement chat interface in vuejs

The operating environment of this article: Windows 7 system, vue version 2.9.6, DELL G3 computer.

How to implement chat interface in vuejs?

Vue.js imitation WeChat chat window display component function

Source code: https://github.com/doterlin/vue-wxChat

Demo address: https://doterlin.github.io/vue-wxChat/


# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build


  • supports the display of text and pictures (the display of voice categories will be supported in the future).
  • Supports scrolling loading of data, in which scrolling loading relies on another component of mine, scrollLoader.vue ("Vue.js up and down scrolling loading component").
  • Support QQ emoticons. In order to use emoticons, please register the command v-emotion globally. I implemented it in main.js; the code is as follows:
function toEmotion(text, isNoGif){
 var list = ['微笑', '撇嘴', '色', '发呆', '得意', '流泪', '害羞', '闭嘴', '睡', '大哭', '尴尬', '发怒', '调皮', '呲牙', '惊讶', '难过', '酷', '冷汗', '抓狂', '吐', '偷笑', '愉快', '白眼', '傲慢', '饥饿', '困', '惊恐', '流汗', '憨笑', '大兵', '奋斗', '咒骂', '疑问', '嘘', '晕', '折磨', '衰', '骷髅', '敲打', '再见', '擦汗', '抠鼻', '鼓掌', '糗大了', '坏笑', '左哼哼', '右哼哼', '哈欠', '鄙视', '委屈', '快哭了', '阴险', '亲亲', '吓', '可怜', '菜刀', '西瓜', '啤酒', '篮球', '乒乓', '咖啡', '饭', '猪头', '玫瑰', '凋谢', '示爱', '爱心', '心碎', '蛋糕', '闪电', '炸弹', '刀', '足球', '瓢虫', '便便', '月亮', '太阳', '礼物', '拥抱', '强', '弱', '握手', '胜利', '抱拳', '勾引', '拳头', '差劲', '爱你', 'NO', 'OK', '爱情', '飞吻', '跳跳', '发抖', '怄火', '转圈', '磕头', '回头', '跳绳', '挥手', '激动', '街舞', '献吻', '左太极', '右太极', '嘿哈', '捂脸', '奸笑', '机智', '皱眉', '耶', '红包', '鸡'];
 if (!text) {
  return text;
 text = text.replace(/\[[\u4E00-\u9FA5]{1,3}\]/gi, function(word){
  var newWord = word.replace(/\[|\]/gi,'');
  var index = list.indexOf(newWord);
  var backgroundPositionX = -index * 24
  var imgHTML = '';
   return word;
  if (isNoGif) {
    return word;
   imgHTML = `<i class="static-emotion" style="background:url(https://res.wx.qq.com/mpres/htmledition/images/icon/emotion/default218877.gif) ${backgroundPositionX}px 0;"></i>`
  } else {
   var path = index>104 ? &#39;/img&#39; : &#39;https://res.wx.qq.com/mpres/htmledition/images/icon&#39;;
   imgHTML = `![](${path}/emotion/${index}.gif)`
  return imgHTML;
 return text;
Vue.directive(&#39;emotion&#39;, {
 bind: function (el, binding) {
  el.innerHTML = toEmotion(binding.value)

How to use?

The parameters have been described in the component and demonstrated in App.vue:

Parameters and descriptions:

WeChat chat visual component

Depends on the scrollLoader component and the instruction v-emotion (please see main.js for implementation)


width component width, default 450

wrapBg outer parent element background color, default #efefef

maxHeight is the maximum height of the display window, default is 900

contactAvatarUrl friend avatar url

ownerAvatarUrl WeChat owner avatar url

ownerNickname WeChat owner nickname

getUpperData (required) A method to load data when scrolling to the top. The return value must be a Promise object. The structure of resolve is the same as data

getUnderData (required). A method to load data when scrolling to the bottom. The return value is the same as above

data (required) Pass in initialization data, the structure is as follows:

 direction: 2, //为2表示微信主人发出的消息,1表示联系人
 id: 1, //根据这个来排序消息
 type: 1, //1为文本,2为图片
 content: &#39;你好!![呲牙]&#39;, //当type为1时这里是文本消息,当type2为2时这里要存放图片地址;后续会支持语音的显示
 ctime: new Date().toLocaleString() //显示当前消息的发送时间
 direction: 1,
 id: 2,
 type: 1,
 content: &#39;你也好。[害羞]&#39;,
 ctime: new Date().toLocaleString()

Complete usage example

Effect: https://doterlin.github .io/vue-wxChat/


import wxChat from &#39;./components/wxChat.vue&#39;
export default {
 name: &#39;app&#39;,
 data () {
 return {
  upperTimes: 0,
  underTimes: 0,
  upperId: 0,
  underId: 6,
  ownerAvatarUrl: &#39;./src/assets/avatar1.png&#39;,
  contactAvatarUrl: &#39;./src/assets/avatar2.png&#39;,
  wxChatData: [{
  direction: 2,
  id: 1,
  type: 1,
  content: &#39;你好!![呲牙]&#39;,
  ctime: new Date().toLocaleString()
  direction: 1,
  id: 2,
  type: 1,
  content: &#39;你也好。[害羞]&#39;,
  ctime: new Date().toLocaleString()
  direction: 2,
  id: 3,
  type: 1,
  content: &#39;这是我的简历头像:&#39;,
  ctime: new Date().toLocaleString()
  direction: 2,
  id: 4,
  type: 2,
  content: &#39;./src/assets/wyz.jpg&#39;,
  ctime: new Date().toLocaleString()
  direction: 1,
  id: 5,
  type: 1,
  content: &#39;你开心就好。[微笑]&#39;,
  ctime: new Date().toLocaleString()
  var me = this;
  // 这里为模拟异步加载数据
  // 实际上你可能要这么写:
  // return axios.get(&#39;xxx&#39;).then(function(result){
  //  return result; //result的格式需要类似下面resolve里面的数组
  // })
  return new Promise(function(resolve){
   return resolve([]);
    direction: 2,
    id: me.upperId-1,
    type: 1,
    content: &#39;向上滚动加载第 &#39; + me.upperTimes +&#39; 条!&#39;,
    ctime: new Date().toLocaleString()
    direction: 1,
    id: me.upperId-2,
    type: 1,
    content: &#39;向上滚动加载第 &#39; + me.upperTimes +&#39; 条!&#39;,
    ctime: new Date().toLocaleString()
  }, 1000);
  me.upperId= me.upperId+2;
  var me = this;
  return new Promise(function(resolve){
   return resolve([]);
    direction: 1,
    id: me.underId+1,
    type: 1,
    content: &#39;向下滚动加载第 &#39; + me.underTimes +&#39; 条!&#39;,
    ctime: new Date().toLocaleString()
    direction: 2,
    id: me.underId+2,
    type: 1,
    content: &#39;向下滚动加载第 &#39; + me.underTimes +&#39; 条!&#39;,
    ctime: new Date().toLocaleString()
  }, 1000);
  me.underId = me.underId+2;
 margin: 0;
 padding: 0;
#app {
 font-family: &#39;Avenir&#39;, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
 -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
 -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
 text-align: center;
 color: #2c3e50;
 margin-top: 60px;
h1, h2 {
 font-weight: normal;
ul {
 list-style-type: none;
 padding: 0;
li {
 display: inline-block;

Welcome to start:


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