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Briefly describe what is the storage unit of data in a computer?

2020-12-07 11:44:29124972browse

The storage unit of data in computers: 1. Bit is the smallest unit that represents the amount of information, with only two binary states of 0 and 1; 2. Byte is the basic unit for storing data; 3. Word, two bytes are called a word; 4. KB; 5. MB; 6. GB; 7. TB.

Briefly describe what is the storage unit of data in a computer?

#The operating environment of this article: Windows 7 system, Dell G3 computer.

Storage unit is a unit of measurement. Refers to using a specific quantity or standard as a recording (counting) point in a certain field. Then define another point as a multiple of this point, and the pronoun of this point is the counting unit or storage unit.

Inside the computer, information is stored, calculated, processed and transmitted in binary form. Information storage units include bits, bytes and words. The storage capacity units of various storage devices include KB, MB, GB, and TB.

Basic storage unit

Bit (bit): A digit in a binary number, which can be 0 or 1. It is the smallest unit of data in a computer.

Byte (Byte, B): The basic unit of data in the computer, every 8 bits make up a byte. All kinds of information require at least one byte to be stored and processed in a computer. For example, an ASCII code is represented by one byte, and a Chinese character is represented by two bytes.

Word: Two bytes are called a word. The storage unit of Chinese characters is one character.

Extended storage unit

In the storage capacity representation of various computer storage media (such as memory, hard disk, optical disk, etc.), the storage unit that the user has access to Not bits, bytes and words, but KB, MB, GB, etc. But this is not a new storage unit, but based on byte conversion.

KB: The early floppy disks used were 360KB and 720KB, but floppy disks are rarely used.

MB: The memory of early microcomputers was 128MB, 256MB, and 512MB. The current memory is 1GB, 2GB or even larger.

GB: The hard drives of early microcomputers were 60GB and 80GB, and now they are all 500GB, 1TB or even larger.

TB: At present, the storage capacity of microcomputers for personal use can reach this level, and as a server or specialized computer, such a large storage capacity is indispensable.

Conversion unit

Commonly used storage units in computers:

8 bit = 1 Byte One byte

1024 B = 1 KB (KiloByte) Kilobyte

1024 KB = 1 MB (MegaByte) Megabyte

1024 MB = 1 GB (GigaByte) Gigabyte

1024 GB = 1 TB (TeraByte) Terabyte

1024 TB = 1 PB (PetaByte) Petabyte

1024 PB = 1 EB (ExaByte) Exabyte

1024 EB = 1 ZB (ZetaByte) ZettaByte

1024 ZB = 1 YB (YottaByte) Yao Byte

1024 YB = 1BB (Brontobyte) Amber Byte

1024 BB = 1 NB (NonaByte) NonaByte

1024 NB = 1 DB (DoggaByte)DoggaByte

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