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Web design css style special effects code collection (recommended collection)

2021-07-13 17:57:4019702browse

This article will share with you some commonly used CSS style codes. Using these codes, you can easily make the style of the page more beautiful. Friends, please collect it! !

Web design css style special effects code collection (recommended collection)

css specified font style collection

Font attribute: (font)

size{font-size: #Style

{font-style: oblique;}

(italic) italic;(italic) normal;(normal)line-height

{line-height: normal;}

(normal) Unit: PX, PD, EMThickness

{font-weight: bold;}

(bold font) lighter;( thin body) normal;(normal)variant

{font-variant: small-caps;}

( Small caps) normal;(normal)uppercase

{text-transform: capitalize;}

(first letter is capitalized) uppercase; (uppercase) lowercase;(lowercase) none;(none)Modification

{text-decoration: underline;}

(underline) overline;(overline) line-through;(strikethrough) blink;(blink)Commonly used fonts:

( font-family)

"Courier New", Courier, monospace, "Times New Roman", Times, serif, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif, Verdana

Background attributes:


{background-color: #FFFFFF;}


{background- image: url();}


{background-repeat: no-repeat;}


{background-attachment: fixed; }

(Fixed) scroll;(Scroll)Position

{background-position: left;}

(Horizontal) top; (Vertical)Abbreviation method

{background:#000 url(..) repeat fixed left top;} /*

Abbreviation·This often appears when reading code, so study it carefully*/Block attribute:

(Block) /*

This is the first time I know this attribute, so I need to study it more*/Letter-spacing

{letter-spacing: normal;}

Value/*This attribute seems to be useful, please practice */alignment

{text-align: justify;}

(Align both ends) left;(Align left) right;(Align right) center;(Centered)Indent

{text-indent: value px;}

Vertical alignment

{vertical-align: baseline;}

( Baseline) sub;(subscript) super;(subscript) top; text-top; middle; bottom; text-bottom;Word spacing

word-spacing: normal;


white-space: pre;

(reserved) nowrap;(no line breaks )Display


(block) inline;(embedded) list-item;(list item) run-in;(additional part) compact;(compact) marker;(marker) table; inline-table; table-raw-group; table-header-group; table-footer-group; table-raw; table-column-group; table-column; table-cell; table-caption;(Table title) /*display The understanding of the attributes is very vague*/Box attributes:


width; height; float; clear:both ; margin; padding;

Order: top right, bottom left Border attributes:


border-style: dotted;

(dotted line) dashed;(dashed line) solid; double;(double line) groove;(groove line) ridge;( Ridge) inset;(dent) outset;


Border width

border -color:#;

Abbreviation method

border:width style color; /*

Abbreviation*/List attribute:



list-style-type: disc;

(dot) circle;(circle) square; (square) decimal;(number) lower-roman;(small Roman code number) upper-roman; lower-alpha; upper-alpha;Position

list-style-position: outside;(外) inside;


list-style-image: url(..);

Positioning attribute: (Position)

Position: absolute; relative; static;
visibility: inherit; visible; hidden;
overflow: visible; hidden; scroll; auto;
clip: rect(12px,auto,12px,auto) (裁切)

css attribute code collection

One CSS text attribute:

color : #999999; /*文字颜色*/
font-family : 宋体,sans-serif; /*文字字体*/
font-size : 9pt; /*文字大小*/
font-style:itelic; /*文字斜体*/
font-variant:small-caps; /*小字体*/
letter-spacing : 1pt; /*字间距离*/
line-height : 200%; /*设置行高*/
font-weight:bold; /*文字粗体*/
vertical-align:sub; /*下标字*/
vertical-align:super; /*上标字*/
text-decoration:line-through; /*加删除线*/
text-decoration: overline; /*加顶线*/
text-decoration:underline; /*加下划线*/
text-decoration:none; /*删除链接下划线*/
text-transform : capitalize; /*首字大写*/
text-transform : uppercase; /*英文大写*/
text-transform : lowercase; /*英文小写*/
text-align:right; /*文字右对齐*/
text-align:left; /*文字左对齐*/
text-align:center; /*文字居中对齐*/
text-align:justify; /*文字分散对齐*/
vertical-align:top; /*垂直向上对齐*/
vertical-align:bottom; /*垂直向下对齐*/
vertical-align:middle; /*垂直居中对齐*/
vertical-align:text-top; /*文字垂直向上对齐*/
vertical-align:text-bottom; /*文字垂直向下对齐*/
padding-top:10px; /*上边框留空白*/
padding-right:10px; /*右边框留空白*/
padding-bottom:10px; /*下边框留空白*/
padding-left:10px; /*左边框留空白

