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Interpretation of new features of PHP8 (development code example demonstration)

2021-03-02 09:53:044647browse

The main content of this article is to interpret the main new features of PHP8.0

Interpretation of new features of PHP8 (development code example demonstration)## PHP8 new features

  • 1. Union type
  • 2. Matching expression Formula
  • 3. Null safe operator
  • 4. Constructor property promotion
  • ##5 . Annotations
  • 6. Named parameters

  • Preface

    ##PHP8 was officially released on November 26, 2020, another Milestone arrives.

    According to the information on the official website, it has been released to version 8.0.2, but many projects are still at version 5.6. If the old ones are not removed, the new ones will not come. If there is actual need, upgrade!

    Next, Kaka will analyze the new features of PHP8.0.

    1. Download PHP8 for Xiaopi Panel

    Since you want to learn new features, you must download it first.

    • Related recommendations: "

      PhpStudy Installation of PHP8 [Detailed Graphical Explanation]"

    Kaka's local environment has always been used It's phpstudy. Currently, the PHP version is only available up to 7.4.

    Open the PHP official website address

    https://www.php.net/ and select window to download.

    Note: The above is DIY manually, which is a bit troublesome. For this reason, php Chinese network has developed an integrated environment that supports php8 specifically for php Chinese network to learn and use. Tool, download address: https://www.php.cn/xiazai/gongju/1532

    ##Download methodInterpretation of new features of PHP8 (development code example demonstration)
    Then click the download circled by Click
    Interpretation of new features of PHP8 (development code example demonstration)
    PHP source code download

    The downloaded source code can be directly placed in the D:\phpstudy_pro\Extensions\php directory of the panel

    Then give the folder a name casually. Kaka is written according to the directory structure of phpstudy

    Interpretation of new features of PHP8 (development code example demonstration)
    PHP directory structure

    Then jump Change the PHP environment of the panel and set it to the PHP8 environment

    Interpretation of new features of PHP8 (development code example demonstration)
    Set the PHP environment

    Visit it!

    Interpretation of new features of PHP8 (development code example demonstration)
    PHP8.0 environment configuration

    2. Partial download of PHP8 will cause 502 solution Solution

    If you have downloaded PHP8 and followed the Kaka process, 502 will be returned when accessing.

    Then don’t worry, this is just a small problem, if you find that PHP cannot run successfully.

    Use cmd to go to the PHP8 directory and execute the command php -v. If the following situation occurs, it means that what Kaka said can be solved. If not, go to Baidu separately!

    The following error occurs because VCRUNTIME140.dll is incompatible with the PHP version

    PHP Warning:  'C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VCRUNTIME140.dll' 14.0 is not compatible with this PHP build linked with 14.28 in Unknown on line 0

    It is also very simple to solve this problemhttps://www.yuque.com/u30882/rx39g7/ kns2a2, Kaka has downloaded the software, click to download it directly.

    After downloading, just open the installation directly, then restart the computer, and everything will be fine.

    If you do not use the installation package provided by Kaka, you can also directly visit the official website to download it.

    After entering the official website, scroll to the bottom and there are other tools and frameworks. Click the one you selected to download.

    Interpretation of new features of PHP8 (development code example demonstration)
    Download software

    3. Introduction to features

    In the update iteration of the version, new features will appear, and some old features will also be discarded.

    Next, let’s talk about what new features PHP8.0 brings!

    1. Union type

    Regarding the characteristics of union types, they were actually implemented in PHP7, but at that time It is in the form of annotations.

    Now let’s take a look at the difference between the two. The picture below comes from the PHP official website.

