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An in-depth discussion of javascript functional programming_javascript skills

2016-05-16 15:37:071436browse
                      - John Carmack,游戏《毁灭战士》首席程序员

Functional programming is all about breaking down a problem into a series of functions. Typically, functions are chained together, nested within each other, passed back and forth, and treated as first-class citizens. If you've used a framework like jQuery or Node.js, you've probably used some of these techniques without realizing it.

We start with a little embarrassment of Javascript.

Suppose we need a list of values ​​that will be assigned to ordinary objects. These objects may contain anything: data, HTML objects, etc.

  obj1 = {value: 1},
  obj2 = {value: 2},
  obj3 = {value: 3};
var values = [];
function accumulate(obj) {
console.log(values); // Output: [obj1.value, obj2.value]

This code works but is unstable. Any code can change the values ​​object without passing the accumulate() function. And if we forget to assign an empty array [] to values, this code will not work at all.

But if the variable is declared inside the function, it will not be changed by any mischievous code.

function accumulate2(obj) {
 var values = [];
 return values;
console.log(accumulate2(obj1)); // Returns: [obj1.value]
console.log(accumulate2(obj2)); // Returns: [obj2.value]
console.log(accumulate2(obj3)); // Returns: [obj3.value]

No way! Only the value of the last object passed in is returned.

We might be able to solve this problem by nesting a function inside the first function.

var ValueAccumulator = function(obj) {
 var values = []
 var accumulate = function() {
 return values;

But the problem still exists, and we now cannot access the accumulate function and values ​​variable.

What we need is a self-calling function

Self-calling functions and closures

What if we could return a function expression that in turn returns an array of values? Variables declared within a function can be accessed by all code within the function, including self-calling functions.

By using self-calling functions, the previous embarrassment disappears.

var ValueAccumulator = function() {
 var values = [];
 var accumulate = function(obj) {
  if (obj) {
   return values;
  } else {
   return values;
 return accumulate;
//This allows us to do this:
var accumulator = ValueAccumulator();
// Output: [obj1.value, obj2.value]
ValueAccumulator = ->
 values = []
 (obj) ->
  values.push obj.value if obj

This is all about scope. Variable values ​​are visible in the inner function accumulate(), even when external code calls this function. This is called closure.

Closure in Javascript means that the function can access the parent scope, even if the parent function has completed execution.

Closures are a feature of all functional languages. Traditional imperative languages ​​do not have closures.

Higher-order functions

Self-calling functions are actually a form of higher-order functions. Higher-order functions are functions that take other functions as input or return a function as output.

Higher-order functions are not common in traditional programming. While imperative programmers use loops to iterate over arrays, functional programmers use a completely different approach. With higher-order functions, each element in an array can be applied to a function and return a new array.

This is the central idea of ​​functional programming. Higher-order functions have the ability to pass logic to functions like objects.

In Javascript, functions are treated as first-class citizens, just like classic functions such as Scheme and Haskell are languages. This may sound a little weird, but what it actually means is that functions are treated as primitive types, just like numbers and objects. If numbers and objects can be passed back and forth, then so can functions.

Come and see for yourself. Now use the ValueAccumulator() function in the previous section with higher-order functions:
// Use forEach() to iterate through an array and call the callback function accumulator2
for each element var accumulator2 = ValueAccumulator();
var objects = [obj1, obj2, obj3]; // This array can be very large

Pure function

The calculation results returned by pure functions are only related to the parameters passed in. External variables and global state will not be used here, and there will be no side effects. In other words, the variables passed in as input cannot be changed. Therefore, only the values ​​returned by pure functions can be used in the program.

Use mathematical functions to give a simple example. Math.sqrt(4) will always return 2, does not use any hidden information such as settings or state, and does not cause any side effects.

Pure function is a true interpretation of a mathematical "function", which is the relationship between input and output. Their ideas are simple and easy to reuse. Since pure functions are completely self-contained, they are better suited to being used again and again.

