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Use HTML+CSS to create some animated prompt tools

2020-11-03 17:55:352857browse

Use HTML+CSS to create some animated prompt tools

When your users need some extra context for placing an icon, or when they need some assurance to click a button, or maybe an Easter egg title to go with an image, Tooltips are a great way to enhance user interfaces. Now let's make some animated tooltips, using just HTML and CSS.

(Recommended tutorial: CSS tutorial)


The following are our work goals:

The main goal is to have an easy way to add tooltips, so we will do that by adding a custom tooltip attribute:

<span tooltip="message">visible text or icon, etc.</span><br/>

Notes on accessibility and functionality

If you are looking for 508 compliant tooltips, or need smarter tooltips that support containers Conflict detection and/or support for HTML content versus plain text, then there are many solutions using third-party scripts that can meet your needs.

Let’s set a few expectations

  • No JavaScript required

  • We will use attribute selectors (instead of class names), and CSS's built-in pattern matching

  • to existing DOM elements (no need to add new ones to your tags) element)

  • There is no prefix in the code example (if necessary, add the vendor prefix for your target browser)

  • Assume that the prompt box is triggered by mouseover/hover

  • It is just a plain text prompt box (HTML, pictures, etc. are not supported)

  • When the prompt box is evoked, there is a clever animation

Let’s start now

We have to deal with a problem first, which is about "no additional tags required" of. After all, it's neat. Our tooltips really don't need additional DOM elements because they are completely based on pseudo-elements (::before and ::after), which we can control through CSS.

If you have used a pseudo-element of an element in other style sets and want to add a tooltip to this element, you may need to do some refactoring.

Prompt box

#There is also a warning: CSS positioning. For tooltips to work properly, their parent element (after which we add the tooltip) needs to be

  • position: relative, or

  • position: absolute, or

  • position: fixed

Basically, anything will do, as long as it is not position: static - this is the default positioning mode assigned by the browser to almost all elements. Tooltips are absolutely positioned, so they need to know within what bounds their absolute values ​​are meaningful.

The default positioning directive static does not declare its boundaries, nor does it give our prompt box context for relative positioning. So the tooltip will use the next closest parent element with declared bounds.

You need to decide which position directive is best for how you use tooltips. This tutorial assumes position: relative to the parent element. If your UI relies on an absolutely positioned element, some reorganization (extra markup) may also be needed to deploy the tooltip on that element.

Attribute Selector: Quick Review

Most CSS rules are written in class names, such as .this -thing , but CSS has several types of selectors. Our clever tooltip is going to use attribute selectors - that is, square bracket notation.

[foo] {<br/>    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);<br/>    color: #fff;<br/>}<br/>

When the browser sees something like this:

<span foo>Check it out!</span><br/>

The browser will know that it needs to apply the [foo] rule because 5fd9ddd122b776b01388565d1c3ea157 tag has an attribute called foo. In this example, span itself will have a translucent black background and white text.

HTML elements have a variety of built-in attributes, but we can also give our own attributes. For example foo , or tooltip . By default, HTML doesn't know what these things mean, but with CSS, we can tell HTML what these custom attributes mean.

Why use attribute selector?

我们后面会使用属性选择器,主要是出于侧重分离的目的。使用属性而不是类名,并不会让我们在详细程度上获得更多益处,类和属性在详细程度上是相同的。 然而,通过使用属性,我们可以把我们的内容放在一块儿,因为HTML属性可以有值,而类名没有值。

在这个例子的代码中,来权衡一下类名 .tooltip 对比属性 [tooltip] 。类名是 [class] 属性的值中的一个,而tooltip属性可以存放一个值,它就是我们要显示的文字。

<span class="tooltip another-classname">lorem ipsum</span><br/><span tooltip="sit dolar amet">lorem ipsum</span><br/>



  • tooltip: 这个属性存放了提示框的内容(一个纯文本字符串)

  • flow: 可选;这个属性允许我们控制如何显示提示框。我们可以支持很多方位,但是我们会覆盖4各常用方位:上,左,右,下

1. 相对性

这是用在提示框的父元素上的。让我们来给定一个定位指令,这样提示框的组成部分(即::before 和 ::after 伪元素)的绝对定位就可以以父元素做参照进行定位,而不是以整个页面或祖父元素或DOM树上方的其它外围元素作为参照进行定位。

