Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >With the upgrade of WeChat payment, the PHP WeChat payment V3 interface is also coming

With the upgrade of WeChat payment, the PHP WeChat payment V3 interface is also coming

2021-07-15 13:39:435065browse

Unconsciously, WeChat payment has also been updated, and the interface version has also been upgraded to V3. Following the upgrade of WeChat, the personal use of WeChat payment has also been upgraded. V3 WeChat payment document: https://pay.weixin .qq.com/wiki/doc/apiv3/index.shtml.

The usage method is the same as before (V2 WeChat payment), you can use it by directly passing the parameters:

The new version has added composer installation , to facilitate the use of the integrated framework (Github address):

composer require fengkui/pay

First fill in the configuration file completely (be careful not to fill it in incorrectly, otherwise it will cause a signature error):

# 微信支付配置
$wechatConfig = [
    'xcxid'         => '', // 小程序 appid
    'appid'         => '', // 微信支付 appid
    'mchid'         => '', // 微信支付 mch_id 商户收款账号
    'key'           => '', // 微信支付 apiV3key(尽量包含大小写字母,否则验签不通过)
    'appsecret'     => '', // 公众帐号 secert (公众号支付获取 code 和 openid 使用)

    'notify_url'    => '', // 接收支付状态的连接  改成自己的回调地址
    'redirect_url'  => '', // 公众号支付,调起支付页面

    'serial_no'     => '', // 证书序列号
    'cert_client'   => './cert/apiclient_cert.pem', // 证书(退款,红包时使用)
    'cert_key'      => './cert/apiclient_key.pem', // 商户私钥(Api安全中下载)
    'public_key'    => './cert/public_key.pem', // 平台公钥(调动证书列表,自动生成)

Payment class encapsulation related methods:

##jsJSAPI Order appAPP PAYMENTh5H5 PAYMENTscanNavicat paymentxcx小program paymentqueryQuery ordercloseClose order##refundnotifyUsage method (mini program payment is used as an example here):
method Description
Apply for refund
Payment result notification

$config = []; // 支付配置
$order = [
    &#39;order_sn&#39; => time(), // 订单编号
    &#39;total_amount&#39; => 1, // 订单金额(分)
    &#39;body&#39; => &#39;测试商品&#39;, // 商品名称
    &#39;openid&#39; => &#39;&#39;, // 用户openid
    // &#39;type&#39; => &#39;Wap&#39;,

$wechat = new fengkui\Pay\Wechat($config);
$re = $wechat->xcx($order);
die(json_encode($re)); // JSON化直接返回小程序客户端

The following code is an encapsulated complete payment class file (Wechat.php).

You can modify it at will according to your own needs. Detailed usage methods will be documented later:

 * @Author: [FENG] <1161634940@qq.com>
 * @Date:   2019-09-06 09:50:30
 * @Last Modified by:   [FENG] <1161634940@qq.com>
 * @Last Modified time: 2021-07-12 18:24:18
namespace fengkui\Pay;

use Exception;
use RuntimeException;
use fengkui\Supports\Http;

 * Wechat 微信支付
 * 新版(V3)接口(更新中)
class Wechat
    const AUTH_TAG_LENGTH_BYTE = 16;

    // 新版相关接口
    // GET 获取平台证书列表
    private static $certificatesUrl = &#39;https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/v3/certificates&#39;;
    // 统一下订单管理
    private static $transactionsUrl = &#39;https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/v3/pay/transactions/&#39;;
    // 申请退款
    private static $refundUrl = &#39;https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/v3/refund/domestic/refunds&#39;;
    // 静默授权,获取code
    private static $authorizeUrl = &#39;https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize&#39;;
    // 通过code获取access_token以及openid
    private static $accessTokenUrl = &#39;https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/oauth2/access_token&#39;;

    // 支付完整配置
    private static $config = array(
        &#39;xcxid&#39;         => &#39;&#39;, // 小程序appid
        &#39;appid&#39;         => &#39;&#39;, // 微信支付appid
        &#39;mchid&#39;         => &#39;&#39;, // 微信支付 mch_id 商户收款账号
        &#39;key&#39;           => &#39;&#39;, // 微信支付 apiV3key(尽量包含大小写字母,否则验签不通过)
        &#39;appsecret&#39;     => &#39;&#39;, // 公众帐号 secert (公众号支付获取code 和 openid使用)