Example to compare impure functions and pure functions.

// 把信息打印到屏幕中央的函数
var printCenter = function(str) {
 var elem = document.createElement("div");
 elem.textContent = str;
 elem.style.position = 'absolute';
 elem.style.top = window.innerHeight / 2 + "px";
 elem.style.left = window.innerWidth / 2 + "px";
printCenter('hello world');
// 纯函数完成相同的事情
var printSomewhere = function(str, height, width) {
 var elem = document.createElement("div");
 elem.textContent = str;
 elem.style.position = 'absolute';
 elem.style.top = height;
 elem.style.left = width;
 return elem;
printSomewhere('hello world',
window.innerHeight / 2) + 10 + "px",
window.innerWidth / 2) + 10 + "px"));

Improper functions rely on the state of the window object to calculate width and height, while self-sufficient pure functions require these values ​​to be passed in as parameters. In fact, it allows information to be printed anywhere, which makes this function more versatile.

The impure function looks like an easier choice since it internally implements appending elements instead of returning elements. The pure function printSomewhere() that returns a value will perform better when combined with other functional programming techniques.

var messages = ['Hi', 'Hello', 'Sup', 'Hey', 'Hola'];
messages.map(function(s, i) {
 return printSomewhere(s, 100 * i * 10, 100 * i * 10);
}).forEach(function(element) {

当一个函数是纯的,也就是不依赖于状态和环境,我们就不用管它实际是什么时候被计算出来。 后面的惰性求值将讲到这个。



就像名字暗示的那样,匿名函数就是没有名字的函数。实际不止这些。它允许了在现场定义临时逻辑的能力。 通常这带来的好处就是方便:如果一个函数只用一次,没有必要给它浪费一个变量名。


// 写匿名函数的标准方式
function() {
 return "hello world"

// 匿名函数可以赋值给变量
var anon = function(x, y) {
 return x + y

// 匿名函数用于代替具名回调函数,这是匿名函数的一个更常见的用处
setInterval(function() {
 console.log(new Date().getTime())
}, 1000);
// Output: 1413249010672, 1413249010673, 1413249010674, ...

// 如果没有把它包含在一个匿名函数中,他将立刻被执行,
// 并且返回一个undefined作为回调函数:
setInterval(console.log(new Date().getTime()), 1000)
// Output: 1413249010671


function powersOf(x) {
 return function(y) {
  // this is an anonymous function!
  return Math.pow(x, y);
powerOfTwo = powersOf(2);
console.log(powerOfTwo(1)); // 2
console.log(powerOfTwo(2)); // 4
console.log(powerOfTwo(3)); // 8
powerOfThree = powersOf(3);
console.log(powerOfThree(3)); // 9
console.log(powerOfThree(10)); // 59049



 obj1 = { value: 1 },
 obj2 = { value: 2 },
 obj3 = { value: 3 };
var values = (function() {
 // 匿名函数
 var values = [];
 return function(obj) {
  // 有一个匿名函数!
  if (obj) {
   return values;
  } else {
   return values;
})(); // 让它自执行
console.log(values(obj1)); // Returns: [obj.value]
console.log(values(obj2)); // Returns: [obj.value, obj2.value]
obj1 = { value: 1 }
obj2 = { value: 2 }
obj3 = { value: 3 }

values = do ->
 valueList = []
 (obj) ->
  valueList.push obj.value if obj
console.log(values(obj1)); # Returns: [obj.value]
console.log(values(obj2)); # Returns: [obj.value, obj2.value]

真棒!一个高阶匿名纯函数。我们怎么这么幸运?实际上还不止这些,这里面还有个自执行的结构, (function(){...})();。函数后面跟的那个括号可以让函数立即执行。在上面的例子里, 给外面values赋的值是函数执行的结果。

