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Understand MySQL's binlog log

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mysql tutorial column introduces the binlog log of MySQL today.

Understand MySQL's binlog log

binlog Basic understanding

MySQL’s binary log can be said to be the most important log of MySQL. It records all DDL and DML (except data query Statement) statement is recorded in the form of an event, and also includes the time consumed by the execution of the statement. MySQL's binary log is transaction-safe.

Generally speaking, there will be a performance loss of about 1% when turning on the binary log (see MySQL official Chinese manual version 5.1.24). Binary has two most important usage scenarios:

One: MySQL Replication turns on the binlog on the Master side, and the Master passes its binary log to the slaves to achieve master-slave data consistency.

Second: Naturally, the data is restored, by using the mysqlbinlog tool to restore the data.

​ Binary logs include two types of files: binary log index files (the file name suffix is ​​.index) used to record all binary files, and binary log files (the file name suffix is ​​.00000* ) records all DDL and DML (except data query statements) statement events in the database.

1. Turn on the binlog log:

vi edit and open the mysql configuration file

# vi /usr/local/mysql/etc/my.cnf

In the [mysqld] block

Set/add log-bin=mysql-bin and confirm that it is open (the value mysql-bin is the base name or prefix of the log);

Restart the mysqld service to make the configuration take effect

# pkill mysqld

# /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql &

2. You can also log in to the mysql server and check whether the binary log has been enabled through the variable configuration table of mysql. Word: variable[ˈvɛriəbəl] variable

Log in to the server

    # /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -uroot -p123456
    mysql> show variables like 'log_%'; 
    | Variable_name                          | Value                                 |
    | log_bin                                | ON                                    | ------> ON表示已经开启binlog日志
    | log_bin_basename                       | /usr/local/mysql/data/mysql-bin       |
    | log_bin_index                          | /usr/local/mysql/data/mysql-bin.index |
    | log_bin_trust_function_creators        | OFF                                   |
    | log_bin_use_v1_row_events              | OFF                                   |
    | log_error                              | /usr/local/mysql/data/martin.err      |
    | log_output                             | FILE                                  |
    | log_queries_not_using_indexes          | OFF                                   |
    | log_slave_updates                      | OFF                                   |
    | log_slow_admin_statements              | OFF                                   |
    | log_slow_slave_statements              | OFF                                   |
    | log_throttle_queries_not_using_indexes | 0                                     |
    | log_warnings                           | 1                                     |

3. Commonly used binlog log operation commands

1. View the list of all binlog logs

mysql> show master logs;

2. View the master status, that is, the last (latest) )The number name of a binlog log, and the pos end point (Position) value of the last operation event

mysql> show master status;

3. Refresh the log log and generate a Newly numbered binlog log file

mysql> flush logs;

Note: Whenever the mysqld service is restarted, this command will be automatically executed to refresh the binlog log; add -F when backing up data with mysqldump The option will also refresh the binlog log;

4. Reset (clear) all binlog logs

mysql> reset master;

4. View the content of a certain binlog log, commonly used There are two ways:

1. Use the built-in viewing command method of mysqlbinlog:

Note: binlog is a binary file and cannot be opened by ordinary file viewers such as cat more vi. You must use the built-in viewing command method. Check the mysqlbinlog command

The binlog log and the database file are in the same directory (my environment configuration and installation is to choose /usr/local/mysql/data)

In versions below MySQL5.5 If an error is reported when using the mysqlbinlog command, add the "--no-defaults" option

# /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlbinlog /usr/local/mysql/data/ mysql-bin.000013

The following is a fragment analysis:

         # at 552
         #131128 17:50:46 server id 1  end_log_pos 665   Query   thread_id=11    exec_time=0     error_code=0 ---->执行时间:17:50:46;pos点:665
         SET TIMESTAMP=1385632246/*!*/;
         update zyyshop.stu set name='李四' where id=4              ---->执行的SQL
         # at 665
         #131128 17:50:46 server id 1  end_log_pos 692   Xid = 1454 ---->执行时间:17:50:46;pos点:692 

Note: server id 1 The service number of the database host;

end_log_pos 665 pos point


## mysql> show binlog events [IN 'log_name'] [FROM pos] [LIMIT [offset,] row_count];

Option analysis:

IN 'log_name' Specify the query Binlog file name (if not specified, it will be the first binlog file)

FROM pos Specify which pos starting point to start checking (if not specified, it will start from the first pos point of the entire file)

LIMIT [offset,] Offset (0 if not specified)

Row_count Query the total number of rows (all rows if not specified)

Intercept part of the query results:

             *************************** 20. row ***************************
                Log_name: mysql-bin.000021  ----------------------------------------------> 查询的binlog日志文件名
                     Pos: 11197 ----------------------------------------------------------> pos起始点:
              Event_type: Query ----------------------------------------------------------> 事件类型:Query
               Server_id: 1 --------------------------------------------------------------> 标识是由哪台服务器执行的
             End_log_pos: 11308 ----------------------------------------------------------> pos结束点:11308(即:下行的pos起始点)
                    Info: use `zyyshop`; INSERT INTO `team2` VALUES (0,345,'asdf8er5') ---> 执行的sql语句
             *************************** 21. row ***************************
                Log_name: mysql-bin.000021
                     Pos: 11308 ----------------------------------------------------------> pos起始点:11308(即:上行的pos结束点)
              Event_type: Query
               Server_id: 1
             End_log_pos: 11417
                    Info: use `zyyshop`; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `team2` ENABLE KEYS */
             *************************** 22. row ***************************
                Log_name: mysql-bin.000021
                     Pos: 11417
              Event_type: Query
               Server_id: 1
             End_log_pos: 11510
                    Info: use `zyyshop`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `type`




        mysql> show binlog events\G; 


      B.指定查询 mysql-bin.000021 这个文件:

        mysql> show binlog events in 'mysql-bin.000021'\G;

      C.指定查询 mysql-bin.000021 这个文件,从pos点:8224开始查起:

        mysql> show binlog events in 'mysql-bin.000021' from 8224\G;

      D.指定查询 mysql-bin.000021 这个文件,从pos点:8224开始查起,查询10条

        mysql> show binlog events in 'mysql-bin.000021' from 8224 limit 10\G;

      E.指定查询 mysql-bin.000021 这个文件,从pos点:8224开始查起,偏移2行,查询10条

        mysql> show binlog events in 'mysql-bin.000021' from 8224 limit 2,10\G;



      将zyyshop数据库备份到 /root/BAK.zyyshop.sql 文件中:

      # /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump -uroot -p123456 -lF --log-error=/root/myDump.err -B zyyshop > /root/BAK.zyyshop.sql




      mysql> show master status;
      | File             | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB |
      | mysql-bin.000023 |      120 |              |                  |

      也就是说, mysql-bin.000023 是用来记录4:00之后对数据库的所有“增删改”操作。


    @ 比如:创建一个学生表并插入、修改了数据等等:
          `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
          `name` varchar(16) NOT NULL,
          `sex` enum('m','w') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'm',
          `age` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL,
          `classid` char(6) DEFAULT NULL,
          PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
         ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;


      mysql> insert into zyyshop.tt(`name`,`sex`,`age`,`classid`) values('yiyi','w',20,'cls1'),('xiaoer','m',22,'cls3'),('zhangsan','w',21,'cls5'),('lisi','m',20,'cls4'),('wangwu','w',26,'cls6');


      mysql> select * from zyyshop.tt;
      | id | name     | sex | age | classid |
      |  1 | yiyi     | w   |  20 | cls1    |
      |  2 | xiaoer   | m   |  22 | cls3    |
      |  3 | zhangsan | w   |  21 | cls5    |
      |  4 | lisi     | m   |  20 | cls4    |
      |  5 | wangwu   | w   |  26 | cls6    |


      mysql> update zyyshop.tt set name='李四' where id=4;
      mysql> update zyyshop.tt set name='小二' where id=2;


      mysql> select * from zyyshop.tt;
      | id | name     | sex | age | classid |
      |  1 | yiyi     | w   |  20 | cls1    |
      |  2 | 小二     | m   |  22 | cls3    |
      |  3 | zhangsan | w   |  21 | cls5    |
      |  4 | 李四     | m   |  20 | cls4    |
      |  5 | wangwu   | w   |  26 | cls6    |


      mysql> drop database zyyshop;