3. CSS symbol attributes:

list-style-type:none; /*不编号*/
list-style-type:decimal; /*阿拉伯数字*/
list-style-type:lower-roman; /*小写罗马数字*/
list-style-type:upper-roman; /*大写罗马数字*/
list-style-type:lower-alpha; /*小写英文字母*/
list-style-type:upper-alpha; /*大写英文字母*/
list-style-type:disc; /*实心圆形符号*/
list-style-type:circle; /*空心圆形符号*/
list-style-type:square; /*实心方形符号*/
list-style-image:url(/dot.gif); /*图片式符号*/
list-style-position: outside; /*凸排*/
list-style-position:inside; /*缩进*/

4. CSS background style:

background-color:#F5E2EC; /*背景颜色*/
background:transparent; /*透视背景*/
background-image : url(/image/bg.gif); /*背景图片*/
background-attachment : fixed; /*浮水印固定背景*/
background-repeat : repeat; /*重复排列-网页默认*/
background-repeat : no-repeat; /*不重复排列*/
background-repeat : repeat-x; /*在x轴重复排列*/
background-repeat : repeat-y; /*在y轴重复排列*/

Specify background position

background-position : 90% 90%; /*背景图片x与y轴的位置*/
background-position : top; /*向上对齐*/
background-position : buttom; /*向下对齐*/
background-position : left; /*向左对齐*/
background-position : right; /*向右对齐*/
background-position : center; /*居中对齐*/

5. CSS connection properties:

a /*所有超链接*/
a:link /*超链接文字格式*/
a:visited /*浏览过的链接文字格式*/
a:active /*按下链接的格式*/
a:hover /*鼠标转到链接*/

Mouse cursor style:

链接手指 CURSOR: hand
十字体 cursor:crosshair
箭头朝下 cursor:s-resize
十字箭头 cursor:move
箭头朝右 cursor:move
加一问号 cursor:help
箭头朝左 cursor:w-resize
箭头朝上 cursor:n-resize
箭头朝右上 cursor:ne-resize
箭头朝左上 cursor:nw-resize
文字I型 cursor:text
箭头斜右下 cursor:se-resize
箭头斜左下 cursor:sw-resize
漏斗 cursor:wait
光标图案(IE6) p {cursor:url("光标文件名.cur"),text;}

6. CSS border list:

border-top : 1px solid #6699cc; /*上框线*/
border-bottom : 1px solid #6699cc; /*下框线*/
border-left : 1px solid #6699cc; /*左框线*/
border-right : 1px solid #6699cc; /*右框线*/
以上是建议书写方式,但也可以使用常规的方式 如下:
border-top-color : #369 /*设置上框线top颜色*/
border-top-width :1px /*设置上框线top宽度*/
border-top-style : solid/*设置上框线top样式*/
Other border styles

solid /*实线框*/
dotted /*虚线框*/
double /*双线框*/
groove /*立体内凸框*/
ridge /*立体浮雕框*/
inset /*凹框*/
outset /*凸框*/

7. CSS form application:

Text box





下拉式菜单 选项1选项2


margin-top:10px; /*上边界*/
margin-right:10px; /*右边界值*/
margin-bottom:10px; /*下边界值*/
margin-left:10px; /*左边界值*/

