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Knowledge points gained using Vue3.0 (1)

2020-09-08 13:40:453457browse

Knowledge points gained using Vue3.0 (1)

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Front-end development is full of flowers, and a skill is not yet mature, but a hundred skills are born. I’m at a loss and don’t know where to start. Follow the editor for more information.

I feel very busy at work recently, and I don’t have much time to write articles. Today’s article is mainly about some notes I compiled during my early study of Vue3.0 To summarize, by reading this article, you will be able to complete the Vue3.0 environment setup by yourself, and at the same time, you will also understand some of the new features of Vue3.0 to facilitate your own developmentVue3.0 learning. This article was first published on the public account [Front-end Youyouwan]. Follow === for a while. There are more interview questions waiting for you.

All examples in this article are implemented using ant design vue2.0. For information about ant design vue2.0, please refer to 2x.antdv.com/docs/ vue/in…

Initialization environment

In the previous article, we built a development environment through vite, but in fact nowvite is not perfect enough to support a complete project, so in this article we still choose to use vue-cli scaffolding to build the environment.

The vue-cli version used by the editor is 4.5.4. If your version is older, you can pass npm update @vue/ cli to upgrade the scaffolding version. If it is not installed, you can install it through npm install @vue/cli -g

Use scaffolding to create a new project

  1. Open the terminal (cmd) in the workspace, and then initialize the project through the vue create my-vue3-test command

  2. in The first step is to select Manually select features to manually select the features

  3. and then select <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">Choose Vue version Babel TypeScript Router Vuex CSS Pre-processors Linter/Formatter复制代码</pre># through Space

    and the up and down keys. ##Then press Enter

      and then be prompted to select the
    1. Vue version, select 3.x(Preview)
    2. Use class -style component syntax?Select n, that is, enter n and press Enter
    3. and then prompt
    4. Use Babel alongside TypeScript, enter y `
    5. Use history mode for routerInputn
    6. Then
    7. cssPreprocessor selectionLess
    8. eslintSelect ESLint Prettier
    9. Then
    10. Lint on save and In dedicater config files
    11. Press Enter at the end to complete the project construction
Start the project

After completing the new project, enter the project

cd my-vue3-test, and then execute yarn serve to start the project

After starting, you can visit

http://localhost:8080/Access project


ant design vue

At the moment when the official version of

Vue3.0 has not yet been released, the relatively famous front-end in China# The ##UI library is the first to inherit Vue3.0 into its own UI library. The PC end is mainly ant-design -vue, the mobile version is mainly vant, all sample codes in this article will be based on ant-design-vue, first we install ant-design-vue

    Installation dependencies
  1. yarn add ant-design-vue@2.0.0-beta.6
    yarn add babel-plugin-import -D复制代码

  2. Configuration
  3. ant-design-vue

    Load on demandEnter the project root directory, then open the


    file, and modify the content inside to <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">module.exports = { presets: [&quot;@vue/cli-plugin-babel/preset&quot;], plugins: [ // 按需加载 [ &quot;import&quot;, // style 为 true 加载 less文件 { libraryName: &quot;ant-design-vue&quot;, libraryDirectory: &quot;es&quot;, style: &quot;css&quot; } ] ] };复制代码</pre>