      # ll /usr/local/mysql/data | grep mysql-bin
      # cp -v /usr/local/mysql/data/mysql-bin.000023 /root/

      此时执行一次刷新日志索引操作,重新开始新的binlog日志记录文件,理论说 mysql-bin.000023 这个文件不会再有后续写入了(便于我们分析原因及查找pos点),以后所有数据库操作都会写入到下一个日志文件;

    mysql> flush logs;
      mysql> show master status;




        # /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlbinlog  /usr/local/mysql/data/mysql-bin.000023


        mysql> show binlog events in 'mysql-bin.000023';



        | Log_name         | Pos  | Event_type | Server_id | End_log_pos | Info                                                       |
        | mysql-bin.000023 |  922 | Xid        |         1 |         953 | COMMIT /* xid=3820 */                                      |
        | mysql-bin.000023 |  953 | Query      |         1 |        1038 | BEGIN                                                      |
        | mysql-bin.000023 | 1038 | Query      |         1 |        1164 | use `zyyshop`; update zyyshop.tt set name='李四' where id=4|
        | mysql-bin.000023 | 1164 | Xid        |         1 |        1195 | COMMIT /* xid=3822 */                                      |
        | mysql-bin.000023 | 1195 | Query      |         1 |        1280 | BEGIN                                                      |
        | mysql-bin.000023 | 1280 | Query      |         1 |        1406 | use `zyyshop`; update zyyshop.tt set name='小二' where id=2|
        | mysql-bin.000023 | 1406 | Xid        |         1 |        1437 | COMMIT /* xid=3823 */                                      |
        | mysql-bin.000023 | 1437 | Query      |         1 |        1538 | drop database zyyshop                                      |

        通过分析,造成数据库破坏的pos点区间是介于 1437--1538 之间,只要恢复到1437前就可。



      # /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -uroot -p123456 -v fc6518f613e7bd306b1cb41ab64f7738 End_log_pos[1164],按事务区间是:Pos[953] --> End_log_pos[1195];

        更新 name='小二' 这条数据,日志区间是Pos[1280] --> End_log_pos[1406],按事务区间是:Pos[1195] --> End_log_pos[1437];

        c1.单独恢复 name='李四' 这步操作,可这样:

           # /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlbinlog --start-position=1038 --stop-position=1164 --database=zyyshop  /usr/local/mysql/data/mysql-bin.000023 | /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -uroot -p123456 -v zyyshop


           # /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlbinlog --start-position=953 --stop-position=1195 --database=zyyshop  /usr/local/mysql/data/mysql-bin.000023 | /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -uroot -p123456 -v zyyshop

        c2.单独恢复 name='小二' 这步操作,可这样:

           # /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlbinlog --start-position=1280 --stop-position=1406 --database=zyyshop  /usr/local/mysql/data/mysql-bin.000023 | /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -uroot -p123456 -v zyyshop



           # /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlbinlog --start-position=1195 --stop-position=1437 --database=zyyshop  /usr/local/mysql/data/mysql-bin.000023 | /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -uroot -p123456 -v zyyshop

        c3.将 name='李四'、name='小二' 多步操作一起恢复,需要按事务区间,可这样:

           # /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlbinlog --start-position=953 --stop-position=1437 --database=zyyshop  /usr/local/mysql/data/mysql-bin.000023 | /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -uroot -p123456 -v zyyshop


        mysql> select * from zyyshop.tt;
        | id | name     | sex | age | classid |
        |  1 | yiyi     | w   |  20 | cls1    |
        |  2 | 小二     | m   |  22 | cls3    |
        |  3 | zhangsan | w   |  21 | cls5    |
        |  4 | 李四     | m   |  20 | cls4    |
        |  5 | wangwu   | w   |  26 | cls6    |



        mysql> drop table tt;
        @ --start-datetime="2013-11-29 13:18:54"  起始时间点
        @ --stop-datetime="2013-11-29 13:21:53"   结束时间点
        # /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlbinlog --start-datetime="2013-11-29 13:18:54" --stop-datetime="2013-11-29 13:21:53" --database=zyyshop /usr/local/mysql/data/mysql-bin.000021 | /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -uroot -p123456 -v zyyshop



The above is the detailed content of Understand MySQL's binlog log. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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