CSS 属性: 字体样式(Font Style)

序号 中文说明 标记语法

1 字体样式 {font:font-style font-variant font-weight font-size font-family}
2 字体类型 {font-family:"字体1","字体2","字体3",...}
3 字体大小 {font-size:数值|inherit| medium| large| larger| x-large| xx-large| small| smaller| x-small| xx-small}
4 字体风格 {font-style:inherit|italic|normal|oblique}
5 字体粗细 {font-weight:100-900|bold|bolder|lighter|normal;}
6 字体颜色 {color:数值;}
7 阴影颜色 {text-shadow:16位色值}
8 字体行高 {line-height:数值|inherit|normal;}
9 字 间 距 {letter-spacing:数值|inherit|normal}
10 单词间距 {word-spacing:数值|inherit|normal}
11 字体变形 {font-variant:inherit|normal|small-cps }
12 英文转换 {text-transform:inherit|none|capitalize|uppercase|lowercase}
13 字体变形 {font-size-adjust:inherit|none}
14 字体 {font-stretch:condensed|expanded|extra-condensed|extra-expanded|inherit|narrower|normal| semi-condensed|semi-expanded|ultra-condensed|ultra-expanded|wider}

文本样式(Text Style)

序号 中文说明 标记语法

1 行 间 距 {line-height:数值|inherit|normal;}
2 文本修饰 {text-decoration:inherit|none|underline|overline|line-through|blink}
3 段首空格 {text-indent:数值|inherit}
4 水平对齐 {text-align:left|right|center|justify}
5 垂直对齐 {vertical-align:inherit|top|bottom|text-top|text-bottom|baseline|middle|sub|super}
6 书写方式 {writing-mode:lr-tb|tb-rl}


序号 中文说明 标记语法

1 背景颜色 {background-color:数值}
2 背景图片 {background-image: url(URL)|none}
3 背景重复 {background-repeat:inherit|no-repeat|repeat|repeat-x|repeat-y}
4 背景固定 {background-attachment:fixed|scroll}
5 背景定位 {background-position:数值|top|bottom|left|right|center}
6 背影样式 {background:背景颜色|背景图象|背景重复|背景附件|背景位置}

框架样式(Box Style)

序号 中文说明 标记语法

1 边界留白 {margin:margin-top margin-right margin-bottom margin-left}
2 补  白 {padding:padding-top padding-right padding-bottom padding-left}
3 边框宽度 {border-width:border-top-width border-right-width border-bottom-width border-left-width}宽度值: thin|medium|thick|数值
4 边框颜色 {border-color:数值 数值 数值 数值}  数值:分别代表top、right、bottom、left颜色值
5 边框风格 {border-style:none|hidden|inherit|dashed|solid|double|inset|outset|ridge|groove}
6 边  框 {border:border-width border-style color};
上 边 框 {border-top:border-top-width border-style color};
右 边 框 {border-right:border-right-width border-style color};
下 边 框 {border-bottom:border-bottom-width border-style color};
左 边 框 {border-left:border-left-width border-style color}。
7 宽度 {width:长度|百分比| auto}
8 高度 {height:数值|auto}
9 漂浮 {float:left|right|none}
10 清除 {clear:none|left|right|both}


序号 中文说明 标记语法

1 控制显示 {display:none|block|inline|list-item}
2 控制空白 {white-space:normal|pre|nowarp}
3 符号列表 {list-style-type:disc|circle|square|decimal|lower-roman|upper-roman|lower-alpha|upper-alpha|none}
4 图形列表 {list-style-image:URL}
5 位置列表 {list-style-position:inside|outside}
6 目录列表 {list-style:目录样式类型|目录样式位置|url}
7 鼠标形状 {cursor:hand|crosshair|text|wait|move|help|e-resize|nw-resize|w-resize|s-resize|se-resize|sw-resize}












The above is the detailed content of Web design css style special effects code collection (recommended collection). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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