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sublime shortcut keys, welcome to save~

2021-02-02 15:32:452454browse

The following column sublime tutorial will introduce you to sublime shortcut keys. I hope it will be helpful to friends in need!

##f11Switch full screen stateshift f11Do not disturb mode state switchbackspaceDelete the left sideshift backspaceDelete the left sidectrl shift backspaceLeft Side delete alldeleteright side deleteenterinsertshift enterinsertctrl zundo##ctrl shift z##ctrl yredo or repeatctrl uSoft Undoctrl shift uSoft Redoctrl shift vPaste and formatshift deletecutctrl insertcopyshift insertPastectrl xCutctrl cCopyctrl vPaste MoveMoveMoveMoveMove and select##shift rightMove and selectshift upMove and selectshift down Move and selectctrl leftMove (jump) according to \w rulesctrl rightMove according to \w rules (jump)ctrl shift leftMove according to \w rules and select (jump)ctrl shift rightMove by \w rules and select (jump)alt leftMove by wordalt rightMove by wordalt shift leftMove by word and selectalt shift rightMove by word and selectctrl alt upSelect multiple lines for editingctrl alt downSelect multiple lines for editingpageupMovepagedownMoveshift pageupMove selectionshift pagedownMove selectionhomeMove to the beginning of the lineendMove to the line Endshift homeSelect to the beginning of the lineshift endSelect to the end of the linectrl homeMove to the beginning of the page## escapeClear fieldescapeHide panelescapehide overlayescapehide auto completetabinsert best completiontabinsert best completiontabreplace completion with next completiontabreindenttabindenttab next fieldtabcommit completionshift tabinsertshift tabunindentshift tabunindentshift tab unindentshift tabprev fieldctrl ] shrink Enterctrl [Unindentinserttoggle overwritectrl lSelect a line, repeat to increase. Select the next linectrl dSelect a word, repeat to increase. Select the next same wordctrl k, ctrl dfind under expand skipctrl shift spaceexpand selectionctrl shift mexpand selectionctrl mjump to the corresponding bracket ##ctrl shift eslurp replace stringctrl shift fshow panelf4next result shift f4prev resultf6toggle settingctrl f6next misspellingctrl shift f6prev misspelling##ctrl shift upctrl shift down##ctrl backspacedelete wordctrl shift backspacerun macro filectrl deletedelete wordctrl shift deleterun macro filectrl /Current line comment status switchctrl shift /Current position comment status switchctrl jSelect the label content and append the subsequent lines to the end of the linectrl shift dduplicate lineshow panelauto completereplace completion with auto completeshow scope namebuildbuildbuild##ctrl breakexecctrl ttransposef9row sortctrl f9Row sorting// Auto-pair quotes\insert snippet\insert snippet\movebackspacerun macro file// Auto-pair single quotes'insert snippet##'movebackspacerun macro file// Auto-pair brackets(insert snippet(insert snippet)movebackspacerun macro file// Auto-pair square brackets[insert snippet[insert snippet]movebackspacerun macro file// Auto-pair curly brackets {insert snippet{insert snippet}
Shortcut keys Function
ctrl shift n Open new Sublime
ctrl shift w Close Sublime and close all open files
ctrl shift t Reopen recently closed files
ctrl n New file
ctrl s Save
ctrl shift s Save as
ctrl f4 Close file
ctrl w Close
ctrl k, ctrl b Switch sidebar display status
shift left
##ctrl end Move to the end of the page
ctrl shift home Select to the top line of the page
ctrl shift end Select to the bottom line of the page Tail
ctrl up Scroll line
ctrl down Scroll line
ctrl pagedown Next view (visual position)
ctrl pageup Previous view
ctrl tab Next view in the stack (opening order)
ctrl shift tab Previous view in the stack
ctrl a Select all
ctrl shift l Select multiple lines for editing
escape Single selection
escape Clear field
ctrl shift j expand selection
ctrl shift a expand selection
alt . close tag
ctrl q toggle record macro
ctrl shift q run macro
ctrl enter run macro file
ctrl shift enter Insert a new line before the current line
enter commit completion
ctrl p Search item File in
ctrl shift p Open command panel
ctrl alt p prompt select project
ctrl r Go to Method
ctrl g Jump to which line
ctrl ; show overlay
ctrl i show panel
ctrl shift i show panel
ctrl f find
ctrl h Find and replace
ctrl shift h Find and replace next
f3 Next match
shift f3 Previous match
ctrl f3 Down One match
ctrl shift f3 find under prev
alt f3 find all under
ctrl e slurp find string
swap line up
swap line down
##ctrl `
ctrl space
ctrl space
ctrl alt shift p
ctrl b
ctrl shift b
##' insert snippet
backspace run macro file
enter run macro file
shift enter run macro file
ctrl 1 focus group
ctrl 2 focus group
ctrl 3 focus group
ctrl 4 focus group
ctrl shift 1 move to group
ctrl shift 2 move to group
ctrl shift 3 move to group
ctrl shift 4 move to group
ctrl 0 focus side bar
alt 1 select by index
alt 2 select by index
alt 3 select by index
alt 4 select by index
alt 5 select by index
alt 6 select by index
alt 7 select by index
alt 8 select by index
alt 9 select by index
alt 0 select by index
f2 next bookmark
shift f2 prev bookmark
ctrl f2 标记状态切换
ctrl shift f2 clear bookmarks
alt f2 select all bookmarks
ctrl shift k run macro file
alt q wrap lines
ctrl k, ctrl u upper case
ctrl k, ctrl l lower case
ctrl k, ctrl space set mark
ctrl k, ctrl a select to mark
ctrl k, ctrl w delete to mark
ctrl k, ctrl x swap with mark
ctrl k, ctrl y yank
ctrl k, ctrl k run macro file
ctrl k, ctrl backspace run macro file
ctrl k, ctrl g clear bookmarks
ctrl k, ctrl c show at center
ctrl increase font size
ctrl = increase font size
ctrl keypad plus increase font size
ctrl - decrease font size
ctrl keypad minus decrease font size
alt shift w insert snippet
ctrl shift [ 折叠(代码)
ctrl shift ] 不折叠
ctrl k, ctrl 1 按层级折叠(代码),数字是层级数
ctrl k, ctrl 2 按层级折叠(代码),数字是层级数
ctrl k, ctrl 3 按层级折叠(代码),数字是层级数
ctrl k, ctrl 4 按层级折叠(代码),数字是层级数
ctrl k, ctrl 5 按层级折叠(代码),数字是层级数
ctrl k, ctrl 6 按层级折叠(代码),数字是层级数
ctrl k, ctrl 7 按层级折叠(代码),数字是层级数
ctrl k, ctrl 8 按层级折叠(代码),数字是层级数
ctrl k, ctrl 9 按层级折叠(代码),数字是层级数
ctrl k, ctrl 0 unfold all
ctrl k, ctrl j unfold all
ctrl k, ctrl t fold tag attributes
context menu context menu
alt c toggle case sensitive
alt r toggle regex
alt w toggle whole word
alt a toggle preserve case
// 查找面板的按键绑定
enter 向后查找
shift enter 向前查找
alt enter 查找全部
// 替换面板的按键绑定
enter 查找下一个
shift enter 查找前一个
alt enter 查找全部
ctrl alt enter 替换全部
// Incremental find panel key bindings
enter hide panel
shift enter find prev
alt enter find all

The above is the detailed content of sublime shortcut keys, welcome to save~. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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