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How to get the current time and timestamp in MySQL

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MySQL is the most popular relational database management system. In terms of WEB applications, MySQL is one of the best RDBMS application software. In this introduction, you will quickly master the MySQL method of obtaining the current time and timestamp, and use the MySQL database easily.

How to get the current time and timestamp in MySQL

Get the current date and time (date time) function: now()

MySQL> select now();
| now() |
| 2013-04-08 20:56:19 |

In addition to the now() function, you can get the current In addition to date and time, MySQL also has the following functions:

,localtimestamp — (v4.0.6)
,localtimestamp() — (v4.0.6)

These date and time functions are equivalent to now(). Since the now() function is short and easy to remember, it is recommended to always use now() instead of the functions listed above.

Get the current date and time (date time) function: sysdate()

sysdate() date and time function is similar to now(), the difference is : now() gets the value when execution starts, sysdate() gets the value dynamically when the function is executed. You can understand it by looking at the following example:

mysql> select now(), sleep(3), now();
| now() | sleep(3) | now() |
| 2013-04-08 20:57:46 | 0 | 2013-04-08 20:57:46 |
mysql> select sysdate(), sleep(3), sysdate();
| sysdate() | sleep(3) | sysdate() |
| 2013-04-08 20:58:47 | 0 | 2013-04-08 20:58:50 |

You can see that although it sleeps for 3 seconds in the middle, the time values ​​obtained twice by the now() function are the same; the time values ​​obtained twice by the sysdate() function are different. 3 seconds. MySQL Manual describes sysdate() like this: Return the time at which the function executes.

sysdate() date and time function, rarely used in general.

Get the current date (date) function: curdate()

mysql> select curdate();
| curdate() |
| 2013-04-08 |

Among them, the following two date functions are equivalent to curdate():


Get the current time (time) function: curtime()

mysql> select curtime();
| curtime() |
| 21:00:11 |

Among them, the following two time functions are equivalent to curtime():


Get Current UTC date and time functions: utc_date(), utc_time(), utc_timestamp()

mysql> select utc_timestamp(), utc_date(), utc_time(),now();
| utc_timestamp() | utc_date() | utc_time() | now() |
| 2013-04-08 13:01:32 | 2013-04-08 | 13:01:32 |2013-04-08 21:01:32 |

Because our country is located in the East Eighth Time Zone, local time = UTC time 8 hours. UTC time is very useful when the business involves multiple countries and regions.

MySQL date and time Extract (select) function.

1. Select each part of the date and time: date, time, year, quarter, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond

set @dt = ’2008-09-10 07:15:30.123456′;
select date(@dt); — 2008-09-10
select time(@dt); — 07:15:30.123456
select year(@dt); — 2008
select quarter(@dt); — 3
select month(@dt); — 9
select week(@dt); — 36
select day(@dt); — 10
select hour(@dt); — 7
select minute(@dt); — 15
select second(@dt); — 30
select microsecond(@dt); — 123456

2. MySQL Extract() function can achieve similar functions as above:

et @dt = ’2008-09-10 07:15:30.123456′;
select extract(year from @dt); — 2008
select extract(quarter from @dt); — 3
select extract(month from @dt); — 9
select extract(week from @dt); — 36
select extract(day from @dt); — 10
select extract(hour from @dt); — 7
select extract(minute from @dt); — 15
select extract(second from @dt); — 30
select extract(microsecond from @dt); — 123456select extract(year_month from @dt); — 200809
select extract(day_hour from @dt); — 1007
select extract(day_minute from @dt); — 100715
select extract(day_second from @dt); — 10071530
select extract(day_microsecond from @dt); — 10071530123456
select extract(hour_minute from @dt); — 715
select extract(hour_second from @dt); — 71530
select extract(hour_microsecond from @dt); — 71530123456
select extract(minute_second from @dt); — 1530
select extract(minute_microsecond from @dt); — 1530123456
select extract(second_microsecond from @dt); — 30123456

MySQL Extract() function has all the functions except date() and time(). . It also has functions such as selecting ‘day_microsecond’. Note that instead of just selecting day and microsecond, you select from the day part of the date to the microsecond part. It's tough enough!