    Interpretation of new features of PHP8 (development code example demonstration)
    Interpretation of new features of PHP8 (development code example demonstration)


    Interpretation of new features of PHP8 (development code example demonstration)
    Interpretation of new features of PHP8 (development code example demonstration)
    Interpretation of new features of PHP8 (development code example demonstration)
    Interpretation of new features of PHP8 (development code example demonstration)


    Interpretation of new features of PHP8 (development code example demonstration)
    Interpretation of new features of PHP8 (development code example demonstration)


    2. 匹配表达式


    1. match匹配单值


    <?php$name = match(2) {    1 => &#39;kaka&#39;,    2 => &#39;niuiniu&#39;,};echo $name;  // niuiniu

    2. 匹配多个条件

    <?php$method = $_SERVER[&#39;REQUEST_METHOD&#39;];match($method) {    &#39;post&#39; => $this->handlePost(),    &#39;get&#39;,&#39;put&#39; =>  $this->handleGet(),};

    3. 默认值


    <?php$name = match(3) {    1 => &#39;kaka&#39;,    2 => &#39;niuniu&#39;,    default => &#39;heihei&#39;,};echo $name;  // heihei

    4. 如果不设置默认值会报错


    <?php$name = match(3) {    1 => &#39;kaka&#39;,    2 => &#39;niuniu&#39;,};echo $name;  // Uncaught UnhandledMatchError: Unhandled match value of type int

    5. 强制类型匹配


    <?php$name = match(3) {    1 => &#39;kaka&#39;,    2 => &#39;niuniu&#39;,    "3" => &#39;niuniu&#39;,    default => &#39;zero&#39;,};echo $name;  // zero

    3. null安全运算符



    <?phpclass Person{    public $user;    public $country;    public function __construct(){        $this->user = $this;        $this->country=&#39;yes&#39;;    }    public function getAddress(){        return $this;    }}$session=new Person();if($session!==null){    $user = $session->user;    if($user!==null){        $address = $user->getAddress();        if($address!=null){            $country = $address->country;            if($country!==null){                var_dump($country);            }        }    }}

    以上代码返回结果为string(3) "yes"


    Interpretation of new features of PHP8 (development code example demonstration)
    Interpretation of new features of PHP8 (development code example demonstration)


    <?phpclass Person{    public $user;    public $country;    public function __construct(){        $this->user = $this;        $this->country=&#39;yes&#39;;    }    public function getAddress(){        return $this;    }}$session=new Person();echo $session?->user?->getAddress()?->country;

    同样返回结果也是string(3) "yes"


    4. 构造函数属性提升


    <?phpclass User {    public string $kaka;    public function __construct(string $kaka) {        $this->kaka = $kaka;    }}


    <?phpclass User {    public function __construct(public string $kaka;)    {        echo $this->kaka;    }}

    5. 注解




    <?phpclass User {    /**     * @api http://www.kaka.com/api     */    function show($name){}}$re=new ReflectionClass(new User);$doc = $re->getMethod(&#39;show&#39;)->getDocComment();$res=substr($doc, strpos($doc, "@api") + strlen("@api "),-2);var_dump($res); // string(32) "http://www.kaka.com/api "



    <?php#[api("http://www.kaka.com/api")]function show($name){}$ref=new ReflectionFunction("show");$attr=$ref->getAttributes("api")[0];$name=$attr->getName();$value=$attr->getArguments();var_dump($value[0]);// string(24) "http://www.kaka1.com/api"


    6. 命名参数




    <?phpclass User {    public function paramTest ($name,$age)    {        var_dump($name.$age);    }}$user = new User();$user->paramTest(&#39;咔咔&#39;,24); // string(8) "咔咔24"


    跟上述代码不同的是在方法传参时给每个参数都起了个名字,但是这个名字只能是没有了$ 的参数。


    <?phpclass User {    public function paramTest ($name,$age)    {        var_dump($name.$age);// string(8) "24咔咔"    }}$user = new User();$user->paramTest(age: &#39;咔咔&#39;,name: 24);



    <?phpclass User {    public function paramTest ($name,$age,...$other)    {        var_dump($other);        // array(2) { ["sex"]=> int(1) ["like"]=> string(6) "篮球" }    }}$user = new User();$user->paramTest(age: &#39;咔咔&#39;,name: 24,sex:1,like:"篮球");


    以上就是关于Interpretation of new features of PHP8 (development code example demonstration)咔咔总结的几个常用点。




    Interpretation of new features of PHP8 (development code example demonstration)

    (Original first release on the public account, welcome to follow!)

    Keep learning, keep blogging, and keep sharing is Kaka The belief that I have always upheld since I started working in the industry. I hope that Kaka’s articles on the huge Internet can bring you a little bit of help. I am Kaka, see you in the next issue.

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