Without further ado, let’s look at the code directly:
$path = $argv[1]; // 获取目录下所有内容 $dirs = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); foreach($dirs as $k=>$d){ echo 'key:'. $k, PHP_EOL; if($d->isDir()){ echo $d->getPathname(), PHP_EOL; }else{ echo $d->getFilename(), PHP_EOL; } } //执行 php PHP获取目录中的全部内容RecursiveDirectoryIterator.php ../ // key:../. // ../. // key:../.. // ../.. // key:../source // ../source // key:../source/. // ../source/. // key:../source/.. // ../source/.. // key:../source/PHP获取目录中的全部内容RecursiveDirectoryIterator.php // PHP获取目录中的全部内容RecursiveDirectoryIterator.php // key:../source/PHP大文件读取操作.php // PHP大文件读取操作.php // key:../PHP大文件读取操作.md // PHP大文件读取操作.md // key:../PHP获取目录中的全部内容RecursiveDirectoryIterator.md // PHP获取目录中的全部内容RecursiveDirectoryIterator.md
It’s actually just one line of code, and then directly loops to output the iterator. From the results, we can see that first enter the source directory and then traverse the external file contents, and obtain all the contents in the directory in the order of directory and file name. Isn’t it much more convenient than writing the recursive function ourselves?
What if we want to get all the PHP files in the directory and calculate their total file size? Using this set of iterator operations can also be completed very simply. We only need to add a regular iterator to filter the previous iterator content:
// 获取所有php文件 $regIts = new RegexIterator($dirs, '/^.+\.php$/i'); $fileSize = 0; foreach($regIts as $k=>$p){ echo $p->getSize() . ' ' . $k, PHP_EOL; $fileSize += $p->getSize(); } echo 'Total ', $fileSize, PHP_EOL; // 622 ../source/PHP获取目录中的全部内容RecursiveDirectoryIterator.php // 869 ../source/PHP大文件读取操作.php // Total 1491
It feels the same as ls -l, It can conveniently allow us to perform related operations under the directory. The use of this class is briefly introduced here. There are many capabilities in the SPL library that are worthy of our exploration. Learn slowly and practice slowly to continuously improve our ability for elegant programming.
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