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Detailed explanation of the replication principle and configuration of high-performance Mysql master-slave architecture

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Detailed explanation of the replication principle and configuration of high-performance Mysql master-slave architecture

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1 Replication Overview

Mysql’s built-in replication function is the foundation for building large-scale, high-performance applications. Distribute MySQL data to multiple systems. This distribution mechanism is achieved by copying the data of a certain MySQL host to other hosts (slaves) and executing it again. During replication one server acts as the master server and one or more other servers act as slave servers. The master server writes updates to binary log files and maintains an index of the files to track log rotation. These logs record updates sent to slave servers. When a slave connects to the master, it notifies the master of the location of the last successful update the slave read in the log. The slave receives any updates that have occurred since then, then blocks and waits for the master to be notified of new updates.

Please note that when you replicate, all updates to the tables being replicated must be done on the primary server. Otherwise, you must be careful to avoid conflicts between user updates to tables on the master server and updates to tables on the slave server.

1.1 Replication types supported by mysql:

(1): Statement-based replication: SQL statements executed on the master server are executed on the slave server. statement. MySQL uses statement-based replication by default, which is relatively efficient.

Once it is found that exact copying cannot be performed, row-based copying will be automatically selected.
(2): Row-based replication: Copy the changed content instead of executing the command on the slave server. Supported from mysql5.0
(3): Mixed type replication: Used by default Statement-based replication, once it is found that statement-based replication cannot be accurate, row-based replication will be used.

1.2. Problems solved by replication

MySQL replication technology has the following characteristics:

(1) Data distribution
(2) Load balancing
Overall, there are three steps to replication:

(1) The master records changes to the binary log (these records are called binary log events);

(2) The slave copies the master’s binary log events to its relay log; (3) The slave redoes the events in the relay log, and the changes reflect its own data.

The following figure describes the copying process:


The first part of the process is for the master to record the binary log. Before each transaction completes updating data, the master records these changes in the secondary log. MySQL writes transactions serially to the binary log, even if the statements in the transaction are interleaved. After the event is written to the binary log, the master notifies the storage engine to commit the transaction.
The next step is for the slave to copy the master’s binary log to its own relay log. First, the slave starts a worker thread-the I/O thread. The I/O thread opens a normal connection on the master and then starts the binlog dump process. The Binlog dump process reads events from the master's binary log. If it has caught up with the master, it sleeps and waits for the master to generate new events. The I/O thread writes these events to the relay log.
The SQL slave thread (SQL slave thread) handles the last step of the process. The SQL thread reads events from the relay log and replays the events to update the slave's data to make it consistent with the data in the master. As long as the thread is consistent with the I/O thread, the relay log will usually be in the OS's cache, so the overhead of the relay log is very small.
In addition, there is also a working thread in the master: Like other MySQL connections, opening a connection in the master by slave will also cause the master to start a thread. The replication process has an important limitation - replication is serialized on the slave, which means that parallel update operations on the master cannot be performed in parallel on the slave.

2. Master-slave replication configuration

There are two MySQL database servers Master and slave. Master is the master server and slave is the slave server. In the initial state , the data information in the Master and the slave are the same. When the data in the Master changes, the slave also changes accordingly, so that the data information of the master and the slave are synchronized to achieve the purpose of backup.

Key points:
The medium responsible for transmitting various modification actions between the master and slave servers is the binary change log of the master server. This log records various modification actions that need to be transmitted to the slave server. Therefore, the master server must activate the binary logging function. The slave server must have sufficient permissions for it to connect to the master server and request the master server to transfer the binary change log to it.
The MySQL database versions of Master and slave are both 5.0.18
IP address:

2.1. Create Copy account

1. Create a backup account in the Master's database: Each slave uses a standard MySQL username and password to connect to the master. The user performing the replication operation will be granted REPLICATION SLAVE permission. The username and password will be stored in the text file master.info

The command is as follows:


Create an account backup, and only allow access from the address Come up and log in, the password is 1234.

(If the new and old password algorithms of mysql version are different, you can set: set password for 'backup'@''=old_password('1234'))

2.2, Copy data

(If you completely newly install the mysql master-slave server, this step is not needed. Because the newly installed master and slave have the same data)

Shut down the Master Server, copy the data in the Master to the B server to synchronize the data in the Master and slave, and ensure that writing operations are prohibited in the Master and slave servers before all setting operations are completed, so that the data in the two databases must be same!