        &#39;notify_url&#39;    => &#39;&#39;, // 接收支付状态的连接  改成自己的回调地址
        &#39;redirect_url&#39;  => &#39;&#39;, // 公众号支付,调起支付页面

        &#39;serial_no&#39;     => &#39;&#39;, // 证书序列号
        &#39;cert_client&#39;   => &#39;./cert/apiclient_cert.pem&#39;, // 证书(退款,红包时使用)
        &#39;cert_key&#39;      => &#39;./cert/apiclient_key.pem&#39;, // 商户私钥(Api安全中下载)
        &#39;public_key&#39;    => &#39;./cert/public_key.pem&#39;, // 平台公钥(调动证书列表,自动生成)

     * [__construct 构造函数]
     * @param [type] $config [传递微信支付相关配置]
    public function __construct($config=NULL, $referer=NULL){
        $config && self::$config = array_merge(self::$config, $config);

     * [unifiedOrder 统一下单]
     * @param  [type]  $order [订单信息(必须包含支付所需要的参数)]
     * @param  boolean $type  [区分是否是小程序,是则传 true]
     * @return [type]         [description]
     * $order = array(
     *      &#39;body&#39;         => &#39;&#39;, // 产品描述
     *      &#39;order_sn&#39;     => &#39;&#39;, // 订单编号
     *      &#39;total_amount&#39; => &#39;&#39;, // 订单金额(分)
     * );
    public static function unifiedOrder($order, $type=false)
        $config = array_filter(self::$config);

        // 获取配置项
        $params = array(
            &#39;appid&#39;         => $type ? $config[&#39;xcxid&#39;] : $config[&#39;appid&#39;], // 由微信生成的应用ID
            &#39;mchid&#39;         => $config[&#39;mchid&#39;], // 直连商户的商户号
            &#39;description&#39;   => $order[&#39;body&#39;], // 商品描述
            &#39;out_trade_no&#39;  => (string)$order[&#39;order_sn&#39;], // 商户系统内部订单号
            &#39;notify_url&#39;    => $config[&#39;notify_url&#39;], // 通知URL必须为直接可访问的URL
            &#39;amount&#39;        => [&#39;total&#39; => (int)$order[&#39;total_amount&#39;], &#39;currency&#39; => &#39;CNY&#39;], // 订单金额信息

        !empty($order[&#39;attach&#39;]) && $params[&#39;attach&#39;] = $order[&#39;attach&#39;]; // 附加数据
        if (!empty($order[&#39;time_expire&#39;])) { // 订单失效时间
            preg_match(&#39;/[年\/-]/&#39;, $order[&#39;time_expire&#39;]) && $order[&#39;time_expire&#39;] = strtotime($order[&#39;time_expire&#39;]);
            $time = $order[&#39;time_expire&#39;] > time() ? $order[&#39;time_expire&#39;] : $order[&#39;time_expire&#39;] + time();
            $params[&#39;time_expire&#39;] = date(DATE_ATOM, $time);

        if (!in_array($order[&#39;type&#39;], [&#39;native&#39;])) {
            !empty($order[&#39;openid&#39;]) && $params[&#39;payer&#39;] = [&#39;openid&#39; => $order[&#39;openid&#39;]];
            $params[&#39;scene_info&#39;] = [&#39;payer_client_ip&#39; => self::get_ip()];

        if (in_array($order[&#39;type&#39;], [&#39;iOS&#39;, &#39;Android&#39;, &#39;Wap&#39;])) {
            $params[&#39;scene_info&#39;][&#39;h5_info&#39;] = [&#39;type&#39; => $order[&#39;type&#39;]];
            $url = self::$transactionsUrl . &#39;h5&#39;; // 拼接请求地址
        } else {
            $url = self::$transactionsUrl . strtolower($order[&#39;type&#39;]); // 拼接请求地址

