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21 points you must pay attention to when using Redis (summary)

2021-03-24 11:31:052992browse

This article will share with you 21 key points that you must know when using Redis. It has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

21 points you must pay attention to when using Redis (summary)

1. Redis usage specifications

1.1. Key specifications Key points

When we design the Redis key, we should pay attention to the following points:

  • Prefix the key with the business name and use a colon Separate to prevent key conflict coverage. For example, live:rank:1
  • To ensure that the semantics of the key are clear, the length of the key should be as short as 30 characters.
  • key is prohibited from containing special characters, such as spaces, newlines, single and double quotation marks, and other escape characters.
  • Redis keys should be set to ttl as much as possible to ensure that unused keys can be cleared or eliminated in time.

1.2. Key points of value specification

The value of Redis cannot be set arbitrarily.

First point, there will be problems if a large number of bigKeys are stored, which will lead to slow queries, excessive memory growth, etc.

  • If it is a String type, the size of a single value should be controlled within 10k.
  • If it is a hash, list, set, or zset type, the number of elements generally does not exceed 5000.

The second point is to choose the appropriate data type. Many friends only use the String type of Redis, mainly set and get. In fact, Redis provides rich data structure types, and in some business scenarios, it is more suitable for hash, zset and other data results. [Related recommendations: Redis Video Tutorial]

21 points you must pay attention to when using Redis (summary)


set user:666:name jay
set user:666:age 18

positive example

hmset user:666 name jay age 18

1.3. Set the expiration time for the Key, and pay attention to the keys of different businesses, and try to spread the expiration time as much as possible

  • Because Redis data is stored in memory, and memory resources are very precious.
  • We generally use Redis as a cache, and is not a database, so the life cycle of the key should not be too long.
  • Therefore, it is generally recommended to use expire to set the expiration time for your key.

If a large number of keys expire at a certain point in time, Redis may be stuck at the time of expiration, or even cache avalanche, so it is generally different The expiration time of business keys should be spread out. Sometimes, if you are in the same business, you can also add a random value to the time to spread the expiration time.

1.4. It is recommended to use batch operations to improve efficiency

When we write SQL every day, we all know that batch operations will be more efficient, once Updating 50 items is more efficient than looping 50 times and updating one item each time. In fact, the same principle applies to Redis operation commands.

The execution of a command by the Redis client can be divided into 4 processes: 1. Send command-> 2. Command queuing-> 3. Command execution-> 4. Return the result. 1 and 4 are called RRT (command execution round trip time). Redis provides batch operation commands, such as mget, mset, etc., which can effectively save RRT. However, most commands do not support batch operations, such as hgetall, and mhgetall does not exist. Pipeline can solve this problem.

What is Pipeline? It can assemble a set of Redis commands, transmit them to Redis through an RTT, and then return the execution results of this set of Redis commands to the client in order.

Let’s first look at the model that executes n commands without using Pipeline:

21 points you must pay attention to when using Redis (summary)

Using Pipeline to execute n commands, the whole process requires 1 RTT. The model is as follows:

21 points you must pay attention to when using Redis (summary)

2. Commands with pitfalls in Redis

2.1. Use with caution <span style="font-size: 18px;">O(n)</span> Complexity commands, such as <span style="font-size: 18px;">hgetall</span>, <span style="font-size: 18px;">smember</span>,<span style="font-size: 18px;">lrange</span>etc

because Redis executes commands in a single thread. The time complexity of commands such as hgetall and smember is O(n). When n continues to increase, it will cause the Redis CPU to continue to surge and block the execution of other commands.

hgetall、smember,lrange等这些命令不是一定不能使用,需要综合评估数据量,明确n的值,再去决定。 比如hgetall,如果哈希元素n比较多的话,可以优先考虑使用hscan

2.2 慎用Redis的monitor命令

Redis Monitor 命令用于实时打印出Redis服务器接收到的命令,如果我们想知道客户端对redis服务端做了哪些命令操作,就可以用Monitor 命令查看,但是它一般调试用而已,尽量不要在生产上用!因为monitor命令可能导致redis的内存持续飙升。


21 points you must pay attention to when using Redis (summary)

2.3、生产环境不能使用 keys指令

Redis Keys 命令用于查找所有符合给定模式pattern的key。如果想查看Redis 某类型的key有多少个,不少小伙伴想到用keys命令,如下:

keys key前缀*


Warning: consider KEYS as a command that should only be used in production environments with extreme care. It may ruin performance when it is executed against large databases. This command is intended for debugging and special operations, such as changing your keyspace layout. Don't use KEYS in your regular application code. If you're looking for a way to find keys in a subset of your keyspace, consider using sets.

