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One trick to teach you how to use window to mount EFI partition (with code)

2021-08-31 09:29:0812202browse

In the previous article "Teach you step-by-step how to use Win10 to launch the package manager (share)", I introduced how to use Win10 to launch the package manager. The following article will introduce to you how to use window to mount the EFI partition. Let's take a look.

One trick to teach you how to use window to mount EFI partition (with code)

How to mount the EFI partition under windows

Two methods:

1 , Use the mountvol command to mount

  • 1. win R =>cmd

  • 2. mountvol z: /S Enter

Successfully mounted the EFI partition to the Z disk.

Available Mountvol Switches The following switches can be used to create, delete, or list volume mount points

  • mountvol[ Drive:]Path volume name

  • mountvol[Drive:]Path/D

  • mountvol[Drive:]Path/L

  • ##mountvolDrive:/S


  • Path Specifies the existing

    NTFS file system directory in which the mount point will reside.

  • Volume name Specifies the volume name as the target of the mount point.

  • /DDeletes the volume mount point from the specified directory.

  • /LLists the names of mounted volumes for the specified directory.

  • /SMounts the EFI system partition on the given drive.

eg: Delete

$ mountvol z: /D

2. Use diskpart command to mount

  • win R => cmd(Enter /Enter)

  • Enter diskpart (Enter/Enter)

Operations after entering


$ list disk        #列出磁盘
$ select disk 0    #选择第0个磁盘
$ list partition   #列出分区
$ select partition 1   #选择第一个分区类型为系统 默认大小为550MB 的那个系统分区
$ assign letter=b   #挂载到 卷号B

How to access the mounted

FEI partitionwin R => cmd

Open the command console

# 先干掉资源管理器

$ taskkill /im explorer.exe /f
After killing the explorer process. The desktop will be lost. The taskbar is gone.

(Ctrl Shift Esc) key combination opens the Task Manager.

Then open the task manager

=>New task inputexplorer, check the box below to run in administrator mode


The following is added in 2018.8.4. After mounting with the above two methods, you can see the disk, but cannot access it. You can only use the cmd command to copy and paste modifications

Environment win10 latest version mac os 10.12.6

First enter

diskpart to enter disk management

diskpart  #进入磁盘管理
list disk   #列出磁盘
select disk 0     #(0为选择的磁盘号 简写 `sel disk 0` )
list partition   #(列出分区 简写=> `list part` )
select partition 0  #(0为选择的分区,我的大小为550mb  ,类型为主要分区 简写=> `sel part 0` )
set id=ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7  #(这个一步最重要就是把分区id 改为系统能识别的id ,不影响使用)

assign letter=y`  #(y为手动分配的盘符)

set id=c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b (It hides the mounted EFI partition as a real EFI system partition. This is usually how to hide a disk. For more commands, you can enter help setid to view)

or directly enter ass There is no need to manually enter the volume number here, the system will automatically assign it, and it is OK at this step

After the above steps are completed, you can directly access the mount


Recommended learning:

windows tutorial

The above is the detailed content of One trick to teach you how to use window to mount EFI partition (with code). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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