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Functional programming using JavaScript (1) Translation_javascript skills

2016-05-16 15:37:311180browse

Programming Paradigm

A programming paradigm is a framework composed of tools for thinking about a problem and realizing a vision for the problem. Many modern languages ​​are polyparadigm (or multi-paradigm): they support many different programming paradigms, such as object-oriented, metaprogramming, functional, procedural, etc.

Functional programming using JavaScript (1) Translation_javascript skills

Functional Programming Paradigm

Functional programming is like a hydrogen-powered car - advanced futuristic, But it has not been widely promoted. In contrast to imperative programming, it consists of a sequence of statements that update the global state at execution time. Functional programming turns calculations into expression evaluations. These expressions are all composed of pure mathematical functions, which are first-class (can be used and processed as normal values) and have no side effects.

Functional programming using JavaScript (1) Translation_javascript skills

Functional programming values ​​​​the following values:

Functions are first priority

We should treat functions Treated like other class objects in programming languages. In other words, you can store functions in variables, create functions dynamically, and return functions or pass functions to other functions. Let's look at an example...

Functional programming using JavaScript (1) Translation_javascript skills

A string can be saved as a variable, and so can functions, for example:

var sayHello = function() { return “Hello” };

A string can be saved as an object field, and so can a function, for example:

var person = {message: “Hello”, sayHello: function() { return “Hello” }};

A string can be created only when it is needed again, and so can a function, for example:

“Hello ” + (function() { return “World” })(); //=> Hello World

A string can be passed to a function as an input parameter, and the function can also do it:

    function hellloWorld(hello, world) { return hello + world() }

A string can be used as a function return value, and the function can also do it, for example:

return “Hello”;
return function() { return “Hello”};

High-order case

Functional programming using JavaScript (1) Translation_javascript skills

If a function takes other functions as input parameters or as return values, it is called higher-order function. We have just seen an example of a higher-order function. Next, let's look at a more complex situation.

Example 1:

[1, 2, 3].forEach(alert);
// alert 弹窗显示“1" 
// alert 弹窗显示 "2" 
// alert 弹窗显示 "3”

Example 2:

function splat(fun) {
   return function(array) {
        return fun.apply(null, array);
var addArrayElements = splat(function(x, y) { return x + y });
addArrayElements([1, 2]);
//=> 3

FavoritesPure functions

Pure Functions

Pure functions will not have other side effects. The so-called side effects refer to the modification of the external state of the function caused by the function. For example:

  • Modify a variable

  • Modify the data structure

  • Modify a variable from the outside world Set a field

  • Throw an exception or pop up an error message

The simplest example is a mathematical function. The Math.sqrt(4) function always returns 2. It will not use any other chilling information, such as status or setting parameters. Mathematical functions never cause any side effects.

Avoid modifying state

Pure functions cannot mutate data

Functional programming supports pure functions, which cannot change data , so it is mostly used to create immutable data. In this way, there is no need to modify an existing data structure, and it can efficiently create a new one.
You may want to know if a pure function produces an immutable return value by changing some local data, is it allowed? of? The answer is yes.
Very few data types in JavaScript are immutable by default. String is an example of a data type that cannot be changed:

   var s = "HelloWorld";
    //=> "HELLOWORLD"
    //=> "HelloWorld"

Benefits of immutable state

• Avoid confusion and increase program accuracy: In complex systems, Most obscure bugs are caused by state being modified by external client code in the program.
• Establish "fast and concise" multi-threaded programming: if multiple threads can modify the same shared value, you have to get the value synchronously. This is a tedious and error-prone programming challenge for experts.
Software transactional memory and the Actor model provide direct processing of modifications in a thread-safe manner.

Use recursion instead of loop calls

Functional programming using JavaScript (1) Translation_javascript skills

Recursion is the most famous functional programming technique. If you don't know it yet, a recursive function is a function that calls itself.


在任何语言里,递归都是一项重要的函数式编程方式。很多函数语言甚至要求的更加严格:只支持递归遍历,而不支持显式的循环遍历。这需要语言必须保证消除了尾端调用,这是 JavasSrip 不支持的。


Functional programming using JavaScript (1) Translation_javascript skills



很明显一行代码 result = compute() 所表达的是将 compute() 的返回结果赋值给 result。但是 result 的值究竟是多少只有其被用到的时候才有意义。



但是,有一个问题,JavaScrip 并不对自身进行惰性求值。话虽如此,Javascript 里的函数库可以有效地模拟惰性求值。


所有的函数式语言都有闭包,然而这个语言特性经常被讨论得很神秘。闭包是一个函数,这个函数有着对内部引用的所有变量的隐式绑定。换句话说,该函数对它引用的变量封闭了一个上下文。JavaScript 中的闭包是能够访问父级作用域的函数,即使父级函数已经调用完毕。

   function multiplier(factor) {
      return function(number) {
          return number * factor;
  var twiceOf = multiplier(2);
//=> 12



factorial(n)       = 1 if n = 1

                            n * factorial(n-1) if n > 1

该定义将 factorial(n) 的值关联到 factorial(n-1),是递归定义。特殊情况下的 factorial(1) 终止了递归。

var imperativeFactorial = function(n) {
    if(n == 1) {
        return 1
    } else {
        product = 1;
        for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
              product *= i;
        return product;
var declarativeFactorial = function(n) {
       if(n == 1) {
             return 1
       } else {
             return n * factorial(n - 1);


命令式阶乘使用可变值、循环计数器和结果来累加计算后的结果。这个方法显式地实现了特定的算法。不像声明式版本,这种方法有许多可变步骤,导致它更难理解,也更难避免 bug 。

Functional programming using JavaScript (1) Translation_javascript skills


有很多函数式库:underscore.js, lodash,Fantasy Land, Functional.js, Bilby.js, fn.js, Wu.js, Lazy.js, Bacon.js, sloth.js, stream.js, Sugar, Folktale, RxJs 等等。


map(), filter(), 和 reduce()函数 构成了函数式程序员工具包的核心。 纯高阶函数成了函数式方法的主力。事实上,它们是纯函数和高阶函数应该仿效的典型。它们用一个函数作为输入,返回没有副作用的输出。

这些 JavaScript 函数对每一个函数式程序来说都是至关重要的。他们可以去除循环和语句,使得代码更加整洁。这些都是实现 ECMAScript5.1 的浏览器的标准,他们只处理数组。每次调用都会创建创建并返回一个新的数组。已存在的数组不会被修改。但是稍等,事情很不止于此。。。他们还将函数作为输入参数,通常是作为回调的匿名函数。他们会遍历将整个数组并且将该回调函数应用与每一项!

myArray = [1,2,3,4];

newArray = myArray.map(function(x) {return x*2});

console.log(myArray); // Output: [1,2,3,4]

console.log(newArray); // Output: [2,4,6,8]


forEach(),concat(), reverse(), sort(), every() 以及some().


JavaScript is of course not a functional programming language in the strict sense, which also prompts a focus on other paradigms Usage:

  • Imperative programming: programming based on detailed operation descriptions

  • Prototype-based object-oriented programming: based on prototype objects and Programming of its examples

  • Metaprogramming: a programming method that manipulates the JavsScript execution model. A good definition of metaprogramming describes it as “Programming happens when you write code to do something, while metaprogramming happens when you write code that causes a change in the way something is interpreted.

The above is the content of using JavaScript for functional programming (1) translation_javascript skills. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website (www.php.cn)! 🎜>

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