其实,可以使用scan指令,它同keys命令一样提供模式匹配功能。它的复杂度也是 O(n),但是它通过游标分步进行,不会阻塞redis线程;但是会有一定的重复概率,需要在客户端做一次去重

scan支持增量式迭代命令,增量式迭代命令也是有缺点的:举个例子, 使用 SMEMBERS 命令可以返回集合键当前包含的所有元素, 但是对于 SCAN 这类增量式迭代命令来说, 因为在对键进行增量式迭代的过程中, 键可能会被修改, 所以增量式迭代命令只能对被返回的元素提供有限的保证 。

2.4 禁止使用flushall、flushdb

  • Flushall 命令用于清空整个 Redis 服务器的数据(删除所有数据库的所有 key )。
  • Flushdb 命令用于清空当前数据库中的所有 key。


2.5 注意使用del命令


  • 如果删除一个String类型的key,时间复杂度就是O(1)可以直接del
  • 如果删除一个List/Hash/Set/ZSet类型时,它的复杂度是O(n), n表示元素个数。


  • 如果是List类型,你可以执行lpop或者rpop,直到所有元素删除完成。
  • 如果是Hash/Set/ZSet类型,你可以先执行hscan/sscan/scan查询,再执行hdel/srem/zrem依次删除每个元素。

2.6 避免使用SORT、SINTER等复杂度过高的命令。

执行复杂度较高的命令,会消耗更多的 CPU 资源,会阻塞主线程。所以你要避免执行如SORT、SINTER、SINTERSTORE、ZUNIONSTORE、ZINTERSTORE等聚合命令,一般建议把它放到客户端来执行。


3.1 分布式锁使用的注意点


3.1.1 两个命令SETNX + EXPIRE分开写(典型错误实现范例)

if(jedis.setnx(key_resource_id,lock_value) == 1){ //加锁
    expire(key_resource_id,100); //设置过期时间
    try {
        do something  //业务请求
  finally {
       jedis.del(key_resource_id); //释放锁


3.1.2 SETNX + value值是过期时间 (有些小伙伴是这么实现,有坑)

long expires = System.currentTimeMillis() + expireTime; //系统时间+设置的过期时间
String expiresStr = String.valueOf(expires);

// 如果当前锁不存在,返回加锁成功
if (jedis.setnx(key_resource_id, expiresStr) == 1) {
        return true;
// 如果锁已经存在,获取锁的过期时间
String currentValueStr = jedis.get(key_resource_id);

// 如果获取到的过期时间,小于系统当前时间,表示已经过期
if (currentValueStr != null && Long.parseLong(currentValueStr) <p>这种方案的<strong>缺点</strong>:</p><blockquote><ul>
</ul></blockquote><p><strong>3.1.3: SET的扩展命令(SET EX PX NX)(注意可能存在的问题)</strong></p><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">if(jedis.set(key_resource_id, lock_value, "NX", "EX", 100s) == 1){ //加锁
    try {
        do something  //业务处理
  finally {
       jedis.del(key_resource_id); //释放锁


  • 锁过期释放了,业务还没执行完。
  • 锁被别的线程误删。

3.1.4 SET EX PX NX + 校验唯一随机值,再删除(解决了误删问题,还是存在锁过期,业务没执行完的问题)

if(jedis.set(key_resource_id, uni_request_id, "NX", "EX", 100s) == 1){ //加锁
    try {
        do something  //业务处理
  finally {
       if (uni_request_id.equals(jedis.get(key_resource_id))) {
        jedis.del(lockKey); //释放锁


