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PHPCMS usage tutorialThe column introduces frequently used syntax
Recommended (free) :PHPCMS usage tutorial
Comment call:
{php $comment_tag = pc_base::load_app_class("comment_tag", "comment"); $comment_total = $comment_tag->count(array('commentid'=>'content_'.$v[catid].'-'.$v[id].'-'.$modelid));} comment: {if $comment_total}{$comment_total}{else}0{/if}
Recommended position call:
{pc:content action="position" posid="2" moreinfo="1" catid="$catid" order="listorder DESC" num="1"} {loop $data $r} {/loop} {/pc}
Click call:
List page call:
{php $db = pc_base::load_model('hits_model'); $_r = $db->get_one(array('hitsid'=>'c-'.$modelid.'-'.$r[id])); $views = $_r[views]; } {$views}
Content page call:
Total number of judgments:
{if $n==count($dat)}class="friendly-border" {/if}
News previous article next article display
<span>上一篇:<a>{$previous_page[title]}</a></span> <span>下一篇:<a>{$next_page[title]}</a></span>
Phpcms grouping
array_chunk($data(数组),10(每组有几个数)) <p> {pc:content action="lists" moreinfo="1" catid="17" num="20" order="id ASC"} {php $da=array_chunk($data,4(每组显示几个));} {loop $da $d} </p><p> {php $i=1;} {loop $d $r} </p><p> <a>  <p>{$r[title]}</p> </a> </p> {php $i++;} {/loop} {/loop} {/pc}
//Intercept the number of words
{str_cut($r[description],102,'...')} {str_cut(strip_tags($r[content]),300,"...")} //截取文字 strip_tags() 函数剥去字符串中的 HTML、XML 以及 PHP 的标签。
Add to favorites and set the homepage
<a>加入收藏</a> <a>设为首页</a>
Add anchor
{$r[url]}#n{$r[id]} {$rs[url]}area{$n}
Time difference
{php $now = strtotime("now")} {date('d',$now-$r[inputtime])}天前
Get the current column
{php $arrid=$r[catid]} {$CATEGORYS[$arrid][catname]}
Get the parent column of the current column
Current position call:
phpcms starts calling from the specified number
{pc:content action="lists" catid="10" order="id DESC LIMIT 1,4--" num="4"} //这样就可以从第二条开始调用数据。 其中的order="id DESC LIMIT 1,4--"里的两个数字,第1个数字1表示从第2条开始调用,第2个数字4表示共调用4条。 如果改成order="id DESC LIMIT 0,4--"那么就表示从第1条开始调用,共调用4条。 如果改成order="id DESC LIMIT 2,4--"那么就表示从第3条开始调用,共调用4条。 栏目指定第几个显示(phpcms从指定第几条开始调用 ) 1---> 从第二个开始显示 {php $data = array_slice($data,1);} {pc:content action="category" catid="$catid" num="5" siteid="$siteid" order="listorder ASC,id ASC"} {php $data = array_slice($data,1);} {loop $data $r} {if $cat==$catid} <span>{$r[catname]}</span> {else} <span>{$r[catname]}</span> {/if} {/loop} {/pc}
Return to the previous level
{$CATEGORYS[$catid][url]} <a>返回上一级</a>
Related articles
{pc:content action="relation" relation="$relation" catid="$catid" num="5" keywords="$rs[keywords]"} {loop $data $r}
Calling multiple pictures
{loop string2array($r['pics']) $v}
Calling ads
{php $banner=getads(11);$i=1;}
Calling friendly links
图片链接: {pc:link action="lists" typeid="0" siteid="$siteid" linktype="1" order="desc" num="6" return="dat"} {loop $dat $v} <a></a> {/loop} {/pc} 文字链接: {pc:link action="lists" typeid="0" siteid="$siteid" linktype="0" order="desc" num="10" return="dat"} {loop $dat $v} <a>{$v[name]} </a> {/loop} {/pc}
Judge whether the array contains a certain number
if(in_array("29",$xmlx)){ //array_push($xmlx,$qt); $qt=$_POST['qita']; }
Column page calling source:
{php list($copyfrom) = explode('|', $r['copyfrom'])} {$copyfrom}
Call verification code:
前台 {php pc_base::load_sys_class('form', '', 0);$setting = getcache('formguide', 'commons');} {form::checkcode('code_img', '4', 90, 30)} {form::checkcode('code_img','4','14',110,30)} 后台开始session配置 //启动session $session_storage = 'session_'.pc_base::load_config('system','session_storage'); pc_base::load_sys_class($session_storage);
Mysql search how to determine whether a field contains a certain string
利用mysql 字符串函数 find_in_set(); SELECT * FROM users WHERE find_in_set('aa@email.com', emails);
Calling the model drop-down box
{php $ks=filtersele('dertment',12);}
Path jump (without a tag):
<script> function urls(obj){ var url = $(obj).attr('data-url'); window.location.href = url; } </script> <span>返回</span>
Jump to the home page
Column picture call
Mobile site previous articleNext article
PHP源码修改: 打开 phpcms\modules\wap\index.php 文件 找到 if(!$r || $r['status'] != 99) showmessage(L('info_does_not_exists'),'blank'); 在其下面添加 //上一篇 $previous_page = $this->db->get_one("`catid` = '$catid' AND `id`db->get_one("`catid`= '$catid' AND `id`>'$id' AND `status`=99"); //当前页为第一篇时:再点击上一篇仍然显示第一篇 if(empty($previous_page)) { $previous_page = $this->db->get_one("`catid` = '$catid' AND `id`='$id' AND `status`=99",'*','id DESC'); } //当前页为最后一篇时:再点击下一篇仍然显示最后一篇 if(empty($next_page)) { $next_page = $this->db->get_one("`catid`= '$catid' AND `id`='$id' AND `status`=99"); } 调用: <a>上一条:{$previous_page[title]}</a> <a>下一条: {$next_page[title]}</a>
Mobile site call Column picture
Column secondary display
{pc:content action="category" catid="0" order="listorder DESC" siteid="$siteid" num="7"} {loop $data $r}
{pc:content action="category" catid="$r[catid]" num="8" siteid="$siteid" order="listorder DESC" return="dat"} {loop $dat $v} {$v[catname]} {/loop} {/pc}
Download model
{pc:content action="lists" catid="$catid" num="15" order="id DESC" page="$page" moreinfo="1"} {loop $data $r} {php $xiazai = string2array($r['downfiles']);} {loop $xiazai $b}
Judge odd and even numbers
{$n}.{if $n%2==0}偶数{else}奇数{/if} <br>
The above is the detailed content of Recommended PHPCMS guide. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!