匿名函数不仅仅是语法糖,他们是lambda演算的化身。请听我说下去…… lambda演算早在计算机和计算机语言被发明的很久以前就出现了。它只是个研究函数的数学概念。 非同寻常的是,尽管它只定义了三种表达式:变量引用,函数调用和匿名函数,但它被发现是图灵完整的。 如今,lambda演算处于所有函数式语言的核心,包括javascript。





// 每个函数占用一行来调用,不如……
arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
arr1 = arr.reverse();
arr2 = arr1.concat([5, 6]);
arr3 = arr2.map(Math.sqrt);

// ……把它们串到一起放在一行里面
console.log([1, 2, 3, 4].reverse().concat([5, 6]).map(Math.sqrt));
// 括号也许可以说明是怎么回事
console.log(((([1, 2, 3, 4]).reverse()).concat([5, 6])).map(Math.sqrt));

这只有在函数是目标对象所拥有的方法时才有效。如果你要创建自己的函数,比如要把两个数组zip到一起, 你必须把它声明为Array.prototype对象的成员.看一下下面的代码片段:
Array.prototype.zip = function(arr2) {
  // ...

arr.zip([11,12,13,14).map(function(n){return n*2});
// Output: 2, 22, 4, 24, 6, 26, 8, 28




使用递归函数时必须十分小心地避免无限循环(这里应该说是无限递归)。就像循环一样,必须有个停止条件。 这叫做基准情形(base case)。


var foo = function(n) {
 if (n < 0) {
  // 基准情形
  return 'hello';
 } else {
  // 递归情形
  return foo(n - 1);




var getLeafs = function(node) {
 if (node.childNodes.length == 0) {
  // base case
  return node.innerText;
 } else {
  // recursive case:
  return node.childNodes.map(getLeafs);


递归不只是代替for和while循环的有趣的方式。有个叫分而治之的算法,它递归地把问题拆分成更小的情形, 直到小到可以解决。


function gcd(a, b) {
 if (b == 0) {
  // 基准情形 (治)
  return a;
 } else {
  // 递归情形 (分)
  return gcd(b, a % b);&#65532;


gcb = (a, b) -> if b is 0 then a else gcb(b, a % b)

理论上来说,分而治之很牛逼,但是现实中有用吗?当然!用Javascript的函数对数组排序不是很好, 它不但替换了原数组,也就是说数据不是不变的,并且它还不够可靠、灵活。通过分而治之,我们可以做得更好。


var mergeSort = function(arr) {
 if (arr.length < 2) {
  // 基准情形: 只有0或1个元素的数组是不用排序的
  return items;
 } else {
  // 递归情形: 把数组拆分、排序、合并
  var middle = Math.floor(arr.length / 2);
  // 分
  var left = mergeSort(arr.slice(0, middle));
  var right = mergeSort(arr.slice(middle));
  // 治
  // merge是一个辅助函数,返回一个新数组,它将两个数组合并到一起
  return merge(left, right);

译注:关于用分而治之的思路进行排序的一个更好的例子是快排,使用Javascript也只有13行代码。 具体请参考我以前的博文 《优雅的函数式编程语言》


惰性求值,也叫做非严格求值,它会按需调用并推迟执行,它是一种直到需要时才计算函数结果的求值策略, 这对函数式编程特别有用。比如有行代码是 x = func(),调用这个func()函数得到的返回值会赋值给x。 但是x等于什么一开始并不重要,直到需要用到x的时候。等到需要用x的时候才调用func()就是惰性求值。

这一策略可以让性能明显增强,特别是当使用方法链和数组这些函数式程序员最喜爱的程序流技术的时候。 惰性求值让人兴奋的一个优点是让无限序列成为可能。因为在它实在无法继续延迟之前,什么都不需要被真正计算出来。 它可以是这个样子:

// 理想化的JavaScript伪代码:
var infinateNums = range(1 to infinity);
var tenPrimes = infinateNums.getPrimeNumbers().first(10);


然而,还有个问题,Javascript本身并不支持惰性求值,也就是说存在让Javascript模拟惰性求值的函数库, 这是第三章的主题。

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