  4. Try to use
  5. vue3 antdv

    To add a small page, we directly replace the code in the views/Home.vue file with <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">&lt;template&gt; &lt;a-form layout=&quot;inline&quot; :model=&quot;state.form&quot;&gt; &lt;a-form-item&gt; &lt;a-input v-model:value=&quot;state.form.user&quot; placeholder=&quot;Username&quot;&gt; &lt;template v-slot:prefix &gt;&lt;UserOutlined style=&quot;color:rgba(0,0,0,.25)&quot; /&gt;&lt;/template&gt; &lt;/a-input&gt; &lt;/a-form-item&gt; &lt;a-form-item&gt; &lt;a-input v-model:value=&quot;state.form.password&quot; type=&quot;password&quot; placeholder=&quot;Password&quot; &gt; &lt;template v-slot:prefix &gt;&lt;LockOutlined style=&quot;color:rgba(0,0,0,.25)&quot; /&gt;&lt;/template&gt; &lt;/a-input&gt; &lt;/a-form-item&gt; &lt;a-form-item&gt; &lt;a-button type=&quot;primary&quot; :disabled=&quot;state.form.user === &amp;#39;&amp;#39; || state.form.password === &amp;#39;&amp;#39;&quot; @click=&quot;handleSubmit&quot; &gt; 登录 &lt;/a-button&gt; &lt;/a-form-item&gt; &lt;/a-form&gt;&lt;/template&gt;&lt;script&gt;import { UserOutlined, LockOutlined } from &quot;@ant-design/icons-vue&quot;;import { Form, Input, Button } from &quot;ant-design-vue&quot;;import { reactive } from &quot;vue&quot;;export default { components: { UserOutlined, LockOutlined, [Form.name]: Form, [Form.Item.name]: Form.Item, [Input.name]: Input, [Button.name]: Button }, setup() { const state = reactive({ form: { user: &quot;&quot;, password: &quot;&quot; } }); function handleSubmit() { console.log(state.form); } return { state, handleSubmit }; } };&lt;/script&gt;复制代码</pre> and then restart the project, you can find that it can be used normally

    ant- design-vue

    is gone.

  6. Vue3.0 new experience setup

Regarding the advent of


, what attracts everyone’s attention most is Vue3 .0's Composition API, for Composition API, it can be said that the polarization is particularly serious. Some people particularly like this new design and development method, while others I feel that it is easy to write spaghetti-style code using Composition API (maybe these people don’t know Lanzhou Ramen). I will not comment on whether Composition API is good or bad. Anyway, I am just a developer. The setup introduced in this section is the entrance to the Composition API. <h4 data-id="heading-5">setup介绍</h4> <p><code>setupVue3.0提供的一个新的属性,可以在setup中使用Composition API,在上面的示例代码中我们已经使用到了setup,在上文代码中我们在setup中通过reactive初始化了一个响应式数据,然后通过return返回了一个对象,对象中包含了声明的响应式数据和一个方法,而这些数据就可以直接使用到了template中了,就像上文代码中的那样。关于reactive,我将会在下一小节为你带来说明。

setup 的参数说明


  1. props


    export default {  props: {    value: {      type: String,      default: ""
      setup(props) {    console.log(props.value)


    setup({value}) {    console.log(value)


    <custom-component :value="value"></custom-component>复制代码
  2. context


    • attrs


    • slots


    • emit

      emit对应的是Vue2.0this.$emit, 即对外暴露事件。

setup 返回值



了解Composition API,先从reactiveref开始


export default {
  data() {    return {      name: &#39;子君&#39;,      sex: &#39;男&#39;

然后就可以在需要用到的地方比如computed,watch,methods,template等地方使用,但是这样存在一个比较明显的问题,即我声明data的地方与使用data的地方在代码结构中可能相距很远,有一种君住长江头,我住长江尾,日日思君不见君,共饮一江水的感觉。而Composition API的诞生的一个很重要的原因就是解决这个问题。在尤大大在关于Composition API的动机中是这样描述解决的问题的:

  1. 随着功能的增长,复杂组件的代码变得越来越难以阅读和理解。这种情况在开发人员阅读他人编写的代码时尤为常见。根本原因是 Vue 现有的 API 迫使我们通过选项组织代码,但是有的时候通过逻辑关系组织代码更有意义。
  2. 目前缺少一种简洁且低成本的机制来提取和重用多个组件之间的逻辑。

现在我们先了解一下Compositon API中的reactiveref


Vue2.6中, 出现了一个新的api,Vue.observer,通过这个api可以创建一个响应式的对象,而reactive就和Vue.ovserver的功能基本是一致的。首先我们先来看一个例子

