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This article will introduce you to the usage of Bootstrap-table. It has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.
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In business system development, querying, paging, sorting and other processing of table records are very common. In Web development, many powerful plug-ins can be used to meet the requirements and can greatly improve For development efficiency, this essay introduces bootstrap-table, a very famous open source table plug-in that is widely used in many projects. The Bootstrap-table plug-in provides a very rich set of attributes, which can implement query, paging, sorting, check boxes, setting display columns, Card view, master-slave table display, merge columns, internationalization processing and other processing functions, and the plug-in At the same time, it also provides some good extension functions, such as moving rows, moving column positions and other special functions. The plug-in can be set using the HTML5-based data-* attribute identifier, or it can be set using Javascript, which is very convenient. This essay introduces the application of bootstrap-table plug-in in my actual project, and summarizes the experience in dealing with problems encountered in related use.
Bootstrap-Table has two ways to display data into the table, one is client mode and the other is server mode.
Client mode: refers to loading the data to be displayed in the table at one time in the server, and then converting it into JSON format and transmitting it to the interface to be displayed. The client mode is relatively simple. The data is loaded once and placed on the interface, and then paging is automatically generated based on the number of records per page you set. When the second page is clicked, the data will be automatically loaded and no more requests will be sent to the server. At the same time, users can use its own search function to achieve full data search. This method can be used when the amount of data is small.
Server mode: refers to sending data to the server for query based on the set number of records per page and the current page number to be displayed, and then displaying it in the table. This method can dynamically load data according to user needs, saving server resources, but it cannot use its own full data search function.
Bootstrap-table is a plug-in developed based on Boosttrap, so when using it, you need to introduce Bootstrap scripts and styles.
If the relevant files are not introduced in our project, these style and script files need to be introduced, as shown below.
<link> <script></script> <script></script>
Then the dependency reference of Bootstrap-table:
CSS file introduction
Script file introduction
<script></script> <script></script>
Usage of bootstrap-table in the page , can be divided into two types, one is written purely in HTML5, specifying various attribute settings through data-*, and the other is HTML JS to achieve flexible settings.
If we initialize the HTML code using the HTML5 identifier, it is the following code.
Item ID | Item Name | Item Price |
If we use JS code to initialize the table plug-in, then we only need to declare a table object in HTML, as shown in the following code.
js code is as follows:
$('#table').bootstrapTable({ url: 'data1.json', columns: [{ field: 'id', title: 'Item ID' }, { field: 'name', title: 'Item Name' }, { field: 'price', title: 'Item Price' }, ] });
However, in fact, the JS configuration function we use bootstrap-table is definitely much more complicated than this. The following interface effect is the data display of the actual table.
The above picture is an example. The above picture shows the result. The JS code is as follows:
var $table; //初始化bootstrap-table的内容 function InitMainTable () { //记录页面bootstrap-table全局变量$table,方便应用 var queryUrl = '/TestUser/FindWithPager?rnd=' + Math.random() $table = $('#grid').bootstrapTable({ url: queryUrl, //请求后台的URL(*) method: 'GET', //请求方式(*) //toolbar: '#toolbar', //工具按钮用哪个容器 striped: true, //是否显示行间隔色 cache: false, //是否使用缓存,默认为true,所以一般情况下需要设置一下这个属性(*) pagination: true, //是否显示分页(*) sortable: true, //是否启用排序 sortOrder: "asc", //排序方式 sidePagination: "server", //分页方式:client客户端分页,server服务端分页(*) pageNumber: 1, //初始化加载第一页,默认第一页,并记录 pageSize: rows, //每页的记录行数(*) pageList: [10, 25, 50, 100], //可供选择的每页的行数(*) search: false, //是否显示表格搜索 strictSearch: true, showColumns: true, //是否显示所有的列(选择显示的列) showRefresh: true, //是否显示刷新按钮 minimumCountColumns: 2, //最少允许的列数 clickToSelect: true, //是否启用点击选中行 //height: 500, //行高,如果没有设置height属性,表格自动根据记录条数觉得表格高度 uniqueId: "ID", //每一行的唯一标识,一般为主键列 showToggle: true, //是否显示详细视图和列表视图的切换按钮 cardView: false, //是否显示详细视图 detailView: false, //是否显示父子表 //得到查询的参数 queryParams : function (params) { //这里的键的名字和控制器的变量名必须一致,这边改动,控制器也需要改成一样的 var temp = { rows: params.limit, //页面大小 page: (params.offset / params.limit) + 1, //页码 sort: params.sort, //排序列名 sortOrder: params.order //排位命令(desc,asc) }; return temp; }, columns: [{ checkbox: true, visible: true //是否显示复选框 }, { field: 'Name', title: '姓名', sortable: true }, { field: 'Mobile', title: '手机', sortable: true }, { field: 'Email', title: '邮箱', sortable: true, formatter: emailFormatter }, { field: 'Homepage', title: '主页', formatter: linkFormatter }, { field: 'Hobby', title: '兴趣爱好' }, { field: 'Gender', title: '性别', sortable: true }, { field: 'Age', title: '年龄' }, { field: 'BirthDate', title: '出生日期', formatter: dateFormatter }, { field: 'Height', title: '身高' }, { field: 'Note', title: '备注' }, { field:'ID', title: '操作', width: 120, align: 'center', valign: 'middle', formatter: actionFormatter }, ], onLoadSuccess: function () { }, onLoadError: function () { showTips("数据加载失败!"); }, onDblClickRow: function (row, $element) { var id = row.ID; EditViewById(id, 'view'); }, }); };
The configuration properties of the above JS code are basically commented out, which is relatively easy to understand.
The table data paging here uses server paging. Data records are returned from the server according to the search conditions, and the sorting method is used. The queryParams here The parameters are the parameters submitted to the server.
//得到查询的参数 queryParams : function (params) { //这里的键的名字和控制器的变量名必须一直,这边改动,控制器也需要改成一样的 var temp = { rows: params.limit, //页面大小 page: (params.offset / params.limit) + 1, //页码 sort: params.sort, //排序列名 sortOrder: params.order //排位命令(desc,asc) }; return temp; },
In addition, we see that the URL address interface for returning data is FindWithPager. Let’s take a look at how this MVC controller method handles data return.
/// <summary> /// 根据条件查询数据库,并返回对象集合(用于分页数据显示) /// </summary> /// <returns>指定对象的集合</returns> public override ActionResult FindWithPager() { //检查用户是否有权限,否则抛出MyDenyAccessException异常 base.CheckAuthorized(AuthorizeKey.ListKey); string where = GetPagerCondition(); PagerInfo pagerInfo = GetPagerInfo(); var sort = GetSortOrder(); List<testuserinfo> list = null; if (sort != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sort.SortName)) { list = baseBLL.FindWithPager(where, pagerInfo, sort.SortName, sort.IsDesc); } else { list = baseBLL.FindWithPager(where, pagerInfo); } //Json格式的要求{total:22,rows:{}} //构造成Json的格式传递 var result = new { total = pagerInfo.RecordCount, rows = list }; return ToJsonContent(result); }</testuserinfo>
The above code processes two parts of object information, one is paging entity class information, and the other is sorting information, and then obtains records based on these conditions and returns JSON data in a format similar to
var result = new { total = pagerInfo.RecordCount, rows = list }; return ToJsonContent(result);
The code to obtain the paging parameter information is as follows
/// <summary> /// 根据Request参数获取分页对象数据 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected virtual PagerInfo GetPagerInfo() { int pageIndex = Request["page"] == null ? 1 : int.Parse(Request["page"]); int pageSize = Request["rows"] == null ? 10 : int.Parse(Request["rows"]); PagerInfo pagerInfo = new PagerInfo(); pagerInfo.CurrenetPageIndex = pageIndex; pagerInfo.PageSize = pageSize; return pagerInfo; }
The code to obtain the sorting parameter information is as follows
/// <summary> /// 获取排序的信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected SortInfo GetSortOrder() { var name = Request["sort"]; var order = Request["sortOrder"]; return new SortInfo(name, order); }
The last step is to implement specific conditions, specific page numbers, and specific sorting The data under the conditions are recorded. This part can implement logic according to your own requirements. Here we just give an encapsulated processing call.