The only bad thing about the MySQL Extract() function is that you need to hit the keyboard a few times.

3. MySQL dayof... function: dayofweek(), dayofmonth(), dayofyear()

Return date parameters respectively, in a week, a month, and a year s position.

set @dt = ’2008-08-08′;
select dayofweek(@dt); — 6
select dayofmonth(@dt); — 8
select dayofyear(@dt); — 221

The date '2008-08-08′ is the 6th day of the week (1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, …, 7 = Saturday); the 8th day of January; the year Day 221.

4. MySQL week... functions: week(), weekofyear(), dayofweek(), weekday(), yearweek()

set @dt = ’2008-08-08′;
select week(@dt); — 31
select week(@dt,3); — 32
select weekofyear(@dt); — 32
select dayofweek(@dt); — 6
select weekday(@dt); — 4
select yearweek(@dt); — 200831

MySQL week () function can have two parameters, please refer to the manual for details. Weekofyear() is the same as week(), both of which calculate the week of the year when "a certain day" is located. weekofyear(@dt) is equivalent to week(@dt,3).

MySQL weekday() function is similar to dayofweek(), both return the position of "someday" in the week. The difference lies in the reference standard, weekday: (0 = Monday, 1 = Tuesday, …, 6 = Sunday); dayofweek: (1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, …, 7 = Saturday)

MySQL yearweek () function, returns year(2008) week position(31).

5. MySQL returns the name of the week and month: dayname(), monthname()

set @dt = ’2008-08-08′;
select dayname(@dt); — Friday
select monthname(@dt); — August

Thinking about how to return the Chinese name?

6. MySQL last_day() function: Returns the last day of the month.

select last_day(’2008-02-01′); — 2008-02-29
select last_day(’2008-08-08′); — 2008-08-31

MySQL last_day() function is very useful. For example, if I want to get the number of days in the current month, I can calculate it like this:

mysql> select now(), day(last_day(now())) as days;
| now() | days |
| 2013-04-08 21:03:14 | 30 |

MySQL date and time calculation function

1. MySQL adds a time interval to the date: date_add()

set @dt = now();
select date_add(@dt, interval 1 day); — add 1 day
select date_add(@dt, interval 1 hour); — add 1 hour
select date_add(@dt, interval 1 minute); — …
select date_add(@dt, interval 1 second);
select date_add(@dt, interval 1 microsecond);
select date_add(@dt, interval 1 week);
select date_add(@dt, interval 1 month);
select date_add(@dt, interval 1 quarter);
select date_add(@dt, interval 1 year);
select date_add(@dt, interval -1 day); — sub 1 day

MySQL adddate(), addtime() functions can be replaced by date_add(). The following is an example of date_add() implementing the addtime() function:

mysql> set @dt = ’2008-08-09 12:12:33′;
mysql> select date_add(@dt, interval ’01:15:30′ hour_second);
| date_add(@dt, interval ’01:15:30′ hour_second) |
| 2008-08-09 13:28:03 |
mysql> select date_add(@dt, interval ’1 01:15:30′ day_second);
| date_add(@dt, interval ’1 01:15:30′ day_second) |
| 2008-08-10 13:28:03 |

date_add() 函数,分别为 @dt 增加了“1小时 15分 30秒” 和 “1天 1小时 15分 30秒”。建议:总是使用 date_add() 日期时间函数来替代 adddate(), addtime()。

2. MySQL 为日期减去一个时间间隔:date_sub()

mysql> select date_sub(’1998-01-01 00:00:00′, interval ’1 1:1:1′ day_second);
| date_sub(’1998-01-01 00:00:00′, interval ’1 1:1:1′ day_second) |
| 1997-12-30 22:58:59 |

MySQL date_sub() 日期时间函数 和 date_add() 用法一致,不再赘述。另外,MySQL 中还有两个函数 subdate(), subtime(),建议,用 date_sub() 来替代。

