mysql query statements in java: 1. Simple query; 2. Simple query; 3. Sorting query; 4. Group query, the code is [group by grouped field.[Having condition]]; 5. For paging query, the code is [select * from table name limit x;].
mysql query statement in java:
1. Simple query
–Query all fields:
select * from table name;
- - Query specified fields:
select field 1, field 2... from table name;
- - Table alias: If there are special symbols or spaces in the alias, it needs to be enclosed in quotation marks
select * from table name [as] Table alias
- - Column Alias: as can be omitted.
select field 1 [as] alias, field 2 [as] alias from table name;
- - Remove duplicate values: If there are multiple fields, they must be Repeat.
select distinct field from table name;
- - Operation query:
select (math english) total score from table name;
2. Conditional query:
Comparison operators: > , b9931771cfc46c359af3973b0cab18ca= , 1da22f42f617d92256b26ab0e936e813(!=)
Logical operators:
between…and… : Values displayed in a certain interval (including head and tail)
in (multiple conditions) : or (or) relationship
like: Fuzzy query
% represents zero or more arbitrary characters.
_ represents one character.
is null: Determine whether it is empty.
3. Sorting query: Write at the end of the sql statement.
select * from table name order by sorting field ASC (ascending order - default)/DESC (descending order)
If there are multiple fields to be sorted, sort them by the first one first, and then sort by the following ones
4. Aggregation function: after select, before from.
sum (sum): The specified column is not a numeric type, and the calculation result is 0;
count (statistical number): does not include null; generally use *;
max (maximum value ): If it is a string type, use string sorting;
min(minimum value) :
avg(average): The specified column is not a numeric type, and the calculation result is 0;
5. Group query
group by 被分组的字段.[Having 条件]
where: Filter before group query.
having: Group query Post-filtering.
Note; Grouped fields are generally written after select as query conditions for easy viewing
6. Paging query (understand)
Use keyword limit
Format one: only the first x data
select * from 表名 limit x;
Format two: paging query
select * from 表名 limit m,n;
m: The starting number of rows of data per page, changing
n: The number displayed on each page, fixed
The index of the row in the database starts from 0
The index of the column starts from 1
Single table case:
-- 创建数据库 create database day03; -- 员工表 USE day03; CREATE TABLE emp( -- 员工编号 empno INT, -- 员工姓名 ename VARCHAR(50), -- 工作 job VARCHAR(50), -- 管理者 mgr INT, -- 雇用时间 hiredate DATE, -- 工资 sal DECIMAL(7,2), -- 奖金 comm DECIMAL(7,2), -- 部门 deptno INT ) ; -- 部门表 CREATE TABLE dept( -- 部门 deptno INT, -- 部门名称 dname VARCHAR(14), -- 部门位置 loc VARCHAR(13) ); -- 向员工表中添加数据. INSERT INTO emp VALUES(7369,'SMITH','CLERK',7902,'1980-12-17',800,NULL,20); INSERT INTO emp VALUES(7499,'ALLEN','SALESMAN',7698,'1981-02-20',1600,300,30); INSERT INTO emp VALUES(7521,'WARD','SALESMAN',7698,'1981-02-22',1250,500,30); INSERT INTO emp VALUES(7566,'JONES','MANAGER',7839,'1981-04-02',2975,NULL,20); INSERT INTO emp VALUES(7654,'MARTIN','SALESMAN',7698,'1981-09-28',1250,1400,30); INSERT INTO emp VALUES(7698,'BLAKE','MANAGER',7839,'1981-05-01',2850,NULL,30); INSERT INTO emp VALUES(7782,'CLARK','MANAGER',7839,'1981-06-09',2450,NULL,10); INSERT INTO emp VALUES(7788,'SCOTT','ANALYST',7566,'1987-04-19',3000,NULL,20); INSERT INTO emp VALUES(7839,'KING','PRESIDENT',NULL,'1981-11-17',5000,NULL,10); INSERT INTO emp VALUES(7844,'TURNER','SALESMAN',7698,'1981-09-08',1500,0,30); INSERT INTO emp VALUES(7876,'ADAMS','CLERK',7788,'1987-05-23',1100,NULL,20); INSERT INTO emp VALUES(7900,'JAMES','CLERK',7698,'1981-12-03',950,NULL,30); INSERT INTO emp VALUES(7902,'FORD','ANALYST',7566,'1981-12-03',3000,NULL,20); INSERT INTO emp VALUES(7934,'MILLER','CLERK',7782,'1982-01-23',1300,NULL,10); -- 向部门表添加数据 , 采用批量插入数据, 用 , 号隔开 . INSERT INTO dept VALUES(10, 'ACCOUNTING', 'NEW YORK') ,(20, 'RESEARCH', 'DALLAS'),(30, 'SALES', 'CHICAGO'), (40, 'OPERATIONS', 'BOSTON'); -- 1. 查询工资大于1200的员工姓名和工资 SELECT ename 员工姓名 , sal 工资 FROM emp WHERE sal > 1200; -- 2. 查询员工号为7698的员工的姓名和部门号 SELECT ename 员工姓名 , deptno 部门号 FROM emp WHERE empno = 7698; -- 3. 选择工资不在500到1200的员工的姓名和工资 SELECT ename 员工姓名 ,sal 工资 FROM emp WHERE sal<=1200 && sal >= 500; -- 4. 选择雇用时间在1981-02-01到1987-05-01之间的员工姓名,job_id和雇用时间 SELECT ename 员工姓名,empno , hiredate FROM emp WHERE hiredate BETWEEN '1981-02-01' AND '1987-05-01'; -- 5. 选择在20或30号部门工作的员工姓名和部门号 SELECT ename 员工姓名,deptno 部门号 FROM emp WHERE deptno IN(20 , 30 ); -- 6. 选择在1981年雇用的员工的姓名和雇用时间 SELECT ename 员工姓名,hiredate 雇佣时间 FROM emp WHERE hiredate LIKE('1981-__-__'); -- 7. 选择公司中没有管理者的员工姓名及job_id SELECT ename 员工姓名,empno FROM emp WHERE mgr IS NULL; -- 8. 选择公司中有奖金的员工姓名,工资和奖金级别 SELECT ename 员工姓名,sal 工资,comm 奖金 FROM emp WHERE comm IS NOT NULL OR; -- 9. 选择员工姓名的第三个字母是a的员工姓名 SELECT ename 员工姓名 FROM emp WHERE ename LIKE '__A%'; -- 10. 选择姓名中有字母a和e的员工姓名 SELECT ename 员工姓名 FROM emp WHERE ename LIKE '%A%' OR '%E%' -- 11. 查询员工号,姓名,工资,以及工资提高百分之20%后的结果(new salary) SELECT empno 员工号, ename 姓名,sal+(sal*0.2) 工资 FROM emp; -- 12. 将员工的姓名按首字母排序 SELECT ename FROM emp ORDER BY ename ASC; -- 升序 SELECT ename FROM emp ORDER BY ename DESC; -- 降序 -- 13. 查询公司员工工资的最大值,最小值,平均值,总和 SELECT MAX(sal) 最大值,MIN(sal) 最小值 , AVG(sal) 平均值, SUM(sal) 总和 FROM emp; -- 14. 查询各deptno的员工工资的最大值,最小值,平均值,总和 SELECT deptno 部门,MAX(sal) 最大值,MIN(sal) 最小值 , AVG(sal) 平均值, SUM(sal) 总和 FROM emp GROUP BY deptno; -- 15. 选择具有各个deptno的员工人数 SELECT deptno , COUNT(empno) FROM emp GROUP BY deptno;
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