baseBLL.FindWithPager(where, pagerInfo, sort.SortName, sort.IsDesc);
那么这样对于上面的js属性就需要调整下接受查询条件参数queryParams 了
//得到查询的参数 queryParams : function (params) { //这里的键的名字和控制器的变量名必须一直,这边改动,控制器也需要改成一样的 var temp = { rows: params.limit, //页面大小 page: (params.offset / params.limit) + 1, //页码 sort: params.sort, //排序列名 sortOrder: params.order //排位命令(desc,asc) }; return temp; },
//自定义函数处理queryParams的批量增加 $.fn.serializeJsonObject = function () { var json = {}; var form = this.serializeArray(); $.each(form, function () { if (json[this.name]) { if (!json[this.name].push) { json[this.name] = [json[this.name]]; } json[this.name].push(); } else { json[this.name] = this.value || ''; } }); return json; }
queryParams : function (params) { //这里的键的名字和控制器的变量名必须一直,这边改动,控制器也需要改成一样的 var temp = $("#ffSearch").serializeJsonObject(); temp["rows"] = params.limit; //页面大小 temp["page"] = (params.offset / params.limit) + 1; //页码 temp["sort"] = params.sort; //排序列名 temp["sortOrder"] = params.order; //排位命令(desc,asc) //特殊格式的条件处理 temp["WHC_Age"] = $("#WHC_Age").val() + "~" + $("#WHC_Age2").val(); temp["WHC_BirthDate"] = $("#WHC_BirthDate").val() + "~" + $("#WHC_BirthDate2").val(); return temp; },
//连接字段格式化 function linkFormatter(value, row, index) { return "<a>" + value + "</a>"; } //Email字段格式化 function emailFormatter(value, row, index) { return "<a>" + value + "</a>"; } //性别字段格式化 function sexFormatter(value) { if (value == "女") { color = 'Red'; } else if (value == "男") { color = 'Green'; } else { color = 'Yellow'; } return '<div>' + value + '</div>'; }
//操作栏的格式化 function actionFormatter(value, row, index) { var id = value; var result = ""; result += "<a><span></span></a>"; result += "<a><span></span></a>"; result += "<a><span></span></a>"; return result; }
onDblClickRow: function (row, $element) { var id = row.ID; EditViewById(id, 'view'); },
rowStyle: function (row, index) { //设置行的特殊样式 //这里有5个取值颜色['active', 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger']; var strclass = ""; if (index == 0) { strclass = "warning"; } return { classes: strclass } }
var rows = $table.bootstrapTable('getSelections'); if (rows.length > 0) { ID = rows[0].ID; }
//实现删除数据的方法 function Delete() { var ids = "";//得到用户选择的数据的ID var rows = $table.bootstrapTable('getSelections'); for (var i = 0; i <p> 如果需要设置显示列显示,如下界面所示</p><p><img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/024/1968db7ccb24c5175e6b512853157d6a-8.png" class="lazy" alt=""></p><p>以及排序处理</p><p><img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/024/1968db7ccb24c5175e6b512853157d6a-9.png" class="lazy" alt=""></p><p>这些需要在JS代码开启相关的属性即可。</p><p><img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/024/1968db7ccb24c5175e6b512853157d6a-10.png" class="lazy" alt=""></p><p>还有就是一种CardView的卡片视图格式,如下所示。</p><p><img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/024/6963891c8b828c775579d23bea64c194-12.png" class="lazy" alt=""></p><p>另外一种是父子表的展开明细的格式,如下所示</p><p><img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/024/6963891c8b828c775579d23bea64c194-12.png" class="lazy" alt=""></p><p> 以上就是bootstrap-table插件在我实际项目中的应用情况,基本上对JS各个属性的使用进行了一些介绍了,具体的应用我们可以参考它的文档,获取对应属性、方法、事件的详细说明,这样我们就可以更加详细的应用这个插件的各种功能了。</p><p> http://bootstrap-table.wenzhixin.net.cn/documentation/</p><p>PS:以上为转载内容,经过自己的梳理后重新发布,感谢原作者伍华聪,原文路径:https://www.cnblogs.com/wuhuacong/p/7284420.html</p><h2>四、怎么在Spring MVC及SpringBoot项目中使用Bootstrap-table进行分页?</h2><p id="前端代码块">话不多说,直接上代码。</p><p>前端代码块:</p><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">页面:
The above is the detailed content of A brief discussion on the usage of Bootstrap-table. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!