        $header = self::createAuthorization($url, $params, &#39;POST&#39;);
        $response = Http::post($url, json_encode($params, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE), $header);
        $result = json_decode($response, true);
        if (isset($result[&#39;code&#39;]) && isset($result[&#39;message&#39;])) {
            throw new \Exception("[" . $result[&#39;code&#39;] . "] " . $result[&#39;message&#39;]);

        return $result;

     * [query 查询订单]
     * @param  [type]  $orderSn [订单编号]
     * @param  boolean $type    [微信支付订单编号,是否是微信支付订单号]
     * @return [type]           [description]
    public static function query($orderSn, $type = false)
        $config = self::$config;
        $url = self::$transactionsUrl . ($type ? &#39;id/&#39; : &#39;out-trade-no/&#39;) . $orderSn . &#39;?mchid=&#39; . $config[&#39;mchid&#39;];
        $params = &#39;&#39;;

        $header = self::createAuthorization($url, $params, &#39;GET&#39;);
        $response = Http::get($url, $params, $header);
        $result = json_decode($response, true);

        return $result;

     * [close 关闭订单]
     * @param  [type] $orderSn [微信支付订单编号]
     * @return [type]          [description]
    public static function close($orderSn)
        $config = self::$config;
        $url = self::$transactionsUrl . &#39;out-trade-no/&#39; . $orderSn . &#39;/close&#39;;
        $params[&#39;mchid&#39;] = $config[&#39;mchid&#39;];

        $header = self::createAuthorization($url, $params, &#39;POST&#39;);
        $response = Http::post($url, json_encode($params, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE), $header);
        $result = json_decode($response, true);

        return true;

     * [js 获取jssdk需要用到的数据]
     * @param  [type] $order [订单信息数组]
     * @return [type]        [description]
    public static function js($order=[]){
        $config = self::$config;
        if (!is_array($order) || count($order) < 3)
        if (count($order) == 4 && !empty($order[&#39;openid&#39;])) {
            $data = self::xcx($order, false, false); // 获取支付相关信息(获取非小程序信息)
            return $data;
        $code = !empty($order[&#39;code&#39;]) ? $order[&#39;code&#39;] : ($_GET[&#39;code&#39;] ?? &#39;&#39;);
        $redirectUri = $_SERVER[&#39;REQUEST_SCHEME&#39;] . &#39;://&#39; . $_SERVER[&#39;HTTP_HOST&#39;] . rtrim($_SERVER[&#39;REQUEST_URI&#39;], &#39;/&#39;) . &#39;/&#39;; // 重定向地址

        $params = [&#39;appid&#39; => $config[&#39;appid&#39;]];
        // 如果没有get参数没有code;则重定向去获取code;
        if (empty($code)) {
            $params[&#39;redirect_uri&#39;] = $redirectUri; // 返回的url
            $params[&#39;response_type&#39;] = &#39;code&#39;;
            $params[&#39;scope&#39;] = &#39;snsapi_base&#39;;
            $params[&#39;state&#39;] = $order[&#39;order_sn&#39;]; // 获取订单号

            $url = self::$authorizeUrl . &#39;?&#39;. http_build_query($params) .&#39;#wechat_redirect&#39;;
        } else {
            $params[&#39;secret&#39;] = $config[&#39;appsecret&#39;];
            $params[&#39;code&#39;] = $code;
            $params[&#39;grant_type&#39;] = &#39;authorization_code&#39;;

            $response = Http::get(self::$accessTokenUrl, $params); // 进行GET请求
            $result = json_decode($response, true);

            $order[&#39;openid&#39;] = $result[&#39;openid&#39;]; // 获取到的openid
            $data = self::xcx($order, false, false); // 获取支付相关信息(获取非小程序信息)

            if (!empty($order[&#39;code&#39;])) {
                return $data;

            $url = $config[&#39;redirect_url&#39;] ?? $redirectUri;
            $url .= &#39;?data=&#39; . json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
        header(&#39;Location: &#39;. $url);

     * [app 获取APP支付需要用到的数据]
     * @param  [type]  $order [订单信息数组]
     * @return [type]         [description]
    public static function app($order=[], $log=false)
        if(empty($order[&#39;order_sn&#39;]) || empty($order[&#39;total_amount&#39;]) || empty($order[&#39;body&#39;])){

