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The cost of using a progressive framework is small, making it easier for existing projects (those built using other technologies) to adopt and migrate to the new framework. Vue.js is a progressive framework because you can gradually introduce it into an existing application without having to rewrite the entire program from scratch.
The most basic and core part of Vue involves the "view" layer, so start your journey by gradually introducing Vue into your program and replacing the "view" implementation.
Due to its evolving nature, Vue works well with other libraries and is very easy to get started with. This is in contrast to frameworks like Angular.js, which require existing programs to be completely refactored and implemented within the framework.
Vue.js makes it easy to render data and hides the internal implementation. For example, the following code:
<p id=”app”></p>
const greeting = “Hello there!”; const appp = document.getElementById(“app”); appp.innerText = greeting;
The above code snippet will be used when the ID is "app" Displays the phrase "Hello there!" in p. The code contains all the steps required to achieve the result. First select the DOM element with the ID "app" and then manually set the content of p using the innerText property.
Now, let’s see how to do it in Vue.
<p id=”app”>{{ greeting }}</p>
new Vue({ data: { greeting: ‘Hello There!’ }, el: ‘#app’ });
We created a data attribute named "greeting" in the Vue program , but you only need to enter "greeting" in p using mustache syntax, without worrying about the internal implementation. We declare the “greeting” variable and Vue does the rest. This is what declarative rendering looks like. Vue hides and manages internal information.
To iterate over an object or array, you can use the v-for directive. Here is an example:
<p id="app"> <ul> <li v-for="(value, key) in card">{{ key }} - {{ value }}</li> </ul> </p>
new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { card: { name: 'John Doe', age: 25, city: 'New York', country: 'US' } } });
new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { title: 'Vue.js' } })
The above code will output a string in p1ccdf49385041fee34afeec2ee9f42e4 Vue.js473f0a7621bec819994bb5020d29372a
. The reason the entire tag is rendered as a string is because the mustache template tag {{title}}
treats the incoming data as a string and does not parse it into executable code. This also helps mitigate XSS-related issues where malicious code is injected into the page. This is similar to using the elementSelector.innerText = text
statement in JavaScript.
To implement two-way data binding, you can use the v-model directive. The v-model directive is mainly syntactic sugar:
<input type="text" :value="nameInput" @keyup="nameInput = $event.target.value">
In the above statement, whenever the "keyup" event is observed, the data attribute named "nameInput" is set to the value of the input box. At the same time, bind the value attribute of the input box to the "nameInput" data attribute. This establishes a two-way data relationship between form fields and data attributes.
v-model can do this more efficiently than setting it manually. To replicate the above effect using v-model, enter the following in the same input box again:
<input type="text" v-model="nameInput">
It should be noted that when implementing two-way data binding, the data attributes used are considered de facto source. Any changes made on the data attribute will take precedence over user input events on the form field.
You can use the v-on:click
directive to capture the Click event. This command can also be represented by the abbreviation symbol @click
. Here is an example:
v-on:click symbol
<a v-on:click=”clickHandler”>Launch!</a>
@click symbol
<a @click=”clickHandler”>Launch!</a>
When the v-bind directive is used to assign a value to a prop as a function bound to a property, it is called a dynamic prop. For example, the tweet
property of the following component is bound to a data property named tweetText. This is as opposed to static hardcoded values. This binding is always one-way, meaning data can flow from parent component to child component and never the other way around.
<TweetBox :tweet=”tweetText”>
Directives are a series of special attributes that you can add to template HTML tags to give them special responsiveness. Directives allow elements in a template to react to changes based on defined logic using data properties, methods, calculated or watched properties, and inline expressions. For example, the following code uses the v-on directive to implement a click event listener on the component.
<SignUpButton v-on:click=”doSignup” />
<SignUpButton @click=”doSignup” />
In this example, we use the v-if directive to display or remove elements and components based on a data attribute called showButton. Directives starting with v- indicate Vue-specific properties. The exceptions to this rule are the shorthand forms of v-on and v-bind.
