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Understand callback functions in JavaScript and use them

2020-10-19 17:58:331613browse

Understand callback functions in JavaScript and use them

In JavaScript, functions are first-class objects, which means that functions can be used like objects with first-class management. Since functions are actually objects: they can be "stored" in variables, passed as function parameters, created within functions, and returned from functions.

Because functions are first-class objects, we can use callback functions in JavaScript. In the following article, we will learn all about callback functions. Callback functions are probably the most used functional programming technique in JavaScript. Although they literally look like a small piece of JavaScript or jQuery code, they are still a mystery to many developers. After reading this article you can understand how to use callback functions.

The callback function is a concept derived from a programming paradigm called functional programming. Simply put, functional programming is about using functions as variables. Functional programming was - and still is - not widely used - it used to be seen as a secret technique reserved for specially trained, master-level programmers.

Fortunately, the technique of function programming has now been fully explained so that ordinary people like me and you can use it easily. One of the main tricks in functional programming is callback functions. In the following content, you will find that implementing a callback function is actually as simple as passing parameters to a normal function. This tip is so simple that I often wonder why it's often included in chapters on advanced JavaScript techniques.

What is a callback or higher-order function

A callback function, also known as a higher-order function, is a function that is passed as a parameter to A function of another function (here we call the other function otherFunction), the callback function is called in otherFunction. A callback function is essentially a programming pattern (a solution created for a common problem), so using callback functions is also called the callback pattern.

Here is a simple and common example of using callback functions in jQuery:

$("#btn_1").click(function() {
    alert("Btn 1 Clicked");

As you can see in the previous example, we passed a function as a parameter to click method. The click method will call (or execute) the function we pass to it. This is a typical use of callback functions in JavaScript, and it is widely used in jQuery.

Here is another example of a typical callback function in JavaScript:

var friends = ["Mike", "Stacy", "Andy", "Rick"];

friends.forEach(function (eachName, index){
    console.log(index + 1 + ". " + eachName); // 1. Mike, 2. Stacy, 3. Andy, 4. Rick

Once again, notice that we are passing an anonymous function (a function without a name) as a parameter to forEach method.

So far, we have passed anonymous functions as arguments to another function or method. Before we look at more practical examples and write our own callback functions, let's understand how callback functions work.

How does the callback function work?

Because functions are first-class objects in JavaScript, we treat functions like objects, so we can pass functions like variables, return functions in functions, and return functions in other functions function used in. When we pass a callback function as a parameter to another function, we only pass the function definition. We are not executing the function on the parameters. We don't pass the function with a pair of execution parentheses () like we normally do with execution functions.

It is important to note that the callback function will not be executed immediately. It is "called back" (as its name suggests) at a specific point in time within the containing function. So even though the first jQuery example looks like this:

    alert("Btn 1 Clicked");

This anonymous function will be called later inside the function body. Even if there is a name, it is still obtained through the arguments object within the containing function.

The callback function is a closure

When you can pass a callback function as a variable to another function, the callback function contains it is executed at a certain point within the function as if the callback function was defined within the containing function. This means that the callback function is essentially a closure.

As we know, a closure can enter the scope of the function that contains it, so the callback function can obtain variables in the function that contains it, as well as variables in the global scope.

Basic principles of implementing callback functions

The callback function is not complicated, but before we start creating and using the callback function, we should be familiar with it Several basic principles for implementing callback functions.

Use named or anonymous functions as callbacks

In the previous jQuery example and forEach example, we used the parameter defined in the parameter position Anonymous function as callback function. This is a common magic trick in the use of callback functions. Another common pattern is to define a named function and pass the function name as a variable to the function. For example, the following example:

var allUserData = [];

function logStuff (userData){
    if ( typeof userData === "string"){
    } else if ( typeof userData === "object"){
        for(var item in userData){
            console.log(item + ": " + userData[item]);

function getInput (options, callback){

getInput({name:"Rich",speciality:"Javascript"}, logStuff);



var generalLastName = "Cliton";

function getInput (options, callback){
    allUserData.push (options);




function getInput(options, callback){
    if(typeof callback === "function"){





//定义一个拥有一些属性和一个方法的对象 //我们接着将会把方法作为回调函数传递给另一个函数

var clientData = {
    id: 094545,
    fullName "Not Set",
    setUserName: fucntion (firstName, lastName){
        this.fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;

function getUserInput(firstName, lastName, callback){
    callback(firstName, lastName);


console.log(clientData,fullName);  //Not Set
console.log(window.fullName);  //Barack Obama





function getUserInput(firstName, lastName, callback. callbackObj){
    callback.apply(callbackObj, [firstName, lastName]);


getUserName("Barack", "Obama", clientData.setUserName, clientData);

console.log(clientUser.fullName); //Barack Obama




function successCallback(){
function successCallback(){

function completeCallback(){

function errorCallback(){




var p_client = new Db('integration_tests_20', new Server("", 27017, {}), 
p_client.open(function(err, p_client) {
    p_client.dropDatabase(function(err, done) {
        p_client.createCollection('test_custom_key', function(err, collection) {
            collection.insert({'a':1}, function(err, docs) {
                collection.find({'_id':new ObjectID("aaaaaaaaaaaa")}, 
                function(err, cursor) {
                    cursor.toArray(function(err, items) {
                        test.assertEquals(1, items.length);
                        // Let's close the db


  • 你将会时不时的遇到这种情况

  • 这里有关于这个问题的两种解决方案。

  • 给你的函数命名并传递它们的名字作为回调函数,而不是主函数的参数中定义匿名函数。

  • 模块化L将你的代码分隔到模块中,这样你就可以到处一块代码来完成特定的工作。然后你可以在你的巨型应用中导入模块。



  • 避免重复代码(DRY-不要重复你自己)

  • 在你拥有更多多功能函数的地方实现更好的抽象(依然能保持所有功能)

  • 让代码具有更好的可维护性

  • 使代码更容易阅读

  • 编写更多特定功能的函数





function genericPoemMaker(name, gender) {
    console.log(name + " is finer than fine wine.");
    console.log("Altruistic and noble for the modern time.");
    console.log("Always admirably adorned with the latest style.");
    console.log("A " + gender + " of unfortunate tragedies who still manages a perpetual smile");

function getUserInput(firstName, lastName, gender, callback) {
    var fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;
    // Make sure the callback is a function
    if (typeof callback === "function") {
    // Execute the callback function and pass the parameters to it
    callback(fullName, gender);


getUserInput("Michael", "Fassbender", "Man", genericPoemMaker);
// 输出
/* Michael Fassbender is finer than fine wine.
Altruistic and noble for the modern time.
Always admirably adorned with the latest style.
A Man of unfortunate tragedies who still manages a perpetual smile.


unction greetUser(customerName, sex)  {
    var salutation  = sex && sex === "Man" ? "Mr." : "Ms.";
    console.log("Hello, " + salutation + " " + customerName);

// 将greetUser作为一个回调函数
getUserInput("Bill", "Gates", "Man", greetUser);

// 这里是输出
Hello, Mr. Bill Gates




  • 异步调用(例如读取文件,进行HTTP请求,等等)

  • 时间监听器/处理器

  • setTimeoutsetInterval方法

  • 一般情况:精简代码




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