2.3. Configure master

Next, configure the master, including opening the binary log and specifying the unique servr ID. For example, add the following value to the configuration file:


Restart the master and run SHOW MASTER STATUS. The output is as follows:

Detailed explanation of the replication principle and configuration of high-performance Mysql master-slave architecture

2.4. Configure slave

The configuration of slave is similar to that of master. You also need to restart the MySQL of slave. As follows:

log_bin           = mysql-binserver_id         = 2relay_log         = mysql-relay-binlog_slave_updates = 1read_only         = 1

server_id: is required and unique.

log_bin: It is not necessary for the slave to enable the binary log bin_log, but in some cases, it must be set. For example, if the slave is the master of another slave, bin_log must be set. Here, we enable binary logging and display the name (the default name is hostname, but problems will occur if hostname is changed).
relay_log: Configure the relay log. log_slave_updates means that the slave writes replication events into its own binary log (you will see its use later).
Some people enable the slave binary log but do not set log_slave_updates, and then check whether the slave data has changed. This is a wrong configuration.

read_only: Try to use read_only, which prevents data from being changed (except for special threads). However, read_only is not very practical, especially for applications that need to create tables on the slave.

2.5. Start slave

接下来就是让slave连接master,并开始重做master二进制日志中的事件。你不应该用配置文件进行该操作,而应该使用CHANGE MASTER TO语句,该语句可以完全取代对配置文件的修改,而且它可以为slave指定不同的master,而不需要停止服务器。如下:

mysql> CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='server1',    -> MASTER_USER='repl',    -> MASTER_PASSWORD='p4ssword',    -> MASTER_LOG_FILE='mysql-bin.000001',    -> MASTER_LOG_POS=0;


你可以用SHOW SLAVE STATUS语句查看slave的设置是否正确:

mysql> SHOW SLAVE STATUS\G*************************** 1. row ***************************             Slave_IO_State:                Master_Host: server1                Master_User: repl                Master_Port: 3306              Connect_Retry: 60            Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000001        Read_Master_Log_Pos: 4             Relay_Log_File: mysql-relay-bin.000001              Relay_Log_Pos: 4      Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000001           Slave_IO_Running: No          Slave_SQL_Running: No                             ...omitted...      Seconds_Behind_Master: NULLSlave_IO_State, Slave_IO_Running, 和Slave_SQL_Running是No



mysql> START SLAVE;运行SHOW SLAVE STATUS查看输出结果:mysql> SHOW SLAVE STATUS\G*************************** 1. row ***************************             Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event                Master_Host: server1                Master_User: repl                Master_Port: 3306              Connect_Retry: 60            Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000001        Read_Master_Log_Pos: 164             Relay_Log_File: mysql-relay-bin.000001              Relay_Log_Pos: 164      Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000001           Slave_IO_Running: Yes          Slave_SQL_Running: Yes                             ...omitted...      Seconds_Behind_Master: 0


                   Slave_IO_Running=Yes                   Slave_SQL_Running=Yes




在master上输入show processlist\G;

mysql> show processlist \G

*************************** 1. row ***************************

     Id: 1

   User: root

   Host: localhost:2096

     db: test

Command: Query

   Time: 0

 State: NULL

   Info: show processlist

*************************** 2. row ***************************

     Id: 2

   User: repl

   Host: localhost:2144

     db: NULL

Command: Binlog Dump

   Time: 1838

 State: Has sent all binlog to slave; waiting for binlog to be updated

   Info: NULL

2 rows in set (0.00 sec)




mysql> show processlist \G

*************************** 1. row ***************************

     Id: 1

   User: system user


     db: NULL

Command: Connect

   Time: 2291

 State: Waiting for master to send event

   Info: NULL

*************************** 2. row ***************************

     Id: 2

   User: system user


     db: NULL

Command: Connect

   Time: 1852

 State: Has read all relay log; waiting for the slave I/O thread to update it

   Info: NULL

*************************** 3. row ***************************

     Id: 5

   User: root

   Host: localhost:2152

     db: test

Command: Query

   Time: 0

 State: NULL

   Info: show processlist

3 rows in set (0.00 sec)



(2)master当前的日志文件、以及生成快照时的字节偏移。这两个值可以叫做日志文件坐标(log file coordinate),因为它们确定了一个二进制日志的位置,你可以用SHOW MASTER STATUS命令找到日志文件的坐标;

(1)    冷拷贝(cold copy)
(2)    热拷贝(warm copy)
(3)    使用mysqldump
shell> mysqldump --all-databases --lock-all-tables >dbdump.db




3.1、基于语句的复制(Statement-Based Replication)

