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php method to convert html to word: first install the zip.dll compression extension; then compress the specified xml into a zip package; finally change the suffix name to doc or docx.
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php method to convert HTML pages into word and save them
A PHP tool is used here called: PHPWord.
The principle of generating Word is to compress the specified xml into a zip package and change the suffix name to doc or docx.
So to use PHPWord, you need to install the zip.dll compression extension in your PHP environment. I wrote a demo.
Function description:
20150507 — 97baa4c0cd2a007d7a88d33b8a2d69a3 tags and c34106e0b4e09414b63b2ea253ff83d6 list tags
20150508 — Added the function of getting pictures in articles
20150509 — Added line spacing and filtered wrong pictures
20150514 — Added table processing, and changed the code to object-oriented
20150519 — Added GD library to process network images
require_once 'PHPWord.php'; require_once 'SimpleHtmlDom.class.php'; class Word{ private $url; private $LinetextArr = array(); public $CurrentDir; public $error = array(); //错误数组 public $filename = null; public $Allowtag = "p,ol,ul,table"; /**数据统计**/ public $DownImg = 0; public $expendTime = 0; public $HttpRequestTime = 0; public $ContentLen = 0; public $HttpRequestArr = array(); public $expendmemory = 0; public function __construct($url) { $startTime = $this->_Time(); $startMemory = $this->_memory(); $this->url = $url; $UrlArr = parse_url($this->url); $this->host = $UrlArr["scheme"]."://".$UrlArr['host']; $this->CurrentDir = getcwd(); $this->LinetextArr["table"] = array(); $html = new simple_html_dom($this->url); $this->HttpRequestArr[] = $this->url; $this->HttpRequestTime++; foreach($html->find($this->Allowtag) as $key=>$value) { if($value->tag == "table") { $this->ParseTable($value,0,$this->LinetextArr["table"]); } else { $this->AnalysisHtmlDom($value); } $this->error[] = error_get_last(); } $endTime = $this->_Time(); $endMemory = $this->_memory(); $this->expendTime = round(($endTime-$startTime),2); //微秒 $this->expendmemory = round(($endMemory-$startMemory)/1000,2); //bytes $this->CreateWordDom(); } private function _Time() { return array_sum(explode(" ", microtime())); } private function _memory() { return memory_get_usage(); } /** * 解析HTML中的Table,这里考虑到多层table嵌套的情况 * @param $value HTMLDOM * @param $i 遍历层级 * **/ private function ParseTable($value,$i,$Arr) { if($value->firstChild() && in_array($value->firstChild()->tag,array("table","tbody","thead","tfoot","tr"))) { foreach($value->children as $k=>$v) { $this->ParseTable($v,$i++,$Arr); } } else { foreach($value->children as $k=>$v) { if($v->firstChild() && $v->firstChild()->tag != "table") { $Arr[$i][] = array("tag"=>$v->tag,"text"=>trim($v->plaintext)); } if(!$v->firstChild()) { $Arr[$i][] = array("tag"=>$v->tag,"text"=>trim($v->plaintext)); } } } } /** * 解析HTML里面的表情 * @param $value HTMLDOM * **/ private function AnalysisHtmlDom($value) { $tmp = array(); if($value->has_child()) { foreach($value->children as $k=>$v) { $this->AnalysisHtmlDom($v); } } else { if($value->tag == "a") { $tmp = array("tag"=>$value->tag,"href"=>$value->href,"text"=>$value->innertext); } else if($value->tag == "img") { $src = $this->unescape($value->src); $UrlArr = parse_url($src); if(!isset($UrlArr['host'])) { $src = $this->host.$value->src; $UrlArr = parse_url($src); } $src = $this->getImageFromNet($src,$UrlArr); //表示有网络图片,需要下载 if($src) { $imgsArr = $this->GD($src); $tmp = array("tag"=>$value->tag,"src"=>$src,"text"=>$value->alt,"width"=>$imgsArr['width'],"height"=>$imgsArr['height']); } } else { $tmp = array("tag"=>$value->tag,"text"=>strip_tags($value->innertext)); } $this->LinetextArr[] = $tmp; } } /** * 根据GD库来获取图片的如果太多,进行比例压缩 * **/ private function GD($src) { list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($src); if($width > 800 || $height > 800 ) { $width = $width/2; $height = $height/2; } return array("width"=>$width,"height"=>$height); } /** * 将Uincode编码转移回原来的字符 * **/ public function unescape($str) { $str = rawurldecode($str); preg_match_all("/(?:%u.