21 points you must pay attention to when using Redis (summary)


if redis.call('get',KEYS[1]) == ARGV[1] then 
   return redis.call('del',KEYS[1]) 
   return 0

3.1.5 Redisson框架 + Redlock算法 解决锁过期释放,业务没执行完问题+单机问题

Redisson 使用了一个Watch dog解决了锁过期释放,业务没执行完问题,Redisson原理图如下:

21 points you must pay attention to when using Redis (summary)


21 points you must pay attention to when using Redis (summary)



3.2 缓存一致性注意点

  • 如果是读请求,先读缓存,后读数据库
  • 如果写请求,先更新数据库,再写缓存
  • 每次更新数据后,需要清除缓存
  • 缓存一般都需要设置一定的过期失效
  • 一致性要求高的话,可以使用biglog+MQ保证。


3.3 合理评估Redis容量,避免由于频繁set覆盖,导致之前设置的过期时间无效。


21 points you must pay attention to when using Redis (summary)

Redis setKey源码如下:

void setKey(redisDb *db,robj *key,robj *val) {
    if(lookupKeyWrite(db,key)==NULL) {
    removeExpire(db,key); //去掉过期时间


3.4 缓存穿透问题


21 points you must pay attention to when using Redis (summary)

Cache Penetration: Refers to querying a data that must not exist. Since the cache does not hit, it needs to be queried from the database. If the data cannot be found, it will not be written to the cache, which will result in this non-existent data. Every time the data is requested, the database must be queried, which puts pressure on the database.

In layman's terms, when a read request is accessed, neither the cache nor the database has a certain value, which will cause each query request for this value to penetrate into the database. This is cache penetration.

Cache penetration is generally caused by the following situations:

  • Unreasonable business design, for example, most users do not turn on the guard, but Every request you make goes to the cache and checks whether a certain userid query is protected.
  • Business/operation/maintenance/development errors, such as cache and database data being accidentally deleted.
  • Illegal request attack by hackers, for example, hackers deliberately fabricate a large number of illegal requests to read non-existent business data.

How to avoid cache penetration? Generally there are three methods.

  • If it is an illegal request, we will verify the parameters at the API entrance and filter out illegal values.
  • If the query database is empty, we can set a null value or a default value for the cache. However, if a write request comes in, the cache needs to be updated to ensure cache consistency. At the same time, the appropriate expiration time is finally set for the cache. (Commonly used in business, simple and effective)
  • Use Bloom filter to quickly determine whether data exists. That is, when a query request comes in, it first judges whether the value exists through the Bloom filter, and then continues to check if it exists.
Bloom filter principle: It consists of a bitmap array with an initial value of 0 and N hash functions. Perform N hash algorithms on a key to obtain N values. Hash these N values ​​in the bit array and set them to 1. Then when checking, if these specific positions are all 1, then Bloom filtering The server determines that the key exists.

3.5 Cache snow run problem

Cache snow run: refers to the expiration time of large batches of data in the cache, and The amount of query data is huge, and all requests directly access the database, causing excessive pressure on the database and even downtime.

  • Cache snowfall is generally caused by a large amount of data expiring at the same time. For this reason, it can be solved by setting the expiration time evenly, that is, making the expiration time relatively discrete. For example, use a larger fixed value and a smaller random value, 5 hours, 0 to 1800 seconds.
  • Redis failure may also cause cache snowfall. This requires constructing a Redis high-availability cluster.

3.6 Cache breakdown problem

Cache breakdown: refers to the hotspot key at a certain point in time When it expires, there are a large number of concurrent requests for this Key at this time, and a large number of requests are hit to the db.

Cache breakdown looks a bit similar. In fact, the difference between them is that cache snowfall means that the database is under excessive pressure or even down. Cache breakdown is just a large number of concurrent requests to the DB database level. It can be considered that breakdown is a subset of cache snowrun. Some articles believe that the difference between the two is that breakdown is aimed at a certain hot key cache, while Xuebeng is targeted at many keys.