  <p>{{ state.name }}</p></template><script>import { reactive } from "vue";export default {
  setup() {    // 通过reactive声明一个可响应式的对象
    const state = reactive({      name: "子君"
    });    // 5秒后将子君修改为 前端有的玩
    setTimeout(() => {
      state.name = "前端有的玩";
    }, 1000 * 5);    // 将state添加到一个对象中然后返回
    return {


<template>  <p>
    <p>姓名:{{ state.name }}</p>
    <p>公众号:{{ state.gzh }}</p>
import { reactive } from "vue";
export default {
  setup() {
    const state = reactive({
      name: "子君"
    // 5秒后新增属性gzh 前端有的玩
    setTimeout(() => {
      state.gzh = "前端有的玩";
    }, 1000 * 5);
    return {



const obj = {}const state = reactive(obj)// 输出falseconsole.log(obj === state)复制代码



// 写法1let name = &#39;子君&#39;let gzh = &#39;前端有的玩&#39;// 写法2let userInfo = {  name: &#39;子君&#39;,  gzh: &#39;前端有的玩&#39;}复制代码


<template>  <p>
    <p>姓名:{{ name }}</p>
import { ref } from "vue";
export default {
  setup() {
    const name = ref("子君");
    // 5秒后修改name为 前端有的玩
    setTimeout(() => {
      name.value = "前端有的玩";
    }, 1000 * 5);
    return {


  1. reactive传入的是一个对象,返回的是一个响应式对象,而ref传入的是一个基本数据类型(其实引用类型也可以),返回的是传入值的响应式值
  2. reactive获取或修改属性可以直接通过state.prop来操作,而ref返回值需要通过name.value的方式来修改或者读取数据。但是需要注意的是,在template中并不需要通过.value来获取值,这是因为template中已经做了解套。





  1. Vue2.0中使用v-model

      <a-input v-model="value" placeholder="Basic usage" /></template><script>export default {
      data() {    return {      value: &#39;&#39;,
  1. Vue3.0中使用v-model

      <a-input v-model:value="value" placeholder="Basic usage" /></template><script>export default {  // 在Vue3.0中也可以继续使用`Vue2.0`的写法
      data() {    return {      value: &#39;&#39;,



  1. 组件代码
  <p class="custom-input">
    <input :value="value" @input="$_handleChange" />
  </p></template><script>export default {  props: {    value: {      type: String,      default: &#39;&#39;
  },  methods: {
    $_handleChange(e) {      this.$emit(&#39;input&#39;, e.target.value)
  1. 在代码中使用组件

        <custom-input v-model="value"></custom-input></template><script>
        export default {
        data() {      return {        value: &#39;&#39;


  1. 组件代码

      <p class="custom-input">
        <input :value="value" @input="_handleChangeValue" />
      </p></template><script>export default {  props: {    value: {      type: String,      default: ""
      },  name: "CustomInput",
      setup(props, { emit }) {    function _handleChangeValue(e) {      // vue3.0 是通过emit事件名为 update:modelValue来更新v-model的
          emit("update:value", e.target.value);
        }    return {
    1. 在代码中使用组件

        <custom-input v-model:value="state.inputValue"></custom-input></template><script>import { reactive } from "vue";import CustomInput from "../components/custom-input";export default {  name: "Home",  components: {
        setup() {    const state = reactive({      inputValue: ""
          });    return {



在本文中我们主要讲解了开发环境的搭建,setup,reactive,ref,v-model等的介绍,同时通过对比Vue3.0Vue2.0的不同,让大家对Vue3.0有了一定的了解,在下文中我们将为大家带来更多的介绍,比如技术属性,watch,生命周期等等,敬请期待。本文首发于公众号【前端有的玩】,学习Vue,面试刷题,尽在【前端有的玩】,乘兴裸辞心甚爽,面试工作屡遭难。 幸得每日一题伴,点击关注莫偷懒。,下周一新文推送,不见不散。


不要吹灭你的灵感和你的想象力; 不要成为你的模型的奴隶。 ——文森特・梵高


The above is the detailed content of Knowledge points gained using Vue3.0 (1). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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