        $order[&#39;type&#39;] = &#39;app&#39;; // 获取订单类型,用户拼接请求地址
        $result = self::unifiedOrder($order, true);
        if (!empty($result[&#39;prepay_id&#39;])) {
            $data = array (
                &#39;appId&#39;     => self::$config[&#39;appid&#39;], // 微信开放平台审核通过的移动应用appid
                &#39;timeStamp&#39; => (string)time(),
                &#39;nonceStr&#39;  => self::get_rand_str(32, 0, 1), // 随机32位字符串
                &#39;prepayid&#39;  => $result[&#39;prepay_id&#39;],
            $data[&#39;paySign&#39;] = self::makeSign($data);
            $data[&#39;partnerid&#39;] = $config[&#39;mchid&#39;];
            $data[&#39;package&#39;] = &#39;Sign=WXPay&#39;;
            return $data; // 数据小程序客户端
        } else {
            return $log ? $result : false;

     * [h5 微信H5支付]
     * @param  [type] $order [订单信息数组]
     * @return [type]        [description]
    public static function h5($order=[], $log=false)
        if(empty($order[&#39;order_sn&#39;]) || empty($order[&#39;total_amount&#39;]) || empty($order[&#39;body&#39;]) || empty($order[&#39;type&#39;]) || !in_array(strtolower($order[&#39;type&#39;]), [&#39;ios&#39;, &#39;android&#39;, &#39;wap&#39;])){
        $result = self::unifiedOrder($order);
        if (!empty($result[&#39;h5_url&#39;])) {
            return $result[&#39;h5_url&#39;]; // 返回链接让用户点击跳转
        } else {
            return $log ? $result : false;

     * [xcx 获取jssdk需要用到的数据]
     * @param  [type]  $order [订单信息数组]
     * @param  boolean $log   [description]
     * @param  boolean $type  [区分是否是小程序,默认 true]
     * @return [type]         [description]
    public static function xcx($order=[], $log=false, $type=true)
        if(empty($order[&#39;order_sn&#39;]) || empty($order[&#39;total_amount&#39;]) || empty($order[&#39;body&#39;]) || empty($order[&#39;openid&#39;])){

        $order[&#39;type&#39;] = &#39;jsapi&#39;; // 获取订单类型,用户拼接请求地址
        $config = self::$config;
        $result = self::unifiedOrder($order, $type);
        if (!empty($result[&#39;prepay_id&#39;])) {
            $data = array (
                &#39;appId&#39;     => $type ? $config[&#39;xcxid&#39;] : $config[&#39;appid&#39;], // 由微信生成的应用ID
                &#39;timeStamp&#39; => (string)time(),
                &#39;nonceStr&#39;  => self::get_rand_str(32, 0, 1), // 随机32位字符串
                &#39;package&#39;   => &#39;prepay_id=&#39;.$result[&#39;prepay_id&#39;],
            $data[&#39;paySign&#39;] = self::makeSign($data);
            $data[&#39;signType&#39;] = &#39;RSA&#39;;
            return $data; // 数据小程序客户端
        } else {
            return $log ? $result : false;

     * [scan 微信扫码支付]
     * @param  [type] $order [订单信息数组]
     * @return [type]        [description]
    public static function scan($order=[], $log=false)
        if(empty($order[&#39;order_sn&#39;]) || empty($order[&#39;total_amount&#39;]) || empty($order[&#39;body&#39;])){
        $order[&#39;type&#39;] = &#39;native&#39;; // Native支付
        $result = self::unifiedOrder($order);

        if (!empty($result[&#39;code_url&#39;])) {
            return urldecode($result[&#39;code_url&#39;]); // 返回链接让用户点击跳转
        } else {
            return $log ? $result : false;