     MySQL 5.0及之前的版本仅支持基于语句的复制(也叫做逻辑复制,logical replication),这在数据库并不常见。master记录下改变数据的查询,然后,slave从中继日志中读取事件,并执行它,这些SQL语句与master执行的语句一样。
      但是,基于语句的复制并不是像它看起来那么简单,因为一些查询语句依赖于master的特定条件,例如,master与slave可能有不同的时间。所以,MySQL的二进制日志的格式不仅仅是查询语句,还包括一些元数据信息,例如,当前的时间戳。即使如此,还是有一些语句,比如,CURRENT USER函数,不能正确的进行复制。此外,存储过程和触发器也是一个问题。

3.2、基于记录的复制(Row-Based Replication)


mysql> INSERT INTO summary_table(col1, col2, sum_col3)    -> SELECT col1, col2, sum(col3)    -> FROM enormous_table    -> GROUP BY col1, col2;

 mysql> UPDATE enormous_table SET col1 = 0;
此时使用基于记录的复制代价会非常高。由于两种方式不能对所有情况都能很好的处理,所以,MySQL 5.1支持在基于语句的复制和基于记录的复制之前动态交换。你可以通过设置session变量binlog_format来进行控制。




Once the server turns on the binary log, it will generate a file with the same name as the second log file but ending with .index. It is used to track which binary log files are present on disk. MySQL uses it to locate binary log files. Its content is as follows (on my machine):
Detailed explanation of the replication principle and configuration of high-performance Mysql master-slave architecture


The function of this file is similar to mysql-bin.index , but it's for relay logs, not binary logs. The content is as follows:


Save Master related information. Do not delete it, otherwise, the slave will not be able to connect to the master after restarting. The content is as follows (on my machine):

Detailed explanation of the replication principle and configuration of high-performance Mysql master-slave architecture

The I/O thread updates the master.info file, the content is as follows (on my machine):








Contains information about the current binary log and relay log in the slave.

3.4. Send replication events to other slaves

When setting log_slave_updates, you can let the slave act as the master of other slaves. At this time, the slave writes the events executed by the SQL thread into its own binary log. Then, its slave can obtain these events and execute them. As follows:
Detailed explanation of the replication principle and configuration of high-performance Mysql master-slave architecture

3.5. Replication Filters

Replication filtering allows you to copy only part of the data in the server. There are two types of replication filters: on the master Filter events in the binary log; filter events in the relay log on the slave. As follows:

Detailed explanation of the replication principle and configuration of high-performance Mysql master-slave architecture

##4. Commonly used topologies for replication

The replicated architectures are The following basic principles:

(1) Each slave can only have one master;
(2) Each slave can only have one unique server ID;
(3) Each master can have many slave;
(4) If you set log_slave_updates, the slave can be the master of other slaves, thereby spreading the master's updates.

MySQL does not support multimaster replication (Multimaster Replication) - that is, a slave can have multiple masters. However, with some simple combinations, we can build a flexible and powerful replication architecture.

4.1. Single master and multiple slaves

The simplest case is a replication system composed of one master and one slave. Slaves do not communicate with each other and can only communicate with the master.

In actual application scenarios, more than 90% of MySQL replication is an architectural model in which one Master replicates to one or more Slaves. It is mainly used as a cheap expansion solution on the database side for applications with high read pressure. Because as long as the pressure on the Master and Slave is not too great (especially the pressure on the Slave side), the delay of asynchronous replication is generally very small. Especially since the replication method on the Slave side was changed to two thread processing, the delay problem on the Slave side has been reduced. The benefit is that for applications that do not have particularly critical data real-time requirements, you only need to expand the number of slaves through cheap pcserver and distribute the read pressure to multiple slave machines. You can disperse a single database server The read pressure is used to solve the read performance bottleneck on the database side. After all, the read pressure in most database application systems is still much greater than the write pressure. This has largely solved the current database pressure bottleneck problem of many small and medium-sized websites, and even some large websites are using similar solutions to solve database bottlenecks.

is as follows:

Detailed explanation of the replication principle and configuration of high-performance Mysql master-slave architecture If there are few write operations and frequent read operations, this structure can be adopted. You can distribute read operations to other slaves to reduce the pressure on the master. However, when the number of slaves increases to a certain number, the load of the slaves on the master and the network bandwidth will become a serious problem.
Although this structure is simple, it is very flexible and sufficient to meet most application needs. Some suggestions:
(1) Different slaves play different roles (such as using different indexes, or different storage engines);
(2) Use one slave as a backup master and only perform replication;
(3) Use a remote slave for disaster recovery;

Everyone should be relatively clear that multiple Slave nodes can be copied from a Master node. Some people may wonder whether that Slave node can be copied from What about replication on multiple Master nodes? At least for now, MySQL can't do it, and it's unclear whether it will be supported in the future.

