Home >php教程 >PHP源码 >上次分享了比较文本的差异,这次来个比较文件夹的改变


2016-05-25 17:01:06962browse


* http://www.php.cn
class compare

private $source;
private $update;
private $removed = array();
private $added = array();
private $changed = array();

public function __construct(){

public function set_source($source) {
$this->source = $source;

public function set_update($update) {
$this->update = $update;

public function get_source() {
return $this->source;

public function get_update() {
return $this->update;

public function get_removed() {
return $this->removed;

public function get_added() {
return $this->added;

public function get_changed() {
return $this->changed;

public function do_compare(){
 $source = Array();
 $destination = Array();
 $currentDirectory = getcwd();
 $workingDir = &#39;&#39;;
 $source = $this->doTree(&#39;.&#39;, $source);
 if (!is_array($source)) return;
 chdir ($this->update);
 $destination = $this->doTree(&#39;.&#39;, $destination);
 if (!is_array($destination)) exit;
 foreach ($source as $dir => $value) {
 foreach($value as $file => $hash) {
 if (isset($destination[$dir][$file])) {
 if ($hash != $destination[$dir][$file]) {
 $this->changed[] = $dir.&#39;/&#39;.$file;
 } else {
 $this->removed[] = $dir.&#39;/&#39;.$file;
 foreach ($destination as $dir => $value) {
 foreach($value as $file => $hash) {
 if (!isset($source[$dir][$file])) {
 $this->added[] = $dir.&#39;/&#39;.$file;

private function checksum($file) {
 $ignores = Array(10, 13);
 $fh = fopen($file, &#39;r&#39;);
 $buffer = &#39;&#39;;
 while (!feof($fh)) {
 $buffer .= fgets($fh);
 fclose ($fh);
 foreach ($ignores as $ignore) {
 while (strpos($buffer, chr($ignore))) {
 $buffer = str_replace(chr($ignore), &#39;&#39;, $buffer);
 return hash(&#39;crc32&#39;, $buffer).hash(&#39;crc32b&#39;, $buffer);

private function doTree($dir, &$array) {
 if (stripos($dir, &#39;checksum&#39;) !== false
 || stripos($dir, &#39;cache&#39;) !== false
 || stripos($dir, &#39;import&#39;) !== false
 || stripos($dir, &#39;custom&#39;) !== false
 || stripos($dir, &#39;_notes&#39;) !== false
 || stripos($dir, &#39;.svn&#39;) !== false) {
 return $array;
 $filetypes = Array(&#39;php&#39;, &#39;js&#39;, &#39;htm&#39;, &#39;html&#39;, &#39;css&#39;, &#39;tpl&#39;, &#39;ini&#39;, &#39;txt&#39;);
 if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
 while ($file = readdir($dh)) {
 if ($file != &#39;.&#39; && $file != &#39;..&#39;) {
 if (is_dir($dir.&#39;/&#39;.$file)) {
 if (count($array) == 0) $array[0] = &#39;Temp&#39;;
 if (!$this->doTree($dir.&#39;/&#39;.$file, $array)) {
 return false;
 } else {
 if (filesize($dir.&#39;/&#39;.$file)) {
 foreach ($filetypes as $type) {
 if (strpos($file.&#39;|&#39;, &#39;.&#39;.$type.&#39;|&#39;) != 0 ) {
 $array[$dir][$file] = $this->checksum( $dir.&#39;/&#39;.$file ); //md5_file($dir.&#39;/&#39;.$file, false);
 if (count($array) > 1 && isset($array[&#39;0&#39;])) unset($array[&#39;0&#39;]);
 return $array;
 } else {
 echo &#39;error opening &#39;.$dir.&#39;</h3>&#39;;
 return false;

* http://www.php.cn

<h1 align="center">Upgrade checker</h1>
 include (&#39;compare.class.php&#39;);// Load the class
 $cmp = new compare();// Initialize the class
 $dir = dirname(__FILE__);
 $cmp->set_source($dir.&#39;Source&#39;);// Directory where Source files are
 $cmp->set_update($dir.&#39;Update&#39;);// Directory where pristeen files are
 $cmp->do_compare();// Do the compare
 $removed = $cmp->get_removed();// Get the results
 $added = $cmp->get_added();// ...
 $changed = $cmp->get_changed();// ...
 echo &#39;<h3>Files Changed</h3>&#39;;// Display the results
 foreach($changed as $file) {
 echo $file.&#39; has been changed<br>&#39;;
 echo &#39;<h3>Files Added</h3>&#39;;
 foreach ($added as $add) {
 echo $add.&#39;<br>&#39;;
 echo &#39;<h3>Files Removed</h3>&#39;;
 foreach ($removed as $remove) {
 echo $remove.&#39;<br>&#39;;

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