[tooltip] {<br/>  position: relative;<br/>}<br/>

2. 伪元素准备

在这里,我们要对 ::before 和 ::after 设置常用属性。content 属性是真正让伪元素工作的属性,不过我们稍后再讨论它。

[tooltip]::before,<br/>[tooltip]::after {<br/>    line-height: 1;<br/>    user-select: none;<br/>    pointer-events: none;<br/>    position: absolute;<br/>    display: none;<br/>    opacity: 0;<br/> <br/>    /* opinions */<br/>    text-transform: none; <br/>    font-size: .9em;<br/>}<br/>


它是一个尖尖的小三角形,通过指向它的调用者,为提示框提供对话气泡的感觉。 注意到我们在边界颜色这一块,使用了 tranparent ;由于上色要根据提示框的 flow 值来,所以之后再加上颜色。

[tooltip]::before {<br/>    content: &#39;&#39;;<br/>    z-index: 1001;<br/>    border: 5px solid transparent;<br/>}<br/>

content: '';声明中的值是一个空字符串,这并不是笔误。字符串里面,我们不想要任何东西,但是我们需要这个属性,使得伪元素得以存在。




[tooltip]::after {<br/>    content: attr(tooltip); /* magic! */<br/>    z-index: 1000;<br/>     <br/>    /* most of the rest of this is opinion */<br/>    font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;<br/>    text-align: center;<br/>     <br/>    /* <br/>    Let the content set the size of the tooltips <br/>    but this will also keep them from being obnoxious<br/>    */<br/>    min-width: 3em;<br/>    max-width: 21em;<br/>    white-space: nowrap;<br/>    overflow: hidden;<br/>    text-overflow: ellipsis;<br/>     <br/>    /* visible design of the tooltip bubbles */<br/>    padding: 1ch 1.5ch;<br/>    border-radius: .3ch;<br/>    box-shadow: 0 1em 2em -.5em rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35);<br/>    background: #333;<br/>    color: #fff;<br/>}<br/>

请注意,dink和气泡的z-index值。 这些是任意值,但请记住,z索引值是相对的。 含义:z-index为3的元素内部的z-index值为1001只是意味着1001元素将是该z-index:3容器中最顶层的元素。

气泡的z-index应比Dink的z-index至少降低1步。 如果它等于或高于该dink,那么如果您的工具提示使用了框阴影,则最终会在dink上产生不一致的着色效果。



[tooltip]:hover::before,<br/>[tooltip]:hover::after {<br/>    display: block;<br/>}<br/>

如果您在第2步中回顾我们的样式块,应该会看到我们使用了opacity:0; 连同显示:无; 用于我们的工具提示部分。 我们这样做是为了在显示和隐藏工具提示时可以使用CSS动画效果。

display属性是不能做成动画的,但是opacity属性可以!我们留到最后来处理动画的问题。如果你对动画提示框没兴趣,只要把第2步中的 opacity: 0; 删掉,无视第7步即可。

最后一件要应用到所有提示框上的是,如果提示框没有内容,能有一个方法来抑制提示框。如果你使用某种动态系统(Vue.js, Angular, 或者 React, PHP等等)来生成提示框的话,我们就不需要笨笨的空白气泡了!

/* don&#39;t show empty tooltips */<br/>[tooltip=&#39;&#39;]::before,<br/>[tooltip=&#39;&#39;]::after {<br/>    display: none !important;<br/>}<br/>


这一步会变得更加复杂,因为我们会使用一些不那么常见的选择器,来帮助我们的提示框基于 flow 值(或没有flow属性)来确定位置。


[tooltip]:not([flow])::before,<br/>[tooltip][flow^="up"]::before {<br/>    /* ...<br/>    properties: values<br/>    ... */<br/>}<br/>

这是在告诉浏览器:“对于所有带有 tooltip 属性来说,其中没有 flow 属性的元素,或者有flow元素,但它的值是以'up'开头的:将这些样式套用到这类元素的::before伪元素上。”

