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php ip地址库

2016-05-25 17:06:362951browse



function IpToInt($Ip) { 
  $Int=($array[0] * 256*256*256) + ($array[1]*256*256) + ($array[2]*256) + $array[3]; 
  return $Int; 

function IntToIp($Int) { 
  $b1=($Int & 0xff000000)>>24; 
  if ($b1<0) $b1+=0x100; 
  $b2=($Int & 0x00ff0000)>>16; 
  if ($b2<0) $b2+=0x100; 
  $b3=($Int & 0x0000ff00)>>8; 
  if ($b3<0) $b3+=0x100; 
  $b4= $Int & 0x000000ff; 
  if ($b4<0) $b4+=0x100; 
  return $Ip; 

class TQQwry 
  var $StartIP = 0; 
  var $EndIP = 0; 
  var $Country = &#39;&#39;; 
  var $Local = &#39;&#39;; 

  var $CountryFlag = 0; // 标识 Country位置 
                        // 0x01,随后3字节为Country偏移,没有Local 
                        // 0x02,随后3字节为Country偏移,接着是Local 
                        // 其他,Country,Local,Local有类似的压缩。可能多重引用。 
  var $fp; 

  var $FirstStartIp = 0; 
  var $LastStartIp = 0; 
  var $EndIpOff = 0 ; 

  function getStartIp ( $RecNo ) { 
      $offset = $this->FirstStartIp + $RecNo * 7 ; 
      @fseek ( $this->fp , $offset , SEEK_SET ) ; 
      $buf = fread ( $this->fp , 7 ) ; 
      $this->EndIpOff = ord($buf[4]) + (ord($buf[5])*256) + (ord($buf[6])* 256*256); 
      $this->StartIp = ord($buf[0]) + (ord($buf[1])*256) + (ord($buf[2])*256*256) + (ord($buf[3])*256*256*256); 	  	  
      return $this->StartIp ; 

  function getEndIp ( ) { 
      @fseek ( $this->fp , $this->EndIpOff , SEEK_SET ) ; 
      $buf = fread ( $this->fp , 5 ) ; 
      $this->EndIp = ord($buf[0]) + (ord($buf[1])*256) + (ord($buf[2])*256*256) + (ord($buf[3])*256*256*256); 
      $this->CountryFlag = ord ( $buf[4] ) ; 
      return $this->EndIp ; 

  function getCountry ( ) { 

      switch ( $this->CountryFlag ) { 
          case 1: 
          case 2: 
              $this->Country = $this->getFlagStr ( $this->EndIpOff+4) ; 
              //echo sprintf(&#39;EndIpOffset=(%x)&#39;,$this->EndIpOff ); 
              $this->Local = ( 1 == $this->CountryFlag )? &#39;&#39; : $this->getFlagStr ( $this->EndIpOff+8); 
              break ; 
          default : 
              $this->Country = $this->getFlagStr ($this->EndIpOff+4) ; 
              $this->Local = $this->getFlagStr ( ftell ( $this->fp )) ; 


  function getFlagStr ( $offset ) 

      $flag = 0 ; 
      while ( 1 ){ 
          @fseek ( $this->fp , $offset , SEEK_SET ) ; 
          $flag = ord ( fgetc ( $this->fp ) ) ; 
          if ( $flag == 1 || $flag == 2 ) { 
              $buf = fread ($this->fp , 3 ) ; 
              if ($flag == 2 ){ 
                  $this->CountryFlag = 2 ; 
                  $this->EndIpOff = $offset - 4 ; 
              $offset = ord($buf[0]) + (ord($buf[1])*256) + (ord($buf[2])* 256*256); 
              break ; 

      if ( $offset < 12 ) 
          return &#39;&#39;; 
      @fseek($this->fp , $offset , SEEK_SET ) ; 
      return $this->getStr(); 
  function getStr ( ) 
      $str = &#39;&#39; ; 
      while ( 1 ) { 
          $c = fgetc ( $this->fp ) ; 
          if ( ord ( $c[0] ) == 0 ) 
             break ; 
          $str .= $c ; 
      return $str ; 

  function qqwry ($dotip) { 
      $ip = IpToInt ( $dotip ); 
      $this->fp= @fopen($_SERVER[&#39;DOCUMENT_ROOT&#39;]."ip/IPAddr.Dat", "r");
      if ($this->fp == NULL) { 
            $szLocal= "OpenFileError"; 
		  return 1; 

        @fseek ( $this->fp , 0 , SEEK_SET ) ; 
      $buf = fread ( $this->fp , 8 ) ; 
      $this->FirstStartIp = ord($buf[0]) + (ord($buf[1])*256) + (ord($buf[2])*256*256) + (ord($buf[3])*256*256*256); 
      $this->LastStartIp = ord($buf[4]) + (ord($buf[5])*256) + (ord($buf[6])*256*256) + (ord($buf[7])*256*256*256); 

      $RecordCount= floor( ( $this->LastStartIp - $this->FirstStartIp ) / 7); 
      if ($RecordCount <= 1){ 
          $this->Country = "FileDataError"; 
          fclose ( $this->fp ) ; 
          return 2 ; 
        $RangB= 0; 
      $RangE= $RecordCount; 
      // Match ... 
      while ($RangB < $RangE-1) 
        $RecNo= floor(($RangB + $RangE) / 2); 
        $this->getStartIp ( $RecNo ) ; 

          if ( $ip == $this->StartIp ) 
              $RangB = $RecNo ; 
              break ; 
        if ( $ip > $this->StartIp) 
          $RangB= $RecNo; 
          $RangE= $RecNo; 
      $this->getStartIp ( $RangB ) ; 
      $this->getEndIp ( ) ; 

      if ( ( $this->StartIp <= $ip ) && ( $this->EndIp >= $ip ) ){ 
          $nRet = 0 ; 
          $this->getCountry ( ) ; 
          $this->Local = str_replace("(我们一定要解放台湾!!!)", "", $this->Local); 

      }else { 
          $nRet = 3 ; 
          $this->Country = &#39;未知&#39; ; 
          $this->Local = &#39;&#39; ; 
      fclose ( $this->fp ) ; 
      return $nRet ; 

function get_address($ip) 
  $wry = new TQQwry ; 
  $nRet = $wry->qqwry ( $ip );
  //可以利用 $nRet做一些事情,我是让他自动记录未知IP到一个表,代码就不写了。
  return  $strRet; 
  //return $wry->Country; 

function get_country($ip)
  $wry = new TQQwry ; 
  $nRet = $wry->qqwry ( $ip ); 
  //可以利用 $nRet做一些事情,我是让他自动记录未知IP到一个表,代码就不写了。
  return  $strRet; 

function get_ip_array($ip){
  $wry = new TQQwry ; 
  $nRet = $wry->qqwry ( $ip ); 
  //可以利用 $nRet做一些事情,我是让他自动记录未知IP到一个表,代码就不写了。
  $ar[&#39;country&#39;] = $wry->Country;
  $ar[&#39;address&#39;] = $strRet;
  $ar[&#39;local&#39;] = $wry->Local;
  return  $ar; 

// test

var_dump( get_ip_array(&#39;;));

var_dump( get_ip_array(&#39;;));


解压文件 ~ 3MB        

php ip地址库IPAddr.rar


1. 请求接口(GET):
2. 响应信息:
(json格式的)国家 、省(自治区或直辖市)、市(县)、运营商
3. 返回数据格式:



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