There are two solutions:

  • 1. Use the mutex lock scheme. When the cache fails, instead of loading the db data immediately, you first use some atomic operation commands with a successful return, such as (Redis's setnx) to operate. When successful, load the db database data and set up the cache. Otherwise, try to get the cache again.
  • 2. "Never expires" means that the expiration time is not set, but when the hotspot data is about to expire, the asynchronous thread updates and sets the expiration time.

3.7. Cache hot key problem

In Redis, we call keys with high access frequency as hot keys. If a request for a certain hotspot key is sent to the server host, due to a particularly large request volume, it may result in insufficient host resources or even downtime, thus affecting normal services.

How is the hotspot Key generated? There are two main reasons:

  • The data consumed by users is much greater than the data produced, such as flash sales, hot news and other scenarios where more reading and less writing are required.
  • Request sharding is concentrated and exceeds the performance of a single Redi server. For example, if the fixed name key and Hash fall into the same server, the amount of instant access will be huge, exceeding the machine bottleneck, and causing hot key problems.

So how to identify hot keys in daily development?

  • Determine which hot keys are based on experience;
  • Report client statistics;
  • Report to service agent layer

How to solve the hot key problem?

  • Redis cluster expansion: add shard copies to balance read traffic;
  • Hash hot keys, such as backing up a key as key1, key2...keyN, the same There are N backups of data, and the N backups are distributed to different shards. During access, one of the N backups can be randomly accessed to further share the read traffic;
  • Use the second-level cache, that is, the JVM local cache, to reduce Redis read request.

4. Redis configuration and operation

4.1 Use long connections instead of short connections , and properly configure the client's connection pool

  • If you use a short connection, you need to go through TCP three-way handshakes and four waves each time, which will increase time consumption. However, for a long connection, it establishes a connection once and the redis command can be used forever. Jiangzi can reduce the time to establish a redis connection.
  • The connection pool can establish multiple connections on the client without releasing them. When a connection is needed, there is no need to create a connection every time, which saves time. However, parameters need to be set appropriately. When Redis is not operated for a long time, connection resources need to be released in time.

4.2 Only use db0

Redis-standalone architecture prohibits the use of non-db0. There are two reasons

  • For a connection, Redis executes the command select 0 and select 1 to switch, which will consume new energy.
  • Redis Cluster only supports db0. If you want to migrate, the cost is high

4.3 Set maxmemory appropriate elimination strategy.

In order to prevent the memory backlog from expanding. For example, sometimes, when the business volume increases, redis keys are used a lot, the memory is simply not enough, and the operation and maintenance guy forgets to increase the memory. Could redis just hang up like this? Therefore, you need to select the maxmemory-policy (maximum memory elimination policy) and set the expiration time based on the actual business. There are a total of 8 memory elimination strategies:

  • volatile-lru: When the memory is not enough to accommodate newly written data, the LRU (least recently used) algorithm is used to eliminate keys with an expiration time set. ;
  • allkeys-lru: When the memory is not enough to accommodate the newly written data, the LRU (least recently used) algorithm is used to eliminate all keys.
  • volatile-lfu: Newly added in version 4.0, when the memory is insufficient to accommodate newly written data, the LFU algorithm is used to delete keys among expired keys.
  • allkeys-lfu: Newly added in version 4.0, when the memory is not enough to accommodate the newly written data, the LFU algorithm is used to eliminate all keys;
  • volatile-random: When the memory is not enough When accommodating newly written data, the data is randomly eliminated from the key with an expiration time set;.
  • allkeys-random: When the memory is insufficient to accommodate newly written data, data is randomly eliminated from all keys.
  • volatile-ttl: When the memory is not enough to accommodate the newly written data, the key with an expiration time set will be eliminated according to the expiration time, and the earlier the expiration date will be eliminated first;
  • noeviction: Default policy, when the memory is not enough to accommodate the newly written data, the new write operation will report an error.

4.4 Turn on lazy-free mechanism

Redis4.0 version supports lazy-free mechanism, if your Redis still has bigKey This kind of thing exists, it is recommended to turn on lazy-free. When it is turned on, if Redis deletes a bigkey, the time-consuming operation of releasing memory will be executed on a background thread, reducing the blocking impact on the main thread.

21 points you must pay attention to when using Redis (summary)

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