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Everyone who is familiar with laravel knows that laravel has Multiple records are inserted in batches at one time, but multiple records are not updated conditionally at one time.
Do you envy thinkphp's saveAll, do you envy ci's update_batch, but why does such an elegant laravel not have a similar batch update method?
Experts Googled the folk
and found that someone had already written on stackoverflow (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26133977/laravel-bulk-update) Okay, but it doesn't prevent sql injection.
This article has been adjusted in conjunction with laravel's Eloquent to effectively prevent sql injection.
<?php namespace App\Models; use DB; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; /** * 学生表模型 */ class Students extends Model { protected $table = 'students'; //批量更新 public function updateBatch($multipleData = []) { try { if (empty($multipleData)) { throw new \Exception("数据不能为空"); } $tableName = DB::getTablePrefix() . $this->getTable(); // 表名 $firstRow = current($multipleData); $updateColumn = array_keys($firstRow); // 默认以id为条件更新,如果没有ID则以第一个字段为条件 $referenceColumn = isset($firstRow['id']) ? 'id' : current($updateColumn); unset($updateColumn[0]); // 拼接sql语句 $updateSql = "UPDATE " . $tableName . " SET "; $sets = []; $bindings = []; foreach ($updateColumn as $uColumn) { $setSql = "`" . $uColumn . "` = CASE "; foreach ($multipleData as $data) { $setSql .= "WHEN `" . $referenceColumn . "` = ? THEN ? "; $bindings[] = $data[$referenceColumn]; $bindings[] = $data[$uColumn]; } $setSql .= "ELSE `" . $uColumn . "` END "; $sets[] = $setSql; } $updateSql .= implode(', ', $sets); $whereIn = collect($multipleData)->pluck($referenceColumn)->values()->all(); $bindings = array_merge($bindings, $whereIn); $whereIn = rtrim(str_repeat('?,', count($whereIn)), ','); $updateSql = rtrim($updateSql, ", ") . " WHERE `" . $referenceColumn . "` IN (" . $whereIn . ")"; // 传入预处理sql语句和对应绑定数据 return DB::update($updateSql, $bindings); } catch (\Exception $e) { return false; } } }
You can make adjustments according to your own needs. The following is a usage example:
// 要批量更新的数组 $students = [ ['id' => 1, 'name' => '张三', 'email' => 'zhansan@qq.com'], ['id' => 2, 'name' => '李四', 'email' => 'lisi@qq.com'], ]; // 批量更新 app(Students::class)->updateBatch($students);
The generated SQL statement is as follows:
UPDATE pre_students SET NAME = CASE WHEN id = 1 THEN '张三' WHEN id = 2 THEN '李四' ELSE NAME END, email = CASE WHEN id = 1 THEN 'zhansan@qq.com' WHEN id = 2 THEN 'lisi@qq.com' ELSE email END WHERE id IN (1, 2)
Is the efficiency improved a lot? Well~
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