我们在这里使用了一个模式,这样一来,这些东西可以扩展到其它流上,而步需要重复这么多的CSS。这个模式 flow^="up" 使用了 ^= (开头)匹配符。 如果你想增加其它流控制的话,通过这个模式,也可以将样式应用在up-right 和 up-left 方向上(代码中)。

Up (default):

/* ONLY the ::before */<br/>[tooltip]:not([flow])::before,<br/>[tooltip][flow^="up"]::before {<br/>    bottom: 100%;<br/>    border-bottom-width: 0;<br/>    border-top-color: #333;<br/>}<br/> <br/>/* ONLY the ::after */<br/>[tooltip]:not([flow])::after,<br/>[tooltip][flow^="up"]::after {<br/>    bottom: calc(100% + 5px);<br/>}<br/> <br/>/* Both ::before & ::after */<br/>[tooltip]:not([flow])::before,<br/>[tooltip]:not([flow])::after,<br/>[tooltip][flow^="up"]::before,<br/>[tooltip][flow^="up"]::after {<br/>    left: 50%;<br/>    transform: translate(-50%, -.5em);<br/>}<br/>


[tooltip][flow^="down"]::before {<br/>    top: 100%;<br/>    border-top-width: 0;<br/>    border-bottom-color: #333;<br/>}<br/> <br/>[tooltip][flow^="down"]::after {<br/>    top: calc(100% + 5px);<br/>}<br/> <br/>[tooltip][flow^="down"]::before,<br/>[tooltip][flow^="down"]::after {<br/>    left: 50%;<br/>    transform: translate(-50%, .5em);<br/>}<br/>


[tooltip][flow^="left"]::before {<br/>    top: 50%;<br/>    border-right-width: 0;<br/>    border-left-color: #333;<br/>    left: calc(0em - 5px);<br/>    transform: translate(-.5em, -50%);<br/>}<br/> <br/>[tooltip][flow^="left"]::after {<br/>    top: 50%;<br/>    right: calc(100% + 5px);<br/>    transform: translate(-.5em, -50%);<br/>}<br/>


[tooltip][flow^="right"]::before {<br/>    top: 50%;<br/>    border-left-width: 0;<br/>    border-right-color: #333;<br/>    right: calc(0em - 5px);<br/>    transform: translate(.5em, -50%);<br/>}<br/> <br/>[tooltip][flow^="right"]::after {<br/>    top: 50%;<br/>    left: calc(100% + 5px);<br/>    transform: translate(.5em, -50%);<br/>}<br/>



  • 让用户感觉舒服

  • 让用户感受到你的用户界面的空间感

  • 注意到该看到的东西

  • 让用户界面中本来非黑即白的生硬效果变得柔和



我们需要两个关键帧 (@keyframe) 动画。向上/向下提示框要用到tooltips-vert关键帧,而向左/向右提示框使用tooltips-horz关键帧。 注意,在这些关键帧中,我们只定义了提示框所需的终止状态。

我们并不需要知道它们从何处来 (提示框本身就有状态信息)。我们只想控制它们要到哪儿去。

@keyframes tooltips-vert {<br/>  to {<br/>    opacity: .9;<br/>    transform: translate(-50%, 0);<br/>  }<br/>}<br/> <br/>@keyframes tooltips-horz {<br/>  to {<br/>    opacity: .9;<br/>    transform: translate(0, -50%);<br/>  }<br/>}<br/>



[tooltip]:not([flow]):hover::before,<br/>[tooltip]:not([flow]):hover::after,<br/>[tooltip][flow^="up"]:hover::before,<br/>[tooltip][flow^="up"]:hover::after,<br/>[tooltip][flow^="down"]:hover::before,<br/>[tooltip][flow^="down"]:hover::after {<br/>    animation: <br/>        tooltips-vert <br/>        300ms <br/>        ease-out<br/>        forwards;<br/>}<br/> <br/>[tooltip][flow^="left"]:hover::before,<br/>[tooltip][flow^="left"]:hover::after,<br/>[tooltip][flow^="right"]:hover::before,<br/>[tooltip][flow^="right"]:hover::after {<br/>    animation: <br/>        tooltips-horz <br/>        300ms <br/>        ease-out <br/>        forwards;<br/>}<br/>





The above is the detailed content of Use HTML+CSS to create some animated prompt tools. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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