3. MySQL 另类日期函数:period_add(P,N), period_diff(P1,P2)

函数参数“P” 的格式为“YYYYMM” 或者 “YYMM”,第二个参数“N” 表示增加或减去 N month(月)。

MySQL period_add(P,N):日期加/减去N月。

mysql> select period_add(200808,2), period_add(20080808,-2)
| period_add(200808,2) | period_add(20080808,-2) |
| 200810 | 20080806 |
MySQL period_diff(P1,P2):日期 P1-P2,返回 N 个月。
mysql> select period_diff(200808, 200801);
| period_diff(200808, 200801) |
| 7 |

在 MySQL 中,这两个日期函数,一般情况下很少用到。

4. MySQL 日期、时间相减函数:datediff(date1,date2), timediff(time1,time2)

MySQL datediff(date1,date2):两个日期相减 date1 – date2,返回天数。
select datediff(’2008-08-08′, ’2008-08-01′); — 7
select datediff(’2008-08-01′, ’2008-08-08′); — -7
MySQL timediff(time1,time2):两个日期相减 time1 – time2,返回 time 差值。
select timediff(’2008-08-08 08:08:08′, ’2008-08-08 00:00:00′); — 08:08:08
select timediff(’08:08:08′, ’00:00:00′); — 08:08:08

注意:timediff(time1,time2) 函数的两个参数类型必须相同。

MySQL 日期转换函数、时间转换函数

1. MySQL (时间、秒)转换函数:time_to_sec(time), sec_to_time(seconds)

select time_to_sec(’01:00:05′); — 3605
select sec_to_time(3605); — ’01:00:05′

2. MySQL (日期、天数)转换函数:to_days(date), from_days(days)

select to_days(’0000-00-00′); — 0
select to_days(’2008-08-08′); — 733627
select from_days(0); — ’0000-00-00′
select from_days(733627); — ’2008-08-08′

3. MySQL Str to Date (字符串转换为日期)函数:str_to_date(str, format)

select str_to_date(’08/09/2008′, ‘%m/%d/%Y’); — 2008-08-09
select str_to_date(’08/09/08′ , ‘%m/%d/%y’); — 2008-08-09
select str_to_date(’08.09.2008′, ‘%m.%d.%Y’); — 2008-08-09
select str_to_date(’08:09:30′, ‘%h:%i:%s’); — 08:09:30
select str_to_date(’08.09.2008 08:09:30′, ‘%m.%d.%Y %h:%i:%s’); — 2008-08-09 08:09:30

可以看到,str_to_date(str,format) 转换函数,可以把一些杂乱无章的字符串转换为日期格式。另外,它也可以转换为时间。“format” 可以参看 MySQL 手册。

4. MySQL Date/Time to Str(日期/时间转换为字符串)函数:date_format(date,format), time_format(time,format)

mysql> select date_format(’2008-08-08 22:23:00′, ‘%W %M %Y’);
| date_format(’2008-08-08 22:23:00′, ‘%W %M %Y’) |
| Friday August 2008 |
mysql> select date_format(’2008-08-08 22:23:01′, ‘%Y%m%d%H%i%s’);
| date_format(’2008-08-08 22:23:01′, ‘%Y%m%d%H%i%s’) |
| 20080808222301 |
mysql> select time_format(’22:23:01′, ‘%H.%i.%s’);
| time_format(’22:23:01′, ‘%H.%i.%s’) |
| 22.23.01 |

MySQL 日期、时间转换函数:date_format(date,format), time_format(time,format) 能够把一个日期/时间转换成各种各样的字符串格式。它是 str_to_date(str,format) 函数的 一个逆转换。

5. MySQL 获得国家地区时间格式函数:get_format()

MySQL get_format() 语法:

get_format(date|time|datetime, ‘eur’|’usa’|’jis’|’iso’|’internal’

