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What are the main dangers of Trojan viruses?

2021-01-14 12:07:4737499browse

Main hazards: remote control to steal information and damage the system. Trojan viruses are backdoor programs with special functions such as destroying and deleting files, sending passwords, recording keyboards, and attacking DoS. As long as the computer is infected by Trojan viruses, hackers with ulterior motives can operate the computer at will, just like using the computer locally. The damage to control computers can be imagined.

What are the main dangers of Trojan viruses?

The operating environment of this tutorial: Windows 7 system, Dell G3 computer.

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The main harm of Trojan viruses is: remote control to steal information and damage the system.

Trojan horse virus refers to a piece of malicious code with special functions hidden in a normal program. It is a backdoor program with special functions such as destroying and deleting files, sending passwords, recording keyboard keys, and attacking DoS. Trojan horse viruses are actually programs used by computer hackers to remotely control computers. They parasitize the control program in the controlled computer system and work inside and outside to operate the computer infected with the Trojan horse virus. General Trojan horse virus programs mainly look for computer backdoors and wait for opportunities to steal passwords and important files in the controlled computer. It is possible to perform illegal operations such as monitoring and data modification on the controlled computer. Trojan viruses are highly concealed and can launch sudden attacks based on hackers' intentions.


(1) Concealment.

The main reason why Trojan viruses can exist for a long time is that they can hide themselves and disguise themselves as legitimate applications, making it difficult for users to identify them. This is the first and most important characteristic of Trojan viruses. Like other viruses, this concealment period is often relatively long. Commonly used methods are to parasitize in legitimate programs, modify them to legitimate program names or icons, not generate any icons, not display them in the process, or disguise themselves as system processes and associate them with other legitimate files. [1]

(2) Deceptive.

The main means of hiding Trojan viruses is deception. Often use disguises to legitimize themselves. For example, use legal file type suffixes "dll, sys, ini'', etc.; use existing legal system file names and save them in other file directories; use confusing characters for naming, such as the letters "o" and The number "0", the number "1" and the letter "i".

(3) Stubbornness.

In order to ensure that they can continue to spread, Trojan viruses often reside in the target like a cancer. There are multiple backup files in the infected computer. Once the main file is deleted, it can be restored immediately. Especially with file association technology, as long as the associated program is executed, the Trojan virus will be executed and new Trojans will be produced. Programs, or even variants. Stubborn Trojan viruses bring huge difficulties to Trojan removal.

(4) Harmfulness.

The harm of Trojan viruses is unquestionable. As long as the computer is infected by Trojans After virus infection, hackers with ulterior motives can operate the computer at will, just like using the computer locally, and the damage to the controlled computer can be imagined. Hackers can do whatever they want and steal important resources of the system, such as system passwords and stocks. Transaction information. Confidential data, etc.

The direct damage method of Trojan virus to the computer is to rewrite the disk and damage the computer database, which brings inconvenience to the user. When the Trojan horse destroys the program, it makes the program unable to run, which causes It has a serious impact on the overall operation of the computer. In addition, some Trojans can be carried out through the boot area of ​​the disk. The virus has a strong replication function and passes the user program to external links. It can also change the disk boot area, causing data channel damage. Viruses also seize system resources through large-scale replication, interfere with the system operating environment, and affect the running speed of the computer system.

With the development of the Internet industry, Trojans have taken a fancy to e-commerce, and some Trojans have been installed on some online shopping The program, when the user clicks on it, can easily enter the user's system when the user uses online banking. It steals the bank's password through the Internet and then steals the user's finances, causing huge economic losses to computer users. In some special fields, Trojans are Used as a means of attack, such as politics, military, finance, transportation and many other fields, it has become a battlefield without smoke. Trojans are used to invade the other party, obtain relevant information or cause destruction.

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