<SignUpButton v-if=”showButton” />
Vue also allows defining your own custom directives.
v-show 指令允许有条件地显示元素。在下面的代码中,仅当 isDisplayed
数据属性为 true
<TweetBox v-show=”isDisplayed”>
使用 v-show 指令时,可使用 CSS 的 display
v-show 和 v-if 都用于有条件地显示元素,而后者提供了条件渲染的真正实现。 v-show 只需切换 CSS 的 display
属性即可显示或隐藏元素,而 v-if 指令可创建或销毁组件。每次显示状态更改时,代价通常会更大。
另一方面,v-show 成本较低,因为它仅切换元素的CSS显示属性。所以如果必须经常切换元素,则 v-show 会提供比 v-if 更好,更优化的结果。
就加载元素的初始渲染成本而言,v-if 不会渲染最初隐藏的元素的节点,而 v-show 会渲染其 CSS display
属性被设置为 none
可以在任何元素上使用 v-on 指令来实现事件侦听器。此外,v-on 还允许我们将按键修饰符用于 “enter”,“tab”,“esc”,“space” 等常见按键。这是一个例子:
<textarea @keyup.enter="storeComment"></textarea>
new Vue({ el: '#app', methods: { storeComment(event) { //access the value of the textarea box using event.target.value or // use v-model to bind to a data property } } });
可以通过官方的 vue-router 库在用 Vue 构建的 SPA 中进行路由。该库提供了全面的功能集,其中包括嵌套路线、路线参数和通配符、过渡、HTML5 历史与哈希模式和自定义滚动行为等功能。 Vue 还支持某些第三方路由器包。
在事件侦听器上调用 event.preventDefault()
的最佳方式是将 .prevent
修饰符与 v-on
<a @click.prevent=”doSomethingWhenClicked”>Do Something</a>
过滤器是在 Vue 程序中实现自定义文本格式的一种非常简单的方法。它们就像可以在表达式中通过管道传递(使用管道字符)以取得结果的运算符。下面是一个可以反转文本字符串的过滤器示例:
<p id="app">{{ title | reverseText }}</p> App new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { title: 'This is a title' }, filters: { reverseText(text) { return text.split('').reverse().join(''); } } });
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在上面的例子中,我们创建了一个名为 reverseText 的过滤器,该过滤器反转文本字符串并返回。这是一个简单的函数,接受输入并返回处理后的输出。通过在过滤器下声明,它就可以成为可以在模板中使用的过滤器。
在模板中,我们只是将 reverseText 过滤器通过管道传递到了想要在 mustache 标签中显示的数据变量。这样可以将多个过滤器管道连接在一起。因此过滤器提供了一种非常优雅的方式来处理文本。
Vue 允许我们绑定到 class 属性。在下面的例子中,我们将 class 属性绑定到一个对象,该对象允许使用 data 属性切换类。
new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { showp: true } });
在上面的代码中,只要数据属性 showp
为 true
,类名 pStyle
将应用于 p。
这可以在绑定类时用 Array 来实现。以下是实现方法:
new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { isActive: true } });
在上面的代码段中,将串联各个类的数组,并基于 isActive
2fb1ec095997abb5abb99340125c8b3b 2f0a1a4e6857d0dcd9df41d4d7145106 94b3e26ee717c64999d7867364b1b4a3
const emailRegEx = /^(([^a8093152e673feb7aba1828c43532094()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^a8093152e673feb7aba1828c43532094()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@ ((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/ new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { email: '' }, computed: { isInvalid() { return !emailRegEx.test(this.email); } } });
在上面的代码示例中,如果正则表达式测试针对电子邮件输入框失败,则 isValid
计算属性将返回 true
。如果电子邮件验证程序认为输入的值无效,就会看到文本框便为红色(你必须创建一个名为 .invalid
这可以通过样式标签上的 scoped
属性来实现。在内部 Vue 使用 PostCSS 插件为所有样式元素分配唯一的数据属性,然后使样式针对这些唯一的元素。举个例子:
d477f9ce7bf77f53fbcf36bec1b69b7a 42967cef1e90281232ee6f23dbc41236This is a title94b3e26ee717c64999d7867364b1b4a3 21c97d3a051048b8e55e3c8f199a54b2 c977fa5678fe78cf54b097005108eb8c .title { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 20px; 531ac245ce3e4fe3d50054a55f265927
可以用作为组件中单向入口的 prop 把数据向下传递到子组件。这是一个例子:
d477f9ce7bf77f53fbcf36bec1b69b7a e388a4556c0f65e1904146cc1a846bee e293915c6962aa9ecb16020f728dd911 94b3e26ee717c64999d7867364b1b4a3 21c97d3a051048b8e55e3c8f199a54b2 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a import ContactListItem from ‘./ContactListItem’; export default { name: ‘address-book’, data: function() { return { contacts: [.....] } }, components: { ContactListItem } } 2cacc6d41bbb37262a98f745aa00fbf0
上绑定的 prop “contact” 是一个入口,用于从用作子项的父组件接收数据。在 contact-list-item
d477f9ce7bf77f53fbcf36bec1b69b7a e388a4556c0f65e1904146cc1a846bee 45a2772a6b6107b401db3c9b82c049c2{{ contact.name }}54bdf357c58b8a65c66d7c19c8e4d114 45a2772a6b6107b401db3c9b82c049c2{{ contact.email }}54bdf357c58b8a65c66d7c19c8e4d114 94b3e26ee717c64999d7867364b1b4a3 21c97d3a051048b8e55e3c8f199a54b2 3f1c4e4b6b16bbbd69b2ee476dc4f83a export default { name: ‘contact-list-item’, props: [‘contact’] } 2cacc6d41bbb37262a98f745aa00fbf0
在这里声明了一个名为 “contact” 的 prop 引入数据,然后可以直接在模板部分中显示。
组件本质上是 Vue 实例,它们封装模板、逻辑和可选的本地响应性数据属性,能够提供可重新使用的自定义构建元素。可重用性是构建组件的核心。
使用单文件组件构建应用程序时,组件在扩展名为 .vue 的文件中定义。单文件组件包含三个部分:模板部分定义了该组件的 HTML 布局;脚本部分定义了数据、属性和逻辑单元(如方法)并将内容导出为 Vue 组件;还有一个样式部分,用于定义组件的样式表。单文件组件使用 Webpack 等模块捆绑器进行编译。
Vue 实例(组件)从其初始化到销毁和删除都经历生命周期。在整个过程中,Vue 允许开发人员运行自定义函数的几个阶段。这些函数称为生命周期 hook。以下是一些生命周期 hook 的列表:
插槽允许你定义可以封装和接受子 DOM 元素的元素。组件模板中的 58cb293b8600657fad49ec2c8d37b472 9a95abe766365359239f678e4516b8d7
Post.vue |实现插槽的组件
d477f9ce7bf77f53fbcf36bec1b69b7a 889c467f53be0c0d4e7d0d985361b565 c3606beab6681aa5853aec0b47ea0fb5{{title}}39528cedfa926ea0c01e69ef5b2ea9b0 bf6874f3abc615a5ee665c11de5510df 58cb293b8600657fad49ec2c8d37b4727971cf77a46923278913ee247bc958ee 94b3e26ee717c64999d7867364b1b4a3 94b3e26ee717c64999d7867364b1b4a3 21c97d3a051048b8e55e3c8f199a54b2
App.vue | 使用Post组件的App组件
d477f9ce7bf77f53fbcf36bec1b69b7a 2fb1ec095997abb5abb99340125c8b3b 0190b473a42bafadc34d7127a15c6268 Vue 是用于构建用户界面的渐进框架。与其他框架不同,Vue从头开始设计以逐渐采用。 核心库仅集中在视图层,并且很容易与其他库或现有项目集成。另一方面,当与现代工具和支持库结合使用时, Vue也完全能够为复杂的单页应用程序提供支持。 69fdf200a32aa4c1d14a166c5d848b9d 94b3e26ee717c64999d7867364b1b4a3 21c97d3a051048b8e55e3c8f199a54b2
在上面的示例中,斜体文本显示在 Post 组件中标有 58cb293b8600657fad49ec2c8d37b472
可以用 $emit('event-name', eventPayload)
发出自定义事件。然后可以像其他事件一样,用 v-on 指令在父组件上拦截。
虽然这不是约定,但是开发人员经常使用变量名称 'vm' 来命名根 Vue 实例,该变量名称代表 'ViewModel',因为 Vue 本质上负责视图层,并且部分受到了 MVVM 模式的启发(Model-View-View-Model)。但是,根本没有必要将根实例命名为 “vm”。
The above is the detailed content of 25 Beginner Vue.js Interview Questions. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!