     * [notify 回调验证]
     * @return [array] [返回数组格式的notify数据]
    public static function notify($server = [], $response = [])
        $config = self::$config;
        $server = $server ?? $_SERVER;
        $response = $response ?? file_get_contents(&#39;php://input&#39;, &#39;r&#39;);
        if (empty($response) || empty($server[&#39;HTTP_WECHATPAY_SIGNATURE&#39;])) {
            return false;
        $body = [
            &#39;timestamp&#39; => $server[&#39;HTTP_WECHATPAY_TIMESTAMP&#39;],
            &#39;nonce&#39; => $server[&#39;HTTP_WECHATPAY_NONCE&#39;],
            &#39;data&#39; => $response,
        // 验证应答签名
        $verifySign = self::verifySign($body, trim($server[&#39;HTTP_WECHATPAY_SIGNATURE&#39;]), trim($server[&#39;HTTP_WECHATPAY_SERIAL&#39;]));
        if (!$verifySign) {
        $result = json_decode($response, true);
        if (empty($result) || $result[&#39;event_type&#39;] != &#39;TRANSACTION.SUCCESS&#39; || $result[&#39;summary&#39;] != &#39;支付成功&#39;) {
            return false;
        // 加密信息
        $associatedData = $result[&#39;resource&#39;][&#39;associated_data&#39;];
        $nonceStr = $result[&#39;resource&#39;][&#39;nonce&#39;];
        $ciphertext = $result[&#39;resource&#39;][&#39;ciphertext&#39;];
        $data = $result[&#39;resource&#39;][&#39;ciphertext&#39;] = self::decryptToString($associatedData, $nonceStr, $ciphertext);

        return json_decode($data, true);

     * [refund 微信支付退款]
     * @param  [type] $order [订单信息]
     * @param  [type] $type  [是否是小程序]
    public static function refund($order)
        $config = self::$config;
        if(empty($order[&#39;refund_sn&#39;]) || empty($order[&#39;refund_amount&#39;]) || (empty($order[&#39;order_sn&#39;]) && empty($order[&#39;transaction_id&#39;]))){

        $params = array(
            &#39;out_refund_no&#39; => (string)$order[&#39;refund_sn&#39;], // 商户退款单号
            &#39;funds_account&#39; => &#39;AVAILABLE&#39;, // 退款资金来源
            &#39;amount&#39; => [
                    &#39;refund&#39; => $order[&#39;refund_amount&#39;],
                    &#39;currency&#39; => &#39;CNY&#39;,

        if (!empty($order[&#39;transaction_id&#39;])) {
            $params[&#39;transaction_id&#39;] = $order[&#39;transaction_id&#39;];
            $orderDetail = self::query($order[&#39;transaction_id&#39;], true);
        } else {
            $params[&#39;out_trade_no&#39;] = $order[&#39;order_sn&#39;];
            $orderDetail = self::query($order[&#39;order_sn&#39;]);
        $params[&#39;amount&#39;][&#39;total&#39;] = $orderDetail[&#39;amount&#39;][&#39;total&#39;];
        !empty($order[&#39;reason&#39;]) && $params[&#39;reason&#39;] = $order[&#39;reason&#39;];

        $url = self::$refundUrl;
        $header = self::createAuthorization($url, $params, &#39;POST&#39;);
        $response = Http::post($url, json_encode($params, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE), $header);
        $result = json_decode($response, true);

        return $result;

     * [queryRefund 查询退款]
     * @param  [type] $refundSn [退款单号]
     * @return [type]           [description]
    public static function queryRefund($refundSn, $type = false)
        $url = self::$refundUrl . &#39;/&#39; . $refundSn;
        $params = &#39;&#39;;

        $header = self::createAuthorization($url, $params, &#39;GET&#39;);
        $response = Http::get($url, $params, $header);
        $result = json_decode($response, true);

        return $result;

     * [success 通知支付状态]
    public static function success()
        $str = [&#39;code&#39;=>&#39;SUCCESS&#39;, &#39;message&#39;=>&#39;成功&#39;];
        die(json_encode($str, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));

     * [createAuthorization 获取接口授权header头信息]
     * @param  [type] $url    [请求地址]
     * @param  array  $data   [请求参数]
     * @param  string $method [请求方式]
     * @return [type]         [description]
    //生成v3 Authorization
    protected static function createAuthorization($url, $data=[], $method=&#39;POST&#39;){
        $config = self::$config;
        $mchid = $config[&#39;mchid&#39;];
        // 证书序列号
        if (empty($config[&#39;serial_no&#39;])) {
            $certFile = @file_get_contents($config[&#39;cert_client&#39;]);
            $certArr = openssl_x509_parse($publicStr);
            $serial_no = $certArr[&#39;serialNumberHex&#39;];
        } else {
            $serial_no = $config[&#39;serial_no&#39;];

