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what is vue node

2021-01-14 10:06:582120browse

vue is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. vue adopts a bottom-up incremental development design; node is a server-side platform built on Google Chrome's JavaScript engine and is an open source Cross-platform runtime environment for developing server-side and web applications.

what is vue node

The operating environment of this tutorial: windows7 system, vue2.0&&Node.js v14.15.3 version, DELL G3 computer.

What is vuejs?

Vue is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. Unlike other large frameworks, Vue is designed to be applied layer by layer from the bottom up. Vue's core library only focuses on the view layer, making it easy to integrate with third-party libraries or existing projects.

Vue.js is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. Unlike other heavyweight frameworks, Vue adopts a bottom-up incremental development design. Vue's core library only focuses on the view layer, and is very easy to learn and integrate with other libraries or existing projects.

What is nodejs?

Node.js is a server-side platform built on Google Chrome's JavaScript engine (V8 engine). Node.js is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment for developing server-side and web applications. It is a platform for easily building fast and scalable web applications.

Node.js is a JavaScript running environment based on the Chrome V8 engine, which can be used to easily build web applications with fast response speed and easy expansion. Node uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model to be lightweight and efficient, making it ideal for running data-intensive real-time applications on distributed devices.

The difference between Node.js and Vue.js

  • ##nodejs and vuejs are completely different things. One is a server-side language and the other is a front-end framework.

  • Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment based on the Chrome V8 engine.

  • Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, making it lightweight and efficient.

  • Node.js's package manager npm is the world's largest open source library ecosystem.

  • Vue.js is a progressive framework for building data-driven web interfaces. The goal of Vue.js is to achieve the simplest possible API - reactive data binding and composed view components. Not only is it easy to get started, it is also easy to integrate with third-party libraries or existing projects.

  • On the other hand, Vue is also fully capable of powering complex single-page applications when combined with single-file components and libraries supported by the Vue ecosystem.

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