MySQL does not support the architecture of a Slave node replicating from multiple Master nodes. This is mainly to avoid conflict problems and prevent data conflicts between multiple data sources, resulting in inconsistency in the final data. . However, I heard that someone has developed a related patch to allow MySQL to support a Slave node to replicate from multiple Master nodes as data sources. This is also the benefit brought by the open source nature of MySQL.

4.2. Master-Master in Active Mode (Master-Master in Active-Active Mode)

Two servers replicated by Master-Master , both the master and the slave of another server. In this way, changes made by either party will be applied to the database of the other party through replication.



Detailed explanation of the replication principle and configuration of high-performance Mysql master-slave architecture



mysql> UPDATE tbl SET col=col + 1;


mysql> UPDATE tbl SET col=col * 2;

实际上,MySQL并不支持其它一些DBMS支持的多主服务器复制(Multimaster Replication),这是MySQL的复制功能很大的一个限制(多主服务器的难点在于解决更新冲突),但是,如果你实在有这种需求,你可以采用MySQL Cluster,以及将Cluster和Replication结合起来,可以建立强大的高性能的数据库平台。但是,可以通过其它一些方式来模拟这种多主服务器的复制。


4.3、主动-被动模式的Master-Master(Master-Master in Active-Passive Mode)

Detailed explanation of the replication principle and configuration of high-performance Mysql master-slave architecture



4.4 级联复制架构 Master –Slaves - Slaves




Detailed explanation of the replication principle and configuration of high-performance Mysql master-slave architecture






 4.5、带从服务器的Master-Master结构(Master-Master with Slaves)


Detailed explanation of the replication principle and configuration of high-performance Mysql master-slave architecture






错误一:change master导致的:
     Last_IO_Error: error connecting to master 'repl1@IP:3306' - retry-time: 60  retries


 mysql> stop slave;

ERROR 1192 (HY000): Can't execute the given command because you have active locked tables or an active transaction


错误三:在没有停止slave进程的情况下change master

mysql> change master to master_host=‘IP', master_user='USER', master_password='PASSWD', master_log_file='mysql-bin.000001',master_log_pos=106;

ERROR 1198 (HY000): This operation cannot be performed with a running slave; run STOP SLAVE first


错误四:A B的server-id相同:
Last_IO_Error: Fatal error: The slave I/O thread stops because master and slave have equal MySQL server ids; 
these ids must be different for replication to work (or the --replicate-same-server-id option must be used on
slave but this does not always make sense; please check the manual before using it). 
mysql> show variables like 'server_id'; 
mysql> set global server_id=2; #此处的数值和my.cnf里设置的一样就行 
mysql> slave start;

错误五:change master之后,查看slave的状态,发现slave_IO_running 仍为NO
需要注意的是,上述几个错误做完操作之后要重启mysql进程,slave_IO_running 变为Yes


错误六:MySQL主从同步异常Client requested master to start replication from position > file size



 当主库重启的时候,从库直接读取主库接着之前的位点重新拉binlog,但是主库由于没有fsync最后的binlog,所以会返回1236 的错误。
正常建议配置sync_binlog=1 也就是每个事务都立即写入到binlog文件中。



Detailed explanation of the replication principle and configuration of high-performance Mysql master-slave architecture


     mysqlbinlog mysql-bin.001574 >  ./mysql-bin.001574.bak

     tail -10 ./mysql-bin.001574.bak

mysql-bin.001574文件最后几行 发现最后偏移量是4059237,从库偏移量的4063315远大主库的偏移量4059237,也就是参数sync_binlog=1000导致的。

Detailed explanation of the replication principle and configuration of high-performance Mysql master-slave architecture


mysql> stop slave;mysql> change master to master_log_file='mysql-bin.001574' ,master_log_pos=4059237;mysql> start slave;




Last_Error: Could not execute Delete_rows event on table market_edu.tl_player_task; Can't find record in 'tl_player_task', Error_code: 1032; handler error HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND; the event's master log mysql-bin.002094, end_log_pos 286434186


可用命令:stop slave;   set global sql_slave_skip_counter=1;    start slave;


Last_SQL_Error: Could not execute Write_rows event on table hcy.t1; 
Duplicate entry '2' for key 'PRIMARY', 
Error_code: 1062; 
handler error HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY; the event's master log mysql-bin.000006, end_log_pos 924



Last_SQL_Error: Could not execute Update_rows event on table hcy.t1;
Can't find record in 't1', 
Error_code: 1032; 
handler error HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND; the event's master log mysql-bin.000010, end_log_pos 263


insert into t1 values (2,'BTV');

stop slave ;set global sql_slave_skip_counter=1;start slave;


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