        // 解析url地址
        $url_parts = parse_url($url);
        $body = [
            &#39;method&#39; => $method,
            &#39;url&#39;   => ($url_parts[&#39;path&#39;] . (!empty($url_parts[&#39;query&#39;]) ? "?${url_parts[&#39;query&#39;]}" : "")),
            &#39;time&#39;  => time(), // 当前时间戳
            &#39;nonce&#39; => self::get_rand_str(32, 0, 1), // 随机32位字符串
            &#39;data&#39;  => (strtolower($method) == &#39;post&#39; ? json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE) : $data), // POST请求时 需要 转JSON字符串
        $sign = self::makeSign($body);
        //Authorization 类型
        $schema = &#39;WECHATPAY2-SHA256-RSA2048&#39;;
        $token = sprintf(&#39;mchid="%s",nonce_str="%s",timestamp="%d",serial_no="%s",signature="%s"&#39;, $mchid, $body[&#39;nonce&#39;], $body[&#39;time&#39;], $serial_no, $sign);

        $header = [
            &#39;Authorization: &#39;.  $schema . &#39; &#39; . $token
        return $header;

     * [makeSign 生成签名]
     * @param  [type] $data [加密数据]
     * @return [type]       [description]
    public static function makeSign($data)
        $config = self::$config;
        if (!in_array(&#39;sha256WithRSAEncryption&#39;, \openssl_get_md_methods(true))) {
            throw new \RuntimeException("当前PHP环境不支持SHA256withRSA");
        // 拼接生成签名所需的字符串
        $message = &#39;&#39;;
        foreach ($data as $value) {
            $message .= $value . "\n";
        // 商户私钥
        $private_key = self::getPrivateKey($config[&#39;cert_key&#39;]);
        // 生成签名
        openssl_sign($message, $sign, $private_key, &#39;sha256WithRSAEncryption&#39;);
        $sign = base64_encode($sign);
        return $sign;

     * [verifySign 验证签名]
     * @param  [type] $data   [description]
     * @param  [type] $sign   [description]
     * @param  [type] $serial [description]
     * @return [type]         [description]
    public static function verifySign($data, $sign, $serial)
        $config = self::$config;
        if (!in_array(&#39;sha256WithRSAEncryption&#39;, \openssl_get_md_methods(true))) {
            throw new \RuntimeException("当前PHP环境不支持SHA256withRSA");
        $sign = \base64_decode($sign);
        // 拼接生成签名所需的字符串
        $message = &#39;&#39;;
        foreach ($data as $value) {
            $message .= $value . "\n";
        // 获取证书相关信息
        // 平台公钥
        $public_key = self::getPublicKey($config[&#39;public_key&#39;]); //平台公钥
        // 验证签名
        $recode = \openssl_verify($message, $sign, $public_key, &#39;sha256WithRSAEncryption&#39;);
        return $recode == 1 ? true : false;

    public static function getPrivateKey($filepath)
        return openssl_pkey_get_private(file_get_contents($filepath));

    public static function getPublicKey($filepath)
        return openssl_pkey_get_public(file_get_contents($filepath));

     * [certificates 获取证书]
     * @return [type] [description]
    public static function certificates($serial)
        $config = self::$config;

        $publicStr = @file_get_contents($config[&#39;public_key&#39;]);
        if ($publicStr) { // 判断证书是否存在
            $openssl = openssl_x509_parse($publicStr);
            if ($openssl[&#39;serialNumberHex&#39;] == $serial) { // 是否是所需证书
                // return self::getPublicKey($config[&#39;public_key&#39;]); //平台公钥
                return &#39;&#39;;

        $url = self::$certificatesUrl;
        $params = &#39;&#39;;