MySQL get_format() 用法的全部示例:

select get_format(date,’usa’) ; — ‘%m.%d.%Y’
select get_format(date,’jis’) ; — ‘%Y-%m-%d’
select get_format(date,’iso’) ; — ‘%Y-%m-%d’
select get_format(date,’eur’) ; — ‘%d.%m.%Y’
select get_format(date,’internal’) ; — ‘%Y%m%d’
select get_format(datetime,’usa’) ; — ‘%Y-%m-%d %H.%i.%s’
select get_format(datetime,’jis’) ; — ‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s’
select get_format(datetime,’iso’) ; — ‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s’
select get_format(datetime,’eur’) ; — ‘%Y-%m-%d %H.%i.%s’
select get_format(datetime,’internal’) ; — ‘%Y%m%d%H%i%s’
select get_format(time,’usa’) ; — ‘%h:%i:%s %p’
select get_format(time,’jis’) ; — ‘%H:%i:%s’
select get_format(time,’iso’) ; — ‘%H:%i:%s’
select get_format(time,’eur’) ; — ‘%H.%i.%s’
select get_format(time,’internal’) ; — ‘%H%i%s’

MySQL get_format() 函数在实际中用到机会的比较少。

6. MySQL 拼凑日期、时间函数:makdedate(year,dayofyear), maketime(hour,minute,second)

select makedate(2001,31); — ’2001-01-31′
select makedate(2001,32); — ’2001-02-01′
select maketime(12,15,30); — ’12:15:30′

MySQL 时间戳(Timestamp)函数

1. MySQL 获得当前时间戳函数:current_timestamp, current_timestamp()

mysql> select current_timestamp, current_timestamp();
| current_timestamp | current_timestamp() |
| 2008-08-09 23:22:24 | 2008-08-09 23:22:24 |

2. MySQL (Unix 时间戳、日期)转换函数:



select unix_timestamp(); — 1218290027
select unix_timestamp(’2008-08-08′); — 1218124800
select unix_timestamp(’2008-08-08 12:30:00′); — 1218169800
select from_unixtime(1218290027); — ’2008-08-09 21:53:47′
select from_unixtime(1218124800); — ’2008-08-08 00:00:00′
select from_unixtime(1218169800); — ’2008-08-08 12:30:00′
select from_unixtime(1218169800, ‘%Y %D %M %h:%i:%s %x’); — ’2008 8th August 12:30:00 2008′

3. MySQL 时间戳(timestamp)转换、增、减函数:

timestamp(date) — date to timestamp
timestamp(dt,time) — dt + time
timestampadd(unit,interval,datetime_expr) –
timestampdiff(unit,datetime_expr1,datetime_expr2) –


select timestamp(’2008-08-08′); — 2008-08-08 00:00:00
select timestamp(’2008-08-08 08:00:00′, ’01:01:01′); — 2008-08-08 09:01:01
select timestamp(’2008-08-08 08:00:00′, ’10 01:01:01′); — 2008-08-18 09:01:01
select timestampadd(day, 1, ’2008-08-08 08:00:00′); — 2008-08-09 08:00:00
select date_add(’2008-08-08 08:00:00′, interval 1 day); — 2008-08-09 08:00:00
MySQL timestampadd() 函数类似于 date_add()。
select timestampdiff(year,’2002-05-01′,’2001-01-01′); — -1
select timestampdiff(day ,’2002-05-01′,’2001-01-01′); — -485
select timestampdiff(hour,’2008-08-08 12:00:00′,’2008-08-08 00:00:00′); — -12
select datediff(’2008-08-08 12:00:00′, ’2008-08-01 00:00:00′); — 7
MySQL timestampdiff() 函数就比 datediff() 功能强多了,datediff() 只能计算两个日期(date)之间相差的天数。

MySQL timestampdiff() 函数就比 datediff() 功能强多了,datediff() 只能计算两个日期(date)之间相差的天数。

MySQL 时区(timezone)转换函数convert_tz(dt,from_tz,to_tz)

select convert_tz(’2008-08-08 12:00:00′, ‘+08:00′, ‘+00:00′); — 2008-08-08 04:00:00
时区转换也可以通过 date_add, date_sub, timestampadd 来实现。
select date_add(’2008-08-08 12:00:00′, interval -8 hour); — 2008-08-08 04:00:00
select date_sub(’2008-08-08 12:00:00′, interval 8 hour); — 2008-08-08 04:00:00
select timestampadd(hour, -8, ’2008-08-08 12:00:00′); — 2008-08-08 04:00:00


The above is the detailed content of How to get the current time and timestamp in MySQL. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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