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Mini program adds online customer service function

2021-01-04 09:37:594684browse

Mini program adds online customer service function

Add customer service function to mini program

(Learning video sharing: Programming video)

1. Need to be in mini program Add a customer service message button

The mini program is connected to the WeChat "customer service message" function module. Developers only need to call the button to trigger the customer service message function of WeChat. There is no need to implement it in the mini program by themselves.

There are two ways to add the customer service message button. You can choose any method according to your actual needs.

1. Insert a fixed style customer service message button

WeChat designed an initial style for the customer service message button.

It is also very simple to call it. You only need to insert in the WXML code, and the fixed-style customer service button will appear in the interface.

Mini program adds online customer service function

The style of the customer service message button made using this method has been fixed, and the color can only be black and white. The only truly customizable item is the size of the button.

2. Insert a custom style customer service message button

Using the open-type attribute of the

Mini program adds online customer service function


Compared with the first method, use this Method, you can add your own style to the button in WXSS to make the customer service message button more harmonious with the overall page.

No matter which method is used, users can click the customer service message button to enter the chat interface and communicate directly with your mini program customer service.

Send and receive customer service messages

WeChat provides the "WeChat public platform customer service function" for the mini program. People who have been bound as customer service can directly open the customer service function page (mpkf.weixin.qq. com), scan the QR code to log in, and you can communicate with mini program users.

1. Bind customer service personnel

First, the mini program administrator needs to bind customer service personnel to the mini program so that the customer service personnel can enter the customer service function and communicate with mini program users.

The specific binding method is:

Use a mini program account to log in to the WeChat public platform (mp.weixin.qq.com). Click the "Customer Service Message" link in the left sidebar to enter the "Customer Service Message" function module. Click the "Add" button on the right and enter the customer service staff's personal WeChat ID in the pop-up box. You can add the WeChat IDs of multiple customer service personnel. Confirm the addition and click "OK".

Mini program adds online customer service function

2. Enter customer service

After the addition is completed, the customer service staff of the mini program can use their own personal WeChat and scan the QR code to log in to the "WeChat public platform customer service" Function".

The customer service function is very simple to use, just like using the WeChat web version. As long as the user of the mini program initiates a session, customer service staff can communicate with the user in the customer service function.

Mini program adds online customer service function

It should be noted that customer service staff can only reply to users within 48 hours after the user sends the message. If more than 48 hours have passed since the user initiated the session, customer service staff will not be able to respond to the user.

Related recommendations:

Mini Program Development Tutorial

The above is the detailed content of Mini program adds online customer service function. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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