        $header = self::createAuthorization($url, $params, &#39;GET&#39;);
        $response = Http::get($url, $params, $header);
        $result = json_decode($response, true);
        if (empty($result[&#39;data&#39;])) {
            throw new RuntimeException("[" . $result[&#39;code&#39;] . "] " . $result[&#39;message&#39;]);
        foreach ($result[&#39;data&#39;] as $key => $certificate) {
            if ($certificate[&#39;serial_no&#39;] == $serial) {
                $publicKey = self::decryptToString(
                file_put_contents($config[&#39;public_key&#39;], $publicKey);
                break; // 终止循环
            // self::$publicKey[$certificate[&#39;serial_no&#39;]] = $publicKey;
        // return self::getPublicKey($config[&#39;public_key&#39;]); //平台公钥

     * [decryptToString 证书和回调报文解密]
     * @param  [type] $associatedData [附加数据包(可能为空)]
     * @param  [type] $nonceStr       [加密使用的随机串初始化向量]
     * @param  [type] $ciphertext     [Base64编码后的密文]
     * @return [type]                 [description]
    public static function decryptToString($associatedData, $nonceStr, $ciphertext)
        $config = self::$config;
        $ciphertext = base64_decode($ciphertext);
        if (strlen($ciphertext) <= self::AUTH_TAG_LENGTH_BYTE) {
            return false;

        // ext-sodium (default installed on >= PHP 7.2)
        if (function_exists(&#39;\sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_is_available&#39;) &&
            \sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_is_available()) {
            return \sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_decrypt($ciphertext, $associatedData, $nonceStr, $config[&#39;key&#39;]);

        // ext-libsodium (need install libsodium-php 1.x via pecl)
        if (function_exists(&#39;\Sodium\crypto_aead_aes256gcm_is_available&#39;) &&
            \Sodium\crypto_aead_aes256gcm_is_available()) {
            return \Sodium\crypto_aead_aes256gcm_decrypt($ciphertext, $associatedData, $nonceStr, $config[&#39;key&#39;]);

        // openssl (PHP >= 7.1 support AEAD)
        if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70100 && in_array(&#39;aes-256-gcm&#39;, \openssl_get_cipher_methods())) {
            $ctext = substr($ciphertext, 0, -self::AUTH_TAG_LENGTH_BYTE);
            $authTag = substr($ciphertext, -self::AUTH_TAG_LENGTH_BYTE);

            return \openssl_decrypt($ctext, &#39;aes-256-gcm&#39;, $config[&#39;key&#39;], \OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $nonceStr,
                $authTag, $associatedData);

        throw new \RuntimeException(&#39;AEAD_AES_256_GCM需要PHP 7.1以上或者安装libsodium-php&#39;);

    /** fengkui.net
     * [get_rand_str 获取随机字符串]
     * @param  integer $randLength    [长度]
     * @param  integer $addtime       [是否加入当前时间戳]
     * @param  integer $includenumber [是否包含数字]
     * @return [type]                 [description]
    public static function get_rand_str($randLength=6, $addtime=0, $includenumber=1)
        if ($includenumber)

        $len = strlen($chars);
        $randStr = &#39;&#39;;
        for ($i=0; $i<$randLength; $i++){
            $randStr .= $chars[rand(0, $len-1)];
        $tokenvalue = $randStr;
        $addtime && $tokenvalue = $randStr . time();
        return $tokenvalue;

    /** fengkui.net
     * [get_ip 定义一个函数get_ip() 客户端IP]
     * @return [type] [description]
    public static function get_ip()
        if (getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP"))
            $ip = getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP");
        else if(getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"))
            $ip = getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR");
        else if(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"))
            $ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
        else $ip = "Unknow";

        if(preg_match(&#39;/^((?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|((1\d{2})|([1-9]?\d)))\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|((1\d{2})|([1 -9]?\d))))$/&#39;, $ip))
            return $ip;
            return &#39;&#39;;

Reference documents for this article :


WeChat Payment Mini Program (v3) - PHP complete backend code
2, PHP WeChat Mini Program WeChat Payment v3
3, WeChat payment V3 version applet payment PHP signature, signature verification, data decryption code sharing (complete method master reference)
4, Is there a PHP demo of WeChat payment API v3 callback notification signature verification?
Recommended: "

PHP Video Tutorial

The above is the detailed content of With the upgrade of WeChat payment, the PHP WeChat payment V3 interface is also coming. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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