{4})|&#x.{4};|&#\d+;|.+/U",$str,$r); $ar = $r[0]; foreach($ar as $k=>$v) { if(substr($v,0,2) == "%u"){ $ar[$k] = iconv("UCS-2BE","UTF-8",pack("H4",substr($v,-4))); } elseif(substr($v,0,3) == "&#x"){ $ar[$k] = iconv("UCS-2BE","UTF-8",pack("H4",substr($v,3,-1))); } elseif(substr($v,0,2) == "&#"){ $ar[$k] = iconv("UCS-2BE","UTF-8",pack("n",substr($v,2,-1))); } } return join("",$ar); } /** * 图片下载 * @param $Src 目标资源 * @param $UrlArr 目标URL对应的数组 * **/ private function getImageFromNet($Src,$UrlArr) { $file = basename($UrlArr['path']); $ext = explode('.',$file); $this->ImgDir = $this->CurrentDir."/".$UrlArr['host']; $_supportedImageTypes = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp', 'tif', 'tiff'); if(isset($ext['1']) && in_array($ext['1'],$_supportedImageTypes)) { $file = file_get_contents($Src); $this->HttpRequestArr[] = $Src; $this->HttpRequestTime++; $this->_mkdir(); //创建目录,或者收集错误 $imgName = md5($UrlArr['path']).".".$ext['1']; file_put_contents($this->ImgDir."/".$imgName,$file); $this->DownImg++; return $UrlArr['host']."/".$imgName; } return false; } /** * 创建目录 * **/ private function _mkdir() { if(!is_dir($this->ImgDir)) { if(!mkdir($this->ImgDir,"7777")) { $this->error[] = error_get_last(); } } } /** * 构造WordDom * **/ private function CreateWordDom() { $PHPWord = new PHPWord(); $PHPWord->setDefaultFontName('宋体'); $PHPWord->setDefaultFontSize("11"); $styleTable = array('borderSize'=>6, 'borderColor'=>'006699', 'cellMargin'=>120); // New portrait section $section = $PHPWord->createSection(); $section->addText($this->Details(),array(),array('spacing'=>120)); //数据进行处理 foreach($this->LinetextArr as $key=>$lineArr) { if(isset($lineArr['tag'])) { if($lineArr['tag'] == "li") { $section->addListItem($lineArr['text'],0,"","",array('spacing'=>120)); } else if($lineArr['tag'] == "img") { $section->addImage($lineArr['src'],array('width'=>$lineArr['width'], 'height'=>$lineArr['height'], 'align'=>'center')); } else if($lineArr['tag'] == "p") { $section->addText($lineArr['text'],array(),array('spacing'=>120)); } } else if($key == "table") { $PHPWord->addTableStyle('myOwnTableStyle', $styleTable); $table = $section->addTable("myOwnTableStyle"); foreach($lineArr as $key=>$tr) { $table->addRow(); foreach($tr as $ky=>$td) { $table->addCell(2000)->addText($td['text']); } } } } $this->downFile($PHPWord); } public function Details() { $msg = "一共请求:{$this->HttpRequestTime}次,共下载的图片有{$this->DownImg}张,并且下载完成大约使用时间:{$this->expendTime}秒,整个程序执行大约消耗内存是:{$this->expendmemory}KB,"; return $msg; } public function downFile($PHPWord) { if(empty($this->filename)) { $UrlArr = parse_url($this->url); $this->filename = $UrlArr['host'].".docx"; } // Save File $objWriter = PHPWord_IOFactory::createWriter($PHPWord, 'Word2007'); $objWriter->save($this->filename); header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Cache-Control: public"); header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); //Use the switch-generated Content-Type header('Content-type: application/msword');//输出的类型 //Force the download $header="Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$this->filename.";"; header($header); @readfile($this->filename); } }
The focus of the above code is not word generation, but Simplehtmldom The use of this is an open source HTML parser. As mentioned before, I have been looking at his code these days, and
has led to two learning directions
① Expression
② This extended function is sorted out
What you can learn from the source code:
PHP exceptions can be caught, and PHP errors can also be caught.
error_get_last() //用这个函数可以捕获页面中的PHP错误,不谢。
The above is the detailed content of How to convert html to word in php. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!